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2003-04-10 07:40:32 -04:00
(requires srfi-9 srfi-23 srfi-27)
;;; This file and the accompanying README were derived from
;;; Oleg's code for Gambit available from
(define-record-type treap
(really-make-treap key-compare size root)
(key-compare treap-key-compare)
(size treap-size set-treap-size!)
(root treap-root set-treap-root!))
(define (make-treap key-compare)
(really-make-treap key-compare 0 #f))
;; a node of a tree, a record of
;; key, anything that key-compare could be applied to
;; value, any object associated with the key
;; left-kid, #f if absent
;; right-kid
;; prio, a priority of the node (a FIXNUM random number)
(define-record-type node
(make-node key value left-kid right-kid priority)
(key node:key)
(value node:value node:value-set!)
(left-kid node:left-kid node:left-kid-set!)
(right-kid node:right-kid node:right-kid-set!)
(priority node:priority))
(define random
(let ((max (- (expt 2 15) 1)))
(lambda ()
(random-integer max))))
(define (new-leaf key value)
(make-node key value #f #f (random)))
(define (node:key-value node)
(cons (node:key node)
(node:value node)))
(define (node:unsubordination? parent kid)
(> (node:priority parent) (node:priority kid)))
(define-syntax node:dispatch-on-key
(syntax-rules ()
((node:dispatch-on-key treap node key on-less on-equal on-greater)
(let ((result ((treap-key-compare treap) key (node:key node))))
((zero? result) on-equal)
((positive? result) on-greater)
(else on-less))))))
(define (n-display . args)
(for-each display args))
(define (node:debugprint node)
(n-display " " (node:key-value node) ", kids "
(cons (not (not (node:left-kid node)))
(not (not (node:right-kid node))))
", prio " (node:priority node) #\newline))
;; Looking up assocaitions in a treap: just like in any search tree
;; Given a key, return the corresponding (key . value) association
;; in the treap, or #f if the treap does not contain an association
;; with that key
;; This procedure takes as many comparisons (evaluations of the
;; key-compare procedure) as the depth of the found node
(define (locate-assoc treap key)
(let loop ((node (treap-root treap)))
(and node
(node:dispatch-on-key treap node key
(loop (node:left-kid node))
(node:key-value node)
(loop (node:right-kid node))))))
(define (locate-extremum-node treap branch-selector)
(let ((root (treap-root treap)))
(if (not root) (error "empty tree")
(let loop ((node root) (parent #f))
(if node (loop (branch-selector node) node)
(node:key-value parent))))))
; in-order traversal of the treap
(define (for-each-inorder treap primary-branch-selector secondary-branch-selector)
(let ((root (treap-root treap)))
(lambda (proc)
(if (not root) (error "empty tree")
(let loop ((node root))
(if node
(loop (primary-branch-selector node))
(proc (node:key-value node))
(loop (secondary-branch-selector node)))))))))
(define (get-depth treap)
(let ((root (treap-root treap)))
(let loop ((node root) (level 0))
(if (not node) level
(max (loop (node:left-kid node) (+ 1 level))
(loop (node:right-kid node) (+ 1 level)))))))
;; debug printing of all nodes of the tree in-order
;; in an ascending order of keys
(define (debugprint treap)
(let ((root (treap-root treap)))
(n-display #\newline
"The treap contains " (treap-size treap) " nodes"
(let loop ((node root) (level 0))
(if node
(loop (node:left-kid node) (+ 1 level))
(n-display " level " level)
(node:debugprint node)
(loop (node:right-kid node) (+ 1 level))))
;; Adding a new association to the treap (or replacing the old one
;; if existed). Return the (key . value) pair of an old (existed
;; and replaced association), or #f if a new association was really
;; added
(define (insert! treap key value)
(let ((root (treap-root treap)))
(letrec ((new-node (new-leaf key value))
(old-key-value #f)
;; If the left branch of parent is empty, insert the
;; new node there, check priorities
;; Otherwise, descend recursively
;; If the parent got inverted due to a right rotation,
;; return the new parent of the branch; otherwise,
;; return #f (indicating no further checks are necessary)
(lambda (key parent)
(let ((old-left-kid (node:left-kid parent)))
;; Found a place to insert the 'new-node': as the left
;; leaf of the parent
(if (not old-left-kid)
((node:unsubordination? parent new-node)
;; Right rotation over the new-leaf
(node:right-kid-set! new-node parent)
new-node) ;; becomes a new parent
(node:left-kid-set! parent new-node)
;; Insert the new-leaf into a branch rooted
;; on old-left-kid
(let ((new-left-kid
(node:dispatch-on-key treap old-left-kid key
(insert-into-left-branch key old-left-kid)
(update-existing-node old-left-kid)
(insert-into-right-branch key old-left-kid))))
(and new-left-kid
;; That branch got a new root
((node:unsubordination? parent new-left-kid)
;; Right rotation over the new-left-kid
(node:left-kid-set! parent
(node:right-kid new-left-kid))
(node:right-kid-set! new-left-kid parent)
new-left-kid) ;; becomes a new parent
(node:left-kid-set! parent new-left-kid)
;; If the right branch of parent is empty, insert the
;; new node there, check priorities
; Otherwise, descend recursively
;; If the parent got inverted due to a left rotation,
;; return the new parent of the branch; otherwise,
;; return #f (indicating no further checks are necessary)
(lambda (key parent)
(let ((old-right-kid (node:right-kid parent)))
;; Found a place to insert the 'new-node': as the right
;; leaf of the parent
(if (not old-right-kid)
((node:unsubordination? parent new-node)
;; Left rotation over the new-leaf
(node:left-kid-set! new-node parent)
new-node) ; becomes a new parent
(node:right-kid-set! parent new-node)
;; Insert the new-leaf into a branch rooted
;; on old-right-kid
(let ((new-right-kid
(node:dispatch-on-key treap old-right-kid key
(insert-into-left-branch key old-right-kid)
(update-existing-node old-right-kid)
(insert-into-right-branch key old-right-kid))))
(and new-right-kid
;; That branch got a new root
((node:unsubordination? parent new-right-kid)
;; Left rotation over the new-right-kid
(node:right-kid-set! parent
(node:left-kid new-right-kid))
(node:left-kid-set! new-right-kid parent)
new-right-kid) ; becomes a new parent
(node:right-kid-set! parent new-right-kid)
(lambda (node)
(set! old-key-value (node:key-value node))
(node:value-set! node value)
) ; end of letrec
;; insert's body
;; insert into an empty tree
((not root) (set-treap-root! treap new-node))
(let ((new-root
(node:dispatch-on-key treap root key
(insert-into-left-branch key root)
(update-existing-node root)
(insert-into-right-branch key root))))
(if new-root
(set-treap-root! treap new-root)))))
(if (not old-key-value)
(set-treap-size! treap (+ (treap-size treap) 1))) ; if the insertion has really occurred
;; Deleting existing associations from the treap
(define (delete-extremum-node! treap branch-selector
branch-setter the-other-branch-selector)
(let ((root (treap-root treap)))
((not root) (error "empty tree"))
((not (branch-selector root)) ; root is the extreme node
(let ((result (node:key-value root)))
(set-treap-root! treap (the-other-branch-selector root))
(set-treap-size! treap (- (treap-size treap) 1))
(let loop ((node (branch-selector root)) (parent root))
(let ((kid (branch-selector node)))
(if kid (loop kid node)
(let ((result (node:key-value node)))
(branch-setter parent (the-other-branch-selector node))
(set-treap-size! treap (- (treap-size treap) 1))
;; Given two treap branches (both of which could be empty)
;; which satisfy both the order invariant and the priority invariant
;; (all keys of all the nodes in the right branch are strictly bigger
;; than the keys of left branch nodes), join them
;; while keeping the sorted and priority orders intact
(define (join! treap left-branch right-branch)
((not left-branch) right-branch) ; left-branch was empty
((not right-branch) left-branch) ; right-branch was empty
((node:unsubordination? left-branch right-branch)
;; the root of the right-branch should be the new root
(node:left-kid-set! right-branch
(join! treap left-branch (node:left-kid right-branch)))
;; the root of the left-branch should be the new root
(node:right-kid-set! left-branch
(join! treap (node:right-kid left-branch) right-branch))
;; Find an association with a given KEY, and delete it.
;; Return the (key . value) pair of the deleted association, or
;; #f if it couldn't be found
(define (delete! treap key)
(define (delete-node! node parent from-left?)
(let ((old-assoc (node:key-value node))
(new-kid (join! treap (node:left-kid node) (node:right-kid node))))
(set-treap-size! treap (- (treap-size treap) 1))
(if parent
(if from-left?
(node:left-kid-set! parent new-kid)
(node:right-kid-set! parent new-kid))
;; Deleting of the root node
(set-treap-root! treap new-kid))
(let loop ((node (treap-root treap)) (parent #f) (from-left? #t))
(and node
(node:dispatch-on-key treap node key
(loop (node:left-kid node) node #t)
(delete-node! node parent from-left?)
(loop (node:right-kid node) node #f)))))
(define (apply-default-clause key default-clause)
((null? default-clause)
(error "key " key " was not found in the treap "))
((pair? (cdr default-clause))
(error "default argument must be a single clause"))
((procedure? (car default-clause)) ((car default-clause)))
(else (car default-clause))))
(define (treap-get treap key . default-clause)
(or (locate-assoc treap key) (apply-default-clause key default-clause)))
(define (treap-delete! treap key . default-clause)
(or (delete! treap key) (apply-default-clause key default-clause)))
(define (treap-get-min treap)
(locate-extremum-node treap node:left-kid))
(define (treap-get-max treap)
(locate-extremum-node treap node:right-kid))
(define (treap-delete-min! treap)
(delete-extremum-node! treap
node:left-kid node:left-kid-set!
(define (treap-delete-max! treap)
(delete-extremum-node! treap
node:right-kid node:right-kid-set!
(define (treap-empty? treap)
(not (treap-root treap)))
(define (treap-depth treap)
(get-depth treap))
(define (treap-clear! treap)
(set-treap-root! treap #f)
(set-treap-size! treap 0))
(define treap-put! insert!)
(define (treap-for-each-ascending treap proc)
((for-each-inorder treap node:left-kid node:right-kid) proc))
(define (treap-for-each-descending treap proc)
((for-each-inorder treap node:right-kid node:left-kid) proc))
(define treap-debugprint debugprint)