The SU Net package, version 1.0 =============================== This directory contains my code for doing Net hacking from Scheme/scsh. It includes: An smtp client library. Forge mail from the comfort of your own Scheme process. rfc822 header library Read email-style headers. Useful in several contexts (smtp, http, etc.) Simple structured HTML output library Balanced delimiters, etc. htmlout.scm. HTTP server library This is a complete implementation of an HTTP 1.0 server. The server is very extensible, via a mechanism called "path handlers." The library includes other standalone libraries that may be of use: + URI and URL parsers and unparsers. + A library to help writing CGI scripts in Scheme. + Server extensions for interfacing to CGI scripts. + Server extensions for uploading Scheme code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note well: - You can't do serious programming in Scheme within the bounds of R4RS. I work in Scheme 48 and scsh. Every file does have a comment header describing its non-R4RS dependencies, should you decide to try porting it to another Scheme. - Only simple documentation, but my code is written in my usual style -- voluminously commented. -Olin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note further: The net package is currently being maintained by Mike Sperber . My main focus for further development is on making the HTTP server into a realistic full-blown package, but I'll gladly accept patches and suggestions for the other parts of the net package. -Mike