command-line now prints detailed message on "--help"
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,24 +11,13 @@
(import (ikarus))
(define (dispatch-opts arguments data* proc*)
(define-condition-type &help &condition
make-help-condition help-condition?
(extended? help-extended?))
(define-condition-type &unmatched &condition
make-unmatched-condition unmatched-condition?)
(define (help x)
(raise (make-help-condition x)))
(define (unmatched)
(raise (make-unmatched-condition)))
(define (print-usage detailed?)
(define-record-type f (fields id char type def))
(define (mkf x id)
(make-f id (car x) (cadr x) (cddr x)))
(define (get type ls)
(let-values ([(ls _) (partition (lambda (x) (eq? (f-type x) type)) ls)])
(define (fmt-req x)
(filter (lambda (x) (eq? (f-type x) type)) ls))
(define (fmt-req x)
(format " -~a <~a>" (f-char x) (f-id x)))
(define (fmt-req-no-value x)
(format " -~a" (f-char x)))
@ -74,7 +63,8 @@
(lambda (x)
(printf " -~a defaults to ~a\n" (f-char x)
(f-def x)))
(printf "\nUsage:\n")
(for-each (lambda (x) (apply print-usage-line x)) data*)
(print-usage-line "Display this help message"
@ -84,124 +74,139 @@
(define (option? x)
(and (string? x)
(>= (string-length x) 2)
(char=? (string-ref x 0) #\-)
(not (char=? (string-ref x 1) #\-))))
(define (fill-char-opt c ls fields)
;;; field = [c required ]
;;; | [c flag . default]
;;; | [c zero-plus . list]
;;; | [c one-plus . list]
;;; | [c optional . str]
(let f ([fields fields])
(when (null? fields) (unmatched))
(let ([field (car fields)])
(if (char=? c (car field))
(let ([t (cadr field)])
(case t
[(required1 optional)
(when (null? ls) (unmatched))
(let ([val (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)])
(values (cons (cons* c 'ok val) (cdr fields)) ls))]
(values (cons (cons* c 'ok #t) (cdr fields)) ls)]
[(zero-plus one-plus)
(when (null? ls) (unmatched))
(let ([val (car ls)])
(cons (cons* c 'zero-plus (cons val (cddr field)))
(cdr fields))
(cdr ls)))]
[else (unmatched)]))
(let-values ([(fields ls) (f (cdr fields))])
(values (cons field fields) ls))))))
(define (fill-option a ls fields)
(if (= (string-length a) 2)
(let ([char (string-ref a 1)])
(when (char=? char #\h) (help #f))
(fill-char-opt char ls fields))
(error 'fill-option "not yet")))
(define (match-fields fields ls)
(if (null? ls)
(values fields ls)
(let ([a (car ls)])
(if (option? a)
(let-values ([(fields ls) (fill-option a (cdr ls) fields)])
(match-fields fields ls))
(values fields ls)))))
(define (match-args args ls)
[(null? args) (values '() ls)]
[(null? ls) (unmatched)]
(let ([a (car ls)])
(when (option? a) (unmatched))
(let-values ([(a* ls) (match-args (cdr args) (cdr ls))])
(values (cons a a*) ls)))]))
(define (match-args-rest a/f ls)
(if a/f
(let-values ([(x ls)
(let f ([ls ls])
(if (null? ls)
(values '() ls)
(let ([a (car ls)])
(if (string=? a "--")
(values '() ls)
(if (option? a)
(let-values ([(a* ls) (f (cdr ls))])
(values (cons a a*) ls)))))))])
(values (list x) ls))
(if (or (null? ls) (string=? (car ls) "--"))
(values '() ls)
(define (match-dash-rest a/f ls)
(if a/f
(if (null? ls)
(if (string=? (car ls) "--")
(list (cdr ls))
(if (null? ls) '() (unmatched))))
(define (fix-field x)
(let ([type (cadr x)] [value (cddr x)])
(case type
[(ok flag optional) value]
[(zero-plus) (reverse value)]
[else (unmatched)])))
(define (match _help fields _field-ids args args-rest dash-rest)
(cons (car arguments)
(let*-values ([(fields ls) (match-fields fields (cdr arguments))]
[(fields) (map fix-field fields)]
[(args ls) (match-args args ls)]
[(args-rest ls) (match-args-rest args-rest ls)]
[(dash-rest) (match-dash-rest dash-rest ls)])
(append fields args args-rest dash-rest))))
(define (arguments-match)
(define-condition-type &help &condition
make-help-condition help-condition?
(extended? help-extended?))
(define-condition-type &unmatched &condition
make-unmatched-condition unmatched-condition?)
(define (help x)
(raise (make-help-condition x)))
(define (unmatched)
(raise (make-unmatched-condition)))
(guard (con
[(help-condition? con)
(print-usage (help-extended? con))])
(let f ([data* data*] [proc* proc*])
(if (null? data*)
(help #f)
(guard (con
[(unmatched-condition? con)
(f (cdr data*) (cdr proc*))])
(apply (car proc*) (apply match (car data*))))))))
(define (option? x)
(or (equal? x "--help") ;;; hack
(and (string? x)
(>= (string-length x) 2)
(char=? (string-ref x 0) #\-)
(not (char=? (string-ref x 1) #\-)))))
(define (fill-char-opt c ls fields)
;;; field = [c required0 . _] ; requires 0 args
;;; | [c required1 . _] ; requires 1 arg
;;; | [c flag . default] ; toggles default to #t
;;; | [c zero-plus . reversed-list]
;;; | [c one-plus . reversed-list]
;;; | [c optional . default] ; overridden by value
;;; | [c ok . value] ; already used, not on input
(let f ([fields fields])
(when (null? fields) (unmatched))
(let ([field (car fields)])
(if (char=? c (car field))
(let ([t (cadr field)])
(case t
[(required1 optional)
(when (null? ls) (unmatched))
(let ([val (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)])
(values (cons (cons* c 'ok val) (cdr fields)) ls))]
(values (cons (cons* c 'ok #t) (cdr fields)) ls)]
[(zero-plus one-plus)
(when (null? ls) (unmatched))
(let ([val (car ls)])
(cons (cons* c 'zero-plus (cons val (cddr field)))
(cdr fields))
(cdr ls)))]
[else (unmatched)]))
(let-values ([(fields ls) (f (cdr fields))])
(values (cons field fields) ls))))))
(define (fill-option a ls fields)
(when (string=? a "--help") (help #t))
(if (= (string-length a) 2)
(let ([char (string-ref a 1)])
(when (char=? char #\h) (help #f))
(fill-char-opt char ls fields))
(error 'fill-option "not yet")))
(define (match-fields fields ls)
(if (null? ls)
(values fields ls)
(let ([a (car ls)])
(if (option? a)
(let-values ([(fields ls) (fill-option a (cdr ls) fields)])
(match-fields fields ls))
(values fields ls)))))
(define (match-args args ls)
[(null? args) (values '() ls)]
[(null? ls) (unmatched)]
(let ([a (car ls)])
(when (option? a) (unmatched))
(let-values ([(a* ls) (match-args (cdr args) (cdr ls))])
(values (cons a a*) ls)))]))
(define (match-args-rest a/f ls)
(if a/f
(let-values ([(x ls)
(let f ([ls ls])
(if (null? ls)
(values '() ls)
(let ([a (car ls)])
(if (string=? a "--")
(values '() ls)
(if (option? a)
(let-values ([(a* ls) (f (cdr ls))])
(values (cons a a*) ls)))))))])
(values (list x) ls))
(if (or (null? ls) (string=? (car ls) "--"))
(values '() ls)
(define (match-dash-rest a/f ls)
(if a/f
(if (null? ls)
(if (string=? (car ls) "--")
(list (cdr ls))
(if (null? ls) '() (unmatched))))
(define (fix-field x)
(let ([type (cadr x)] [value (cddr x)])
(case type
[(ok flag optional) value]
[(zero-plus) (reverse value)]
[else (unmatched)])))
(define (match _help fields _field-ids args args-rest dash-rest)
(cons (car arguments)
(let*-values ([(fields ls) (match-fields fields (cdr arguments))]
[(fields) (map fix-field fields)]
[(args ls) (match-args args ls)]
[(args-rest ls) (match-args-rest args-rest ls)]
[(dash-rest) (match-dash-rest dash-rest ls)])
(append fields args args-rest dash-rest))))
(guard (con
[(help-condition? con)
(print-usage (help-extended? con))])
(let f ([data* data*] [proc* proc*])
(if (null? data*)
(help #f)
(guard (con
[(unmatched-condition? con)
(f (cdr data*) (cdr proc*))])
(apply (car proc*) (apply match (car data*))))))))
(define-syntax parse-command-line
(define-syntax command-line-interface
(lambda (stx)
(define (parse-format stx)
(define (err str x)
@ -229,7 +234,7 @@
(free-identifier=? x #'(... ...))))
(define (id? x)
(and (identifier? x) (not (dots? x))))
(define (parse-command-line ls)
(define (command-line-interface ls)
(define (str? x)
(let ([d (syntax->datum x)])
(and (string? d) (not (string=? d "--")))))
@ -280,7 +285,7 @@
(f (car ls) (cdr ls)))))
(let-values ([(prog opt-strs opt-ids args args-rest dash-rest)
(parse-command-line stx)])
(command-line-interface stx)])
(list (get-fmls prog opt-ids args args-rest dash-rest)
opt-strs opt-ids args args-rest dash-rest)))
(define (parse-clause stx)
@ -312,7 +317,7 @@
(printf "OK\n")))]))
(define (command1 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p) "Help0" (list 0 p)]
[(p p1) "Help1" (list 1 p p1)]
[(p p1 p2) "Help2" (list 2 p p1 p2)]
@ -325,7 +330,7 @@
(test command1 ("./prog" "p1" "p2" "p3" "p4") #f)
(define (command2 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p p1 p2 p3) "Help3" (list 3 p p1 p2 p3)]
[(p p1 p2 ps ...) "Help2" (list 2 p p1 p2 ps)]
[(p p1 ps ...) "Help1" (list 1 p p1 ps)]
@ -339,7 +344,7 @@
(test command2 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(define (command3 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X" xopt "-Y" yopt) (list 'xy p xopt yopt)]
[(p "-X" xopt) (list 'x p xopt)]
[(p "-Y" yopt) (list 'y p yopt)]))
@ -352,7 +357,7 @@
(test command3 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(define (command4 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X?" xopt "-Y?" yopt) (list p xopt yopt)]
[(p "-X?" xopt rest ...) (list p xopt rest)]))
@ -366,7 +371,7 @@
(test command4 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(define (command5 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X=default" xopt) (list p xopt)]))
(test command5 ("p") ("p" "default"))
@ -374,7 +379,7 @@
(test command5 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(define (command6 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X*" xopts) (list p xopts)]
[(p "-X*" xopts "-Y*" yopts) (list p xopts yopts)]))
@ -388,7 +393,7 @@
(test command6 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(define (command7 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-X+" xopts) (list p xopts)]
[(p "-X*" xopts "-Y+" yopts) (list p xopts yopts)]))
@ -402,17 +407,18 @@
(test command7 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(define (command8 ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(p "-Q=foobar" q "-R=blabla" r "-X?" xopts "-Y?" yopt "-L*" libs "-f" file file* ...)
"Does something nice"
(test command8 ("./prog") #f)
(test command8 ("./prog" "-h") #f)
(test command8 ("./prog" "--help") #f)
(define (ls-command ls)
(parse-command-line ls
(command-line-interface ls
[(ls "-A?" A "-B?" B "-C?" C "-F?" F "-G?" G "-H?" H "-L?" L
"-P?" P "-R?" R "-S?" S "-T?" T "-W?" W "-Z?" Z "-a?" a
"-b?" b "-c?" c "-d?" d "-e?" e "-f?" f "-g?" g "-i?" i
Reference in New Issue