sunterlib/scsh/bytio -- Byte I/O


(read-byte [inport]) --> n in [0:256)
(peek-byte [inport]) --> n in [0:256)
(write-byte n [outport]) --> unspec

Synopsis:  Obvious byte analogues to Scheme's character readers and
writers.  [ Presently these are only wrappers around the char procs.
That means, the system reads octets, cooks them into characters, that
we rever to raw numeric meat, small integers in [0:256). ]


(read-bytes n [fd/port]) --> bytes or #f
(read-bytes/partial n [fd/port]) --> bytes pr #f

(read-bytes! bytes [fd/port start end]) --> nread or #f
(read-bytes!/partial bytes [fd/port start end]) --> nread or #f

(write-bytes bytes [fd/port start end]) --> unspec

Synopsis:  Obvious byte analogues of the corresponding string procs
documented in the scsh manual, with byte-vectors BYTES replacing
strings.  (String arguments BYTES work, too.)
* Byte-vector constructors etc. are in structure BYTE-VECTORS.
* The present implementation avoids allocating temp buffers by not
  always reading very much ...
* The procedures aren't tested well, yet.
