;;; logging.scm ;;; logging functionality for web server ;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package. ;;; Copyright (c) 2002 by Martin Gasbichler. ;;; Copyright (c) 2002 by Andreas Bernauer. ;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with ;;; the distribution. (define do-nothing-proc (lambda a #f)) (define-record-type logging :logging (really-make-logging log-port log-proc syslog? syslog-proc dns-lookup?) logging? ;; port to perform CLF-logging (log-port logging-log-port set-logging-log-port!) ;; proc to run for CLF-logging (req status-code) (log-proc logging-log-proc set-logging-log-proc!) ;; do syslogging? (syslog? logging-syslog? set-logging-syslog?!) ;; proc to run for syslog (level fmt . args) (syslog-proc logging-syslog-proc set-logging-syslog-proc!) ;; perform dns lookups? (dns-lookup? logging-dns-lookup? set-logging-dns-lookup?!)) (define (make-logging) (really-make-logging #f do-nothing-proc #f do-nothing-proc #f)) (define logging (make-preserved-thread-fluid #f)) (define (make-fluid-selector selector) (lambda () (selector (thread-fluid logging)))) (define (make-fluid-setter setter) (lambda (value) (setter (thread-fluid logging) value))) (define logging-http-log-proc (make-fluid-selector logging-log-proc)) (define logging-http-syslog-proc (make-fluid-selector logging-syslog-proc)) (define logging-http-syslog? (make-fluid-selector logging-syslog?)) (define logging-http-log-port (make-fluid-selector logging-log-port)) (define logging-dns-lookup? (make-fluid-selector logging-dns-lookup?)) (define set-logging-http-log-proc (make-fluid-setter set-logging-log-proc!)) (define set-logging-http-syslog-proc (make-fluid-setter set-logging-syslog-proc!)) (define set-logging-http-syslog? (make-fluid-setter set-logging-syslog?!)) (define set-logging-http-log-port (make-fluid-setter set-logging-log-port!)) (define set-logging-dns-lookup? (make-fluid-setter set-logging-dns-lookup?!)) (define http-syslog (lambda a (apply (logging-http-syslog-proc) a))) (define http-log (lambda a (apply (logging-http-log-proc) a))) (define (http-syslog?) (logging-http-syslog?)) (define (init-http-log! options) ;; syslog has to be initialized before CLF-logging ;; because the latter may generate syslog-messages (init-http-syslog! (httpd-options-syslog? options)) (init-http-port-log! (httpd-options-logfile options)) (if (httpd-options-resolve-ips? options) (set-logging-dns-lookup? #t) (set-logging-dns-lookup? #f))) (define (init-http-syslog! syslog?) (if syslog? (let ((http-syslog-lock (make-lock))) (set-logging-http-syslog? #t) (set-logging-http-syslog-proc (lambda (level fmt . args) (with-lock http-syslog-lock (lambda () (syslog level (apply format #f fmt args))))))) (begin (set-logging-http-syslog? #f) (set-logging-http-syslog-proc do-nothing-proc)))) (define (init-http-port-log! logfile) (let ((logport (cond ((string? logfile) ; try to open logfile for appending (output) (open-logfile logfile)) ((output-port? logfile) ; we were given an output port, so let's use it logfile) ((eq? logfile #f) ; no logging demanded #f) ; unexpected value of logfile; (else (http-syslog (syslog-level warning) "[httpd] Warning: Logfile was not specified correctly (given: ~S).~% No CLF logging." logfile) (make-null-output-port))))) (if logfile ; if logging was specified, set up the logger (let ((http-log-lock (make-lock))) (set-logging-http-log-port logport) (if (string? logfile) (spawn (make-logfile-rotator logfile http-log-lock))) (set-logging-http-log-proc (make-http-log-proc http-log-lock)))))) (define (make-http-log-proc http-log-lock) (lambda (req status-code) (if req (with-lock http-log-lock (lambda () (display (make-CLF (receive (host-address _) (socket-address->internet-address (socket-remote-address (request-socket req))) (format-internet-host-address host-address)) (request-method req) ; request method (uri-path-list->path (http-url-path (request-url req))) ; requested file (version->string (request-version req)) ; protocol version (status-code-number status-code) 23 ; filesize (unknown) (get-header (request-headers req) 'referer) (get-header (request-headers req) 'user-agent)) (logging-http-log-port)) (force-output (logging-http-log-port))))))) ;; does the logfile rotation on signal USR1 (define (make-logfile-rotator logfile http-log-lock) (set-interrupt-handler interrupt/usr1 #f) (lambda () (on-interrupt interrupt/usr1 (lambda () (with-lock http-log-lock (lambda () (close-output-port (logging-http-log-port)) (set-logging-http-log-port (open-logfile logfile)))))))) (define (open-logfile logfile) (with-errno-handler* (lambda (errno packet) (http-syslog (syslog-level warning) "[httpd] Warning: An error occured while opening ~S for writing (~A).~%Send signal USR1 when the problem is fixed.~%" logfile (car packet)) (make-null-output-port)) (lambda () (open-output-file logfile (bitwise-ior open/create open/append))))) ; returns a string for a CLF entry (Common Log Format) ; note: till now, we do not log the user's time zone code (define (make-CLF remote-ip request-type requested-file protocol http-code filesize referer user-agent) (format #f "~A - - ~A ~S ~A ~A ~S ~S~%" (or (maybe-dns-lookup remote-ip) "-") (format-date "[~d/~b/~Y:~H:~M:~S +0000]" (date)) ; +0000 as we don't know (string-join (list request-type (string-append "/" requested-file) protocol)) ; Unfortunately, we first split the request line into ; method/request-type etc. and put it together here. ; Files conform to CLF are expected to print the original line. (or http-code "-") (or filesize "-") (if (string? referer) (string-trim referer) "") (if (string? user-agent) (string-trim user-agent char-set:whitespace) ""))) (define (maybe-dns-lookup remote-ip) (if (logging-dns-lookup?) (or (with-fatal-error-handler* (lambda (condition decline) (http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "An error occured while resolving IP ~A: ~A" remote-ip condition) remote-ip) (lambda () (dns-lookup-ip remote-ip))) remote-ip) remote-ip))