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Michel Schinz
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intsets: Sets of integers represented as sorted lists of intervals.
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Integer sets represented as lists of intervals
1. Introduction
This module provides functions to work with sets of integers
represented as sorted lists of intervals, which are pairs of bounds.
For example, the set
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 80 }
is represented by the list
((1 . 4) (10 . 12) (80 . 80))
The functions provided here always ensure that the lists are valid and
in canonical form.
A list is valid if each of its intervals is valid. An interval is
valid if its upper bound is greater or equal to its lower bound.
A list is in canonical form if:
* all its intervals are strictly disjoint, that is they neither
overlap nor touch, and
* its intervals are sorted by increasing bounds.
2. Functions
Apart from the functions presented here, all functions working on
lists can be used, since the representation of integer sets is exposed
for that purpose.
2.1. Constructors
(intset-singleton element) -> integer-set
Return an integer set containing only the given ELEMENT.
(intset-range begin end) -> integer-set
Return an integer set composed of the integers in the range
[BEGIN,END] (i.e. both BEGIN and END are included).
2.2. Predicates
(intset? thing) -> boolean
Return true iff the given THING is a valid list of intervals in
canonical form, as defined above.
(intset-contains? element set) -> boolean
Return true iff SET contains ELEMENT.
2.3. Set operations
(intset-union set-1 set-2) -> integer-set
Return the union of the integer sets SET-1 and SET-2.
(intset-intersection set-1 set-2) -> integer-set
Return the intersection of the integer sets SET-1 and SET-2.
(intset-difference set-1 set-2) -> integer-set
Return the difference of the integer sets SET-1 and SET-2, that is
SET-1 \ SET-2.
(intset-adjoin element set) -> integer-set
Return a set containing the same elements as SET plus ELEMENT. Note:
the "lset-adjoin" function in SRFI-1 takes the set as first argument
and the element(s) as rest arguments. Since this argument ordering is
not coherent with the other functions, I decided not to copy it.
(intset-delete element set) -> integer-set
Return a set containing the same elements as SET but ELEMENT.
2.4. Iterators
(intset-map f set) -> list
Apply function F to the lower and upper bounds of all intervals in
SET, and return the list of all of F results.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(define-interface intsets-interface
(export intset?
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
;;; Functions to manipulate integer sets represented as lists of
;;; intervals.
;;; Sets are represented as lists of intervals, which are pairs (lower
;;; bound, upper bound), where both bounds are included. The lower
;;; bound must be an integer, the upper bound can either be an integer
;;; or the symbol 'max' to specify the maximum possible value of all
;;; intervals for the problem at hand. The specific value of this
;;; maximum is not known.
;;; The following implementation guarantees that sets are always in
;;; canonical form, that is their intervals are:
;;; - sorted in increasing order,
;;; - disjoint, and
;;; - non-contiguous (i.e. they do not touch each other).
;;; External dependencies: SRFI-1 (list library) and SRFI-23 (error).
(define (pairwise f l)
(or (< (length l) 2)
(and (f (first l) (second l)) (pairwise f (cdr l)))))
;;; Functions on bounds.
(define (b-max? bound) (eq? bound 'max))
(define (b< b1 b2)
(and (not (b-max? b1)) (or (b-max? b2) (< b1 b2))))
(define (b<= b1 b2)
(or (eq? b1 b2) (b< b1 b2)))
(define (bs<= . bounds)
(pairwise b<= bounds))
(define (b-pred bound)
(if (b-max? bound) (error "no predecessor to 'max'") (- bound 1)))
(define (b-succ bound)
(if (b-max? bound) (error "no successor to 'max'") (+ bound 1)))
;; Saturating successor.
(define (b-sat-succ bound)
(if (b-max? bound) bound (+ bound 1)))
(define (b-min b1 b2)
(cond ((b-max? b1) b2)
((b-max? b2) b1)
(else (min b1 b2))))
(define (b-max b1 b2)
(cond ((b-max? b1) b1)
((b-max? b2) b2)
(else (max b1 b2))))
;;; Functions on individual intervals (pairs of bounds).
(define i-make cons)
(define i-beg car)
(define i-end cdr)
;; Beware: the following syntax leads to multiple evaluations of each
;; interval expression!
(define-syntax let-int
(syntax-rules ()
((let-int ((beg-1 end-1 int-1) rest ...) body ...)
(let ((beg-1 (i-beg int-1)) (end-1 (i-end int-1)))
(let-int (rest ...) body ...)))
((let-int () body ...)
(begin body ...))))
(define (i-intersect? i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(or (bs<= b1 b2 e1) (bs<= b2 b1 e2))))
(define (i-contiguous? i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(or (bs<= b1 b2 (b-sat-succ e1)) (bs<= b2 b1 (b-sat-succ e2)))))
;; Defined only for contiguous intervals.
(define (i-union i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(i-make (b-min b1 b2) (b-max e1 e2))))
(define (i-start-before? i1 i2)
(b< (i-beg i1) (i-beg i2)))
(define (i-end-before? i1 i2)
(b< (i-end i1) (i-end i2)))
;; Defined only for disjoint intervals.
(define i< i-start-before?)
(define (i-intersection i1 i2)
(if (i-intersect? i1 i2)
(list (let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(i-make (b-max b1 b2) (b-min e1 e2))))
(define (i-difference i1 i2)
(if (i-intersect? i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(let ((il (if (b< b1 b2) (list (i-make b1 (b-pred b2))) '()))
(ir (if (b< e2 e1) (list (i-make (b-succ e2) e1)) '())))
(append il ir)))
(list i1)))
;;; Functions on sets (lists of individual intervals).
(define (intset? thing)
;; TODO check that intervals are disjoint and increasing
(and (list? thing)
(every (lambda (pair)
(and (pair? pair)
(number? (car pair))
(or (number? (cdr pair)) (b-max? (cdr pair)))
(b< (car pair) (cdr pair))))
(define (intset-union s1 s2)
(cond ((null? s1) s2)
((null? s2) s1)
(let ((h1 (car s1)) (t1 (cdr s1))
(h2 (car s2)) (t2 (cdr s2)))
(cond ((i-contiguous? h1 h2)
(if (i-end-before? h1 h2)
(intset-union t1 (cons (i-union h1 h2) t2))
(intset-union (cons (i-union h1 h2) t1) t2)))
((i< h1 h2)
(cons h1 (intset-union t1 s2)))
(else ;(i< h2 h1)
(cons h2 (intset-union s1 t2))))))))
(define (intset-intersection s1 s2)
(if (or (null? s1) (null? s2))
(let ((h1 (car s1)) (t1 (cdr s1))
(h2 (car s2)) (t2 (cdr s2)))
(if (i-end-before? h1 h2)
(append (i-intersection h1 h2) (intset-intersection t1 s2))
(append (i-intersection h1 h2) (intset-intersection s1 t2))))))
(define (intset-difference s1 s2)
(if (or (null? s1) (null? s2))
(let ((h1 (car s1)) (t1 (cdr s1))
(h2 (car s2)) (t2 (cdr s2)))
(cond ((i-intersect? h1 h2)
(intset-difference (append (i-difference h1 h2) t1) s2))
((i< h1 h2)
(cons h1 (intset-difference t1 s2)))
(intset-difference s1 t2))))))
(define (intset-range begin end)
`((,begin . ,end)))
(define (intset-singleton elem)
(intset-range elem elem))
(define (intset-adjoin elem set)
(intset-union set (intset-singleton elem)))
(define (intset-delete elem set)
(intset-difference set (intset-singleton elem)))
(define (intset-contains? elem set)
(any (lambda (i) (bs<= (i-beg i) elem (i-end i))) set))
(define (intset-map f set)
(if (null? set)
(let ((fst (car set)))
(cons (f (car fst) (cdr fst)) (intset-map f (cdr set))))))
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(define-structure intsets intsets-interface
(open scheme
srfi-23 ;error
srfi-1) ;list library
(files intsets))
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Michel Schinz
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base64: Base64 encoding/decoding functions.
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Base64 encoding and decoding functions
1. Introduction
This module implements Base64 encoding and decoding as specified by
section 6.8 of RFC 2045.
2. Functions
2.1. Encoding
(base64-encode-vector byte-vector [output-port]) -> port/string
Encode the given BYTE-VECTOR, put the result on the OUTPUT-PORT, and
return it. If no OUTPUT-PORT is given, encoding is done in a string,
which is returned.
(base64-encode-port input-port [output-port]) -> port/string
Encode the contents of the INPUT-PORT and put the result on the
OUTPUT-PORT. If no OUTPUT-PORT is given, encoding is done in a string,
which is returned.
2.2. Decoding
(base64-decode-string string [output-port]) -> port/string
Decode the contents of the STRING, and put the result on the
OUTPUT-PORT. If no OUTPUT-PORT is given, decoding is done in a string,
which is returned.
(base64-decode-port input-port [output-port]) -> port/string
Decode the contents of the INPUT-PORT, and put the result on the
OUTPUT-PORT. If no OUTPUT-PORT is given, decoding is done in a string,
which is returned.
3. References
RFC 2045 http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2045.html
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
;; This module implements Base64 encoding and decoding as specified by
;; section 6.8 of RFC 2045.
(define ash arithmetic-shift)
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
((when cond body1 body2 ...)
(if cond (begin body1 body2 ...)))))
(define-syntax unless
(syntax-rules ()
((unless cond body1 body2 ...)
(if (not cond) (begin body1 body2 ...)))))
;; Return a procedure to write a character to port, and produce a new
;; line after a multiple of line-len characters have been output.
(define (char-writer port line-len)
(let ((col 0))
(lambda (char)
(write-char char port)
(set! col (+ col 1))
(when (>= col line-len)
(newline port)
(set! col 0)))))
;; Take the first n bits of x.
(define (bits-take x n)
(bitwise-and x (- (ash 1 n) 1)))
;; Drop the first n bits of x.
(define (bits-drop x n)
(ash x (- n)))
;; The padding character
(define pad #\=)
(define eof-object (read (make-string-input-port "")))
;;; Encoding
(define encoding-vector
'#(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J #\K #\L #\M #\N #\O #\P
#\Q #\R #\S #\T #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f
#\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v
#\w #\x #\y #\z #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\+ #\/))
;; (base64-encode-vector vector [out-port])
;; --> string or port
(define (base64-encode-vector vector . rest)
(let ((len (byte-vector-length vector)) (pos 0))
(apply base64-encode-internal
(lambda ()
(if (< pos len)
(let ((byte (byte-vector-ref vector pos)))
(set! pos (+ pos 1))
;; (base64-encode-port port [out-port])
;; --> string or port
(define (base64-encode-port in-port . rest)
(apply base64-encode-internal (lambda () (read-byte in-port)) rest))
(define (base64-encode-internal fetch-byte . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((out-port (make-string-output-port)))
(let ((output-char (char-writer out-port 76)))
(let loop ((next-byte (fetch-byte)) (bits 0) (bits-count 0) (len 0))
(cond ((>= bits-count 6)
;; Enough bits to output a character: do so, iterate.
(let* ((carry-bits-count (- bits-count 6))
(next-6bits (bits-drop bits carry-bits-count)))
(output-char (vector-ref encoding-vector next-6bits))
(loop next-byte
(bits-take bits carry-bits-count)
((not (eof-object? next-byte))
;; Need more bits: use next byte.
(loop (fetch-byte)
(bitwise-ior (ash bits 8) next-byte)
(+ bits-count 8)
(+ len 1)))
;; No data left: output remaining bits, if any, and padding.
(unless (zero? bits-count)
(output-char (vector-ref encoding-vector
(ash bits (- 6 bits-count)))))
(case (remainder len 3)
((1) (output-char pad) (output-char pad))
((2) (output-char pad)))))))
;; Return port/output string.
(if (null? rest) (string-output-port-output out-port) out-port)))
;;; Decoding
(define decoding-vector
(let ((dec (make-vector 128 #f)))
(do ((enc (vector->list encoding-vector) (cdr enc))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((null? enc) dec)
(vector-set! dec (char->ascii (car enc)) i))))
(define (base64-decode-string str . rest)
(apply base64-decode-port (make-string-input-port str) rest))
;; (base64-decode in-port [out-port])
;; --> string or port
(define (base64-decode-port in-port . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((out-port (make-string-output-port)))
(let loop ((bits 0) (bits-count 0))
(let ((next-char (read-char in-port)))
(when (not (or (eof-object? next-char) (char=? next-char pad)))
(let ((next-6bits (vector-ref decoding-vector
(char->ascii next-char))))
(if (not next-6bits)
;; Non-encoding character, skip it.
(loop bits bits-count)
;; Encoding character, handle it.
(let ((full-bits (bitwise-ior (ash bits 6) next-6bits))
(full-bits-count (+ bits-count 6)))
(if (>= full-bits-count 8)
;; Complete byte: output it, iterate.
(let* ((carry-bits-count (- full-bits-count 8))
(byte (bits-drop full-bits carry-bits-count)))
(write-byte byte out-port)
(loop (bits-take full-bits carry-bits-count)
;; No complete byte yet: iterate.
(loop full-bits full-bits-count))))))))
;; Return port/output string.
(if (null? rest) (string-output-port-output out-port) out-port)))
;;; Tests
; (define (test)
; (let ((empty (byte-vector)))
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(define-interface base64-interface
(export base64-encode-vector
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(define-structure base64 base64-interface
(open scheme-with-scsh
(files base64))
Reference in New Issue