(define-structure surflet surflet-interface (open scheme-with-scsh surflets surflets/error profiling handle-fatal-error (subset srfi-1 (iota)) define-record-types locks let-opt receiving (subset primitives (add-finalizer!)) ) (begin ;; This uses the filesystem heavily to not influence the ;; profiling. Note to get the resulting picture, gnuplot must be ;; installed. (define-record-type state :state (make-state file-name file-names-to-delete counter) state? (file-name state:file-name set-state:file-name!) (file-names-to-delete state:file-names-to-delete set-state:file-names-to-delete!) (counter state:counter set-state:counter!)) (define (state-file-name) (state:file-name (get-session-data))) (define (state-file-names-to-delete) (state:file-names-to-delete (get-session-data))) (define (state-counter) (state:counter (get-session-data))) ;; Leave this global. Servers are running on a single system. (define gnuplot #f) ;; Set in main. (define convert #f) (define use-convert? #f) (define lock (make-lock)) (define (profile req . maybe-update-text) (let* ((update-text (:optional maybe-update-text "")) (gnuplot-input-field (make-text-field gnuplot '(@ (size 20)))) (gnuplot-change-button (make-submit-button "Change")) (convert-check-box (make-checkbox use-convert?)) (convert-input-field (make-text-field convert '(@ (size 20)))) (convert-change-button (make-submit-button "Change")) (new-profile-address (make-address)) (result-address (make-address)) (reset-address (make-address)) (return-address (make-address)) (reset-return-address (make-address)) (req (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) `(html (title "SUrflet Administration -- Profiling") (body (h1 "SUrflet Administration") (h2 "Profiling") (p "Note: The operations performable via this interface take a while depending on the speed of the machine the server is running. Please be patient.") ,(emph update-text) (p "Currently, there are " ,(state-counter) " profiles saved.") (ul (li (url ,(new-profile-address new-url) "Create new profile")) (li (url ,(result-address new-url) "Show profile results") (br) (surflet-form ,new-url POST (table (@ (border 0)) (thead) (tfoot) (tbody (@ (valign "top")) (tr (td) (td "This uses " (var "gnuplot") " that is searched at ") (td ,(executable-input gnuplot-input-field gnuplot gnuplot-change-button))) (tr (td ,convert-check-box) (td "This uses " (var "convert") " that is searched at ") (td ,(executable-input convert-input-field convert convert-change-button))) )))) (li (url ,(reset-address new-url) "Delete files and reset profile state."))) (hr) (url ,(return-address new-url) "Return to administration menu leaving files and state untouched.") (br) (url ,(reset-return-address new-url) "Return to administration menu removing files and reseting state.") (br) (url "/" "Return to main menu.")))))) (bindings (get-bindings req))) (cond ((returned-via? new-profile-address bindings) (new-profile req)) ((returned-via? result-address bindings) (if (zero? (state-counter)) (profile req "Now profiles created, currently. Select 'Create new profile' to create one.") (result req))) ((returned-via? reset-address bindings) (reset req)) ((returned-via? return-address bindings) (return-to-main-page req)) ((returned-via? reset-return-address bindings) (reset-and-return-to-main-page req)) ((returned-via? gnuplot-change-button bindings) (let ((new-gnuplot-location (input-field-value gnuplot-input-field bindings))) (if (executable? new-gnuplot-location) (begin (set! gnuplot new-gnuplot-location) (profile req (format #f "Gnuplot is now searched at ~a." gnuplot))) (profile req "Please enter a file name of an existing executable.")))) ((returned-via? convert-change-button bindings) (let ((new-use-convert? (input-field-value convert-check-box bindings)) (new-convert-location (input-field-value convert-input-field bindings))) (if (equal? use-convert? new-use-convert?) (if (executable? new-convert-location) (begin (set! convert new-convert-location) (profile req (format #f "Convert is now searched at ~a." convert))) (profile req "Please enter a file name of an existing executable.")) (if (equal? new-convert-location convert) (begin (set! use-convert? new-use-convert?) (profile req (format #f "Convert is ~a used now." (if use-convert? "" "not")))) (begin (if (executable? new-convert-location) (begin (set! use-convert? new-use-convert?) (set! convert new-convert-location) (profile req (format #f "Convert (at ~a) is ~a used now." convert (if use-convert? "" "not")))) (profile req (format #f "Please enter a file name of an existing executable.")))))))) (else (error "Unexpected choice."))))) (define (executable? file-name) (and file-name (file-executable? file-name))) (define (new-profile req) (let ((state (get-session-data))) (format #t "profiling...~%") (obtain-lock lock) (profile-space (state:file-name state)) (release-lock lock) (format #t "profile recorded in ~s~%" (state:file-name state)) (set-state:counter! state (+ 1 (state:counter state))) (profile req (format #f "Profile #~a generated" (state:counter state))))) (define (result req) (let ((results (profile-results (state-file-name))) (gnuplot-data-file-name (create-temp-file "surflet-profiling.data")) (gnuplot-picture-name (create-empty-picture-file "../img/surflet-profiling.picture" ".pbm")) (convert-picture-name (create-empty-picture-file "../img/surflet-profiling.picture" ".png")) (get-total-bytes (lambda (space-info) (total-bytes (space-info-total space-info)))) (return-address (make-address)) (reset-return-address (make-address))) (write-gnuplot-data-file gnuplot-data-file-name get-total-bytes results) (let* ((gnuplot-status (run (,gnuplot -) (<< ,(format #f "set terminal pbm color set output '~a' set size 0.7,0.7 plot '~a' title 'SUrflet Profiling ~a' with lines" gnuplot-picture-name gnuplot-data-file-name (format-date "~c" (date)) )))) (convert-status (and use-convert? (zero? gnuplot-status) (run (,convert ,gnuplot-picture-name ,convert-picture-name))))) (delete-file gnuplot-data-file-name) (add-file-name-to-delete! gnuplot-picture-name) (if (and use-convert? (not (zero? convert-status))) (add-file-name-to-delete! convert-picture-name)) (let* ((req (show-results gnuplot-status gnuplot-picture-name convert-status convert-picture-name get-total-bytes results return-address reset-return-address)) (bindings (get-bindings req))) (cond ((returned-via? return-address bindings) (profile req "You may continue to make profiles.")) ((returned-via? reset-return-address bindings) (reset-and-return-to-main-page req)) (else (error "unexpected return address"))))))) (define create-empty-picture-file (let ((lock (make-lock))) (lambda (file-prefix file-suffix) (obtain-lock lock) (let* ((tmp-file-name (create-temp-file file-prefix)) (picture-file-name (string-append tmp-file-name file-suffix))) (rename-file tmp-file-name picture-file-name) (release-lock lock) picture-file-name)))) (define (show-results gnuplot-status gnuplot-picture-name convert-status convert-picture-name get-total-bytes results return-address reset-return-address) (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) `(html (title "SUrflet Administration -- Profiling Results") (body (h1 "SUrflet-Administration") (h2 "Profiling Results") (h3 "Picture") ,(if (zero? gnuplot-status) (if use-convert? (if (zero? convert-status) `(image (@ (src ,convert-picture-name))) `(p "An error occured while generating the profiling results" " chart with convert (" ,convert ")." " Anyway, you can download the " (url ,gnuplot-picture-name "raw profiling chart") ".")) `(url ,gnuplot-picture-name "Profiling chart.")) `(p "An error occured while generating the profiling results picture." (br) "Are you sure, you have " (q "gnuplot") " installed at " (q ,gnuplot) "?")) (hr) (h3 "Data") (table (tr (th "#") (th "Total bytes occupied")) ,@(map (lambda (num space-info) `(tr (td ,(+ 1 num)) (td ,(get-total-bytes space-info)))) (iota (length results)) results)) (hr) (p (url ,(return-address new-url) "Return to previous page") (br) (url ,(reset-return-address new-url) "Delete files, reset state and return to main menu."))))))) (define (reset req) (reset-profiling-state!) (profile req "Profiling state reseted.")) (define (add-file-name-to-delete! file-name) (let ((state (get-session-data))) (set-state:file-names-to-delete! state (cons file-name (state:file-names-to-delete state))))) (define (delete-files state) (let ((file-names-to-delete (state:file-names-to-delete state))) (if file-names-to-delete (for-each delete-filesys-object file-names-to-delete)))) (define (reset-profiling-state!) (let ((state (get-session-data))) (set-state:counter! state 0) (delete-files state) (set-state:file-name! state (absolute-file-name (create-temp-file "surflet-profiling"))) (set-state:file-names-to-delete! state (list (state:file-name state))))) (define (reset-and-return-to-main-page req) ;; Overhead included :-| (reset-profiling-state!) (delete-files (get-session-data)) (return-to-main-page req)) (define (return-to-main-page req) (send-error (status-code moved-perm) req "admin.scm" "admin.scm")) (define (main req) ;; We'll fill this out soon. (set! gnuplot (search-executable "gnuplot")) (if (string=? gnuplot "") (begin (set! use-convert? #f) (set! convert "")) (begin (set! convert (search-executable "convert")) (if (string=? convert "") (set! use-convert? #f) (set! use-convert? #t)))) (set-session-data! (make-state #f #f 0)) (reset-profiling-state!) ;; Remove state files if user did not do it. (add-finalizer! (get-session-data) delete-files) (profile req)) (define (search-executable exec-name) (with-fatal-error-handler ;; If `which' is unavailable, return nothing. (lambda (condition decline) "") (receive (status ports) (run/collecting (1) (which ,exec-name)) (if (zero? status) (read-line ports) "")))) (define (emph text) `(font (@ (color "red")) ,text)) (define (executable-input input-field exec-name change-button) `(table (@ (border 0)) (tr (td ,input-field) (td ,change-button)) ,(if (executable? exec-name) #f `(tr (td (@ (colspan 2)) ,(emph "Note: There is no executable.")))))) ))