;;; -*- Scheme -*- ;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package. ;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by Olin Shivers. ;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with ;;; the distribution. ;;; URI syntax -- [scheme] : path [? search ] [# fragmentid] ;;; References: ;;; - http://www.w3.org/Addressing/rfc1630.txt ;;; Original RFC ;;; - http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/URL/URI_Overview.html ;;; General Web page of URI pointers. (define uri-reserved (string->char-set ";/#?: =")) (define (parse-uri s) (let* ((slen (string-length s)) ;; Search forwards for colon (or intervening reserved char). (rs1 (string-index s uri-reserved)) ; 1st reserved char (colon (and rs1 (char=? (string-ref s rs1) #\:) rs1)) (path-start (if colon (+ colon 1) 0)) ;; Search backwards for # (or intervening reserved char). (rs-last (string-index-right s uri-reserved)) (sharp (and rs-last (char=? (string-ref s rs-last) #\#) rs-last)) ;; Search backwards for ? (or intervening reserved char). ;; (NB: #\= may be after #\? and before #\#) (rs-penult (string-index-right s (char-set-delete uri-reserved #\=) (or sharp slen))) (ques (and rs-penult (char=? (string-ref s rs-penult) #\?) rs-penult)) (path-end (or ques sharp slen))) (values (and colon (substring s 0 colon)) (split-uri s path-start path-end) (and ques (substring s (+ ques 1) (or sharp slen))) (and sharp (substring s (+ sharp 1) slen))))) ;;; Caution: ;;; Don't use this proc until *after* you've parsed the URL -- unescaping ;;; might introduce reserved chars (like slashes and colons) that could ;;; blow your parse. (define (unescape-uri s . maybe-start/end) (let-optionals maybe-start/end ((start 0) (end (string-length s))) (let* ((esc-seq? (lambda (i) (and (< (+ i 2) end) (char=? (string-ref s i) #\%) (hex-digit? (string-ref s (+ i 1))) (hex-digit? (string-ref s (+ i 2)))))) (hits (let lp ((i start) (hits 0)) ; count # of esc seqs. (if (< i end) (if (esc-seq? i) (lp (+ i 3) (+ hits 1)) (lp (+ i 1) hits)) hits)))) (if (and (zero? hits) (zero? start) (= end (string-length s))) s (let* ((nlen (- (- end start) (* hits 2))) ; the new ; length of the ; unescaped ; string (ns (make-string nlen))) ; stores the result (let lp ((i start) (j 0)) ; sweap over the string (if (< j nlen) (lp (cond ((esc-seq? i) ; unescape ; escape-sequence (string-set! ns j (let ((d1 (string-ref s (+ i 1))) (d2 (string-ref s (+ i 2)))) (ascii->char (+ (* 16 (hexchar->int d1)) (hexchar->int d2))))) (+ i 3)) (else (string-set! ns j (string-ref s i)) (+ i 1))) (+ j 1)))) ns))))) (define hex-digit? (let ((hex-digits (string->char-set "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"))) (lambda (c) (char-set-contains? hex-digits c)))) ; make use of the fact that numbers and characters are in order in the ascii table (define (hexchar->int c) (- (char->ascii c) (if (char-numeric? c) (char->ascii #\0) (- (if (char-upper-case? c) (char->ascii #\A) (char->ascii #\a)) 10)))) (define int->hexchar (let ((table '#(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F))) (lambda (i) (vector-ref table i)))) ;;; Caution: ;;; All reserved chars (e.g., slash, sharp, colon) get escaped: "=;/#?: " ;;; So don't apply this proc to chunks of text with syntactically meaningful ;;; reserved chars (e.g., paths with URI slashes or colons) -- they'll be ;;; escaped, and lose their special meaning. E.g. it would be a mistake ;;; to apply ESCAPE-URI to "//lcs.mit.edu:8001/foo/bar.html" because the ;;; slashes and colons would be escaped. (define uri-escaped-chars (char-set-complement (char-set-union char-set:letter+digit (string->char-set "$-_@.&!*\"'(),+")))) ;;; Takes a set of chars to escape. This is because we sometimes need to ;;; escape larger sets of chars for different parts of a URI. (define (escape-uri s . maybe-escaped-chars) (let-optionals maybe-escaped-chars ((escaped-chars uri-escaped-chars)) (let ((nlen (string-fold (lambda (c i) (+ i (if (char-set-contains? escaped-chars c) 3 1))) 0 s))) ; new length of escaped string (if (= nlen (string-length s)) s (let ((ns (make-string nlen))) (string-fold (lambda (c i) ; replace each occurance of an ; character to escape with %ff where ff ; is the ascii-code in hexadecimal ; notation (+ i (cond ((char-set-contains? escaped-chars c) (string-set! ns i #\%) (let* ((d (char->ascii c)) (dhi (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift d -4) #xF)) (dlo (bitwise-and d #xF))) (string-set! ns (+ i 1) (int->hexchar dhi)) (string-set! ns (+ i 2) (int->hexchar dlo))) 3) (else (string-set! ns i c) 1)))) 0 s) ns))))) ;;; Cribbed from scsh's fname.scm (define (split-uri uri start end) ; Split at /'s (infix grammar). (let split ((i start)) ; "" -> ("") (cond ((>= i end) '("")) ((string-index uri #\/ i) => (lambda (slash) (cons (substring uri i slash) (split (+ slash 1))))) (else (list (substring uri i end)))))) ;;; The elements of PLIST must be escaped in case they contain slashes. ;;; This procedure doesn't escape them for you; you must do that yourself: ;;; (uri-path->uri (map escape-uri pathlist)) (define (uri-path->uri plist) (string-join plist "/")) ; Insert slashes between elts of PLIST. (define (simplify-uri-path p) (if (null? p) #f ; P must be non-null (let lp ((path-list (cdr p)) (stack (list (car p)))) (if (null? path-list) ; we're done (reverse stack) (cond ((string=? (car path-list) "..") ; back up ; neither the empty path nor root (if (not (or (null? stack) (string=? (car stack) ""))) (lp (cdr path-list) (cdr stack)) #f)) ((string=? (car path-list) ".") ; leave this (lp (cdr path-list) stack)) ((string=? (car path-list) "") ; back to root (lp (cdr path-list) '(""))) (else ; usual segment (lp (cdr path-list) (cons (car path-list) stack))))))))