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;;; Installation library for scsh modules.
;;; $Id: install-lib.scm,v 1.1 2004/03/11 19:01:40 acarrico Exp $
;; - add a "--debug" option
;; - add support for communication between configure and pkg-def.scm
;; - add support for image creation
;; - add support to maintain a documentation index
;; Support code templates
;; These templates are meant to be inserted in package-loading
;; scripts.
;; Template to parse libtool's ".la" files.
(define tmpl-libtool-la-reader
'((define (normalize-la-entry key val)
(let ((left-quotes-rx (rx (: bos #\')))
(right-quotes-rx (rx (: #\' eos)))
(lambda (rx str)
(regexp-substitute/global #f rx str 'pre 'post))))
(cons (string->symbol key)
(kill-matches left-quotes-rx
(kill-matches right-quotes-rx val)))))
(define add-la-entry
(let ((splitter (infix-splitter (rx #\=)))
(comment-rx (rx (: bos #\#))))
(lambda (line alist)
((and (not (regexp-search? comment-rx line))
(string-index line #\=))
(let ((lst (splitter line)))
(if (= 2 (length lst))
(cons (apply normalize-la-entry lst) alist)
(error "Could not read la entry" line list))))
(else alist)))))
(define (read-libtool-la file-name)
(lambda (port)
(let lp ((line (read-line port)) (alist '()))
(if (eof-object? line)
(lp (read-line port) (add-la-entry line alist)))))))))
;; Utilities
(define default-perms-fn
(lambda (name) #o755))
;; Return the name of the parent directory of FNAME.
(define (parent-directory fname)
(file-name-directory (directory-as-file-name fname)))
;; Create directory FNAME and all its parents, as needed.
(define (create-directory&parents fname . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((perms-fn default-perms-fn))
(let ((parent (parent-directory fname)))
(if (not (file-exists? parent))
(apply create-directory&parents parent rest))
(if (not (file-exists? fname))
(-create-directory fname
(perms-fn (absolute-file-name fname)))))))
;; Return the length of the longest prefix common to lists L1 and L2,
;; by comparing elements using PRED (defaults to EQUAL?).
(define (common-prefix-length l1 l2 . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((pred equal?))
(if (or (null? l1) (null? l2) (not (pred (first l1) (first l2))))
(+ 1 (apply common-prefix-length (cdr l1) (cdr l2) rest)))))
;; Return the name of file NAME relative to DIR (defaults to current
;; directory).
(define (relative-file-name name . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((dir (cwd)))
(let* ((abs-pl (split-file-name (absolute-file-name name)))
(dir-pl (split-file-name (directory-as-file-name dir)))
(cp-len (common-prefix-length abs-pl dir-pl)))
(path-list->file-name (append (make-list (- (length dir-pl) cp-len) "..")
(drop abs-pl cp-len))))))
;; Return the name of FNAME, which must be absolute, with NEW-ROOT as
;; root.
(define (re-root-file-name fname new-root)
(let ((fname-pl (split-file-name fname))
(new-root-pl (split-file-name new-root)))
(if (string=? (first fname-pl) "")
(path-list->file-name (append new-root-pl (cdr fname-pl)))
(error "no root to replace in relative file name" fname))))
;; If FILE exists, fail if --force was not given, delete it otherwise.
(define (delete-file-or-fail file)
(if (file-exists? file)
(if (get-option-value 'force)
(-delete-file file)
(error "target file exists" file))))
;; Copy file/symlink SOURCE to TARGET. TARGET must be the name of a
;; non-existing file (i.e. it cannot be the name of a directory).
(define (copy-file source target)
(delete-file-or-fail target)
(if (file-symlink? source)
(create-symlink (read-symlink source) target)
(run (cp ,source ,target))
(set-file-mode target (file-mode source)))))
;; Like "load" but without printing anything.
(define load-quietly
(let ((eval (lambda (expr t) (eval expr (interaction-environment)))))
(lambda (file-name)
(call-with-input-file file-name
(lambda (port) (port-fold port read eval #f))))))
(define (permissions->string perms)
(let ((decode (lambda (mask str)
(if (zero? (bitwise-and perms mask)) "-" str))))
(string-append (decode #o400 "r") (decode #o200 "w") (decode #o100 "x")
(decode #o040 "r") (decode #o020 "w") (decode #o010 "x")
(decode #o004 "r") (decode #o002 "w") (decode #o001 "x"))))
;; Replace all bindings of KEY in ALIST with one binding KEY to DATUM.
(define (alist-replace key datum alist)
(alist-cons key datum (alist-delete key alist)))
;; Add all mappings from ALIST-2 to ALIST-1. If a key is mapped in
;; both lists, the mapping in the first list takes precedence.
(define (alist-combine alist-1 alist-2)
(fold (lambda (key/value result)
(if (assoc (car key/value) result) result (cons key/value result)))
;; Return the value associated with KEY in ALIST. If none exists,
;; return DEFAULT, or signal an error if no DEFAULT was given.
(define (alist-get key alist . rest)
(cond ((assoc key alist) => cdr)
((not (null? rest)) (first rest))
(else (error "internal error: cannot find key in alist" key alist))))
;; Convert all arguments to strings using DISPLAY and concatenate the
;; result in a single string which is returned.
(define (as-string . args)
(lambda (port) (for-each (lambda (arg) (display arg port)) args))))
;; Return a string of max(M,N) white spaces.
(define (spaces m n) (make-string (max m n) #\space))
;; Support for dry runs / verbose operation.
(define (wrap real-fn info-fn)
(lambda args
(if (or (get-option-value 'verbose) (get-option-value 'dry-run))
(begin (display (apply info-fn args)) (newline)))
(if (not (get-option-value 'dry-run))
(apply real-fn args))))
(define -create-directory
(wrap create-directory
(lambda (fname . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((perms #o777))
(as-string "creating directory " fname
" (perms: " (permissions->string perms) ")")))))
(define -create-symlink
(wrap create-symlink
(lambda (old-name new-name)
(as-string "creating symbolic link " new-name
" pointing to " old-name))))
(define -copy-file
(wrap copy-file
(lambda (source target)
(as-string "copying file " source " to " target))))
(define -delete-file
(wrap delete-file
(lambda (fname) (as-string "deleting file " fname))))
;; Versions
;; Versions are represented as lists of integers, the most significant
;; being at the head.
;; Return the printed representation of VERSION.
(define (version->string version)
(string-join (map number->string version) "."))
;; Convert the printed representation of a version found in
;; VERSION-STRING to the version it represents.
(define string->version
(let ((split-version (infix-splitter ".")))
(lambda (version-string)
(map string->number (split-version version-string)))))
;; Compare two versions lexicographically and return the symbol
;; 'smaller if the first is strictly smaller than the second, 'equal
;; if both are equal, and 'greater otherwise.
(define (version-compare v1 v2)
(cond ((and (null? v1) (null? v2)) 'equal)
((null? v1) 'smaller)
((null? v2) 'greater)
(else (let ((v1h (car v1)) (v2h (car v2)))
(cond ((< v1h v2h) 'smaller)
((> v1h v2h) 'greater)
(else (version-compare (cdr v1) (cdr v2))))))))
(define (version<? v1 v2) (eq? (version-compare v1 v2) 'smaller))
(define (version>? v1 v2) (eq? (version-compare v1 v2) 'greater))
(define (version=? v1 v2) (eq? (version-compare v1 v2) 'equal))
;; Layouts
;; Names of all shared locations (i.e. the ones which do not depend on
;; the platform).
(define shared-locations
'(active base misc-shared scheme doc))
;; Names of all non-shared (i.e. platform-dependent) locations.
(define non-shared-locations
;; All locations defined for a layout.
(define all-locations (append shared-locations non-shared-locations))
;; Return true iff the given location is "active", that is if files
;; should be installed in it.
(define (active-location? location)
(member location (if (get-option-value 'non-shared-only)
;; Parse a layout given as a string of comma-separated bindings. A
;; binding consists of the name of a location, followed by an equal
;; sign and the name of the directory to associate to the location.
;; Return #f if parsing fails.
(define parse-layout
(let ((split-defs (infix-splitter ","))
(split-sides (infix-splitter "=")))
(lambda (str)
(lambda (return)
(map (lambda (name&value)
(let ((name/value (split-sides name&value)))
(if (= 2 (length name/value))
(cons (string->symbol (first name/value))
(second name/value))
(return #f))))
(split-defs str)))))))
;; Return an absolute version of LAYOUT by prepending PREFIX to all
;; its components (which must be relative).
(define (absolute-layout layout prefix)
(map (lambda (key/value)
(cons (car key/value) (absolute-file-name (cdr key/value) prefix)))
;; Return the directory associated with the LOCATION in LAYOUT.
(define (layout-dir layout location)
(alist-get location layout #f))
;; Predefined layouts
(define (scsh-layout platform base)
`((base . ,base)
(misc-shared . ,base)
(scheme . ,(absolute-file-name "scheme" base))
(lib . ,(absolute-file-name "lib" base))
(doc . ,(absolute-file-name "doc" base))))
(define (scsh-layout-1 platform pkg)
(alist-combine '((active . "."))
(scsh-layout platform (package-full-name pkg))))
(define (scsh-layout-2 platform pkg)
'((active . "active"))
(scsh-layout platform
(list "installed"
(package-name pkg)
(version->string (package-version pkg)))))))
(define (fhs-layout platform pkg)
(let ((base (absolute-file-name (package-full-name pkg)
`((base . ,base)
(misc-shared . ,base)
(scheme . ,(absolute-file-name "scheme" base))
(lib . ,(absolute-file-name (package-full-name pkg)
(doc . ,(absolute-file-name (package-full-name pkg) "share/doc"))
(active . "share/scsh/modules"))))
(define predefined-layouts
`(("scsh" . ,scsh-layout-1)
("scsh-alt" . ,scsh-layout-2)
("fhs" . ,fhs-layout)))
;; If NAME-OR-LAYOUT refers to a predefined layout, return it.
;; Otherwise, if NAME-OR-LAYOUT is a valid layout definition, parse
;; and return it. Otherwise, return false.
(define (resolve-layout name-or-layout)
(or (alist-get name-or-layout predefined-layouts #f)
(parse-layout name-or-layout)))
;; Packages
(define-record-type package
(make-package name version extensions directory install-thunk)
(name package-name)
(version package-version)
(extensions package-extensions)
(directory package-directory)
(install-thunk package-install-thunk))
;; Return the full name of PKG.
(define (package-full-name pkg)
(package-name pkg) "-" (version->string (package-version pkg))))
;; Return the value of extension called EXT for PKG. If such an
;; extension doesn't exist, return #f.
(define (package-extension pkg ext)
(alist-get ext (package-extensions pkg) #f))
;; List of all defined packages
(define *packages* (make-fluid #f))
;; Add PKG to the above list of all defined packages.
(define (add-package pkg)
(cell-set! (fluid *packages*)
(cons pkg (cell-ref (fluid *packages*)))))
(define-syntax define-package
(syntax-rules ()
((define-package name version extensions body ...)
(add-package (make-package name
(quasiquote version)
(quasiquote extensions)
(lambda () body ...))))))
;; Load (and evaluate the contents of) the file "pkg-def.scm" in the
;; current directory and return the packages it defines.
(define (load-packages)
(let-fluid *packages* (make-cell '())
(lambda ()
(load-quietly package-definition-file)
(cell-ref (fluid *packages*)))))
(define (load-package-in dir)
(with-cwd dir (load-quietly package-definition-file)))
;; Package options
(define-record-type pkg-opt
(really-make-pkg-opt key
(key pkg-opt-key)
(help pkg-opt-help)
(arg-help pkg-opt-arg-help)
(required-arg? pkg-opt-required-arg?)
(optional-arg? pkg-opt-optional-arg?)
(default pkg-opt-default)
(parse pkg-opt-parse)
(show pkg-opt-show)
(transform pkg-opt-transform))
(define (make-pkg-opt key help arg-help req-arg? opt-arg? default . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((parse identity)
(show identity)
(transform (lambda (old new) new)))
(really-make-pkg-opt key
;; Return the name of PKG-OPT
(define (pkg-opt-name pkg-opt)
(symbol->string (pkg-opt-key pkg-opt)))
;; Convert PKG-OPT into an SRFI-37 option.
(define (pkg-opt->option pkg-opt)
(let ((key (pkg-opt-key pkg-opt))
(transform (pkg-opt-transform pkg-opt))
(parse (pkg-opt-parse pkg-opt)))
(option (list (pkg-opt-name pkg-opt))
(pkg-opt-required-arg? pkg-opt)
(pkg-opt-optional-arg? pkg-opt)
(lambda (opt name arg alist)
(alist-replace key
(transform (alist-get key alist) (parse arg))
;; Return a pair (key, default) which associates the default value of
;; PKG-OPT to its key.
(define (pkg-opt-key&default pkg-opt)
(cons (pkg-opt-key pkg-opt) (pkg-opt-default pkg-opt)))
;; Return the list of all package options of the PACKAGES.
(define (all-package-options packages)
(lambda (pkg)
(cond ((package-extension pkg 'options)
=> (lambda (opts)
(map (lambda (args) (apply make-pkg-opt args)) opts)))
(else '())))
;; Load script handling
;; Evaluate THUNK with CURRENT-OUTPUT-PORT opened on the current
;; package's loading script (in the install directory). During a dry
;; run, or when only non-shared data has to be installed, do nothing.
(define (with-output-to-load-script* thunk)
(let* ((dir (get-directory 'base #t))
(file (absolute-file-name "load.scm" dir)))
(create-directory&parents dir)
(if (not (or (get-option-value 'dry-run)
(get-option-value 'non-shared-only)))
(delete-file-or-fail file)
(with-output-to-file file thunk)))))
;; Sugar for with-output-to-load-script*.
(define-syntax with-output-to-load-script
(syntax-rules ()
((with-output-to-load-script body ...)
(with-output-to-load-script* (lambda () body ...)))))
;; Pretty-print all the elements of s-exps, one after the other, to
;; the current package's loading script (in the install directory).
(define (write-to-load-script s-exps)
(with-output-to-load-script (for-each p s-exps)))
;; Actions
;; Perform all actions required to make the given version of the
;; package active (i.e. the default version for that package).
(define (activate-package layout pkg)
(let ((lnk-name (absolute-file-name (package-name pkg)
(layout-dir layout 'active))))
(if (and (file-exists? lnk-name) (file-symlink? lnk-name))
(-delete-file lnk-name))
(-create-symlink (relative-file-name (layout-dir layout 'base)
(file-name-directory lnk-name))
(define (install-thing% layout name-or-pair location target-rel-dir perms-fn)
(let* ((target-dir (absolute-file-name target-rel-dir
(layout-dir layout location)))
(source (if (pair? name-or-pair) (car name-or-pair) name-or-pair))
(target-name (file-name-nondirectory (if (pair? name-or-pair)
(cdr name-or-pair)
(target (absolute-file-name target-name target-dir)))
(if (not ((get-option-value 'exclude) source))
(create-directory&parents target-dir perms-fn)
(cond ((or (file-regular? source) (file-symlink? source))
(-copy-file source target))
((file-directory? source)
(-create-directory target (file-mode source))
(install-directory-contents% layout
(else (error "cannot install file-system object" source)))))))
(define (install-directory-contents% layout
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(install-thing% layout thing location target-rel-dir perms-fn))
(map (lambda (f) (absolute-file-name f name))
(directory-files name #t))))
(define (install-thing name-or-pair location . rest)
(if (active-location? location)
(let-optionals rest ((target-rel-dir ".") (perms-fn default-perms-fn))
(install-thing% (fluid *install-layout*)
(define (install-things names-or-pairs . rest)
(for-each (lambda (name-or-pair)
(apply install-thing name-or-pair rest))
(define install-file install-thing)
(define install-files install-things)
(define install-directory install-thing)
(define install-directories install-things)
(define (install-directory-contents name location . rest)
(if (active-location? location)
(let-optionals rest ((target-rel-dir ".") (perms-fn default-perms-fn))
(install-directory-contents% (fluid *install-layout*)
(define (install-string% layout str target-name location target-rel-dir)
(let* ((target-dir (absolute-file-name target-rel-dir
(layout-dir layout location)))
(target-full-name (absolute-file-name target-name target-dir)))
(create-directory&parents target-dir)
(delete-file-or-fail target-full-name)
(call-with-output-file target-full-name
(lambda (port) (write-string str port)))))
(define (install-string str target-name location . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((target-rel-dir "."))
(if (active-location? location)
(install-string% (fluid *install-layout*)
(define *layout* (make-fluid #f))
(define *install-layout* (make-fluid #f))
;; Return the directory identified by LOCATION in the current layout.
;; If INSTALL? is true, return the directory valid during the
;; installation of the package, otherwise return the directory valid
;; after installation (i.e. during package use).
(define (get-directory location install?)
(layout-dir (fluid (if install? *install-layout* *layout*)) location))
;; Perform all actions to install PKG in INSTALL-LAYOUT. If LAYOUT is
;; not the same as INSTALL-LAYOUT, assume that some external tool will
;; move the installed files so that they are laid out according to
(define (install-package layout install-layout pkg)
(with-cwd (package-directory pkg)
(let-fluids *layout* layout
*install-layout* install-layout
(package-install-thunk pkg))))
;; Install all PACKAGES with the given OPTIONS-VALUES.
(define (install-packages packages options-values)
(let* ((prefix (alist-get 'prefix options-values))
(dest-dir (alist-get 'dest-dir options-values))
(dest-prefix (and prefix (re-root-file-name prefix dest-dir)))
(layout-fn (resolve-layout (alist-get 'layout options-values)))
(layout-to (alist-get 'layout-to options-values))
(build (alist-get 'build options-values))
(non-shared-only? (alist-get 'non-shared-only options-values))
(activate? (not (alist-get 'inactive options-values))))
(let-fluids *options-values* options-values
(lambda ()
(lambda (pkg)
(let* ((rel-layout (layout-fn build pkg))
(layout (absolute-layout rel-layout prefix))
(i-layout (absolute-layout rel-layout dest-prefix)))
(if layout-to
(string-append layout-to "_" (package-full-name pkg))
(lambda (port)
(write rel-layout port) (newline port))))
(install-package layout i-layout pkg)
(if (and activate? (not non-shared-only?))
(activate-package i-layout pkg))))
(define (install-sub-package dir . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((options-diff '()))
(with-cwd dir
(fold (lambda (diff options)
(cond ((pair? diff)
(cons diff (alist-delete (car diff) options)))
((symbol? diff)
(alist-delete diff options))
(error "invalid option difference" diff))))
(fluid *options-values*)
;; Error handling
;; Display all the MSGS on the error port, then exit with an error
;; code of 1.
(define (display-error-and-exit . msgs)
(for-each display (cons "Error: " msgs))
(exit 1))
(define usage #<<END
Usage: ~a [options]
-h, --help display this help message, then exit
--prefix <dir> specify directory where files are installed
--layout <layout> specify layout of installation directory
(predefined: ~a)
--dry-run don't do anything, print what would have been done
--verbose print messages about what is being done
--inactive don't activate package after installing it
--non-shared-only only install platform-dependent files, if any
--force overwrite existing files during installation
advanced options:
--build <name> name of platform for which to build
--layout-from <file> load layout of installation directory from file
--layout-to <file> output layout to given file
--install-prefix <dir> specify prefix to used during installation
(to be used only during staged installations)
(define usage-descr-col 26)
;; Complete the above USAGE string to include information about the
;; package options PKG-OPTS.
(define (complete-usage! pkg-opts)
(let ((usage-port (make-string-output-port)))
(write-string usage usage-port)
(write-string "\npackage-specific options:\n" usage-port)
(lambda (pkg-opt)
(let ((option/arg (format #f "--~a ~a"
(pkg-opt-name pkg-opt)
(pkg-opt-arg-help pkg-opt))))
(format usage-port
" ~a~a~a [~a]\n"
(spaces 2 (- usage-descr-col (string-length option/arg)))
(pkg-opt-help pkg-opt)
((pkg-opt-show pkg-opt) (pkg-opt-default pkg-opt)))))
(set! usage (string-output-port-output usage-port))))
;; Display the usage string, then all MSGS on the standard output
;; port, then exit with an error code of 1.
(define (display-usage-and-exit . msgs)
(format #t
(car (command-line))
(string-join (map car predefined-layouts) ", "))
(for-each display msgs)
(exit 1))
;; Command line parsing
;; Predefined parsers/unparsers
(define (parse-boolean s)
(cond ((string=? s "yes") #t)
((string=? s "no") #f)
(else (display-error-and-exit
"unknown boolean value '"s"'. Use 'yes' or 'no'."))))
(define (show-boolean b)
(if b "yes" "no"))
;; The identity function, sometimes useful for parsers/unparsers.
(define (identity x) x)
;; Fluid containing the value of all options.
(define *options-values* (make-fluid #f))
(define package-definition-file "pkg-def.scm")
(define (get-option-value key)
(alist-get key (fluid *options-values*)))
(define options
(let ((alist-arg-updater (lambda (key)
(lambda (opt name arg alist)
(alist-replace key arg alist))))
(alist-boolean-updater (lambda (key)
(lambda (opt name arg alist)
(alist-replace key #t alist)))))
(option '(#\h "help") #f #f
(lambda args (display-usage-and-exit)))
(option '("prefix") #t #f (alist-arg-updater 'prefix))
(option '("dest-dir") #t #f (alist-arg-updater 'dest-dir))
(option '("layout") #t #f (alist-arg-updater 'layout))
(option '("layout-from") #t #f
(lambda (opt name arg alist)
(alist-replace 'layout
(let ((layout (call-with-input-file arg read)))
(lambda args layout))
(option '("layout-to") #t #f (alist-arg-updater 'layout-to))
(option '("build") #t #f (alist-arg-updater 'build))
(option '("non-shared-only") #f #f
(alist-boolean-updater 'non-shared-only))
(option '("inactive") #f #f (alist-boolean-updater 'inactive))
(option '("dry-run") #f #f (alist-boolean-updater 'dry-run))
(option '("verbose") #f #f (alist-boolean-updater 'verbose))
(option '("force") #f #f (alist-boolean-updater 'force)))))
(define no-user-defaults-option "--no-user-defaults")
(define (parse-options args options defaults)
(args-fold args
(lambda (option name . rest)
(display-usage-and-exit "Unknown option "name))
(lambda (operand . rest)
(display-usage-and-exit "Don't know what to do with " operand))
;; Return user-specific defaults.
(define (read-user-defaults)
(let ((file (expand-file-name "~/.scsh-pkg-defaults.scm")))
(if (file-exists? file)
(call-with-input-file file
(lambda (port)
(let ((defaults (read port)))
(if (or (eof-object? defaults))
(display-error-and-exit "no valid defaults found in "file))
(if (not (eof-object? (read port)))
"more than one expression found in "file))
(eval (list 'quasiquote defaults) (interaction-environment)))))
(define options-defaults
`((prefix . #f)
(dest-dir . "/")
(layout . "scsh")
(layout-to . #f)
(build . ,(host))
(non-shared-only . #f)
(inactive . #f)
(dry-run . #f)
(verbose . #f)
(force . #f)
(exclude . ,(lambda args #f))))
(define (install-main cmd-line)
(if (not (file-exists? package-definition-file))
(display-error-and-exit "cannot find package definition file"
(let* ((packages (load-packages))
(all-pkg-opts (all-package-options packages)))
(if (not (null? all-pkg-opts))
(complete-usage! all-pkg-opts))
(let* ((all-opts (append options (map pkg-opt->option all-pkg-opts)))
(all-dfts (append (alist-combine
(if (member no-user-defaults-option cmd-line)
(map pkg-opt-key&default all-pkg-opts)))
(options-values (parse-options (delete no-user-defaults-option
(cdr cmd-line))
(prefix (alist-get 'prefix options-values))
(layout (alist-get 'layout options-values)))
(if (not prefix)
(display-error-and-exit "no prefix specified (use --prefix option)"))
(if (not (file-name-absolute? prefix))
(display-error-and-exit "prefix must be an absolute path"))
(if (not (resolve-layout layout))
(display-error-and-exit "invalid layout "layout))
(install-packages packages options-values))))