(define-structure surflet surflet-interface (open scheme-with-scsh surflets let-opt receiving define-record-types (subset srfi-13 (string-downcase string-join)) (subset srfi-1 (find filter-map split-at remove)) sunet-utilities surflet-requests) (begin ;;; Spaceship components ;;; Size (Class ...) ;;; Arms (Photontorpedos, Phaser) ;;; Shields ;;; Drive (Impuls, Warp) ;;; Extras (Double Casing, Trans Warp Drive, etc.) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DATA (define-record-type ship-data :ship-data (make-ship-data class max-crew med-sections max-shuttles arm-types max-arms max-shield extras build-time) ship-data? (class ship-data-class) (max-crew ship-data-max-crew) (med-sections ship-data-med-sections) (max-shuttles ship-data-max-shuttles) (arm-types ship-data-arm-types) (max-arms ship-data-max-arms) (max-shield ship-data-max-shield) (extras ship-data-extras) (build-time ship-data-build-time)) ;;; This are the orderable ships with their data. The following ;;; procedures will refer to this list to get the data for a ship ;;; class. (define ships (map (lambda (data) (apply make-ship-data data)) ;; class-name max-crew med-sections max-shuttles ;; (possible) arm-types ;; max-arms (TW) max-shields (TJ) ;; extras ;; build-time (months) '(("Constitution" 400 14 10 (7 torpedo2) 17000 729000 (double-casing tractor shuttle-ramp) 6) ("Excelsior" 570 14 #f (8 7 torpedo2) 41000 2106000 (double-casing tractor transwarp) 7) ("Ambassador" 550 15 #f (9 8 7 torpedo1) 62500 4298000 (double-casing tractor) 8) ("Galaxy" 760 17 25 (10 9 8 torpedo2 torpedo-M/AM) 61200 5400000 (double-casing tractor discus wide-angle-firing transporter captains-yacht life-maintenance) 10)) )) ;;; All orderable classes extracted from ship data list. (define classes (map ship-data-class ships)) ;;; All orderable drives. (define drives '("Impuls" "Warp")) ;;; All orderable arm types. (define arm-types '((7 . "Phaser Type VII") (8 . "Phaser Type VIII") (9 . "Phaser Type IX") (10 . "Phaser Type X") (torpedo1 . "Class 1 Torpedo") (torpedo2 . "Photon-Torpedo-System Class 2") (torpedo-M/AM . "Photonen-Torpedo-System M/AM"))) ;;; All orderable extras. The ship data contains a list of extras a ;;; ship class may have. (define extras '((double-casing . "Double Casing") (tractor . "Tractor Ray") (shuttle-ramp . "Shuttle Ramp") (transwarp . "Trans Warp Drive (experimental)") (discus . "Detachable Discus Section") (wide-angle-firing . "300° Fire Angle") (transporter . "Extra Transporters (+35)") (captains-yacht . "Captain's Yacht") (life-maintenance . "Extended Life Maintenance System (ELMS)") )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Calculation ;;; Main entry point. Shows a welcome message, and invites to order a ;;; spaceship. (define (main req . update-text+class+armed?+shields?+drive) (let-optionals update-text+class+armed?+shields?+drive ((update-text #f) (def-class #f) (def-armed? #f) (def-shields? #f) (def-drive #f)) (let* ((class-radios (make-radios (checked-radio classes def-class))) (drive-radios (make-radios (checked-radio drives def-drive))) (armed-checkbox (make-checkbox def-armed?)) (shield-checkbox (make-checkbox def-shields?)) (req (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) (generate-main-page new-url update-text class-radios drive-radios armed-checkbox shield-checkbox)))) (bindings (get-bindings req)) (class (input-field-value (car class-radios) bindings)) (armed? (input-field-value armed-checkbox bindings)) (shields? (input-field-value shield-checkbox bindings)) (drive (input-field-value (car drive-radios) bindings))) (cond ((not class) (main req "Please specifiy a class." class armed? shields? drive)) ((not drive) (main req "Please specifiy a drive." class armed? shields? drive)) (else (specify-components req #f class armed? shields? drive)))))) ;;; Step 2ff: Let the customer specify the crew size, the arming, the ;;; shields and the extras, showing a result page at the end. (define (specify-components req update-text class armed? shields? drive) (receive (size med-beds) (get-size req class) (receive (weapons energy shield) (get-armed+shields req class armed? shields?) (order-page req class weapons energy shield drive size med-beds (get-extras req class))))) ;;; Ask the customer about details for the arming and the shield of ;;; his spaceship. The selectable components are taken from the ship ;;; data list. (define (get-armed+shields req class armed? shields? . maybe-update-text+weapons+energy+shield) (let-optionals maybe-update-text+weapons+energy+shield ((update-text #f) (def-weapons #f) (def-energy #f) (def-shield #f)) (let* ((checkboxes+text (and armed? (map (lambda (type) (let ((text (cdr (assoc type arm-types)))) (cons (make-annotated-checkbox text (and def-weapons (member? text def-weapons))) text))) (ship-data-arm-types (ship-ref class))))) (energy-input (and armed? (if def-energy (make-number-field def-energy) (make-number-field)))) (shield-input (and shields? (if def-shield (make-number-field def-shield) (make-number-field)))) (req (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) (generate-armed+shield-page new-url update-text checkboxes+text energy-input shield-input)))) (bindings (get-bindings req)) (weapons (and armed? (filter-map (lambda (checkbox+text) (input-field-value (car checkbox+text) bindings)) checkboxes+text))) (energy (and armed? (input-field-value energy-input bindings))) (shield (and shields? (input-field-value shield-input bindings))) (complains (remove not (list (and armed? (null? weapons) need-weapons) (and armed? (check-bounded-number-field class energy positive-energy ship-data-max-arms arms-boundary)) (and shields? (check-bounded-number-field class shield positive-shield ship-data-max-shield shield-boundary)))))) (if (null? complains) (values weapons energy shield) (get-armed+shields req class armed? shields? `(p ,@(map (lambda (complain) `(,complain (br))) complains)) weapons energy shield))))) ;;; Ask the customer about extras he want for his ship. The selectable ;;; items are taken from the ship data list. (define (get-extras req class) (let* ((checkboxes+text (map (lambda (extra) (cons (make-annotated-checkbox extra) (cdr (assoc extra extras)))) (ship-data-extras (ship-ref class)))) (req (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) (generate-extras-page new-url class checkboxes+text)))) (bindings (get-bindings req))) (filter-map (lambda (checkbox+text) (and (input-field-value (car checkbox+text) bindings) (cdr checkbox+text))) checkboxes+text))) ;;; Show the selected components of the customers ship and ask him for ;;; ordering the whole thing (without telling him, how long this will ;;; take, of course ;-) ) (define (order-page req class weapons arms-energy shield-energy drive size med-beds extras) (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) (generate-order-page new-url class weapons arms-energy shield-energy drive size med-beds extras))) (send-html/finish (generate-finish-page (calculate-build-time class weapons arms-energy shield-energy drive size extras) req))) ;;; This returns the number of months that are probably necessary to ;;; build the ship. The data are taken from experience of the last ;;; five years :-) (define (calculate-build-time class weapons arms-energy shield-energy drive size extras) (+ (ship-data-build-time (ship-ref class)) (if weapons (+ (length weapons) (if (> arms-energy 40000) 2 1)) 0) (if shield-energy (if (> shield-energy 2200000) 3 2) 0) 4 ; for impulse drive (if (string=? drive "Warp") 2 0) ; extra for warp drive (if (> size 300) 3 2) ; This includes the med-beds. (length extras) )) ;;; This asks the customer to specify how many crew members his ship ;;; will have. We only check that there is at least one crew member ;;; and the maximum crew member for a class is not exceeded. (define (get-size req class . maybe-update-text) (let* ((update-text (:optional maybe-update-text #f)) (size-input (make-number-field)) (req (send-html/suspend (lambda (new-url) (generate-size-page new-url update-text class size-input)))) (bindings (get-bindings req)) (size (input-field-value size-input bindings))) (if (or (not size) (<= size 0)) (get-size req class positive-size) (let* ((ship (ship-ref class)) (max-size (ship-data-max-crew ship) )) (if (<= size max-size) (values size (ship-data-med-sections ship)) (get-size req class (complain-size class max-size))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Page and text generating ;;; Title of each HTML page. (define (make-title) '(title "Spaceship Builder")) ;;; The following procedure do the actual HTML composing for the ;;; different steps. Nothing exciting here. ;;; Main page HTML. (define (generate-main-page new-url update-text class-radios drive-radios armed-checkbox shield-checkbox) `(html ,(make-title) (body (h1 "Welcome to the Spaceship Builder Web Site!") (p "Here you can build your own space ship.") (h2 "Step 1 -- Selecting components") ,(and update-text `(font (@ (color "red")) ,update-text)) (surflet-form ,new-url GET (table (tr (@ (valign "top")) (td "My spaceship is of class") (td (table ,@(table-radios class-radios classes)))) (tr (td (table (tr (td ,armed-checkbox) (td "My spaceship is armed."))))) (tr (td (table (tr (td ,shield-checkbox) (td "My spaceship has shields."))))) (tr (@ (valign "top")) (td "My spaceship's drive is ") (td (table ,@(table-radios drive-radios drives)))) (tr)) ,(make-submit-button "Submit choices")) ,(return-links main-return-link)))) ;;; Size page HTML. (define (generate-size-page new-url update-text class size-input) `(html ,(make-title) (body (h2 "Step 2 -- Specify crew size") (p "Please specify how many crew members your ship of class " ,class " will have. The builder will add as many treatment beds and accomodations as necessary to fullfill UFP Spaceship Crew's Rights Act 023/1000285.0/AB") ,(print-update update-text) (surflet-form ,new-url GET (table (tr (td "My ship is for a crew of ") (td ,size-input) (td "people")) (tr (td ,(make-submit-button))))) ,(return-links first-page-return-link main-return-link)))) ;;; Text displayed if crew size is too big for the spaceship's class. (define (complain-size class size) (format #f "Spaceships of the ~a class can only have up to ~a crew members. Please adjust the selected size or choose another spaceship class" class size)) ;;; Text displayed if size is not positive. (define positive-size "According to UFP Spaceship Crew Consistence Act 025/100030.2/BX there must be at least one person on each spaceship. Thus, please specify a positive number.") ;;; HTML page generator for Step 3 and 4: Arming and shields. ;;; Shows the possible arming for selection and asks about the amount ;;; of energy for arming and shields. (define (generate-armed+shield-page new-url update-text checkboxes+text energy-input shield-input) `(html ,(make-title) (body (surflet-form ,new-url GET ,(print-update update-text) ,(if (and checkboxes+text energy-input) `((h2 "Step 3 -- Specify arming") (p "Please select one or more arm types for your ship and amount of energy you want to spent for it or them, respectively.") (p (table ,@(map (lambda (checkbox+text) `(tr (td ,(car checkbox+text)) (td ,(cdr checkbox+text)))) checkboxes+text))) (p (table (tr (td "Use") (td ,energy-input) (td "TW for weapons."))))) '(h2 "Step 3 -- Done: No Arming")) ,(if shield-input `((h2 "Step 4 -- Specify shields") (p "Please specify the amount of energy you want to spent for your shields:") (table (tr (td ,shield-input) (td "TJ")))) '(h2 "Step 4 -- Done: No shields")) ,(make-submit-button "OK")) ,(return-links first-page-return-link main-return-link)))) ;;; Text displayed, if arms' energy is not positive. (define positive-energy "Please specify a positive number for the amount of arms energy.") ;;; Text displayed if shield's energy is not positive. (define positive-shield "Please specify a positive number for the amount of shield energy.") ;;; Text displayed if no weapons are selected, though the customer ;;; wished to have an armed spaceship. (define need-weapons "Please specify at least one weapon or turn back to main selection page and deselect arming.") ;;; Text displayed if arms' energy is too high for the spaceship class. (define (arms-boundary class max-energy) (format #f "Spaceships of class ~a cannot spend more than ~a TW for their arming." class max-energy)) ;;; Text displayed if shield's energy is too high for the spaceship class. (define (shield-boundary class max-shield) (format #f "Spaceships of class ~a cannot spend more than ~a TJ for their shields." class max-shield)) ;;; HTML page generator for the summary (order) page. ;;; Shows alle the details chosen for construction. (define (generate-order-page new-url class weapons arms-energy shield-energy drive size med-beds extras) `(html ,(make-title) (body (h2 "Ordering") (p "This are the data of your spaceship:") (ul (li "Class \"" ,class "\"") (li ,size " crew members") (li ,med-beds " treatment beds") (li ,(if weapons (format #f "Armed with ~a, powered with ~a TW" (text-enumerate weapons) arms-energy) "No arms")) (li ,(if shield-energy (format #f "~a TJ of shield energy" shield-energy) "No shields")) (li ,drive " drive") ,@(map (lambda (extra-text) `(li ,extra-text)) extras)) (surflet-form ,new-url POST ,(make-submit-button "Order now")) ,(return-links first-page-return-link main-return-link)))) ;;; HTML page generator for the extras page. ;;; Shows a list of possible extras of this spaceship class for selection. (define (generate-extras-page new-url class checkboxes+text) `(html ,(make-title) (body (h2 "Step 5 -- Extras") (p "Select one or more extras that are available for spaceships of class " ,class ":") (surflet-form ,new-url GET (table ,@(map (lambda (checkbox+text) `(tr (td ,(car checkbox+text)) (td ,(cdr checkbox+text)))) checkboxes+text)) ,(make-submit-button "OK")) ,(return-links first-page-return-link main-return-link)))) ;;; HTML page generator. ;;; Shows the final page with a "Thank you" and an estimate for the ;;; construction time. Furthermore, it shows the customers host-name ;;; or its IP-adress. (define (generate-finish-page months req) `(html ,(make-title) (body (h2 "Ordered") (p "Thank you for your ordering.") (p "Your order has been registered. " "We will contact you (" ,(host-name-or-ip (socket-remote-address (surflet-request-socket req))) ") as soon as the ship is built.") (p "This will take about " ,months " months.") ,(return-links first-page-return-link main-return-link)))) (define main-return-link '(url "/" "Return to main menu.")) (define (previous-page-return-link prev) `(url ,prev "Return to previous page.")) (define first-page-return-link '(url "/surflet/spaceship.scm" "Return to spaceship builder entry page.")) (define (return-links . links) `(p (hr) ,@(map (lambda (link) (list link '(br))) links))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Helping functions ;;; Creates HTML-table rows, putting a radio in front of a text. (define (table-radios radios texts) (map (lambda (radio text) `(tr (td ,radio) (td ,text))) radios texts)) ;;; Adds the 'checked attribute to a radio button, if its value ;;; (stored in LIST) equals to CHECK-THIS. With this, the selected ;;; value of a radio list can be restored if the page is redisplayed. (define (checked-radio list check-this) (map (lambda (elem) (if (equal? elem check-this) (cons elem `(@ (checked))) elem)) list)) ;;; Returns the ship-data structure for the class of name NAME. (define (ship-ref name) (find (lambda (ship) (string=? (ship-data-class ship) name)) ships)) ;;; "Prints" UPDATE-TEXT in red color, i.e. in an HTML paragraph ;;; block. (define (print-update update-text) `(p ,(and update-text `(font (@ (color "red")) ,update-text)))) ;;; Same as R5RS member, except that it returns either #t or #f. (define (member? thing list) (if (member thing list) #t #f)) ;;; Makes an enumeration of the strings in TEXT-LIST: ;;; (text-enumerate '("John", "Bill", "Juliet") ;;; => "John, Bill and Juliet" ;;; with reasonable results if the list's length is smaller than 2. (define (text-enumerate text-list) (let ((len (length text-list))) (case len ((0) "") ((1) (car text-list)) ((2) (string-append (car text-list) " and " (cadr text-list))) (else (receive (head last) (split-at text-list (- len 1)) (string-append (string-join head ", ") " and " (car last))))))) ;;; Does a check on the value of a number-input-field. Abstraction ;;; over two cases occured above. Best explained by the use above. (define (check-bounded-number-field class input positiv selector boundary) (if (or (not input) (<= input 0)) positiv (let ((max (selector (ship-ref class)))) (if (<= input max) #f (boundary class max))))) ))