;; utilities for plugin (servlets) ;; Copyright 2002, Andreas Bernauer (define (send-html/suspend html-tree-maker) (send/suspend (lambda (new-url) (make-usual-html-response (lambda (out options) (with-current-output-port* ; FIXME: will change in further revision out (lambda () (SXML->HTML (html-tree-maker new-url))))))))) (define (send-html/finish html-tree) (do-sending send/finish html-tree)) (define (send-html html-tree) (do-sending send html-tree)) (define (do-sending sending-version html-tree) (sending-version (make-usual-html-response (lambda (out options) (with-current-output-port* ; FIXME: will change in further revision out (lambda () (SXML->HTML html-tree))))))) ( (define (make-usual-html-response writer-proc) (make-response http-status/ok (status-code->text http-status/ok) (time) "text/html" '() (make-writer-body writer-proc))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; from cgi-script: ;;; Return the form data as an alist of decoded strings. ;;; So a query string like "button=on&reply=Oh,%20yes" becomes alist ;;; (("button" . "on") ("reply" . "Oh, yes")) ;;; This only works for GET and POST methods. (define form-query parse-html-form-query) (define (extract-bindings bindings key) (let ((key (if (symbol? key) (symbol->string key) key))) (filter (lambda (binding) (equal? (car binding) key)) bindings))) (define (extract-single-binding bindings key) (let ((key-bindings (extract-bindings bindings key))) (if (= 1 (length key-bindings)) (cdar key-bindings) (error "extract-one-binding: more than one or zero bindings found" (length key-bindings) key bindings))))