315 lines
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315 lines
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![]() |
; Copyright (c) 2003 RT Happe <rthappe at web de>
; See the file COPYING distributed with the Scheme Untergrund Library
Loose port of small parts from Marco Schmidt's public domain ImageInfo 1.3
Java program. The original code is at
Extracting the image dimension etc.
(image-dimension img) ==> [w h]
extract the width W and height H (in pixels) from the byte source
(input port, byte-vector, b.s.(*)) repesenting an image -- or signal
an error. Supported formats: gif, jpeg, png.
(get-image-info bs) ==> info | #f
extract information on the image represented by b.s.(*) BS and return
an image-info record or #f. (Don't believe in the colour depth for
(image:info-format info) ==> format | #f
get the symbolic format id from image-info record INFO
(image:info-depth info) ==> depth | #f
get the colour DEPTH (#bits / pixel) from image-info record INFO
(image:info-width/pixel info) ==> w | #f
(image:info-height/pixel info) ==> h | #f
get the pixel width W resp. height H from image-info record INFO
(image:info-width/dpi info) ==> width | #f
(image:info-height/dpi info) ==> height | #f
get the physical width W resp. height H in dots per inch from etc.
(*) Creating and accessing ``byte streams''
byte-streams are random-access lazy byte sequences
(inport->byte-stream in) ==> bs
convert the input port IN to a b.s. BS
(byte-vector->byte-stream bv) ==> bs
convert the byte-vector bv to a b.s. BS
(segment-byte-stream bs start end) ==> [bv bs']
segment the b.s. BS into the first [start:end) bytes (at most) in the
byte-vector BV and the following [end:*) bytes in the b.s. BS'. BV and
BS' may be empty.
;;; since there is no pre-fab lazy-list facility for s48/scsh but a
;;; draft srfi, I don't use what's not there and don't set up a
;;; full-fledged facility myself. An ad hoc hack shall do for now.
(define (inport->byte-stream in)
(delay (let ((b (read-byte in)))
(if (eof-object? b) '()
(cons b (inport->byte-stream in))))))
(define (byte-vector->byte-stream bv)
(let ((max (- (byte-vector-length bv) 1)))
(let loop ((min 0))
(if (< min max)
(delay (cons (byte-vector-ref bv min)
(loop (+ min 1))))
(delay '())))))
(define (segment-byte-stream bs start end)
(assert (<= start end))
(let* ((bv (make-byte-vector (- end start) 0)))
(let loop ((i 0) (bs bs))
(cond ((< i start)
(let ((bytes (force bs)))
(if (null? bytes)
(values (byte-vector) bs)
(loop (+ i 1) (cdr bytes)))))
((= i end) (values bv bs))
;; start <= i < end
(else (let ((bytes (force bs)))
(if (null? bytes)
(values (subsequence bv 0 (- i start)) bs)
(byte-vector-set! bv (- i start) (car bytes))
(loop (+ i 1) (cdr bytes)))))))
;; bytes : proper-list(integer) -- think of octets in [0:256)
;; ==> integer -- sum bytes[i] * 256^i
;; [ with BYTES reversed (hi-order bytes first), we could use the tail-
;; recurring left fold, but most of the program is already there now
;; that I realise the need for quaternary assembly, and I don't want
;; to go through all AB calls and rearrange the arg lists ]
(define (assemble-bytes . bytes)
;; or use kons = (lambda (x y) (bitwise-ior x (arithmetic-shift y 8)))
(fold-right (lambda (x y) (+ x (* 256 y))) 0 bytes))
(define-record-type :image-info
(really-make-image-info format
width/pixel height/pixel
width/dpi height/dpi)
(format image-info:format set-format!)
(depth image-info:depth set-depth!)
(width/pixel image-info:width/pixel set-width/pixel!)
(height/pixel image-info:height/pixel set-height/pixel!)
(width/dpi image-info:width/dpi set-width/dpi!)
(height/dpi image-info:height/dpi set-height/dpi!)
;; initialize all fields with #f
(define (make-image-info)
(really-make-image-info #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define-record-discloser :image-info
(lambda (r)
`(image-info ,@(slotlet r 'format image-info:format)
,@(slotlet r 'depth image-info:depth)
,@(slotlet r 'width/pixel image-info:width/pixel)
,@(slotlet r 'height/pixel image-info:height/pixel)
,@(slotlet r 'width/dpi image-info:width/dpi)
,@(slotlet r 'height/dpi image-info:height/dpi)
(define (slotlet r tag get)
(if (get r) `((,tag ,(get r))) '()))
;; img : input-port | byte-vector | byte-stream
;; ==> [width height]
;; width, height : integer -- image size in pixels
(define (image-dimension img)
(let* ((bs (cond ((input-port? img)
(inport->byte-stream img))
((byte-vector? img)
(byte-vector->byte-stream img))
;; should be a promise
(else img)))
(info (get-image-info bs)))
(if info
(values (image-info:width/pixel info)
(image-info:height/pixel info))
(error "image-dimension : could not extract W x H"))))
;; img : byte-stream
;; ==> info or #f
(define (get-image-info img)
(let ((info (make-image-info)))
(or (fill-info!/gif info img)
(fill-info!/jpeg info img)
(fill-info!/png info img))))
(define (fill-info!/gif info bs)
(receive (bytes foo) (segment-byte-stream bs 0 11)
(and ;; nothing but gif?
(= 11 (byte-vector-length bytes))
(= #x47 (byte-vector-ref bytes 0))
(= #x49 (byte-vector-ref bytes 1))
;; magic 8?a
(= #x46 (byte-vector-ref bytes 2))
(= #x38 (byte-vector-ref bytes 3))
(cond ((= #x37 (byte-vector-ref bytes 4)) ; 87a
(set-format! info 'GIF87A) #t)
((= #x39 (byte-vector-ref bytes 4)) ; 89a
(set-format! info 'GIF89A) #t)
(else #f))
(= #x61 (byte-vector-ref bytes 5))
(set-width/pixel! info
(byte-vector-ref bytes 6)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 7)))
(set-height/pixel! info
(byte-vector-ref bytes 8)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 9)))
;; colour depth selon global header -- local palettes (of multi-
;; image gifs) may have their own opinion
(set-depth! info
(+ 1 (bitwise-and #x07
(byte-vector-ref bytes 10) -4))))
(define (fill-info!/jpeg info bs)
(receive (bytes bs) (segment-byte-stream bs 0 2)
;; nothing but jpeg?
(= 2 (byte-vector-length bytes))
(= #xff (byte-vector-ref bytes 0))
(= #xd8 (byte-vector-ref bytes 1))
(receive/name loop (bytes bs) (segment-byte-stream bs 0 4)
(if (< 4 (byte-vector-length bytes)) #f
(let ((marker (assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bytes 1)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 0)))
(size (assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bytes 3)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 2))))
(cond ((not (= (bitwise-and marker #xff00) #xff00)) #f)
;; APPx
((and (= marker #xffe0)
(< size 14)) #f)
((= marker #xffe0)
(receive (bytes bs) (segment-byte-stream bs 0 12)
(if (< (byte-vector-length bytes) 12) #f
(maybe-get-dpi!/jpeg info bytes)
(loop (segment-byte-stream
bs (- size 14) (- size 10)))))))
((and (<= #xffc0 marker #xffcf)
(not (= marker #xffc4))
(not (= marker #xffc8)))
(receive (bytes bs) (segment-byte-stream bs 0 6)
(if (< 6 (byte-vector-length bytes)) #f
(get-most!/jpeg info bytes))))
(loop (segment-byte-stream bs (- size 2) (+ size 2))))
(define (get-most!/jpeg info bytes)
(set-format! info 'JPEG)
(set-depth! info
(* (byte-vector-ref bytes 0)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 5)))
(set-width/pixel! info
(assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bytes 4)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 3)))
(set-height/pixel! info
(assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bytes 2)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 1)))
;; image-info byte-vector -> any
(define (maybe-get-dpi!/jpeg info bv)
(define (cm->inch x)
(floor (/ (* x 254) 100)))
(and ;; app0 id
(= #x4a (byte-vector-ref bv 0))
(= #x46 (byte-vector-ref bv 1))
(= #x49 (byte-vector-ref bv 2))
(= #x46 (byte-vector-ref bv 3))
(= #x00 (byte-vector-ref bv 4))
;; possibly read physical w x h
(cond ((= 1 (byte-vector-ref bv 7))
(set-width/dpi! info
(assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bv 9)
(byte-vector-ref bv 8)))
(set-height/dpi! info
(assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bv 11)
(byte-vector-ref bv 10))))
((= 2 (byte-vector-ref bv 7))
(set-width/dpi! info
(cm->inch (assemble-bytes
(byte-vector-ref bv 9)
(byte-vector-ref bv 8))))
(set-height/dpi! info
(cm->inch (assemble-bytes
(byte-vector-ref bv 11)
(byte-vector-ref bv 10))))))))
(define (fill-info!/png info bs)
(receive (bytes foo) (segment-byte-stream bs 0 26)
(and ;; nothing but png?
(= 26 (byte-vector-length bytes))
(= #x89 (byte-vector-ref bytes 0))
(= #x50 (byte-vector-ref bytes 1))
;; png magic
(= #x4e (byte-vector-ref bytes 2))
(= #x47 (byte-vector-ref bytes 3))
(= #x0d (byte-vector-ref bytes 4))
(= #x0a (byte-vector-ref bytes 5))
(= #x1a (byte-vector-ref bytes 6))
(= #x0a (byte-vector-ref bytes 7))
;; get data
(set-format! info 'PNG)
(set-width/pixel! info
(assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bytes 19)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 18)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 17)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 16)))
(set-height/pixel! info
(assemble-bytes (byte-vector-ref bytes 23)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 22)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 21)
(byte-vector-ref bytes 20)))
(set-depth! info
(case (byte-vector-ref bytes 25)
((2 6) (* 3 (byte-vector-ref bytes 24)))
(else (byte-vector-ref bytes 24))))