(define-record-type :condition-type (really-make-condition-type name supertype fields all-fields) condition-type? (name condition-type-name) (supertype condition-type-supertype) (fields condition-type-fields) (all-fields condition-type-all-fields)) (define (make-condition-type name supertype fields) (if (not (symbol? name)) (error "make-condition-type: name is not a symbol" name)) (if (not (condition-type? supertype)) (error "make-condition-type: supertype is not a condition type" supertype)) (if (not (null? (lset-intersection eq? (condition-type-all-fields supertype) fields))) (error "duplicate field name" )) (really-make-condition-type name supertype fields (append (condition-type-all-fields supertype) fields))) (define-syntax define-condition-type (syntax-rules () ((define-condition-type ?name ?supertype ?predicate (?field1 ?accessor1) ...) (begin (define ?name (make-condition-type '?name ?supertype '(?field1 ...))) (define (?predicate thing) (and (condition? thing) (condition-has-type? thing ?name))) (define (?accessor1 condition) (condition-ref (extract-condition condition ?name) '?field1)) ...)))) (define (condition-subtype? subtype supertype) (let recur ((subtype subtype)) (cond ((not subtype) #f) ((eq? subtype supertype) #t) (else (recur (condition-type-supertype subtype)))))) (define (condition-type-field-supertype condition-type field) (let loop ((condition-type condition-type)) (cond ((not condition-type) #f) ((memq field (condition-type-fields condition-type)) condition-type) (else (loop (condition-type-supertype condition-type)))))) ; The type-field-alist is of the form ; ((<type> (<field-name> . <value>) ...) ...) (define-record-type :condition (really-make-condition type-field-alist) condition? (type-field-alist condition-type-field-alist)) (define (make-condition type . field-plist) (let ((alist (let label ((plist field-plist)) (if (null? plist) '() (cons (cons (car plist) (cadr plist)) (label (cddr plist))))))) (if (not (lset= eq? (condition-type-all-fields type) (map car alist))) (error "condition fields don't match condition type")) (really-make-condition (list (cons type alist))))) (define (condition-has-type? condition type) (any (lambda (has-type) (condition-subtype? has-type type)) (condition-types condition))) (define (condition-ref condition field) (type-field-alist-ref (condition-type-field-alist condition) field)) (define (type-field-alist-ref type-field-alist field) (let loop ((type-field-alist type-field-alist)) (cond ((null? type-field-alist) (error "type-field-alist-ref: field not found" type-field-alist field)) ((assq field (cdr (car type-field-alist))) => cdr) (else (loop (cdr type-field-alist)))))) (define (make-compound-condition condition-1 . conditions) (really-make-condition (apply append (map condition-type-field-alist (cons condition-1 conditions))))) (define (extract-condition condition type) (let ((entry (find (lambda (entry) (condition-subtype? (car entry) type)) (condition-type-field-alist condition)))) (if (not entry) (error "extract-condition: invalid condition type" condition type)) (really-make-condition (list (cons type (map (lambda (field) (assq field (cdr entry))) (condition-type-all-fields type))))))) (define-syntax condition (syntax-rules () ((condition (?type1 (?field1 ?value1) ...) ...) (type-field-alist->condition (list (cons ?type1 (list (cons '?field1 ?value1) ...)) ...))))) (define (type-field-alist->condition type-field-alist) (really-make-condition (map (lambda (entry) (cons (car entry) (map (lambda (field) (or (assq field (cdr entry)) (cons field (type-field-alist-ref type-field-alist field)))) (condition-type-all-fields (car entry))))) type-field-alist))) (define (condition-types condition) (map car (condition-type-field-alist condition))) (define (check-condition-type-field-alist the-type-field-alist) (let loop ((type-field-alist the-type-field-alist)) (if (not (null? type-field-alist)) (let* ((entry (car type-field-alist)) (type (car entry)) (field-alist (cdr entry)) (fields (map car field-alist)) (all-fields (condition-type-all-fields type))) (for-each (lambda (missing-field) (let ((supertype (condition-type-field-supertype type missing-field))) (if (not (any (lambda (entry) (let ((type (car entry))) (condition-subtype? type supertype))) the-type-field-alist)) (error "missing field in condition construction" type missing-field)))) (lset-difference eq? all-fields fields)) (loop (cdr type-field-alist)))))) (define &condition (really-make-condition-type '&condition #f '() '())) (define-condition-type &message &condition message-condition? (message condition-message)) (define-condition-type &serious &condition serious-condition?) (define-condition-type &error &serious error?)