;;; Path handler for uploading Scheme code to the SU web server -*- Scheme -*- ;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package. ;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by Olin Shivers. ;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with ;;; the distribution. ;;; This is really just an handler example demonstrating how to upload code ;;; into the server. ;;; (do/timeout secs thunk) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Run THUNK, and gun it down if it hasn't finished in SECS seconds. ;;; Returns nothing useful, and THUNK gets executed in a subprocess, ;;; so its side-effects are invisible, as well. This is a clever kludge -- ;;; it uses three subprocesses -- but I don't have interrupts, so I'm hosed. (define (do/timeout* secs thunk) (run (begin (let ((timer (fork (lambda () (sleep secs)))) (worker (fork thunk))) (receive (process status) (wait-any) (ignore-errors (lambda () (signal-process (proc:pid (if (eq? worker process) timer worker)) signal/kill)))))))) (define-syntax do/timeout (syntax-rules () ((do/timeout secs body ...) (do/timeout* secs (lambda () body ...))))) ;;; The request handler for seval ops. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (seval-handler path req) (let ((request-method (request-method req))) (cond ((string=? request-method "POST") ; Could do others also. (seval path req)) ((or (string=? request-method "HEAD") (string=? request-method "GET")) (make-error-response (status-code method-not-allowed) req "POST")) (else (make-error-response (status-code not-implemented) req))))) (define (seval path req) (let ((body-length (get-content-length req))) ;;make sure we have a valid Content-length header in request (make-response (status-code ok) #f (time) "text/html" '() (make-reader-writer-body (lambda (iport oport options) ;;still buggy: if the body of the request is not a valid html-form-query ;;or does not contain program= we answer 200 but ;;don't send a body (as read-request-sexp throws an exception) (let ((sexp (read-request-sexp body-length iport))) (http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "read sexp: ~a" sexp) (emit-prolog oport) (with-tag oport html (xmlnsdecl-attr) (newline oport) (with-tag oport head () (newline oport) (emit-title oport "Scheme program output") (newline oport)) (newline oport) (with-tag oport body () (newline oport) (do/timeout 10 (receive vals ;; Do the computation. (begin (emit-header oport 2 "Output from execution") (newline oport) (with-tag oport pre () (newline oport) (force-output oport); In case we're gunned down. (with-current-output-port oport (eval-safely sexp)))) ;; Pretty-print the returned value(s).;; hier noch mal newline rausschreiben? (emit-header oport 2 "Return value(s)") (with-tag oport pre () (for-each (lambda (val) (p val oport)) vals)))))))))))) ;;; Read an HTTP request entity body from stdin. The Content-length: ;;; entity-header field of request REQ tells how many bytes this entity ;;; is. The entity should be a URI-encoded form body. Pull out the ;;; program= ;;; string, extract , uri-decode it, parse that into an s-expression, ;;; and return it. (define (read-request-sexp bytes iport) (let* ((body (read-string bytes iport)) ;;read in bytes chars (parsed-html-form-query (parse-html-form-query body)) ;; and parse them up. (program (cond ((assoc "program" parsed-html-form-query) => cdr) (else (error "No program in entity body."))))) (http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "Seval sexp: ~s" program) (read (make-string-input-port program)))) ;; return first sexp, discard others ;; GET-NUMERIC-FIELD-VALUE ;; generalized function to get a field value of the form 1*DIGIT ;; check wether a header-field with name field-name is contained in req; ;; if so, check wether ist field-content conforms to ;; field-content = *LWS 1*DIGIT *LWS ;; (i.e. optional leading whitespaces, at least one digit, optional trailing whitespace); ;; if so, return digit as a number ;; req is a request record, field-name a symbol (define (get-numeric-field-value req field-name) (let* ;;take first Content-length: header (RFC 2616 allows only one Content-length: header) ((field-content (get-header (request-headers req) field-name)) (field-value-start (string-skip field-content char-set:whitespace));; skip whitespace, ;;char-set:whitespace = LWS from RFC2616? (field-value (if field-value-start ;;yes, field content contained non-whitespace chars (string->number (substring field-content field-value-start (string-length field-content))) ;;trailing whitespace? RFC allows it! -> ;; probably read-rfc822-headers in rfc822.scm should do the job of skipping leading and trailing whitespace?* (http-error (status-code bad-request) req (format #f "~A header contained only whitespace" field-name))))) (if (and (integer? field-value) (>= field-value 0)) ;;yes, field value contained only digits field-value (http-error (status-code bad-request) req (format #f "~A header contained characters other than digits" field-name))))) ;;* RFC 2616, 4.2: The field-content does not include any leading or ;;trailing LWS: linear white space occurring before the first ;;non-whitespace character of the field-value or after the last ;;non-whitespace character of the field-value. Such leading or ;;trailing LWS MAY be removed without changing the semantics of the ;;field value. (define (get-content-length req) (get-numeric-field-value req 'content-length))