
365 lines
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; -----------------------
; --- SLIST/Blacklist ---
; -----------------------
; SLIT-Structure for the recursiv lookup algorithm (resolver.scm).
; The Blacklist is used to store 'bad' Nameserver-IPs.
; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package
; Copyright (c) 2005/2006 by Norbert Freudemann
; <>
; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with
; the distribution.
; Naming-Scheme:
; --------------
; dnsd-slist-...
; dnsd-blacklist-...
;; SLIST-Cache
; The SLIST-Structure as described in RFC1034/1035.
; Lock-Safe Cache-Interface:
; ---------------------------
; (dnsd-slist-clear!) - Removes the whole data.
; (dnsd-slist-clean!) - Removes expired data.
; (dnsd-slist-lookup msg dnsd-options) - Returns nameserver IPs.
; (dnsd-slist-update! msg) - Stores Nameservers & their IPs.
; (dnsd-slist-pretty-print) - Prints the slist.
;; Blacklist:
; An IP-Adress can be blacklisted by bad resolver-results in resolver.scm
; This will cause the increment a blacklist-value. After the value reaches
; a threshold the IP will be ignored for some time (dnsd-options).
; After that, the next question for this IP can result in the following:
; - ignore the IP another round for bad answer
; - whitelist the IP for a good answer...
; (A good result will remove any IP from the blacklist.)
; Lock-Safe Cache-Interface:
; ---------------------------
; (dnsd-blacklist! ip . value) - Blacklist a IP.
; (dnsd-blacklist-clean! dnsd-options)
; (dnsd-blacklist-unlist! ip dnsd-options)
; (dnsd-blacklist-clear!)
; (dnsd-blacklist-print)
; Stuff:
; ------
; Filter rrs of the given type:
; TYPE: message-type x list-of-rrs -> list-of-rrs
(define (filter-rr-type type list)
(filter (lambda (e) (eq? (resource-record-type e) type)) list))
(define *debug-info* #f)
; TODO: Do this different:
; Shows the debug-information
(define display-debug
(lambda args
(if *debug-info*
(display "dnsd: ")
(map (lambda (e) (display e) (display " ")) args)
; ------
(define-record-type dnsd-slist :dnsd-slist
(make-dnsd-slist data lock)
(data get-dnsd-slist-data) ; slist-data-record-type
(lock get-dnsd-slist-lock)) ; r/w-lock
(define-record-type slist-data :slist-data
(make-slist-data answer expires)
(answer slist-data-answer set-slist-data-answer!) ; list-of-rrs
(expires slist-data-expires)) ; expiration time of the data (+ ttl (time))
; Create the slist:
(define *dnsd-slist* (make-dnsd-slist (make-string-table) (make-r/w-lock)))
;; Search for the shortest TTL in the message:
;; TYPE: message -> number or #f
(define (dnsd-slist-find-shortest-ttl msg)
(let loop ((msg msg))
((dns-message? msg) (loop (dns-message-reply msg)))
((message? msg) (fold-right
(lambda (e m)
(let ((ttl (resource-record-ttl e)))
(if m
(if (<= m ttl) m ttl)
#f (message-additionals msg))))))
;; Make a SLIST-Key from a message:
;; TYPE: message -> key-string
(define (make-slist-key msg)
(let ((question (car (message-questions msg))))
(format #f "~a;~a" (string-downcase (question-name question))
(message-class-name (question-class question)))))
;; Resets the SLIST:
(define (dnsd-slist-clear!)
(get-dnsd-slist-lock *dnsd-slist*)
(lambda ()
(set! *dnsd-slist* (make-dnsd-slist (make-string-table)
(get-dnsd-slist-lock *dnsd-slist*))))))
;; Removes expired data from the SLIST:
(define (dnsd-slist-clean!)
(get-dnsd-slist-lock *dnsd-slist*)
(lambda ()
(let ((time (time))
(table (get-dnsd-slist-data *dnsd-slist*)))
(table-walk (lambda (k e)
(if (< time (slist-data-expires e))
(table-set! table k #f)))
;; Add the results of the given response to the cache-data
;; a min ttl is given to the NS so that the rec-lookup-algorithm
;; will be able to do it's work properly... .
;; TYPE: message -> unspecific
(define (dnsd-slist-update-ns! msg)
(get-dnsd-slist-lock *dnsd-slist*)
(lambda ()
(and-let* ((key (make-slist-key msg)))
(let* ((ttl (dnsd-slist-find-shortest-ttl msg))
(min-ttl (if (< ttl 120) 120 ttl))
(expires (+ (time) min-ttl)))
(get-dnsd-slist-data *dnsd-slist*)
(make-slist-data (message-additionals msg) expires)))))))
; Take the nameservers & the corresponding IPs from a message and
; (if no entry is present) adds the nameservers to the cache to be looked up
; via the nameserver-zone (found as resource-record name of the servers)
; Some server return nameserver resource records in the answer-section
; others in the additional section.
;; TYPE: message -> unspecific
(define (dnsd-slist-update! msg)
(display-debug "Updating SLIST! Adding a Nameserver.")
(and-let* ((ns-rrs (append (message-answers msg) (message-nameservers msg)))
(additionals (message-additionals msg))
(good-ns-rrs (filter-rr-type (message-type ns) ns-rrs))
(whatever (not (null? good-ns-rrs)))
(good-additionals (filter-rr-type (message-type a) additionals))
(whatever (not (null? good-additionals)))
(class (question-class (car (message-questions msg))))
(nameserver-zone (resource-record-name (car good-ns-rrs)))
(good-ns-rrs (filter (lambda (e)
(string-ci=? nameserver-zone
(resource-record-name e)))
(nameserver-names (map (lambda (e)
(resource-record-data e))) good-ns-rrs))
(good-additionals (filter
(lambda (e)
(lambda (name b)
(if b b (string-ci=?
name (resource-record-name e))))
#f nameserver-names))
(make-message (message-header msg)
(list (make-question nameserver-zone
(message-type ns) class))
good-ns-rrs '() good-additionals '())))
(dnsd-slist-update-ns! new-msg)))
;; Look for the IPs of the nameservers in the cache.
;; TYPE: message -> list-of-address32
(define (dnsd-slist-lookup msg dnsd-options)
;; Look for data in the slist:
(define (dnsd-slist-lookup-int msg)
(let ((lock (get-dnsd-slist-lock *dnsd-slist*)))
(obtain-R/w-lock lock)
(let* ((data (get-dnsd-slist-data *dnsd-slist*))
(key (make-slist-key msg))
(cdata (table-ref data key)))
(if cdata
(if (< (time) (slist-data-expires cdata))
(let ((res (slist-data-answer cdata)))
(release-R/w-lock lock)
(release-R/w-lock lock)
(obtain-r/W-lock lock)
(table-set! data key #f)
(release-r/W-lock lock)
(begin (release-R/w-lock lock) #f)))))
;; ---
(and-let* ((additionals (dnsd-slist-lookup-int msg))
(ns-a-rrs (filter-rr-type (message-type a) additionals))
(ip-list (map (lambda (e) (resource-record-data-a-ip
(resource-record-data e))) ns-a-rrs)))
;; Filter good from blacklisted IPs:
(get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*)
(lambda ()
(filter (lambda (ip)
(let ((element (table-ref (get-dnsd-blacklist-data *blacklist*)
;; IP isn't in the blacklist-table
((not element) #t)
;; The IP hasn't been blacklisted blacklist-value-times
((>= (dnsd-options-blacklist-value dnsd-options)
(cdr element)) #t)
;; Blacklisted longer than blacklist-time-value. Try again.
((<= (+ (dnsd-options-blacklist-time dnsd-options)
(car element))
(time)) #t)
;; Don't use the IP
(else #f))))
;; Blacklist:
;; ----------
(define-record-type dnsd-blacklist :dnsd-blacklist
(make-dnsd-blacklist data lock)
(data get-dnsd-blacklist-data) ; a integer-table
(lock get-dnsd-blacklist-lock)) ; r/w-lock
(define *blacklist* (make-dnsd-blacklist (make-integer-table) (make-r/w-lock)))
;; Add a IP to the blacklist:
;; TYPE: address32 -> unspecific
(define (dnsd-blacklist! ip . value)
(get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*)
(lambda ()
(let* ((table (get-dnsd-blacklist-data *blacklist*))
(element (table-ref table ip))
(value (if (null? value)
(car value))))
(if element
(table-set! table ip (cons (time) (+ value (cdr element))))
(table-set! table ip (cons (time) value)))))))
;; Removes the given ip from the list:
;; TYPE address32 -> unspecific
(define (dnsd-blacklist-unlist! ip dnsd-options)
(get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*)
(lambda ()
(let ((blacklist (get-dnsd-blacklist-data *blacklist*)))
(if (and (table-ref blacklist ip)
(< (cdr (table-ref blacklist ip))
(dnsd-options-blacklist-value dnsd-options)))
(table-set! blacklist ip #f)
;; Remove all blacklisted IPs:
(define (dnsd-blacklist-clear!)
(get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*)
(lambda ()
(set! *blacklist* (make-dnsd-blacklist
(get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*))))))
;; Deprecated:
;; Remove old entries:
; (define (dnsd-blacklist-clean! dnsd-options)
; (with-r/W-lock
; (get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*)
; (lambda ()
; (table-walk
; (lambda (key element)
; (if (< (dnsd-options-blacklist-time dnsd-options)
; (- (time) (car element)))
; (table-set! (get-dnsd-blacklist-data *blacklist*) key #f)))
; (get-dnsd-blacklist-data *blacklist*)))))
;; Display SLIST / Blacklist:
;; --------------------------
;; Display the blacklisted IPs:
(define (dnsd-blacklist-print)
(get-dnsd-blacklist-lock *blacklist*)
(lambda ()
(let ((data (get-dnsd-blacklist-data *blacklist*))
(current-time (time)))
(display "DNSD-Blacklist:\n")
(display "---------------\n")
(lambda (key element)
(display "\nIP: ")
(display (address32->ip-string key))
(display " with blacklist-value: ")
(display (cdr element))
(display " [with age ")
(display (- current-time (car element)))
(display "s.]")
;; Display the SLIST:
(define (dnsd-slist-pretty-print)
(get-dnsd-slist-lock *dnsd-slist*)
(lambda ()
(let ((data (get-dnsd-slist-data *dnsd-slist*)))
(display "DNSD-SLIST:\n")
(display "-----------\n")
(lambda (k e)
(let ((slist-data (slist-data-answer e)))
(display "\n*Zone: ")
(display k)(newline)
(display " ---------\n")
(display " Expires in: ")
(display (- (slist-data-expires e) (time)))
(display " seconds.\n")
(display " \n Nameservers-Section:\n\n")
(map (lambda (y) (pretty-print-dns-message y))