fixed bug in guard (now allowing definitions and expressions in <body>)
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
(make-f id (car x) (cadr x) (cddr x)))
(define (get type ls)
(filter (lambda (x) (eq? (f-type x) type)) ls))
(define (fmt-req x)
(format " -~a <~a>" (f-char x) (f-id x)))
(define (fmt-req p)
(lambda (x)
(display* (list " -" (f-char x) " <" (f-id x) ">") p)))
(define (fmt-req-no-value x)
(format " -~a" (f-char x)))
(define (fmt-z c)
@ -26,26 +27,29 @@
(format " [-~a <~a>]~a" (f-char x) (f-id x) c)))
(define (fmt-<> x)
(format " <~a>" x))
(define (display* ls p)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display x p)) ls))
(define (synopsis f* args args-rest)
(let ([opt* (get 'optional f*)]
[flag* (get 'flag f*)]
[req0* (get 'required0 f*)]
[req1* (get 'required1 f*)]
[z0* (get 'zero-plus f*)]
[z1* (get 'one-plus f*)])
(let ([opt* (get 'optional f*)]
[flag* (get 'flag f*)]
[req0* (get 'required0 f*)]
[req1* (get 'required1 f*)]
[z0* (get 'zero-plus f*)]
[z1* (get 'one-plus f*)])
(let-values ([(p e) (open-string-output-port)])
(display (car arguments) p)
(display (apply string-append (map fmt-req-no-value req0*)) p)
(display* (map fmt-req-no-value req0*) p)
(unless (null? flag*)
(fprintf p " [-~a]"
(list->string (map f-char flag*))))
(display (apply string-append (map (fmt-z "") opt*)) p)
(display (apply string-append (map (fmt-z "*") z0*)) p)
(display (apply string-append (map (fmt-z "+") z1*)) p)
(display (apply string-append (map fmt-req req1*)) p)
(display (apply string-append (map fmt-<> args)) p)
(display " [-" p)
(display* (map f-char flag*) p)
(display "]" p))
(display* (map (fmt-z "") opt*) p)
(display* (map (fmt-z "*") z0*) p)
(display* (map (fmt-z "+") z1*) p)
(for-each (fmt-req p) req1*)
(display* (map fmt-<> args) p)
(when args-rest
(display (string-append (fmt-<> args-rest) " ...") p))
(display* (list (fmt-<> args-rest) " ...") p))
(define (print-usage-line help fields field-ids args args-rest dash-rest)
(let ([f* (map mkf fields field-ids)])
@ -61,11 +65,14 @@
(unless (null? def*)
(lambda (x)
(printf " -~a defaults to ~a\n" (f-char x)
(f-def x)))
(list " -" (f-char x)
" defaults to" (f-def x)
(printf "\nUsage:\n")
(display "\nUsage:\n")
(for-each (lambda (x) (apply print-usage-line x)) data*)
(print-usage-line "Display this help message"
'([#\h required0 . #f])
@ -305,119 +312,140 @@
#'(dispatch-opts expr '(data* ...) (list proc* ...)))])))
(define-syntax define-command
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (name arg) . body)
(define (name arg) . body)
(display "================================================\n")
(pretty-print '(define (name arg) . body))
(define-syntax test
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ command ls expected)
(printf "testing ~s => ~s ... " '(command ls) 'expected)
(let ([a1 (command 'ls)]
[a2 'expected])
(unless (equal? a1 a2)
(error #f "failed/got/expected" a1 'expected))
(printf "OK\n")))]))
[(_ command
[ls* expected*] ...)
(lambda (ls expected)
(printf "~s => " `(command ',ls))
(let ([a1 (command ls)]
[a2 expected])
(unless (equal? a1 a2)
(error #f "failed/got/expected" a1 expected))
(printf "~s OK\n" expected)))
'(ls* ...)
'(expected* ...))]))
(define (command1 ls)
(define-command (command1 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p) "Help0" (list 0 p)]
[(p p1) "Help1" (list 1 p p1)]
[(p p1 p2) "Help2" (list 2 p p1 p2)]
[(p p1 p2 p3) "Help3" (list 3 p p1 p2 p3)]))
(test command1 ("p") (0 "p"))
(test command1 ("p" "p1") (1 "p" "p1"))
(test command1 ("p" "p1" "p2") (2 "p" "p1" "p2"))
(test command1 ("p" "p1" "p2" "p3") (3 "p" "p1" "p2" "p3"))
(test command1 ("./prog" "p1" "p2" "p3" "p4") #f)
(test command1
[("p") (0 "p")]
[("p" "p1") (1 "p" "p1")]
[("p" "p1" "p2") (2 "p" "p1" "p2")]
[("p" "p1" "p2" "p3") (3 "p" "p1" "p2" "p3")]
[("./prog" "p1" "p2" "p3" "p4") #f])
(define (command2 ls)
(define-command (command2 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p p1 p2 p3) "Help3" (list 3 p p1 p2 p3)]
[(p p1 p2 ps ...) "Help2" (list 2 p p1 p2 ps)]
[(p p1 ps ...) "Help1" (list 1 p p1 ps)]
[(p ps ...) "Help0" (list 0 p ps)]))
(test command2 ("p") (0 "p" ()))
(test command2 ("p" "a") (1 "p" "a" ()))
(test command2 ("p" "a" "b") (2 "p" "a" "b" ()))
(test command2 ("p" "a" "b" "c") (3 "p" "a" "b" "c"))
(test command2 ("p" "a" "b" "c" "d") (2 "p" "a" "b" ("c" "d")))
(test command2 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command2
[("p") (0 "p" ())]
[("p" "a") (1 "p" "a" ())]
[("p" "a" "b") (2 "p" "a" "b" ())]
[("p" "a" "b" "c") (3 "p" "a" "b" "c")]
[("p" "a" "b" "c" "d") (2 "p" "a" "b" ("c" "d"))]
[("./prog" "-h") #f])
(define (command3 ls)
(define-command (command3 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X" xopt "-Y" yopt) (list 'xy p xopt yopt)]
[(p "-X" xopt) (list 'x p xopt)]
[(p "-Y" yopt) (list 'y p yopt)]))
(test command3 ("p" "-X" "xopt") (x "p" "xopt"))
(test command3 ("p" "-Y" "yopt") (y "p" "yopt"))
(test command3 ("p" "-X" "xopt" "-Y" "yopt") (xy "p" "xopt" "yopt"))
(test command3 ("p" "-Y" "yopt" "-X" "xopt") (xy "p" "xopt" "yopt"))
(test command3 ("./prog") #f)
(test command3 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command3
[("p" "-X" "xopt") (x "p" "xopt")]
[("p" "-Y" "yopt") (y "p" "yopt")]
[("p" "-X" "xopt" "-Y" "yopt") (xy "p" "xopt" "yopt")]
[("p" "-Y" "yopt" "-X" "xopt") (xy "p" "xopt" "yopt")]
[("./prog") #f]
[("./prog" "-h") #f])
(define (command4 ls)
(define-command (command4 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X?" xopt "-Y?" yopt) (list p xopt yopt)]
[(p "-X?" xopt rest ...) (list p xopt rest)]))
(test command4 ("p") ("p" #f #f))
(test command4 ("p" "-X") ("p" #t #f))
(test command4 ("p" "-Y") ("p" #f #t))
(test command4 ("p" "-X" "-Y") ("p" #t #t))
(test command4 ("p" "-Y" "-X") ("p" #t #t))
(test command4 ("p" "-X" "a") ("p" #t ("a")))
(test command4 ("p" "a") ("p" #f ("a")))
(test command4 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command4
[("p") ("p" #f #f)]
[("p" "-X") ("p" #t #f)]
[("p" "-Y") ("p" #f #t)]
[("p" "-X" "-Y") ("p" #t #t)]
[("p" "-Y" "-X") ("p" #t #t)]
[("p" "-X" "a") ("p" #t ("a"))]
[("p" "a") ("p" #f ("a"))]
[("./prog" "-h") #f])
(define (command5 ls)
(define-command (command5 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X=default" xopt) (list p xopt)]))
(test command5 ("p") ("p" "default"))
(test command5 ("p" "-X" "hello") ("p" "hello"))
(test command5 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command5
[("p") ("p" "default")]
[("p" "-X" "hello") ("p" "hello")]
[("./prog" "-h") #f])
(define (command6 ls)
(define-command (command6 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X*" xopts) (list p xopts)]
[(p "-X*" xopts "-Y*" yopts) (list p xopts yopts)]))
(test command6 ("p") ("p" ()))
(test command6 ("p" "-X" "a" "-X" "b") ("p" ("a" "b")))
(test command6 ("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b") ("p" ("a") ("b")))
(test command6 ("p" "-Y" "b") ("p" () ("b")))
(test command6 ("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b" "-X" "c" "-Y" "d")
("p" ("a" "c") ("b" "d")))
(test command6 ("./prog" "-Q" "12") #f)
(test command6 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command6
[("p") ("p" ())]
[("p" "-X" "a" "-X" "b") ("p" ("a" "b"))]
[("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b") ("p" ("a") ("b"))]
[("p" "-Y" "b") ("p" () ("b"))]
[("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b" "-X" "c" "-Y" "d") ("p" ("a" "c") ("b" "d"))]
[("./prog" "-Q" "12") #f]
[("./prog" "-h") #f])
(define (command7 ls)
(define-command (command7 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X+" xopts) (list p xopts)]
[(p "-X*" xopts "-Y+" yopts) (list p xopts yopts)]))
(test command7 ("p" "-X" "a") ("p" ("a")))
(test command7 ("p" "-X" "a" "-X" "b") ("p" ("a" "b")))
(test command7 ("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b") ("p" ("a") ("b")))
(test command7 ("p" "-Y" "b") ("p" () ("b")))
(test command7 ("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b" "-X" "c" "-Y" "d")
("p" ("a" "c") ("b" "d")))
(test command7 ("./prog") #f)
(test command7 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command7
[("p" "-X" "a") ("p" ("a"))]
[("p" "-X" "a" "-X" "b") ("p" ("a" "b"))]
[("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b") ("p" ("a") ("b"))]
[("p" "-Y" "b") ("p" () ("b"))]
[("p" "-X" "a" "-Y" "b" "-X" "c" "-Y" "d") ("p" ("a" "c") ("b" "d"))]
[("./prog") #f]
[("./prog" "-h") #f])
(define (command8 ls)
(define-command (command8 ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-Q=foobar" q "-R=blabla" r "-X?" xopts "-Y?" yopt "-L*" libs "-f" file file* ...)
[(p "-Q=foobar" q "-R=blabla" r "-X?" xopts "-Y?" yopt "-L*" libs
"-f" file file* ...)
"Does something nice"
(test command8 ("./prog") #f)
(test command8 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command8 ("./prog" "--help") #f)
(test command8
[("./prog") #f]
[("./prog" "-h") #f]
[("./prog" "--help") #f])
(define (ls-command ls)
(define-command (ls-command ls)
(command-line-interface ls
[(ls "-A?" A "-B?" B "-C?" C "-F?" F "-G?" G "-H?" H "-L?" L
"-P?" P "-R?" R "-S?" S "-T?" T "-W?" W "-Z?" Z "-a?" a
@ -427,7 +455,8 @@
files ...)
(test ls-command ("ls" "-h") #f)
(test ls-command
[("ls" "-h") #f])
@ -466,3 +495,19 @@
"Each of <library-files> must contain a library and are"
"installed before the <init-files> are loaded"
(list 4 program libdirs library-files init-files args)]))
=head1 NAME
gimp-request - send a request to GIMP's Script-Fu Server
$ gimp-request \
[--server=HOST][--port=PORT] \
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@
(lambda (,con)
,(gen-clauses con outerk clause*))
(lambda () #f ,b ,@b*))))))))))))
(lambda () ,b ,@b*))))))))))))
(define define-enumeration-macro
(lambda (stx)
Reference in New Issue