(define-structure servlet servlet-interface (open scsh scheme simple-servlet-api) (begin (define (main req) (let* ((answers (form-query (list (list 'name "Full Name") (list 'pwd (make-password "Password")) (list 're-pwd (make-password "Retype password")) (list 'yob (make-number "Year of birth")) (list 'mail? (make-boolean "Subscribe to mailing list")) (list 'payment (make-yes-no "Pay per" "bill" "card")) (list 'date-of-bill (make-radio "Pay at" (list "first" "middle" "end of month.")))))) ) (if (string=? (extract/single 'pwd answers) (extract/single 're-pwd answers)) (begin (inform (format #f "Hi ~a, you're password is ~s, you were born in ~a, you ~a to the mailing list and you pay per ~a at ~a of month. Click continue to perform recording." (extract/single 'name answers) (extract/single 'pwd answers) (extract/single 'yob answers) (if (extract/single 'mail? answers) "have subscribed" "did not subscribe") (extract/single 'payment answers) (car ((infix-splitter) (extract/single 'date-of-bill answers))))) (final-page "Data recorded.")) (begin (inform (format #f "Hi ~a, you've misspelled your password. Go back and retype it.")) (final-page "Your registration has been canceled."))))) ))