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309 lines
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;;; stream library
;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Library.
;;; Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martin Gasbichler.
;;; Copyright (c) 2002 by Eric Knauel
;;; Copyright (c) 2002 by Matthias Neubauer
;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with
;;; the distribution.
;;;; constructors
(define the-empty-stream
(delay '()))
;; -> stream
(define (make-empty-stream)
;; a stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (make-stream head tail-stream)
(cons head
;; (() -> a) stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (make-stream-lazily head-thunk tail-stream)
(cons (head-thunk)
(define-syntax stream
(syntax-rules ()
((stream ?h ?t) (make-stream-lazily (lambda () ?h) ?t))))
;;;; predicates
;; stream -> bool
(define (stream-empty? s)
(null? (force s)))
;;;; destructors
;; stream -> a
(define (stream-head stream)
(car (force stream)))
;; stream -> stream
(define (stream-tail stream)
(cdr (force stream)))
;;;; the usual suspects
;; (a -> b) stream(a) -> stream(b)
(define (stream-map proc stream)
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
((null? stream_) stream_)
(cons (proc (car stream_))
(stream-map proc (cdr stream_))))))))
;; NEW
;; (a -> b) . list(stream(a)) -> stream(b)
(define (stream-zip-with proc . streams)
(let* ((streams_ (map force streams))
(or (null? streams_)
(let loop ((streams_ streams_))
(and (not (null? streams_))
(or (null? (car streams_))
(loop (cdr streams_))))))))
(if finished?
(cons (apply proc (map car streams_))
(apply stream-zip-with proc (map cdr streams_)))))))
;; (a ->* ) -> stream(a) ->*
(define (stream-for-each proc stream)
(if (not (stream-empty? stream))
(proc (stream-head stream))
(stream-for-each proc (stream-tail stream)))))
;; stream-filter : (a -> bool) stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (stream-filter pred? stream)
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
((null? stream_) stream_)
(let ((head (car stream_)))
(if (pred? head)
(cons head
(stream-filter pred? (cdr stream_)))
(force (stream-filter pred? (cdr stream_))))))))))
;; stream-filter-map : (a -> (union b #f)) -> stream(a) -> stream(b)
(define (stream-filter-map proc stream)
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
((null? stream_) stream_)
(let ((head (proc (car stream_))))
(if head
(cons head
(stream-filter-map proc (cdr stream_)))
(force (stream-filter-map proc (cdr stream_))))))))))
;; stream-unfold : (b -> (union (cons a b) #f)) b -> stream(a)
(define (stream-unfold gen-fun start)
(let ((res (gen-fun start)))
(if res
(cons (car res)
(stream-unfold gen-fun (cdr res)))
;; NEW
;; this is Richard Bird and Jeremy Gibbon's "stream" from AFP4
;; transforms a stream by alternating between producer and consumer
;; stream-transform : (b -> (cons list(a) b)) ->
;; (b c -> b)
;; b
;; stream(c) ->
;; stream(a)
(define (stream-transform producer consumer state stream)
(let* ((ys&state1 (producer state))
(ys (car ys&state1))
(state1 (cdr ys&state1))
(stream_ (force stream))
((null? stream_) (delay stream_))
(stream-transform producer
(consumer state1 (car stream_))
(cdr stream_))))))
(force (stream-prepend ys as1)))))
;; stream-take : integer stream(a) -> list(a)
(define (stream-take n stream)
(if (zero? n) '()
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
(if (null? stream_) stream_
(cons (car stream_)
(stream-take (- n 1)
(cdr stream_)))))))
;; NEW
;; stream-drop : integer stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (stream-drop n stream)
(if (zero? n) stream
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
(if (null? stream_) stream_
(if (> n 0)
(force (stream-drop (- n 1) (cdr stream_)))
(error "stream-drop: negative argument")))))))
;; stream-fold-right : (a b -> b) b stream(a) -> b
(define (stream-fold-right kons knil stream)
(let loop ((stream stream))
(if (stream-empty? stream)
(kons (stream-head stream)
(loop (stream-tail stream))))))
;; stream-foldr-lazily : (a (promise b) -> (promise b))
;; (promise b)
;; stream(a) ->
;; (promise b)
(define (stream-fold-right-lazily kons knil stream)
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
((null? stream_) (force knil))
(force (kons (car stream_)
(stream-fold-right-lazily kons knil (cdr stream)))))))))
;; NEW
;; stream-prepend : list(a) stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (stream-prepend l s)
(if (null? l)
(cons (car l)
(stream-prepend (cdr l) s)))))
;; list->stream : list(a) -> stream(a)
(define (list->stream l)
(stream-unfold (lambda (l)
(and (not (null? l))
;; stream-from : integer -> stream(integer)
(define (stream-from n)
(stream-unfold (lambda (s) (cons s (+ s 1))) n))
;; NEW
;; stream-from-to : integer integer -> stream(integer)
(define (stream-from-to n m)
(lambda (s)
(and (<= s m)
(cons s (+ s 1))))
;; NEW
;; stream-from-then : integer integer -> stream(integer)
(define (stream-from-then n n1)
(stream-unfold (lambda (s) (cons s (+ s (- n1 n)))) n))
;; NEW
;; stream-from-to : integer integer integer -> stream(integer)
(define (stream-from-then-to n n1 m)
(lambda (s)
(and (<= s m)
(cons s (+ s (- n1 n)))))
;; NEW
;; stream-ref : stream(a) integer -> a
(define (stream-ref s n)
(if (zero? n)
(stream-head s)
(if (> n 0)
(stream-ref (stream-tail s) (- n 1))
(error "stream-ref: invalid reference"))))
;; stream-iterate : (a -> a) -> a -> stream(a)
(define (stream-iterate f a)
(stream-unfold (lambda (s) (cons s (f s))) a))
;; NEW
;; stream-repeat : a -> stream(a)
(define (stream-repeat a)
(letrec ((s (delay (cons a s))))
;; NEW
;; stream-cycle : list(a) -> stream(a)
(define (stream-cycle l)
(letrec ((s (stream-prepend l s)))
;; NEW
;; stream-take-while : (a -> boolean) stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (stream-take-while p stream)
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
((null? stream_) stream_)
(let ((head (car stream_)))
(if (p head)
(cons head (stream-take-while p (cdr stream_)))
;; NEW
;; stream-drop-while : (a -> boolean) stream(a) -> stream(a)
(define (stream-drop-while p stream)
(let ((stream_ (force stream)))
((null? stream_) stream_)
(let ((head (car stream_)))
(if (p head)
(force (stream-drop-while p (cdr stream_)))
;; some tests
;(define test-stream-zip-with
; (stream-zip-with
; +
; (stream-from-to 1 10)
; (stream-from 42)
; (stream-from 100)))
;(define test-stream-transform
; (stream-transform
; (lambda (state)
; (cons (list state (* state state))
; (+ state 1)))
; (lambda (state1 c)
; (* state1 c))
; 13
; (stream-from 1)))