
92 lines
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;;; A library of procs for handlers.
;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package.
;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with
;;; the distribution.
;; interpolate host info from our request's net connection.
;; return string. Example: ""
(define (get-socket-host-string req)
(let ((addr (socket-local-address (request-socket req))))
(lambda ()(socket-address->internet-address addr))
(lambda (ipaddr portnum)
(string-append (format-internet-host-address ipaddr) ":" (number->string portnum))))))
;; generalized function to get a field value of the form 1*DIGIT
;; req is a request record, field-name a symbol
;; check wether a header-field with name field-name is contained in req;
;; if not, return #f,
;; else, take the first such header field and check wether its field-content conforms to
;; field-content = *LWS 1*DIGIT *LWS
;; if so, return digit as a number
(define (get-numeric-field-value req field-name)
;;try to get first "field-name" header
((field-content (get-header (request-headers req) field-name)))
(if field-content ;; request contained "field-name" header
(let ;;see * below
((field-value (string->number (string-trim-both field-content char-set:blank)))) ;;char-set:blank = Space + Tab = LWS from RFC2616 after folding
(if (and (integer? field-value) (>= field-value 0)) ;;yes, field value contained only digits, and at least one digit.
(status-code bad-request) req
(format #f
"~A header contained only whitespace, or characters other than digits, or whitespace between digits"
;;* RFC 2616, 4.2: The field-content does not include any leading or
;;trailing LWS: linear white space occurring before the first
;;non-whitespace character of the field-value or after the last
;;non-whitespace character of the field-value. Such leading or
;;trailing LWS MAY be removed without changing the semantics of the
;;field value.
;;(probably read-rfc822-headers in rfc822.scm should do the job of skipping leading and trailing whitespace?)
;;get request's message-body length from Content-length: header or
;;throw http-error if no such header
(define (get-body-length-from-content-length req)
;;try to get field value of first Content-length header (RFC 2616 allows only one Content-length: header)
((maybe-length (get-numeric-field-value req 'content-length)))
(or maybe-length
(http-error (status-code bad-request) req "No Content-Length header in request"))))
;;; Decode chunked entity bodies: "chunked transfer-coding"
;;; See RFC 2616, 3.6.1 and 19.4.6 for the composition of chunked entity bodies.
;;; See RFC 2616, 4.4 for precedence of Transfer-encoding header over Content-length header.
;;; Is the request's entity body sent in chunked transfer-encoding?
;;; (See RFC 2616, 14.41 and 3.6 for syntax and semantics of Transfer-Encoding header.)
(define (chunked-transfer-coding? req)
(let ((field-value (get-header (request-headers req) 'transfer-encoding)))
(if (not field-value)
; the field value is a list of transfer-codings (3.6),
; extract the last transfer-coding in the list
(let* ((reversed-field-value (string-reverse field-value))
(index ; does the list contain more than one element?
(string-contains reversed-field-value " , "))
(if index
(string-trim (string-reverse (string-take reversed-field-value index)))
(string-trim field-value))))
; the first token of the (extracted last) transfer-coding must be "chunked" to indicate chunked transfer coding
(string-prefix? "chunked" last-transfer-coding)))))