
40 lines
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; Copyright (c) 2003 RT Happe <rthappe at web de>
; See the file COPYING distributed with the Scheme Untergrund Library
;;; sequence operations definABLE in terms of the elementary operations
;;; [ not much there yet ]
(define (ident x) x)
(define (sequence->list s)
((string? string->list)
(byte-vector? contiguous-sequence->list)
(vector? vector->list)
(list? ident)
(behaved-sequence? contiguous-sequence->list))
(define (sequence-fill! s x)
((string? string-fill!)
(byte-vector? contiguous-sequence-fill!)
(vector? vector-fill!)
(list? ident)
(behaved-sequence? contiguous-sequence-fill!))
s x))
(define (subsequence s start end)
(cond ((pair? s)
(sublist s start end))
((string? s)
(substring s start end))
(else (contiguous-subsequence s start end))))
;; this is rather inefficient for lists-only uses, but supports mixed
;; sequences (comparing lists against vectors, for instance)
(define every/bounds contiguous-every/bounds)