added basic letrec/letrec* handling (as in the one defined in R5RS)

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2009-07-04 20:33:38 +03:00
parent cc569cce64
commit 7a6ae6322c
2 changed files with 328 additions and 248 deletions

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@ -2,260 +2,340 @@
(module (debug-scc optimize-letrec) (module (debug-scc optimize-letrec)
(define (optimize-letrec/scc x) (define (mark-assigned! lhs)
(define who 'optimize-letrec/scc) ;;; FIXME: this is very fragile
(module (get-sccs-in-order) (unless (prelex-source-assigned? lhs)
(define-struct node (data link* lowlink root done collection)) (set-prelex-source-assigned?! lhs
(define (create-graph v* e** data*) (or (prelex-global-location lhs) #t))))
(define h (make-eq-hashtable)) (define (optimize-letrec/basic x)
(let ([v* (define who 'optimize-letrec/basic)
(let f ([v* v*] [data* data*]) (define (assign* lhs* rhs* body)
(cond (let f ([lhs* lhs*] [rhs* rhs*])
[(null? v*) '()]
(let ([node (make-node (car data*) '() #f #f #f #f)])
(hashtable-set! h (car v*) node)
(cons node (f (cdr v*) (cdr data*))))]))])
(lambda (v e*)
(set-node-link*! v
(map (lambda (f)
(or (hashtable-ref h f #f)
(error who "invalid node" f)))
v* e**)
(define (compute-sccs v*) ; Tarjan's algorithm
(define scc* '())
(define (compute-sccs v)
(define index 0)
(define stack '())
(define (tarjan v)
(let ([v-index index])
(set-node-root! v v-index)
(set! stack (cons v stack))
(set! index (fx+ index 1))
(lambda (v^)
(unless (node-done v^)
(unless (node-root v^) (tarjan v^))
(set-node-root! v (fxmin (node-root v) (node-root v^)))))
(node-link* v))
(when (fx= (node-root v) v-index)
(set! scc*
(let f ([ls stack])
(let ([v^ (car ls)])
(set-node-done! v^ #t)
(cons v^ (if (eq? v^ v)
(begin (set! stack (cdr ls)) '())
(f (cdr ls))))))
(tarjan v))
(for-each (lambda (v) (unless (node-done v) (compute-sccs v))) v*)
(reverse scc*))
(define (get-sccs-in-order n* e** data*)
(let ([G (create-graph n* e** data*)])
(let ([sccs (compute-sccs G)])
(map (lambda (scc) (map node-data scc)) sccs)))))
(define (gen-letrecs scc* ordered? body)
(define (mkfix b* body)
(if (null? b*)
(make-fix (map binding-lhs b*)
(map binding-rhs b*)
(define (gen-letrec scc fix* body)
(define (mklet lhs* rhs* body)
(if (null? lhs*)
(make-bind lhs* rhs* body)))
(define (lambda-binding? x)
(and (not (prelex-source-assigned? (binding-lhs x)))
(clambda? (binding-rhs x))))
(define (mkset!s b* body)
(cond (cond
[(null? b*) body] [(null? lhs*) body]
[else [else
(let* ([b (car b*)] (make-seq
[lhs (binding-lhs b)]) (make-assign (car lhs*) (car rhs*))
(unless (prelex-source-assigned? lhs) (f (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*)))])))
(when (debug-scc) (define (do-rec*bind lhs* rhs* body)
(printf "MADE COMPLEX ~s\n" (unparse lhs))) (for-each mark-assigned! lhs*)
(set-prelex-source-assigned?! lhs (make-bind lhs* (map (lambda (x) (make-constant #f)) lhs*)
(or (prelex-global-location lhs) #t))) (assign* lhs* rhs* body)))
(make-seq (define (do-recbind lhs* rhs* body)
(make-assign lhs (binding-rhs b)) (for-each mark-assigned! lhs*)
(mkset!s (cdr b*) body)))])) (let ([t* (map (lambda (x)
(cond (let ([x (make-prelex (prelex-name x) (prelex-operand x))])
[(null? (cdr scc)) (set-prelex-source-referenced?! x #t)
(let ([b (car scc)]) x))
(cond lhs*)])
[(lambda-binding? b) (make-bind lhs* (map (lambda (x) (make-constant #f)) lhs*)
(values (cons b fix*) body)] (make-bind t* rhs*
[(not (memq b (binding-free* b))) (assign* lhs* t* body)))))
(values '() (define (L x)
(mklet (list (binding-lhs b)) (struct-case x
(list (binding-rhs b)) [(clambda g cls* cp free name)
(mkfix fix* body)))]
(values '()
(mklet (list (binding-lhs b))
(list (make-funcall (make-primref 'void) '()))
(mkset!s scc
(mkfix fix* body))))]))]
(let-values ([(lambda* complex*)
(partition lambda-binding? scc)])
[(null? complex*)
(values (append lambda* fix*) body)]
(let ([complex*
(if ordered? (sort-bindings complex*) complex*)])
(values '()
(mklet (map binding-lhs complex*)
(map (lambda (x)
(make-funcall (make-primref 'void) '()))
(mkfix (append lambda* fix*)
(mkset!s complex* body)))))]))]))
(let-values ([(fix* body)
(let f ([scc* scc*])
[(null? scc*) (values '() body)]
(let-values ([(fix* body) (f (cdr scc*))])
(gen-letrec (car scc*) fix* body))]))])
(mkfix fix* body)))
(define (do-recbind lhs* rhs* body bc ordered?)
(define (make-bindings lhs* rhs* bc i)
[(null? lhs*) '()]
(let ([b (make-binding i (car lhs*) (car rhs*) #f bc '())])
(set-prelex-operand! (car lhs*) b)
(cons b (make-bindings (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*) bc (+ i 1))))]))
(define (complex? x)
(or (binding-complex x)
(prelex-source-assigned? (binding-lhs x))))
(define (insert-order-edges b*)
(define (mark pb b*)
(unless (null? b*)
(let ([b (car b*)])
(if (complex? b)
(let ([free* (binding-free* b)])
(unless (memq pb free*)
(set-binding-free*! b (cons pb free*)))
(mark b (cdr b*)))
(mark pb (cdr b*))))))
(unless (null? b*)
(let ([b (car b*)])
(if (complex? b)
(mark b (cdr b*))
(insert-order-edges (cdr b*))))))
(let ([b* (make-bindings lhs* rhs* bc 0)])
(for-each (lambda (b) (set-binding-rhs! b (E (binding-rhs b) b))) b*)
(for-each (lambda (x) (set-prelex-operand! x #f)) lhs*)
(let ([body (E body bc)])
(when ordered? (insert-order-edges b*))
(let ([scc* (get-sccs-in-order b* (map binding-free* b*) b*)])
(when (debug-scc)
(printf "SCCS:\n")
(lambda (scc)
(printf " ~s\n"
(map unparse (map binding-lhs scc))))
(gen-letrecs scc* ordered? body)))))
(define (sort-bindings ls)
(lambda (x y) (< (binding-serial x) (binding-serial y)))
(define-struct binding (serial lhs rhs complex prev free*))
(define (mark-complex bc)
(unless (binding-complex bc)
(set-binding-complex! bc #t)
(mark-complex (binding-prev bc))))
(define (mark-free var bc)
(let ([rb (prelex-operand var)])
(when rb
(let ([lb
(let ([pr (binding-prev rb)])
(let f ([bc bc])
(let ([bcp (binding-prev bc)])
[(eq? bcp pr) bc]
[else (f bcp)]))))])
(let ([free* (binding-free* lb)])
(unless (memq rb free*)
;(printf "MARK FREE ~s in ~s\n"
; (unparse (binding-lhs rb))
; (unparse (binding-lhs lb)))
(set-binding-free*! lb (cons rb free*))))))))
(define (E* x* bc)
(map (lambda (x) (E x bc)) x*))
(define (L x bc)
(struct-case x
[(clambda g cls* cp free name)
(let ([bc (make-binding #f #f #f #t bc '())])
(make-clambda g (make-clambda g
(map (lambda (x) (map (lambda (x)
(struct-case x (struct-case x
[(clambda-case info body) [(clambda-case info body)
(make-clambda-case info (E body bc))])) (make-clambda-case info (E body))]))
cls*) cls*)
cp free name))])) cp free name)]))
(define (E x bc) (define (E x)
(struct-case x (struct-case x
[(constant) x] [(constant) x]
[(prelex) [(prelex)
(assert (prelex-source-referenced? x)) (assert (prelex-source-referenced? x))
(mark-free x bc) x]
(when (prelex-source-assigned? x) [(assign lhs rhs)
(mark-complex bc)) (assert (prelex-source-assigned? lhs))
x] (make-assign lhs (E rhs))]
[(assign lhs rhs) [(primref) x]
(assert (prelex-source-assigned? lhs)) [(bind lhs* rhs* body)
;(set-prelex-source-assigned?! lhs #t) (if (null? lhs*)
(mark-free lhs bc) (E body)
(mark-complex bc) (make-bind lhs* (map E rhs*) (E body)))]
(make-assign lhs (E rhs bc))] [(recbind lhs* rhs* body)
[(primref) x] (if (null? lhs*)
[(bind lhs* rhs* body) (E body)
(if (null? lhs*) (do-recbind lhs* (map E rhs*) (E body)))]
(E body bc) [(rec*bind lhs* rhs* body)
(make-bind lhs* (E* rhs* bc) (E body bc)))] (if (null? lhs*)
[(recbind lhs* rhs* body) (E body)
(if (null? lhs*) (do-rec*bind lhs* (map E rhs*) (E body)))]
(E body bc) [(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(do-recbind lhs* rhs* body bc #f))] (make-conditional (E e0) (E e1) (E e2))]
[(rec*bind lhs* rhs* body) [(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (E e1))]
(if (null? lhs*) [(clambda g cls* cp free name)
(E body bc) (L x)]
(do-recbind lhs* rhs* body bc #t))] [(funcall rator rand*)
[(conditional e0 e1 e2) (make-funcall (E rator) (map E rand*))]
(make-conditional (E e0 bc) (E e1 bc) (E e2 bc))] [(mvcall p c)
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0 bc) (E e1 bc))] (make-mvcall (E p) (E c))]
[(clambda g cls* cp free name) [(forcall rator rand*)
(L x bc)] (make-forcall rator (map E rand*))]
[(funcall rator rand*) [else (error who "invalid expression" (unparse x))]))
(mark-complex bc) (E x))
(make-funcall (E rator bc) (E* rand* bc))]
[(mvcall p c)
(mark-complex bc)
(make-mvcall (E p bc) (E c bc))]
[(forcall rator rand*)
(mark-complex bc)
(make-forcall rator (E* rand* bc))]
[else (error who "invalid expression" (unparse x))]))
;(printf "===========================================\n")
(let ([x (E x (make-binding #f #f #f #t #t '()))])
;(pretty-print (unparse x))
(define debug-scc (make-parameter #f))
(define (optimize-letrec x) (define (optimize-letrec/scc x)
(optimize-letrec/scc x))) (define who 'optimize-letrec/scc)
(module (get-sccs-in-order)
(define-struct node (data link* lowlink root done collection))
(define (create-graph v* e** data*)
(define h (make-eq-hashtable))
(let ([v*
(let f ([v* v*] [data* data*])
[(null? v*) '()]
(let ([node (make-node (car data*) '() #f #f #f #f)])
(hashtable-set! h (car v*) node)
(cons node (f (cdr v*) (cdr data*))))]))])
(lambda (v e*)
(set-node-link*! v
(map (lambda (f)
(or (hashtable-ref h f #f)
(error who "invalid node" f)))
v* e**)
(define (compute-sccs v*) ; Tarjan's algorithm
(define scc* '())
(define (compute-sccs v)
(define index 0)
(define stack '())
(define (tarjan v)
(let ([v-index index])
(set-node-root! v v-index)
(set! stack (cons v stack))
(set! index (fx+ index 1))
(lambda (v^)
(unless (node-done v^)
(unless (node-root v^) (tarjan v^))
(set-node-root! v (fxmin (node-root v) (node-root v^)))))
(node-link* v))
(when (fx= (node-root v) v-index)
(set! scc*
(let f ([ls stack])
(let ([v^ (car ls)])
(set-node-done! v^ #t)
(cons v^ (if (eq? v^ v)
(begin (set! stack (cdr ls)) '())
(f (cdr ls))))))
(tarjan v))
(for-each (lambda (v) (unless (node-done v) (compute-sccs v))) v*)
(reverse scc*))
(define (get-sccs-in-order n* e** data*)
(let ([G (create-graph n* e** data*)])
(let ([sccs (compute-sccs G)])
(map (lambda (scc) (map node-data scc)) sccs)))))
(define (gen-letrecs scc* ordered? body)
(define (mkfix b* body)
(if (null? b*)
(make-fix (map binding-lhs b*)
(map binding-rhs b*)
(define (gen-letrec scc fix* body)
(define (mklet lhs* rhs* body)
(if (null? lhs*)
(make-bind lhs* rhs* body)))
(define (lambda-binding? x)
(and (not (prelex-source-assigned? (binding-lhs x)))
(clambda? (binding-rhs x))))
(define (mkset!s b* body)
[(null? b*) body]
(let* ([b (car b*)]
[lhs (binding-lhs b)])
(unless (prelex-source-assigned? lhs)
(when (debug-scc)
(printf "MADE COMPLEX ~s\n" (unparse lhs)))
(set-prelex-source-assigned?! lhs
(or (prelex-global-location lhs) #t)))
(make-assign lhs (binding-rhs b))
(mkset!s (cdr b*) body)))]))
[(null? (cdr scc))
(let ([b (car scc)])
[(lambda-binding? b)
(values (cons b fix*) body)]
[(not (memq b (binding-free* b)))
(values '()
(mklet (list (binding-lhs b))
(list (binding-rhs b))
(mkfix fix* body)))]
(values '()
(mklet (list (binding-lhs b))
(list (make-funcall (make-primref 'void) '()))
(mkset!s scc
(mkfix fix* body))))]))]
(let-values ([(lambda* complex*)
(partition lambda-binding? scc)])
[(null? complex*)
(values (append lambda* fix*) body)]
(let ([complex*
(if ordered? (sort-bindings complex*) complex*)])
(values '()
(mklet (map binding-lhs complex*)
(map (lambda (x)
(make-funcall (make-primref 'void) '()))
(mkfix (append lambda* fix*)
(mkset!s complex* body)))))]))]))
(let-values ([(fix* body)
(let f ([scc* scc*])
[(null? scc*) (values '() body)]
(let-values ([(fix* body) (f (cdr scc*))])
(gen-letrec (car scc*) fix* body))]))])
(mkfix fix* body)))
(define (do-recbind lhs* rhs* body bc ordered?)
(define (make-bindings lhs* rhs* bc i)
[(null? lhs*) '()]
(let ([b (make-binding i (car lhs*) (car rhs*) #f bc '())])
(set-prelex-operand! (car lhs*) b)
(cons b (make-bindings (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*) bc (+ i 1))))]))
(define (complex? x)
(or (binding-complex x)
(prelex-source-assigned? (binding-lhs x))))
(define (insert-order-edges b*)
(define (mark pb b*)
(unless (null? b*)
(let ([b (car b*)])
(if (complex? b)
(let ([free* (binding-free* b)])
(unless (memq pb free*)
(set-binding-free*! b (cons pb free*)))
(mark b (cdr b*)))
(mark pb (cdr b*))))))
(unless (null? b*)
(let ([b (car b*)])
(if (complex? b)
(mark b (cdr b*))
(insert-order-edges (cdr b*))))))
(let ([b* (make-bindings lhs* rhs* bc 0)])
(for-each (lambda (b) (set-binding-rhs! b (E (binding-rhs b) b))) b*)
(for-each (lambda (x) (set-prelex-operand! x #f)) lhs*)
(let ([body (E body bc)])
(when ordered? (insert-order-edges b*))
(let ([scc* (get-sccs-in-order b* (map binding-free* b*) b*)])
(when (debug-scc)
(printf "SCCS:\n")
(lambda (scc)
(printf " ~s\n"
(map unparse (map binding-lhs scc))))
(gen-letrecs scc* ordered? body)))))
(define (sort-bindings ls)
(lambda (x y) (< (binding-serial x) (binding-serial y)))
(define-struct binding (serial lhs rhs complex prev free*))
(define (mark-complex bc)
(unless (binding-complex bc)
(set-binding-complex! bc #t)
(mark-complex (binding-prev bc))))
(define (mark-free var bc)
(let ([rb (prelex-operand var)])
(when rb
(let ([lb
(let ([pr (binding-prev rb)])
(let f ([bc bc])
(let ([bcp (binding-prev bc)])
[(eq? bcp pr) bc]
[else (f bcp)]))))])
(let ([free* (binding-free* lb)])
(unless (memq rb free*)
;(printf "MARK FREE ~s in ~s\n"
; (unparse (binding-lhs rb))
; (unparse (binding-lhs lb)))
(set-binding-free*! lb (cons rb free*))))))))
(define (E* x* bc)
(map (lambda (x) (E x bc)) x*))
(define (L x bc)
(struct-case x
[(clambda g cls* cp free name)
(let ([bc (make-binding #f #f #f #t bc '())])
(make-clambda g
(map (lambda (x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(make-clambda-case info (E body bc))]))
cp free name))]))
(define (E x bc)
(struct-case x
[(constant) x]
(assert (prelex-source-referenced? x))
(mark-free x bc)
(when (prelex-source-assigned? x)
(mark-complex bc))
[(assign lhs rhs)
(assert (prelex-source-assigned? lhs))
;(set-prelex-source-assigned?! lhs #t)
(mark-free lhs bc)
(mark-complex bc)
(make-assign lhs (E rhs bc))]
[(primref) x]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(if (null? lhs*)
(E body bc)
(make-bind lhs* (E* rhs* bc) (E body bc)))]
[(recbind lhs* rhs* body)
(if (null? lhs*)
(E body bc)
(do-recbind lhs* rhs* body bc #f))]
[(rec*bind lhs* rhs* body)
(if (null? lhs*)
(E body bc)
(do-recbind lhs* rhs* body bc #t))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (E e0 bc) (E e1 bc) (E e2 bc))]
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0 bc) (E e1 bc))]
[(clambda g cls* cp free name)
(L x bc)]
[(funcall rator rand*)
(mark-complex bc)
(make-funcall (E rator bc) (E* rand* bc))]
[(mvcall p c)
(mark-complex bc)
(make-mvcall (E p bc) (E c bc))]
[(forcall rator rand*)
(mark-complex bc)
(make-forcall rator (E* rand* bc))]
[else (error who "invalid expression" (unparse x))]))
;(printf "===========================================\n")
(let ([x (E x (make-binding #f #f #f #t #t '()))])
;(pretty-print (unparse x))
(define debug-scc (make-parameter #f))
(define current-letrec-pass
(make-parameter optimize-letrec/scc))
(define (optimize-letrec x)
((current-letrec-pass) x)))

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@ -1 +1 @@
1821 1822