* Tiff -- A port of Oleg Kiselyov's tiff code

Both the code and this documentation is derived from Oleg's files, cf.

This distribution comes with two family-friendly tiff files in sunterlib/

** Package Dependencies

TIFF's structures depend on structures from these other sunterlib projects:



** Reading TIFF files

[ Oleg's announcement.  Main changes to the announced library: modularisation
  and fake srfi-4 uniform vectors.  (The source files list the changes.)    ]

From posting-system@google.com Wed Oct  8 01:24:13 2003
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 18:24:12 -0700
From: oleg@pobox.com (oleg@pobox.com)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.scheme
Subject: [ANN] Reading TIFF files
Message-ID: <7eb8ac3e.0310071724.59bffe62@posting.google.com>
Status: OR

This is to announce a Scheme library to read and analyze TIFF image
files. We can use the library to obtain the dimensions of a TIFF
image; the image name and description; the resolution and other
meta-data. We can then load a pixel matrix or a colormap table. An
accompanying tiff-prober program prints out the TIFF dictionary in a
raw and polished formats.

	dependencies: util.scm, char-encoding.scm, myenv.scm
        see also: gnu-head-sm.tif in the same directory

   - The library handles TIFF files written in both endian formats
   - A TIFF directory is treated somewhat as a SRFI-44 immutable
     dictionary collection. Only the most basic SRFI-44 methods are
     implemented, including the left fold iterator and the get method.
   - An extensible tag dictionary translates between symbolic tag
     names and numeric ones. Ditto for tag values.
   - A tag dictionary for all TIFF 6 standard tags and values comes
     with the library. A user can add the definitions of
     his private tags.
   - The library handles TIFF directory values of types:
    (signed/unsigned) byte, short, long, rational; ASCII strings.
   - A particular care is taken to properly handle values whose
     total size is no more than 4 bytes.
   - Array values (including the image matrix) are returned as
     uniform vectors (SRFI-4)
   - Values are read lazily. If you are only interested in the
     dimensions of an image, the image matrix itself will not be loaded.

Here's the result of running tiff-prober on the image of the GNU head
(converted from JPEG to TIFF by xv). I hope I won't have any copyright
problems with using and distributing that image.

Analyzing TIFF file tests/gnu-head-sm.tif...
There are 15 entries in the TIFF directory
they are
TIFFTAG:IMAGEWIDTH, count 1, type short, value-offset 129 (0x81)
TIFFTAG:IMAGELENGTH, count 1, type short, value-offset 122 (0x7A)
TIFFTAG:BITSPERSAMPLE, count 1, type short, value-offset 8 (0x8)
TIFFTAG:COMPRESSION, count 1, type short, value-offset 1 (0x1)
TIFFTAG:PHOTOMETRIC, count 1, type short, value-offset 1 (0x1)
TIFFTAG:IMAGEDESCRIPTION, count 29, type ascii str, value-offset 15932 (0x3E3C)
TIFFTAG:STRIPOFFSETS, count 1, type long, value-offset 8 (0x8)
TIFFTAG:ORIENTATION, count 1, type short, value-offset 1 (0x1)
TIFFTAG:SAMPLESPERPIXEL, count 1, type short, value-offset 1 (0x1)
TIFFTAG:ROWSPERSTRIP, count 1, type short, value-offset 122 (0x7A)
TIFFTAG:STRIPBYTECOUNTS, count 1, type long, value-offset 15738 (0x3D7A)
TIFFTAG:XRESOLUTION, count 1, type rational, value-offset 15962 (0x3E5A)
TIFFTAG:YRESOLUTION, count 1, type rational, value-offset 15970 (0x3E62)
TIFFTAG:PLANARCONFIG, count 1, type short, value-offset 1 (0x1)
TIFFTAG:RESOLUTIONUNIT, count 1, type short, value-offset 2 (0x2)

image width:    129
image height:   122
image depth:    8
document name:  *NOT SPECIFIED*
image description:
  JPEG:gnu-head-sm.jpg 129x122
time stamp:     *NOT SPECIFIED*
compression:    NONE

In particular, the dump of the tiff directory is produced by the
following line of code
	  (print-tiff-directory tiff-dict (current-output-port))
To determine the width of the image, we do
	(tiff-directory-get tiff-dict 'TIFFTAG:IMAGEWIDTH not-spec)
To determine the compression (as a symbol) we evaluate
	(tiff-directory-get-as-symbol tiff-dict 'TIFFTAG:COMPRESSION not-spec)

If an image directory contains private tags, they will be printed like
the following:

private tag 33009, count 1, type signed long, value-offset 16500000 (0xFBC520)
private tag 33010, count 1, type signed long, value-offset 4294467296

A user may supply a dictionary of his private tags and enjoy
the automatic translation from symbolic to numerical tag names.

The validation code vtiff.scm includes a function
test-reading-pixel-matrix that demonstrates loading a pixel matrix of
an image in an u8vector. The code can handle a single or multiple

Portability: the library itself, tiff.scm, relies on the following
extensions to R5RS: uniform vectors (SRFI-4); ascii->char function
(which is on many systems just integer->char); trivial define-macro
(which can be easily re-written into syntax-rules); let*-values
(SRFI-11); records (SRFI-9). Actually, the code uses Gambit's native
define-structures, which can be easily re-written into SRFI-9
records. The Scheme system should be able to represent the full range
of 32-bit integers and should support rationals.

The most problematic extension is an endian port. The TIFF library
assumes the existence of a data structure with the following
   endian-port-set-bigendian!::   EPORT -> UNSPECIFIED
   endian-port-set-littlendian!:: EPORT -> UNSPECIFIED
   endian-port-read-int1:: EPORT -> UINTEGER (byte)
   endian-port-read-int2:: EPORT -> UINTEGER
   endian-port-read-int4:: EPORT -> UINTEGER
   endian-port-setpos:: EPORT INTEGER -> UNSPECIFIED

The library uses solely these methods to access the input port. The
endian port can be implemented in a R5RS Scheme system if we assume
that the composition of char->integer and read-char yields a byte and
if we read the whole file into a string or a u8vector
(SRFI-4). Obviously, there are times when such a solution is not
satisfactory. Therefore, tiff-prober and the validation code
vtiff.scm rely on a Gambit-specific code. All major Scheme systems can
implement endian ports in a similar vein -- alas, each in its own
particular way.

** Endian ports
from structure endian.

We rely on an ENDIAN-PORT
A port with the following operations
  endian-port-set-bigendian!::   EPORT -> UNSPECIFIED
  endian-port-set-littlendian!:: EPORT -> UNSPECIFIED
  endian-port-read-int1:: EPORT -> UINTEGER (byte)
  endian-port-read-int2:: EPORT -> UINTEGER
  endian-port-read-int4:: EPORT -> UINTEGER
  endian-port-setpos EPORT INTEGER -> UNSPECIFIED

  close-endian-port:: EPORT -> UNSPECIFIED
  make-endian-port:: INPORT BOOLEAN -> EPORT
    The boolean argument sets the endianness of the resulting endian-port,
  boolean(most sigificant bit first).  After having wrapped the INPORT
  in the EPORT, you should no longer manipulate the INPORT directly.

** Tiff
in structures TIFF and TIFFLET.  TIFFLET exports a survival package of
  read-tiff-file, print-tiff-directory, tiff-directory-get(-as-symbol).
Refined needs will require TIFF.

*** TIFF tags: codes and values

A tag dictionary, tagdict, record helps translate between
tag-symbols and their numerical values.

tagdict-get-by-name TAGDICT TAG-NAME => INT
  where TAG-NAME is a symbol.
Translate a symbolic representation of a TIFF tag into a numeric
An error is raised if the lookup fails.

tagdict-get-by-num TAGDICT INT => TAG-NAME or #f
  Translate from a numeric tag value to a symbolic representation,
if it exists. Return #f otherwise.

tagdict-tagval-get-by-name TAGDICT TAG-NAME VAL-NAME => INT
  where VAL-NAME is a symbol.
Translate from the symbolic representation of a value associated
with TAG-NAME in the TIFF directory, into the numeric representation.
An error is raised if the lookup fails.

tagdict-tagval-get-by-num TAGDICT TAG-NAME INT => VAL-NAME or #f
  Translate from a numeric value associated with TAG-NAME in the TIFF
directory to a symbolic representation, if it exists. Return #f

make-tagdict ((TAG-NAME INT (VAL-NAME . INT) ...) ...)
  Build a tag dictionary

tagdict? TAGDICT -> BOOL

tagdict-add-all DEST-DICT SRC-DICT -> DEST-DICT
  Join two dictionaries

tiff-standard-tagdict : TAGDICT
  The variable tiff-standard-tagdict is initialized to the dictionary
of standard TIFF tags (which you may look up in the first section above
or in the source, tiff.scm).

Usage scenario:
   (tagdict-get-by-name  tiff-standard-tagdict 'TIFFTAG:IMAGEWIDTH) => 256
   (tagdict-get-by-num   tiff-standard-tagdict 256) => 'TIFFTAG:IMAGEWIDTH
   (tagdict-tagval-get-by-name tiff-standard-tagdict
   (tagdict-tagval-get-by-num  tiff-standard-tagdict

   (define extended-tagdict
      (tagdict-add-all tiff-standard-tagdict
	   '((WAupper_left_lat 33004)
	     (WAhemisphere 33003 (North . 1) (South . 2))))))

*** TIFF directory entry

a descriptor of a TIFF "item", which can be image data, document description,
time stamp, etc, depending on the tag. Thus an entry has the following
 unsigned short tag;
 unsigned short type;          // data type: byte, short word, etc.
 unsigned long  count;         // number of items; length in spec
 unsigned long  val_offset;    // byte offset to field data

The values associated with each entry are disjoint and may appear anywhere
in the file (so long as they are placed on a word boundary).

Note, If the value takes 4 bytes or less, then it is placed in the offset
field to save space.  If the value takes less than 4 bytes, it is
*left*-justified in the offset field.
Note, that it's always *left* justified (stored in the lower bytes)
no matter what the byte order (big- or little- endian) is!
Here's the precise quote from the TIFF 6.0 specification:
"To save time and space the Value Offset contains the Value instead of
pointing to the Value if and only if the Value fits into 4 bytes. If
the Value is shorter than 4 bytes, it is left-justified within the
4-byte Value Offset, i.e., stored in the lower- numbered
bytes. Whether the Value fits within 4 bytes is determined by the Type
and Count of the field."

tiff-dir-entry? TIFF-DIR-ENTRY => BOOLEAN
tiff-dir-entry-tag TIFF-DIR-ENTRY => INTEGER
tiff-dir-entry-type TIFF-DIR-ENTRY => INTEGER
tiff-dir-entry-count TIFF-DIR-ENTRY => INTEGER
tiff-dir-entry-val-offset TIFF-DIR-ENTRY => INTEGER
tiff-dir-entry-value TIFF-DIR-ENTRY => VALUE

  Print the contents of TIFF-DIR-ENTRY onto the output port OPORT
using TAGDICT to convert tag identifiers to symbolic names

*** TIFF Image File Directory

TIFF directory is a collection of TIFF directory entries. The entries
are sorted in an ascending order by tag.
Note, a TIFF file can contain more than one directory (chained together).
We handle only the first one.

We treat a TIFF image directory somewhat as an ordered, immutable,
dictionary collection, see SRFI-44.

tiff-directory? VALUE => BOOLEAN
tiff-directory-size TIFF-DIRECTORY => INTEGER
tiff-directory-empty? TIFF-DIRECTORY => BOOLEAN

  KEY can be either a symbol or an integer.
If the lookup fails, ABSENCE-THUNK, if given, is evaluated and its value
is returned. If ABSENCE-THUNK is omitted, the return value on failure
is #f.

tiff-directory-get-as-symbol TIFF-DIRECTORY KEY [ABSENCE-THUNK] => VALUE
  KEY must be a symbol.
If it is possible, the VALUE is returned as a symbol, as translated
by the tagdict.

            ... => seed-value ...
  The fold function receives a tiff-directory-entry as a value

print-tiff-directory:: TIFF-DIRECTORY OPORT -> UNSPECIFIED

** Usage example: tiff prober

The scripts probe-tiff and equivalently tiff-prober.scm read a TIFF file
and print out its directory (as well as values of a few "important" tags).
The scripts (or script headers) assume that the executable scsh resides
in /usr/local/bin, and that the environment variable SCSH_LIB_DIRS lists
the sunterlib directory with the config file sunterlib.scm; cf. the reference
manual about "Running Scsh\Scsh command-line switches\Switches".

        probe-tiff tiff-file1 ...
        tiff-prober.scm tiff-file1 ...

Structure tiff-prober exports the entry point for the scripts:

tiff-prober ARGV => UNSPECIFIED
Call, for instance, (tiff-prober '("foo" "bsp.tiff")).

** Validating the library

The valdidating code is in sunterlib/scsh/tiff/vtiff.scm and assumes that
the tiffed GNU logo sunterlib/tiff/gnu-head-sm.tif resides in the working
directory.  In that situation you may go
                                          ,in tiff-testbed  ; and
                                          ,load vtiff.scm
Alternatively make sure that the env variable SCSH_LIB_DIRS lists the
directory with sunterlib.scm (just as for the tiff prober, see above)
and run vtiff.scm as script.
