;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Library.

;;; Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martin Gasbichler.
;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with
;;; the distribution.

;; From SUnet plus one more call/cc to capture the continuation of the error
(define (with-fatal-and-capturing-error-handler* handler thunk)
   (lambda (accept)
       (lambda (k)
	  (lambda (condition more)
	     (lambda (condition-continuation)
	       (if (error? condition)
		    (lambda (decline)
		      (k (lambda () 
			   (handler condition condition-continuation decline))))))
	       (more))))		; Keep looking for a handler.
	  (lambda () (call-with-values thunk accept)))))))))

(define (with-inspecting-handler port thunk)
   (lambda (condition condition-continuation more)
     (let ((res
	    (remote-repl "Welcome to the command processor of the remote scsh"
       ;; TODO: option to return to continuation of handler (by leaving out the with-continuation)
       (with-continuation condition-continuation (lambda () res))))