* new-cogen now removes all primcalls before proceeding. Ideally,
no primcalls should be introduced at that point.
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,3 +1,203 @@
;;; input to cogen is <Program>:
;;; <Expr> ::= (constant x)
;;; | (var)
;;; | (primref name)
;;; | (bind var* <Expr>* <Expr>)
;;; | (fix var* <FixRhs>* <Expr>)
;;; | (conditional <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>)
;;; | (seq <Expr> <Expr>)
;;; | (closure <codeloc> <var>*) ; thunk special case
;;; | (primcall op <Expr>*)
;;; | (forcall "name" <Expr>*)
;;; | (funcall <Expr> <Expr>*)
;;; | (jmpcall <label> <Expr> <Expr>*)
;;; | (appcall <Expr> <Expr>*)
;;; | (mvcall <Expr> <clambda>)
;;; <codeloc> ::= (code-loc <label>)
;;; <clambda> ::= (clambda <label> <case>* <free var>*)
;;; <case> ::= (clambda-case <info> <body>)
;;; <info> ::= (clambda-info label <arg var>* proper)
;;; <Program> ::= (codes <clambda>* <Expr>)
(define (verify-new-cogen-input x)
(define who 'verify-new-cogen-input)
(define (check-gensym x)
(unless (gensym? x)
(error who "invalid gensym ~s" x)))
(define (check-label x)
(record-case x
[(code-loc label)
(check-gensym label)]
[else (error who "invalid label ~s" x)]))
(define (check-var x)
(record-case x
[(var) (void)]
[else (error who "invalid var ~s" x)]))
(define (check-closure x)
(record-case x
[(closure label free*)
(check-label label)
(for-each check-var free*)]
[else (error who "invalid closure ~s" x)]))
(define (Expr x)
(record-case x
[(constant) (void)]
[(var) (void)]
[(primref) (void)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(for-each check-var lhs*)
(for-each Expr rhs*)
(Expr body)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(for-each check-var lhs*)
(for-each check-closure rhs*)
(Expr body)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(Expr e0) (Expr e1) (Expr e2)]
[(seq e0 e1)
(Expr e0) (Expr e1)]
[(closure) (check-closure x)]
[(primcall op arg*)
(for-each Expr arg*)]
[(forcall op arg*)
(for-each Expr arg*)]
[(funcall rator arg*)
(Expr rator)
(for-each Expr arg*)]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*)
(check-gensym label)
(Expr rator)
(for-each Expr arg*)]
[(appcall rator arg*)
(Expr rator)
(for-each Expr arg*)]
[(mvcall rator k)
(Expr rator)
(Clambda k)]
[else (error who "invalid expr ~s" x)]))
(define (check-info x)
(record-case x
[(case-info label args proper)
(check-gensym label)
(for-each check-var args)]
[else (error who "invalid case-info ~s" x)]))
(define (ClambdaCase x)
(record-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(check-info info)
(Expr body)]
[else (error who "invalid clambda-case ~s" x)]))
(define (Clambda x)
(record-case x
[(clambda label case* free*)
(for-each check-var free*)
(for-each ClambdaCase case*)
(check-gensym label)]
[else (error who "invalid clambda ~s" x)]))
(define (Program x)
(record-case x
[(codes code* body)
(for-each Clambda code*)
(Expr body)]
[else (error who "invalid program ~s" x)]))
(Program x))
(define (remove-primcalls x)
(define who 'remove-primcalls)
(define (check-gensym x)
(unless (gensym? x)
(error who "invalid gensym ~s" x)))
(define (check-label x)
(record-case x
[(code-loc label)
(check-gensym label)]
[else (error who "invalid label ~s" x)]))
(define (check-var x)
(record-case x
[(var) (void)]
[else (error who "invalid var ~s" x)]))
(define (check-closure x)
(record-case x
[(closure label free*)
(check-label label)
(for-each check-var free*)]
[else (error who "invalid closure ~s" x)]))
(define (Expr x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(var) x]
[(primref) x]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(make-bind lhs* (map Expr rhs*) (Expr body))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(make-fix lhs* rhs* (Expr body))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (Expr e0) (Expr e1) (Expr e2))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(make-seq (Expr e0) (Expr e1))]
[(closure) x]
[(primcall op arg*)
(make-appcall (make-primref op) (map Expr arg*))]
[(forcall op arg*)
(make-forcall op (map Expr arg*))]
[(funcall rator arg*)
(make-funcall (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*)
(make-jmpcall label (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[(appcall rator arg*)
(make-appcall (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[(mvcall rator k)
(make-mvcall (Expr rator) (Clambda k))]
[else (error who "invalid expr ~s" x)]))
(define (ClambdaCase x)
(record-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(make-clambda-case info (Expr body))]
[else (error who "invalid clambda-case ~s" x)]))
(define (Clambda x)
(record-case x
[(clambda label case* free*)
(make-clambda label (map ClambdaCase case*) free*)]
[else (error who "invalid clambda ~s" x)]))
(define (Program x)
(record-case x
[(codes code* body)
(make-codes (map Clambda code*) (Expr body))]
[else (error who "invalid program ~s" x)]))
(Program x))
;;; So, what do we want to do here?
(define (new-cogen x)
(verify-new-cogen-input x)
(let ([x (remove-primcalls x)])
Reference in New Issue