(define url-rule (cons 'url (lambda (tag uri . maybe-text) (surflet-sxml->low-level-sxml `(a (@ (href ,uri)) ,(if (null? maybe-text) uri maybe-text)))))) (define plain-html-rule `(plain-html *preorder* . ,(lambda (tag . text) text))) (define comment-rule `(*COMMENT* *preorder* . ,(lambda (tag . elems) `("")))) (define default-rules `(,attribute-rule ,default-rule ,text-rule ,comment-rule ,url-rule ,plain-html-rule)) (define surflet-form-rule `(surflet-form ;; Must do something to prevent the k-url string to be HTML ;; escaped. *preorder* . ,(lambda (trigger k-url . args) (receive (parameters elems) (typed-optionals (list symbol? sxml-attribute?) args) (make-surflet-form k-url ; k-url (car parameters) ; POST, GET or #f=GET (cadr parameters); attributes elems))))) (define (make-surflet-form k-url method attributes elems) (let ((real-method (case method ((get GET) "GET") ((post POST) "POST") ((#f) "GET") (else (error "invalid method type" method))))) (surflet-sxml->low-level-sxml `(form (@ ((method ,real-method) (action ,k-url) ,@(if attributes (cdr attributes) '()))) ,@elems)))) (define input-field-rule `(,*input-field-trigger* *preorder* . ,(lambda (trigger input-field) (surflet-sxml->low-level-sxml (input-field-html-tree input-field))))) (define surflet-sxml-rules `(,@default-rules ;; form contents: ,input-field-rule ,surflet-form-rule)) ;; Low-Level-SXML is a list that can be understood by ;; display-low-level-sxml. In contains only characters, strings, and ;; thunks. (define (surflet-sxml->low-level-sxml sxml-tree) (pre-post-order sxml-tree surflet-sxml-rules)) ;;; adapted from Oleg's SXML-to-HTML.scm ;;; extended by additional port argument (see FORMATED-REPLY) ;(define (surflet-xml->html port html-tree) ; (let ((fragments (reformat html-tree))) ; (cond ; ((not port) ; (call-with-string-output-port ; (lambda (port) ; (formated-reply port fragments)))) ; ((eq? port #t) ; (formated-reply (current-output-port) fragments)) ; ((output-port? port) ; (formated-reply port fragments)) ; (else ; (error "Invalid port argument to FORMATED-REPLY" port)))))