;;;;;; Riatables: alternative hash tables -*- Scheme -*- ;;;;;; Thread-unsafe implementation ;;; Taylor Campbell wrote this code; he places it in the public domain. (define-record-type table type/table (really-make-table id template size gc-stamp bucket-vector) table? (id table-id) (template table-template) (size table-size set-table-size!) (gc-stamp table-gc-stamp set-table-gc-stamp!) (bucket-vector table-bucket-vector set-table-bucket-vector!)) (define-record-discloser type/table (lambda (table) `(,(or (table-type-name table) 'table) ,@(cond ((table-id table) => list) (else '())) ,(table-size table)))) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Parameters ;;; These are just guesses. I ought to fill in better suggestions at ;;; some point, but these will do for now. ;;; The number of buckets to put in freshly created tables. (define initial-bucket-count 10) ;;; The next number of buckets to have in a table after PREVIOUS. (define (next-bucket-count previous) (+ (* previous 2) 1)) ;;; The maximum average number of entries to have in a bucket. (define maximum-average-bucket-entries 3) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Table templates ;;; This code is rather too verbose for my tastes. At least there can ;;; be a DEFINE-TEMPLATE-ACCESSOR macro to reduce code tedium. (define-record-type table-template type/table-template (really-make-table-template type-name key-predicate key-comparator key-hasher gc-sensitive? head-weak? tail-weak? searcher expander) table-template? (type-name table-template-type-name) (key-predicate table-template-key-predicate) (key-comparator table-template-key-comparator) (key-hasher table-template-key-hasher) (gc-sensitive? table-template-gc-sensitive?) (head-weak? table-template-head-weak?) (tail-weak? table-template-tail-weak?) (searcher table-template-searcher) (expander table-template-expander)) (define-record-discloser type/table-template (lambda (t) `(table-template ,@(cond ((table-template-type-name t) => list) (else '()))))) (define-syntax define-template-accessors (syntax-rules () ((define-template-accessors (table template) ...) (begin (define (table t) (template (table-template t))) ...)))) (define-template-accessors (table-type-name table-template-type-name) (table-key-predicate table-template-key-predicate) (table-key-comparator table-template-key-comparator) (table-key-hasher table-template-key-hasher) (table-gc-sensitive? table-template-gc-sensitive?) (table-head-weak? table-template-head-weak?) (table-tail-weak? table-template-tail-weak?) (table-searcher table-template-searcher) (table-expander table-template-expander)) (define (make-table-template key? key= key-hash gc? head-weak? tail-weak? type-name) (let* ((rehasher (make-table-rehasher key-hash gc? head-weak? tail-weak?)) (hasher (make-table-hasher key-hash gc? rehasher))) (really-make-table-template type-name key? key= key-hash gc? head-weak? tail-weak? (make-table-searcher key= hasher gc? head-weak? tail-weak?) (make-table-expander hasher gc? head-weak? tail-weak? rehasher)))) (define (make-weak-table-template key? key= key-hash gc? type-name) (make-table-template key? key= key-hash gc? #t #t type-name)) (define (make-strong-table-template key? key= key-hash gc? type-name) (make-table-template key? key= key-hash gc? #f #f type-name)) (define (modify-table-template-weakness template head-weak? tail-weak?) (make-table-template (table-template-key-predicate template) (table-template-key-comparator template) (table-template-key-hasher template) (table-template-gc-sensitive? template) head-weak? tail-weak? (table-template-type-name template))) (define-syntax define-weakness-modifiers (syntax-rules () ((define-weakness-modifiers (name template head? tail?) ...) (begin (define (name template) (modify-table-template-weakness template head? tail?)) ...)))) (define-weakness-modifiers (weaken-table-template t #t #t) (head-weaken-table-template t #t (table-template-tail-weak? t)) (tail-weaken-table-template t (table-template-head-weak? t) #t) (strengthen-table-template t #f #f) (head-strengthen-table-template t #f (table-template-tail-weak? t)) (tail-strengthen-table-template t (table-template-head-weak? t) #f)) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Constructors (define (%make-table-from-template template suggested-size id) (let ((gc? (table-template-gc-sensitive? template))) (really-make-table id template 0 (and gc? (gc-stamp)) (make-vector (if (and suggested-size (> suggested-size maximum-average-bucket-entries)) (quotient suggested-size maximum-average-bucket-entries) initial-bucket-count) (empty-bucket))))) (define (table-constructor template) (let ((name `(table-constructor ,template))) (lambda size+id (receive (suggested-size id) (table-cons-options size+id name) (%make-table-from-template template suggested-size id))))) (define (make-table-from-template template . size+id) (receive (suggested-size id) (table-cons-options size+id make-table-from-template) (%make-table-from-template template suggested-size id))) (define (table-cons-options options callee) (if (null? options) (values #f #f) (let ((size (car options)) (more (cdr options))) (if (or (integer? size) (not size)) (if (null? more) (values size #f) (let ((name (car more)) (more (cdr more))) (if (null? more) (values size name) (error "extraneous arguments" more callee)))) (error "invalid table size suggestion argument" size callee))))) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Main table operations ;;; This is a macro so that it gets integrated and debugging info is ;;; retained about the procedure. (define-syntax define-keyed-table-operation (syntax-rules () ((define-keyed-table-operation (name table-arg key-arg arg ...) (bucket-index-var entry-var) body1 body2 ...) (define (name table-arg key-arg arg ...) (cond ((not (table? table-arg)) (call-error "invalid table argument" name table-arg key-arg arg ...)) ((not ((table-key-predicate table-arg) key-arg)) (call-error "invalid key argument" name table-arg key-arg arg ...)) (else (receive (bucket-index-var entry-var) ((table-searcher table-arg) table-arg key-arg) body1 body2 ...))))))) (define-keyed-table-operation (table-entry table key) (bucket-index entry) (and entry (let ((tail-weak? (table-tail-weak? table))) (cond ((not tail-weak?) (entry-value entry)) ((weak-entry-value entry)) (else ; Broken weak entry. (expunge-entry-from-table! table bucket-index entry) #f))))) (define-keyed-table-operation (set-table-entry! table key value) (bucket-index entry) (cond ((not value) (cond (entry (expunge-entry-from-table! table bucket-index entry) (if (table-tail-weak? table) (set-weak-entry-value! entry #f) (set-entry-value! entry #f))))) (entry (if (table-tail-weak? table) (set-weak-entry-value! entry #f) (set-entry-value! entry #f))) (bucket-index ((table-expander table) table bucket-index key value)))) (define-keyed-table-operation (modify-table-entry! table key modifier) (bucket-index entry) (cond (entry ;; We don't need to set the entry's value to be #F here: both ;; of the modifiers will set the entry to #F if MODIFIER ;; returns it. (if (not (if (table-tail-weak? table) (modify-weak-entry-value! entry modifier) (modify-entry-value! entry modifier))) (expunge-entry-from-table! table bucket-index entry))) ((modifier #f) => (lambda (new-value) ((table-expander table) table bucket-index key new-value))))) (define-keyed-table-operation (pop-table-entry! table key) (bucket-index entry) (and entry (begin (expunge-entry-from-table! table bucket-index entry) (if (table-tail-weak? table) (weak-entry-value entry) (entry-value entry))))) ;++ This should also clean out any of the table's broken weak entries. (define (table->alist table) (let* ((buckets (table-bucket-vector table)) (bcount (vector-length buckets)) (cons-entry (let ((head-weak? (table-head-weak? table)) (tail-weak? (table-tail-weak? table))) (cond ((and head-weak? tail-weak?) (lambda (entry alist) (cond ((weak-entry-key entry) => (lambda (k) (cond ((weak-entry-value entry) => (lambda (v) (cons (cons k v) alist))) (else alist)))) (else alist)))) (head-weak? (lambda (entry alist) (cond ((weak-entry-key entry) => (lambda (k) (cons (cons k (entry-value entry)) alist))) (else alist)))) (tail-weak? (lambda (entry alist) (cond ((weak-entry-value entry) => (lambda (v) (cons (cons (entry-key entry) v) alist))) (else alist)))) (else (lambda (entry alist) (cons (cons (entry-key entry) (entry-value entry)) alist))))))) (let outer-loop ((alist '()) (i 0)) (if (= i bcount) alist (let inner-loop ((alist alist) (bucket (vector-ref buckets i))) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) (outer-loop alist (+ i 1)) (inner-loop (cons-entry (bucket-entry bucket) alist) (bucket-next bucket)))))))) (define (walk-table table proc) (for-each (lambda (k.v) (proc (car k.v) (cdr k.v))) (table->alist table))) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Buckets ;;; Buckets are represented as alists, because ASSQ in the Scheme48 VM ;;; is fast. However, this is no longer useful: using ASSQ was an ;;; optimization hack that would lose with optimistic concurrency, so ;;; it is no longer used. A more space-efficient representation could, ;;; and probably should, be chosen now with no adverse effects on time ;;; efficiency. ;;; All these trivial procedures are procedures, not direct aliases, so ;;; that the silly Scheme48 automatic procedure integrator, which has ;;; much too low a threshold and no provision for alias integration, ;;; will integrate them. (define (empty-bucket) '()) (define (bucket-empty? bucket) (null? bucket)) (define (bucket-nonempty? bucket) (pair? bucket)) (define (make-bucket entry next) (cons entry next)) (define (bucket-entry bucket) (car bucket)) (define (bucket-next bucket) (cdr bucket)) (define (set-bucket-next! bucket next) (set-cdr! bucket next)) (define (entry-maker head-weak? tail-weak?) (cond ((and head-weak? tail-weak?) make-weak-entry) (head-weak? make-head-weak-entry) (tail-weak? make-tail-weak-entry) (else make-strong-entry))) (define (make-weak-entry key value) (cons (make-weak-pointer key) (make-weak-pointer value))) (define (make-head-weak-entry key value) (cons (make-weak-pointer key) value)) (define (make-tail-weak-entry key value) (cons key (make-weak-pointer value))) (define (make-strong-entry key value) (cons key value)) (define (entry-key entry) (car entry)) (define (weak-entry-key entry) (weak-pointer-ref (car entry))) (define (entry-value entry) (cdr entry)) (define (weak-entry-value entry) (weak-pointer-ref (cdr entry))) (define (set-entry-value! entry value) (set-cdr! entry value)) (define (set-weak-entry-value! entry value) (set-entry-value! entry (make-weak-pointer value))) ;;; If MODIFIER returns #F, the entry is to be deleted. It would seem ;;; superfluous to set it if it is #F, but the entry, if it is to be ;;; deleted, needs to be set to #F. This is because of a delicate case ;;; in thread synchronization: ;;; - Thread A is rehashing a table; it is in the middle of dumping ;;; the bucket that contains an entry E, which it has already ;;; dumped. ;;; - Thread A is suspended; thread B gets to run. ;;; - Thread B tries to expunge E from the bucket, but it's absent, ;;; so it assumes that another thread concurrently deleted it. ;;; Now the entry E is still in the table, even though thread B thought ;;; it must have been deleted. (define (modify-entry-value! entry modifier) (let ((new-value (modifier (entry-value entry)))) (set-entry-value! entry new-value) new-value)) (define (modify-weak-entry-value! entry modifier) (let ((new-value (modifier (weak-entry-value entry)))) (set-weak-entry-value! entry new-value) new-value)) ;;; It might be better to write a purely functional, allocation-only ;;; version of this, to perform as little proposal logging as possible. ;;; Then again, it might make GCs more frequent. ;++ But couldn't that be handled by having two versions, one for GC- ;++ sensitive tables and one for GC-insensitive tables, with the latter ;++ of which allocation has no problems? (define (expunge-entry-from-bucket! bucket entry) (cond ((bucket-empty? bucket) bucket) ((eq? entry (bucket-entry bucket)) (bucket-next bucket)) (else (let loop ((b (bucket-next bucket)) (lag bucket)) ;; It is OK for BUCKET not to contain ENTRY: another thread ;; may have concurrently deleted it before the call to ;; EXPUNGE-ENTRY-FROM-BUCKET! but after the search for the ;; entry. (if (bucket-nonempty? b) (cond ((eq? (bucket-entry b) entry) (set-bucket-next! lag (bucket-next b)) bucket) (else (loop (bucket-next b) b)))))))) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Bucket operations (define (make-bucket-searcher key= gc? head-weak? tail-weak?) ((cond ((and gc? (or head-weak? tail-weak?)) make-gc-weak-bucket-searcher) ((and head-weak? tail-weak?) make-weak-bucket-searcher) (head-weak? make-head-weak-bucket-searcher) (tail-weak? make-tail-weak-bucket-searcher) (else make-strong-bucket-searcher)) key=)) (define-syntax define-bucket-searcher (syntax-rules () ((define-bucket-searcher name entry-var (key-var key-expression) test) (define (name key=) (letrec ((expunge-broken-initials (lambda (bucket delta) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) (values bucket delta) (let* ((entry-var (bucket-entry bucket)) (next (bucket-next bucket)) (key-var key-expression)) (if test (values bucket delta) (expunge-broken-initials next (+ delta 1))))))) (search (lambda (bucket lag key delta) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) (values #f delta) (let* ((entry-var (bucket-entry bucket)) (next (bucket-next bucket)) (key-var key-expression)) (cond ((not test) (set-bucket-next! lag next) (search next lag key (+ delta 1))) ((key= key-var key) (values entry-var delta)) (else (search next bucket key delta)))))))) (lambda (table index bucket key) (receive (bucket* delta) (expunge-broken-initials bucket 0) (if (positive? delta) (vector-set! (table-bucket-vector table) index bucket*)) (receive (entry delta) (if (bucket-empty? bucket*) (values #f delta) (let ((entry-var (bucket-entry bucket*)) (next (bucket-next bucket*))) (if (key= key-expression key) (values entry-var delta) (search next bucket* key delta)))) (set-table-size! table (- (table-size table) delta)) entry)))))))) (define-bucket-searcher make-weak-bucket-searcher entry (key (weak-entry-key entry)) (and key (weak-entry-value entry))) (define-bucket-searcher make-head-weak-bucket-searcher entry (key (weak-entry-key entry)) key) (define-bucket-searcher make-tail-weak-bucket-searcher entry (key (entry-key entry)) (weak-entry-value entry)) ;;; This is just like the strong bucket searcher, except that it looks ;;; at the weak pointer keys' contents, not at the keys themselves. ;;; This works because, if a key was broken at the last GC, the rehash ;;; of the table would have cleared it out before calling this. (define (make-gc-weak-bucket-searcher key=) (lambda (table index bucket key) (let loop ((bucket bucket)) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) #f (let ((entry (bucket-entry bucket))) (if (key= (weak-entry-key entry) key) entry (loop (bucket-next bucket)))))))) (define (make-strong-bucket-searcher key=) ;** EXPUNGE WHEN OPTIMISTIC CONCURRENCY IS IMPLEMENTED ;** (ASSQ doesn't log) (if (eq? key= eq?) (lambda (table index bucket key) ;+++ Performance hack: ASSQ is (assq key bucket)) ;+++ a VM primitive, so fast. (letrec ((loop (lambda (table index bucket key) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) #f (let ((entry (bucket-entry bucket))) (if (key= (entry-key entry) key) entry (loop table index (bucket-next bucket) key))))))) loop))) (define (make-bucket-dumper key-hash head-weak? tail-weak?) ((cond ((and head-weak? tail-weak?) make-weak-bucket-dumper) (head-weak? make-head-weak-bucket-dumper) (tail-weak? make-tail-weak-bucket-dumper) (else make-strong-bucket-dumper)) key-hash)) (define-syntax define-bucket-dumper (syntax-rules () ((define-bucket-dumper name entry-var (key-var key-expression) test) (define (name key-hash) (letrec ((loop (lambda (buckets index bucket count mod) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) count (let* ((entry-var (bucket-entry bucket)) (next (bucket-next bucket)) (key-var key-expression)) (loop buckets index next (if test (let ((hash (key-hash key-var mod))) (if (not (eq? hash index)) (begin (set-bucket-next! bucket (vector-ref buckets hash)) (vector-set! buckets hash bucket))) (+ count 1)) count) mod)))))) (lambda (bucket-vector old-buckets index) (loop bucket-vector index (vector-ref old-buckets index) 0 (vector-length bucket-vector)))))))) (define-bucket-dumper make-weak-bucket-dumper entry (key (weak-entry-key entry)) (and key (weak-entry-value entry))) (define-bucket-dumper make-head-weak-bucket-dumper entry (key (weak-entry-key entry)) key) (define-bucket-dumper make-tail-weak-bucket-dumper entry (key (entry-key entry)) (weak-entry-value entry)) (define (make-strong-bucket-dumper key-hash) (letrec ((loop (lambda (buckets index bucket count mod) (if (bucket-empty? bucket) count (let ((next (bucket-next bucket)) (hash (key-hash (entry-key (bucket-entry bucket)) mod))) ;; Prevent accidentally creating a circular bucket. (if (not (eq? hash index)) (begin (set-bucket-next! bucket (vector-ref buckets hash)) (vector-set! buckets hash bucket))) (loop buckets index next (+ count 1) mod)))))) (lambda (bucket-vector old-buckets index) (loop bucket-vector index (vector-ref old-buckets index) 0 (vector-length bucket-vector))))) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Internal hash table procedures (define (make-table-rehasher key-hash gc? head-weak? tail-weak?) ((if gc? make-gc-table-rehasher make-stable-table-rehasher) (make-bucket-dumper key-hash head-weak? tail-weak?))) ;;; GC-sensitive table rehashers have to be very carefully constructed. ;;; They may not allocate, and it must be absolutely certain whether or ;;; not they succeeded in hashing immediately following a certain GC ;;; stamp. (define (make-gc-table-rehasher dump-bucket!) (letrec ((attempt-rehash! (make-gc-attempted-table-rehasher dump-bucket!)) (loop (lambda (table new-vector) (if (attempt-rehash! table (gc-stamp) new-vector) #f (loop table new-vector))))) (lambda (table stamp new-vector) (or (attempt-rehash! table stamp new-vector) (loop table new-vector))))) ;;; This returns a procedure that tries to copy all the buckets from ;;; TABLE's existing bucket vector to NEW-VECTOR. (define (make-gc-attempted-table-rehasher dump-bucket!) (define (loop table stamp new-vector old-buckets old-length i new-size) (cond ((not (eq? stamp (gc-stamp))) ;; Immediately abort, even if we finished copying all of the ;; buckets, because our efforts were for naught. (vector-fill! new-vector (empty-bucket)) #f) ((= i old-length) ;; We succeeded in rehashing and a GC didn't occur to ;; circumvent us. Of course, a GC could still occur in the ;; next couple instructions, but that will be caught in the ;; next table lookup; what is important is that the table ;; table was completely rehashed safely. (set-table-gc-stamp! table stamp) (set-table-bucket-vector! table new-vector) (set-table-size! table new-size) #t) (else ;; Copy the bucket at I & proceed happily. DUMP-BUCKET! ;; could test the stamp itself, but it's probably a lot ;; cheaper just to test it after every bucket copied. (loop table stamp new-vector old-buckets old-length (+ i 1) (+ (dump-bucket! new-vector old-buckets i) new-size))))) (lambda (table stamp new-vector) (let ((old-buckets (table-bucket-vector table))) (loop table stamp new-vector old-buckets (vector-length old-buckets) 0 0)))) (define (make-stable-table-rehasher dump-bucket!) (lambda (table stamp new-vector) (let* ((old-buckets (table-bucket-vector table)) (old-length (vector-length old-buckets))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (new-size 0 (+ (dump-bucket! new-vector old-buckets i) new-size))) ((= i old-length) (set-table-bucket-vector! table new-vector) (set-table-size! table new-size) #t))))) (define (make-table-hasher key-hash gc? rehasher) (if gc? (make-gc-table-hasher key-hash rehasher) (lambda (table key) (key-hash key (vector-length (table-bucket-vector table)))))) (define (make-gc-table-hasher key-hash rehash-table!) (letrec ((retry (lambda (table key mod new-vector) (let* ((hash (key-hash key mod)) (stamp (gc-stamp))) (if (or (eq? (table-gc-stamp table) stamp) (rehash-table! table stamp new-vector)) hash (retry table key mod new-vector)))))) (lambda (table key) (let ((mod (vector-length (table-bucket-vector table)))) (let ((stamp (gc-stamp))) (if (eq? (table-gc-stamp table) stamp) (let* ((hash (key-hash key mod))) (if (eq? (gc-stamp) stamp) hash ;;; These next two calls are duplicated, but it is ;;; needed so we don't allocate unnecessarily. (retry table key mod (make-vector mod (empty-bucket))))) (retry table key mod (make-vector mod (empty-bucket))))))))) (define (make-table-searcher key= table-hash gc? head-weak? tail-weak?) (let ((search-bucket (make-bucket-searcher key= gc? head-weak? tail-weak?))) (lambda (table key) (let* ((hash (table-hash table key)) (bucket-vector (table-bucket-vector table)) (bucket (vector-ref bucket-vector hash))) (values hash (search-bucket table hash bucket key)))))) (define (make-table-expander table-hash gc? head-weak? tail-weak? rehash-table!) (let ((make-entry (entry-maker head-weak? tail-weak?)) (rehash! (if gc? (lambda (table new-vector) (let loop ((stamp (table-gc-stamp table))) (if (rehash-table! table stamp new-vector) (values) (loop (gc-stamp))))) (lambda (table new-vector) (rehash-table! table #f new-vector))))) (lambda (table cached-hash key value) (let* ((hash (if (maybe-expand-table! table rehash!) cached-hash (table-hash table key))) ;; Note the LET*: the rehash might set the table's bucket ;; vector. (bucket-vector (table-bucket-vector table))) (vector-set! bucket-vector hash (make-bucket (make-entry key value) (vector-ref bucket-vector hash))) (set-table-size! table (+ (table-size table) 1)))))) (define (maybe-expand-table! table rehash!) (let loop ((first? #t)) (let ((size (table-size table))) (cond ((<= size (* (vector-length (table-bucket-vector table)) maximum-average-bucket-entries)) first?) (else (rehash! table (make-vector (next-bucket-count size) (empty-bucket))) (loop #f)))))) (define (expunge-entry-from-table! table bucket-index entry) (let ((bucket-vector (table-bucket-vector table))) (vector-set! bucket-vector bucket-index (expunge-entry-from-bucket! (vector-ref bucket-vector bucket-index) entry)))) ;;; -------------------- ;;; Various table templates (define-syntax define-table-types (syntax-rules () ((define-table-types (template-name constructor-name template-exp) ...) (begin (begin (define template-name template-exp) (define constructor-name (table-constructor template-name))) ...)))) (define-table-types (object-table-template make-object-table (make-strong-table-template (lambda (x) #t) eq? modular-descriptor-hash #t ; GC-sensitive hash function 'object-table)) (weak-object-table-template make-weak-object-table (make-weak-table-template (lambda (x) #t) eq? modular-descriptor-hash #t ; GC-sensitive hash function 'weak-object-table)) (string-table-template make-string-table (make-strong-table-template string? string=? modular-string-hash #f ; GC-insensitive hash function 'string-table)) (string-ci-table-template make-string-ci-table (make-strong-table-template string? string-ci=? modular-string-ci-hash #f ; GC-insensitive hash function 'string-ci-table)) (integer-table-template make-integer-table (make-strong-table-template integer? = modular-integer-hash #f ; GC-insensitive hash function 'integer-table)) (symbol-table-template make-symbol-table (make-strong-table-template symbol? eq? (lambda (sym mod) (modular-string-hash (symbol->string sym) mod)) #f ; GC-insensitive hash function 'symbol-table)))