sunterlib/s48/sequences -- Finite Sequences A sequence library in various structures dealing with * abstract sequences defined by their behaviour * general sequences or a union type of built-in and abstract sequences * vectors in particular [ for list and string libraries ,open srfi-1 resp. srfi-13 ] The library comes in three structures: * ABSEQUENCES -- basic procedures for abstract sequences, contained in * SEQUENCE-LIB -- procedures for general (and abstract) sequences * VECTOR-LIB -- procedures for vectors The VECTOR-LIB exports some SCHEME bindings such as VECTOR-REF, redefines some SCHEME procedures such as VECTOR-FILL! (to accept optional [start:end) parameters) and consists mainly of generic sequence code compiled with the basic sequence operation names bound to the corresponding vector procedures. The library is neither complete nor tweaked nor tested sytematically. (The idea to recycle parts of the srfi-13 code came too late.) It contains the following procedures, arranged in columns=structures and `* categories' from SRFI-13 and -1, followed by the list of name clashes with standard modules. VECTOR-LIB SEQUENCE-LIB ABSEQUENCES, also S.L. * Predicates or so vector? sequence? absequence? sequence-behavior? vector-null? sequence-null? vector-every sequence-every vector-any sequence-any vectors-every sequences-every vectors-any sequences-any vector= sequence= vectors= sequences= * Constructors make-vector make-another-sequence make-absequence/behavior vector vector-tabulate absequence/behavior make-sequence-behavior make-absequence-record * List & Sequence Conversion list->vector list->absequence/behavior vector->list sequence->list * Selection vector-length sequence-length absequence-length vector-ref sequence-ref absequence-ref absequence:behavior vector-copy sequence-copy sequence-copy/maker vector-copy! sequence-copy! subvector subsequence * Modification vector-set! sequence-set! absequence-set! sequence-fill! vector-fill! absequence-fill! sequence-tabulate! vector-tabulate! * Reverse & Append vector-append sequence-append * Fold, Unfold & Map vector-map sequence-map sequence-map/maker vector-map-into! sequence-map-into! vector-for-each sequence-for-each vector-fold sequence-fold vector-fold-right sequence-fold-right vectors-map sequences-map sequences-map/maker vectors-map-into! sequences-map-into! vectors-for-each sequences-for-each vectors-fold sequences-fold vectors-fold-right sequences-fold-right * Name clashes with scheme vector-fill! list->vector When using both SCHEME and VECTOR-LIB, you should choose the binding explicitly, like so: (open (modify scheme (hide vector-fill! list->vector)) vector-lib) * Prelude For our purposes, (each valid state of) a sequence with length n maps a bounded segment of integers [0:n) into a set of Scheme values, typically Anything or Character. Any kind Sq of sequences with elements in T supports the following basic operations, whatever the names, with the obvious jobs: maker : (make-sq n [e]) --> s predicate : (sq? x) --> b getter : (sq-ref s k) --> s[k] setter : (sq-set! s k x) --> unspec meter : (sq-length s) --> n The following kinds of sequences are supported by this facility: Vector Absequence := a record type (record packages data + behaviour) Sequence := Vector | Byte-Vector | String | Proper-List | Absequence Absequences carry a SEQUENCE-BEHAVIOR record that contains MAKER, PREDICATE, etc. procedures. They are the official backdoor where user-defined sequence types enter the general sequence lib. There are Examples. [ The Examples demonstrate how one might introduce hidden aliasing, i.e. shared subsequences, and break some banged procedures ... ] * The Procedures Optional [START END] (abbreviating [START [END]]) parameters default to 0 resp. the sequence length. An optional MAKER parameter defaults to the maker of the actual type of the (first) sequence argument. Sequence arguments of vector and absequence procedures must be vectors resp. absequences, notwithstanding the generic parameter name S used below. Sequence arguments of general sequence procedures may have different actual sequence types, e.g. (SEQUENCES-EVERY CHAR=? "abc" '#(#\a)) is ok since both String and Vector <= Sequence. Equivalences as far as the specs go, that is: the equivalences don't extend to unspecified behaviour but I didn't bother to spell this out in detail. The stated equivalences may have to suffer from exceptions as the library grows, but please report deviations anyway. * (sequences-foo x ...) = (sequence-foo x ...) and (vectors-foo x ...) = (vector-foo x ...) if the arg.list is admissible for both procedures. [ SEQUENCES-procedures don't support optional [start:end) parameters; SEQUENCE-procedures don't support an arbitrary number of sequence arguments. Same for vectors. ] * if all sequence arguments to a general sequence procedure are vectors the result is that of the corresponding vector procedure. E.g. ``sequence-map = vector-map'' on vectors. * if all sequence arguments to a general sequence procedure are lists (strings) and there is a corresponding list (string) procedure in the respective srfi, the result complies with the srfi spec. E.g. ``sequences-fold = fold'' on lists, ``sequence-fold = string-fold'' on strings. Attention: SEQUENCE= vs. STRING= -- parameter lists don't match (ELT=) SEQUENCE-TABULATE! (and VECTOR-TABULATE) -- parameter list is patterned after (STRING-TABULATE proc len), not after (LIST-TABULATE len proc). * Predicates (vector? x) --> b0 (sequence? x) --> b1 (absequence? x) --> b2 (sequence-behavior? x) --> b Synopsis: The obvious type predicates. Note that by the type inclusions the boolean B0 ==> B1 and B2 ==> B1. * (vector-null? s) --> b (sequence-null? s) --> b Synopsis: Return B := boolean(s.length = 0). * (vector-every foo? s [start end]) --> x (sequence-every foo? s [start end]) --> x Synopsis: Return the value x of (and (foo? s[start]) ... (foo? s[end-1])). * (vector-any foo? s [start end]) --> x (sequence-any foo? s [start end]) --> x Synopsis: Return the value x of (or (foo? s[start]) ... (foo? s[end-1])). * (vectors-every foo? s0 s1 ...) --> b (sequences-every foo? s0 s1 ...) --> b Synopsis: Return the value x of (and[0<=i<n] (foo? s0[i] s1[i] ...)) with n := min.k sequence-length sk. * (vectors-any foo? s0 s1 ...) --> b (sequences-any foo? s0 s1 ...) --> b Synopsis: Return the value x of (or[0<=i<n] (foo? s0[i] s1[i] ...)) with n := min.k sequence-length sk. * (vector= elt= s0 s1 [start0 end0 start1 end1]) --> b (sequence= elt= s0 s1 [start0 end0 start1 end1]) --> b Synopsis: Return boolean(S0 and S1 represent the same sequence), i.e. B = (and (elt= s0[start0] s1[start1]) ...) [ deviates from STRING= in SRFI-13 due to ELT= parameter ] * (vectors= elt= s0 ...) --> b (sequences= elt= s0 ...) --> b Synopsis: Return B = boolean(S0, ... represent the same sequence), i.e. B = #t given <2 sequence args, and = (and[k=0,...) (sequence= elt= s(k) s(k+1))) otherwise. * Constructors (make-vector len [fill]) --> s (make-absequence/behavior sb len [fill]) --> s Synopsis: Make a fresh vector resp. absequence S (with sequence-behavior SB) of length LEN (and all elements = FILL). * (vector x0 ...) --> s (absequence/behavior sb x0 ...) --> s Synopsis: Make a fresh vector (absequence with sequence-behavior SB) of minimal length with the elements S[0] = X0, ... * (vector-tabulate proc len) --> s Synopsis: Make vector s[0:len) with s[i] := (proc i). [ after (string-tabulate proc len) rather than (list-tabulate len proc) ] * (make-sequence-behavior maker predicate getter setter meter) --> sb Synopsis: Package the concrete sequence behaviour (basic procedures listed in the prelude) in the sequence-behavior record SB. (make-absequence-record sb data) --> abs Synopsis: Package the sequence-behavior SB and the concrete sequence DATA in the absequence record ABS. * List & Sequence Conversion (list->vector xs [start end]) --> s (list->absequence/behavior sb xs [start end]) --> s Synopsis: Make a new vector (absequence with sequence-behavior SB) S representing the sequence xs[start],..,xs[end-1]. * (vector->list s [start end]) --> xs (sequence->list s [start end]) --> xs Synopsis: Return xs = (list s[start] ... s[end-1]). * (vector-length s) --> n (sequence-length s) --> n (absequence-length s) --> n Synopsis: Return length N of vector / sequence / absequence S. * (vector-ref v k) --> v[k] (sequence-ref s k) --> s[k] (absequence-ref abs k) --> abs[k] * (absequence:behavior abs) --> sb Synopsis: Return sequence-behavior SB for the concrete sequence packaged in absequence ABS. * (vector-copy s0 [start end]) --> s1 (sequence-copy s0 [start end]) --> s1 (sequence-copy/maker maker s0 [start end]) -- s1 Synopsis: Make new vector resp. sequence (with MAKER) S1 = < s0[start+i] : i in [0:end-start) >. [ MAKER intentionally not made third optional arg. ] * (vector-copy! s1 start1 s0 [start0 end0]) --> unspec (sequence-copy! s1 start1 s0 [start0 end0]) --> unspec Synopsis: Set s1[start1 + i] := s0[start0 + i] for 0 <= i < end0 - start0. Assignment is parallel -- if there's no hidden aliasing (s1[j] and s0[k] referring to the same location although j ~= k). * (subvector s0 start end) --> s1 (subsequence s0 start end) --> s1 Synopsis: s1 := (sequence-copy s0 start end) * Modification (vector-set! s i x) --> unspec (sequence-set! s i x) --> unspec (absequence-set! s i x) --> unspec Synopsis: Set s[i] := x. * (vector-fill! s x [start end]) --> unspec (sequence-fill! s x [start end]]) --> unspec (absequence-fill! s x [start end]) --> unspec Synopsis: Set s[i] := x for all i in [start:end) etc. * (vector-tabulate! s start proc len) --> s (sequence-tabulate! s start proc len) --> s Synopsis: Set s[start+i] := (proc i) for all i in [0:len), return s. [ Destructive-update analogue to STRING-TABULATE, exceptionally with a useful return value. ] * Reverse & Append (vector-append s0 ...) --> s (sequence-append s0 ...) --> s Synoposis: Make a new vector resp. sequence S = `s0 o ...'. If there is no argument, make S a vector, otherwise type(S) = type(S0). [ You can force the result type by choosing a suitable empty sequence S0. E.g. (sequence-append (vector) "sloty" '(5 5)) works. Of course, VECTOR-APPEND always produces vectors from vectors. ] * Fold, Unfold & Map (vector-map f s [start end]) --> fs (vectors-map f s0 ...) --> fs (sequence-map f s [start end]) --> fs (sequence-map/maker maker f s [start end]) --> fs (sequences-map f s0 s1 ...) --> fs (sequences-map/maker maker f s0 s1 ...) --> fs Synopsis: Make new vector / sequence FS representing the sequence f(s[start]),...,f(s[end-1]) resp. (f(s0[i],...) : 0<=i<n) with n = min.k sequence-length sk. Use the MAKER, if supplied, otherwise the maker of the first sequence arg's concrete type. [ MAKER intentionally not made third optional arg. ] * (vector-map-into! s1 proc s0 [start1 end1 start0]) --> s1 (sequence-map-into! s1 proc s0 [start1 end1 start0]) --> s1 Synopsis: Set s1[start1 + i] := (proc s0[start0 + i]) for 0 <= i < end1 - start1, return s1. Assignment is parallel -- if there's no hidden aliasing. Attention: differing from CL's MAP-INTO, these procs expect end1 - start1 <= s0.length - start0, i.e. the destination S1 drives the loop, as with MAP! in SRFI-1. Differing from SEQUENCE-COPY!, two optionals relate to the destination S1 and one to the source S0 instead of one to the destination and two to the source. (Why? Because of the different loop termination criteria: dest length vs. src length.) * (vectors-map-into! s1 proc s00 ...) --> s1 (sequences-map-into! s1 proc s00 ...) --> s1 Synopsis: Set s1[i] := (proc s00[i] ...) for i in [0:s1.length), return s1. Attention: differing from CL's MAP-INTO, these procs expect the sequences S00, ... to be no less long than the destination S1, like MAP! in SRFI-1. Doesn't cope with absequent aliasing problems. * (vector-for-each proc s [start end]) --> unspec (vectors-for-each f s0 s1 ...) --> unspec (sequence-for-each proc s [start end]) --> unspec (sequences-for-each proc s0 s1 ...) --> unspec Synopsis: Call (proc v[i]) for all i in [start:end) in some order, resp. call (proc v0[i] v1[i] ...) for all i in [0:n) in some order with n = min.k sequence-length sk. * (vector-fold kons nil s [start end]) --> sq (vectors-fold kons nil s0 s1 ...) --> sq (sequence-fold kons nil s0 [start end]) --> sq (sequences-fold kons nil s0 s1 ...) --> sq Synopsis: Let y o x := (kons x y) resp. y o (x0, x1, ...) := (kons x0 ... y), and let o be left-associative (so that we can spare us the brackets). Compute sq = nil o s[start] o ... o s[end-1], resp. sq = nil o (s0[0],s1[0],...) o ... o (s0[n-1],s1[n-1],...) with n := min.k sequence-length sk. * (vector-fold-right kons nil s [start end]) --> sq (vectors-fold-right kons nil s0 s1 ...) --> sq (sequence-fold-right kons nil s [start end]) --> sq (sequences-fold-right kons nil s0 s1 ...) --> sq Synopsis: Let x o y := (kons x y) resp. (x0,x1,...) o y := (kons x0 ... y), and let o be right-associative (so that we can spare us the brackets). Compute sq = s[start] o ... o s[end-1] o nil, resp. sq = (s0[0] ...) o ... o (s0[n-1] ...) o nil with n := min.k sequence-length sk. * Examples: ; Demo implementation of partial sequences ; ,open sequence-lib srfi-9 krims (define-record-type :shaseq (make-shaseq-record sequence start end) shaseq? (sequence shaseq:sequence) (start shaseq:start) (end shaseq:end)) (define (share-sequence s start end) (assert (<= 0 start end (sequence-length s))) (make-shaseq-record s start end)) (define (displace-index shas k) (let ((start (shaseq:start shas))) (+ start k))) ;; maker -- dummyish (define (make-shaseq len . maybe-fill) (make-shaseq-record (apply make-vector len maybe-fill) 0 len)) ;; getter (define (shaseq-ref shas k) (sequence-ref (shaseq:sequence shas) (displace-index shas k))) ;; setter (define (shaseq-set! shas k x) (sequence-set! (shaseq:sequence shas) (displace-index shas k) x)) ;; meter (define (shaseq-length shas) (- (shaseq:end shas) (shaseq:start shas))) (define shaseq-behavior (make-sequence-behavior make-shaseq shaseq? shaseq-ref shaseq-set! shaseq-length)) (define a-string (string-copy "brachman foo gratz bladotzky")) (define an-abs (make-absequence-record shaseq-behavior (share-sequence a-string 3 11))) ;; prints ``(c h m a n f o)'' (display (sequence-fold-right cons '() an-abs)) ;; prints ``>>> chman fo <<<'' (display (sequence-append ">>> " an-abs '#(#\ #\< #\< #\<))) (sequence-fill! an-abs #\X 4) ;; prints ``brachmaXXXXo gratz bladotzky'' (display a-string) ; EOF * Sela (for now). oOo