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2003-04-01 13:43:15 -05:00
;;; Functions to manipulate integer sets represented as lists of
;;; intervals.
;;; Sets are represented as lists of intervals, which are pairs (lower
;;; bound, upper bound), where both bounds are included. The lower
;;; bound must be an integer, the upper bound can either be an integer
;;; or the symbol 'max' to specify the maximum possible value of all
;;; intervals for the problem at hand. The specific value of this
;;; maximum is not known.
;;; The following implementation guarantees that sets are always in
;;; canonical form, that is their intervals are:
;;; - sorted in increasing order,
;;; - disjoint, and
;;; - non-contiguous (i.e. they do not touch each other).
;;; External dependencies: SRFI-1 (list library) and SRFI-23 (error).
(define (pairwise f l)
(or (< (length l) 2)
(and (f (first l) (second l)) (pairwise f (cdr l)))))
;;; Functions on bounds.
2003-04-02 12:51:39 -05:00
(define (b? thing) (or (number? thing) (b-max? thing)))
2003-04-01 13:43:15 -05:00
(define (b-max? bound) (eq? bound 'max))
(define (b< b1 b2)
(and (not (b-max? b1)) (or (b-max? b2) (< b1 b2))))
(define (b<= b1 b2)
(or (eq? b1 b2) (b< b1 b2)))
(define (bs<= . bounds)
(pairwise b<= bounds))
(define (b-pred bound)
(if (b-max? bound) (error "no predecessor to 'max'") (- bound 1)))
(define (b-succ bound)
(if (b-max? bound) (error "no successor to 'max'") (+ bound 1)))
;; Saturating successor.
(define (b-sat-succ bound)
(if (b-max? bound) bound (+ bound 1)))
(define (b-min b1 b2)
(cond ((b-max? b1) b2)
((b-max? b2) b1)
(else (min b1 b2))))
(define (b-max b1 b2)
(cond ((b-max? b1) b1)
((b-max? b2) b2)
(else (max b1 b2))))
;;; Functions on individual intervals (pairs of bounds).
(define i-make cons)
(define i-beg car)
(define i-end cdr)
2003-04-02 12:51:39 -05:00
(define (i? thing)
(and (pair? thing)
(let ((b1 (car thing)) (b2 (cdr thing)))
(and (b? b1)
(b? b2)
(b<= b1 b2)))))
2003-04-01 13:43:15 -05:00
;; Beware: the following syntax leads to multiple evaluations of each
;; interval expression!
(define-syntax let-int
(syntax-rules ()
((let-int ((beg-1 end-1 int-1) rest ...) body ...)
(let ((beg-1 (i-beg int-1)) (end-1 (i-end int-1)))
(let-int (rest ...) body ...)))
((let-int () body ...)
(begin body ...))))
(define (i-intersect? i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(or (bs<= b1 b2 e1) (bs<= b2 b1 e2))))
(define (i-contiguous? i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(or (bs<= b1 b2 (b-sat-succ e1)) (bs<= b2 b1 (b-sat-succ e2)))))
;; Defined only for contiguous intervals.
(define (i-union i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(i-make (b-min b1 b2) (b-max e1 e2))))
(define (i-start-before? i1 i2)
(b< (i-beg i1) (i-beg i2)))
(define (i-end-before? i1 i2)
(b< (i-end i1) (i-end i2)))
;; Defined only for disjoint intervals.
(define i< i-start-before?)
(define (i-intersection i1 i2)
(if (i-intersect? i1 i2)
(list (let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(i-make (b-max b1 b2) (b-min e1 e2))))
(define (i-difference i1 i2)
(if (i-intersect? i1 i2)
(let-int ((b1 e1 i1) (b2 e2 i2))
(let ((il (if (b< b1 b2) (list (i-make b1 (b-pred b2))) '()))
(ir (if (b< e2 e1) (list (i-make (b-succ e2) e1)) '())))
(append il ir)))
(list i1)))
;;; Functions on sets (lists of individual intervals).
(define (intset? thing)
2003-04-02 12:51:39 -05:00
(and (proper-list? thing)
(pairwise (lambda (i1 i2)
(and (i? i1) (i? i2)
(not (i-contiguous? i1 i2))
(i< i1 i2)))
2003-04-01 13:43:15 -05:00
(define (intset-union s1 s2)
(cond ((null? s1) s2)
((null? s2) s1)
(let ((h1 (car s1)) (t1 (cdr s1))
(h2 (car s2)) (t2 (cdr s2)))
(cond ((i-contiguous? h1 h2)
(if (i-end-before? h1 h2)
(intset-union t1 (cons (i-union h1 h2) t2))
(intset-union (cons (i-union h1 h2) t1) t2)))
((i< h1 h2)
(cons h1 (intset-union t1 s2)))
(else ;(i< h2 h1)
(cons h2 (intset-union s1 t2))))))))
(define (intset-intersection s1 s2)
(if (or (null? s1) (null? s2))
(let ((h1 (car s1)) (t1 (cdr s1))
(h2 (car s2)) (t2 (cdr s2)))
(if (i-end-before? h1 h2)
(append (i-intersection h1 h2) (intset-intersection t1 s2))
(append (i-intersection h1 h2) (intset-intersection s1 t2))))))
(define (intset-difference s1 s2)
(if (or (null? s1) (null? s2))
(let ((h1 (car s1)) (t1 (cdr s1))
(h2 (car s2)) (t2 (cdr s2)))
(cond ((i-intersect? h1 h2)
(intset-difference (append (i-difference h1 h2) t1) s2))
((i< h1 h2)
(cons h1 (intset-difference t1 s2)))
(intset-difference s1 t2))))))
(define (intset-range begin end)
`((,begin . ,end)))
(define (intset-singleton elem)
(intset-range elem elem))
(define (intset-adjoin elem set)
(intset-union set (intset-singleton elem)))
(define (intset-delete elem set)
(intset-difference set (intset-singleton elem)))
(define (intset-contains? elem set)
(any (lambda (i) (bs<= (i-beg i) elem (i-end i))) set))
(define (intset-map f set)
(if (null? set)
(let ((fst (car set)))
(cons (f (car fst) (cdr fst)) (intset-map f (cdr set))))))