#!/bin/sh echo "Loading..." exec scsh -lel SSAX-4.9/load.scm -lel sunet-2.1/load.scm -dm -o surflet-server -e main -s "$0" "$@" !# (define-structure surflet-server (export main ; sh jump entry point server) ; scsh entry point (open httpd-core httpd-make-options httpd-basic-handlers httpd-file-directory-handlers ; cgi-server ; seval-handler ; rman-gateway ; info-gateway surflet-handler surflet-handler/options let-opt scsh scheme srfi-37 signals) (begin (define (usage) (format #f "Usage: start-surflet-server [-h DIR | --htdocs-dir=DIR] [-s DIR | --surflet-dir=DIR] [-i DIR | --images-dir=DIR] [-p NUM | --port=NUM] [-l FILE | --log-file-name=FILE] [-r NUM | --requests=NUM] [--help] with htdocs-dir directory of html files (default: ./web-server/root/htdocs) surflet-dir directory of SUrflet files (default: ./web-server/root/surflets) images-dir directory of images files (default: ./web-server/root/img) port port server is listening to (default: 8008) log-file-name directory where to store the logfile in CLF (default: ./web-server/httpd.log) requests maximal amount of simultaneous requests (default 5) --help show this help NOTE: This is the SUrflet-server. It does not support cgi-bin.~%")) (define (display-usage) (display (usage) (current-error-port)) (exit 1)) (define default-options `((htdocs-dir . ,(absolute-file-name "root/htdocs")) (surflet-dir . ,(absolute-file-name "root/surflets")) (images-dir . ,(absolute-file-name "root/img")) (port . 8008) (log-file-name . ,(absolute-file-name "httpd.log")) (requests . 5))) (define (raise-usage-error msg . info) (display msg (current-error-port)) (display " --- " (current-error-port)) (for-each (lambda (i) (display i (current-error-port)) (display " " (current-error-port))) info) (display "\n" (current-error-port)) (exit 1)) (define (parse-arguments arg-list) (let ((number-option-proc (lambda (alist-key) (lambda (option name arg ops) (cond ((not arg) (raise-usage-error "Option requires a number" name arg)) ((string->number arg) => (lambda (n) (cons (cons alist-key n) ops))) (else (raise-usage-error "Not a number" arg)))))) (absolute-file-option-proc (lambda (alist-key) (lambda (option name arg ops) (cons (cons alist-key (absolute-file-name arg)) ops))))) (let ((htdocs-dir-option (option '(#\h "htdocs-dir") #t #f (absolute-file-option-proc 'htdocs-dir))) (surflet-dir-option (option '(#\s "surflet-dir") #t #f (absolute-file-option-proc 'surflet-dir))) (images-dir-option (option '(#\i "images-dir") #t #f (absolute-file-option-proc 'images-dir))) (port-option (option '(#\p "port") #t #f (number-option-proc 'port))) (log-file-name-option (option '(#\l "log-file-name") #t #f (absolute-file-option-proc 'log-file-name))) (requests-option (option '(#\r "requests") #t #f (number-option-proc 'requests))) (help-option (option '(#f "help") #f #f (lambda (option name arg ops) (display-usage))))) (args-fold arg-list (list htdocs-dir-option surflet-dir-option images-dir-option port-option log-file-name-option requests-option help-option) (lambda (op name arg ops) (raise-usage-error "Unknown command line argument: " op)) cons '())))) (define (make-options-from-args cmd-line-args) (let ((given (parse-arguments cmd-line-args))) (map (lambda (p) (or (assoc (car p) given) p)) default-options))) (define (lookup-option alist option) (cond ((assoc option alist) => cdr) (else (error "Internal error, option not found" option alist)))) (define (server . args) (if (pair? args) (main `(main ,@(car args))) (main '(main)))) (define (main args) (with-cwd (file-name-directory (car (command-line))) (let ((options (make-options-from-args (cdr args)))) (cond ((zero? (user-uid)) (set-gid (->gid "nobody")) (set-uid (->uid "nobody")))) (format #t "Going to run SUrflet server with: htdocs-dir: ~a surflet-dir: ~a images-dir: ~a port: ~a log-file-name: ~a a maximum of ~a simultaneous requests, syslogging activated, and home-dir-handler (public_html) activated. NOTE: This is the SUrflet server. It does not support cgi. " (lookup-option options 'htdocs-dir) (lookup-option options 'surflet-dir) (lookup-option options 'images-dir) (lookup-option options 'port) (lookup-option options 'log-file-name) (lookup-option options 'requests)) (httpd (make-httpd-options with-port (lookup-option options 'port) with-root-directory (cwd) with-simultaneous-requests (lookup-option options 'requests) with-syslog? #t with-log-file (lookup-option options 'log-file-name) ;; The following settings are made to avoid dns lookups. with-reported-port (lookup-option options 'port) with-fqdn "localhost" with-resolve-ips? #f with-request-handler (alist-path-dispatcher (list (cons "h" (home-dir-handler "public_html")) (cons "source" (rooted-file-or-directory-handler (lookup-option options 'surflet-dir) (with-file-name->content-type (lambda (file-name) (if (string-ci=? (file-name-extension file-name) ".scm") "text/plain")) (make-file-directory-options)))) (cons "img" (rooted-file-handler (lookup-option options 'images-dir))) (cons "surflet" (surflet-handler (with-surflet-path (lookup-option options 'surflet-dir))))) (rooted-file-or-directory-handler (lookup-option options 'htdocs-dir)))))))) )) ;; EOF ;;; Local Variables: ;;; mode:scheme ;;; End: