; Taken directly from the SRFI document. (define-syntax let-values (syntax-rules () ((let-values (?binding ...) ?body0 ?body1 ...) (let-values "bind" (?binding ...) () (begin ?body0 ?body1 ...))) ((let-values "bind" () ?tmps ?body) (let ?tmps ?body)) ((let-values "bind" ((?b0 ?e0) ?binding ...) ?tmps ?body) (let-values "mktmp" ?b0 ?e0 () (?binding ...) ?tmps ?body)) ((let-values "mktmp" () ?e0 ?args ?bindings ?tmps ?body) (call-with-values (lambda () ?e0) (lambda ?args (let-values "bind" ?bindings ?tmps ?body)))) ((let-values "mktmp" (?a . ?b) ?e0 (?arg ...) ?bindings (?tmp ...) ?body) (let-values "mktmp" ?b ?e0 (?arg ... x) ?bindings (?tmp ... (?a x)) ?body)) ((let-values "mktmp" ?a ?e0 (?arg ...) ?bindings (?tmp ...) ?body) (call-with-values (lambda () ?e0) (lambda (?arg ... . x) (let-values "bind" ?bindings (?tmp ... (?a x)) ?body)))))) (define-syntax let*-values (syntax-rules () ((let*-values () ?body0 ?body1 ...) (begin ?body0 ?body1 ...)) ((let*-values (?binding0 ?binding1 ...) ?body0 ?body1 ...) (let-values (?binding0) (let*-values (?binding1 ...) ?body0 ?body1 ...))))) (define (add1 x) (+ x 1)) (define (sub1 x) (- x 1)) (define-syntax when (syntax-rules () ((when test expr ...) (if test (begin expr ...))))) (define-syntax unless (syntax-rules () ((unless test expr ...) (if (not test) (begin expr ...))))) (define (void . a) (if #f #f)) (define-syntax begin0 (syntax-rules () ((begin0 expr1 expr ...) (let ((r expr1)) (begin expr ...) r)))) (define andmap (lambda (f list0 . lists) (if (null? list0) (and) (let loop ((lists (cons list0 lists))) (if (null? (cdr (car lists))) (apply f (map car lists)) (and (apply f (map car lists)) (loop (map cdr lists)))))))) (define null '()) ; stolen from mzlib/functior.ss (define (quicksort l less-than) (let* ((v (list->vector l)) (count (vector-length v))) (let loop ((min 0)(max count)) (if (< min (sub1 max)) (let ((pval (vector-ref v min))) (let pivot-loop ((pivot min) (pos (add1 min))) (if (< pos max) (let ((cval (vector-ref v pos))) (if (less-than cval pval) (begin (vector-set! v pos (vector-ref v pivot)) (vector-set! v pivot cval) (pivot-loop (add1 pivot) (add1 pos))) (pivot-loop pivot (add1 pos)))) (if (= min pivot) (loop (add1 pivot) max) (begin (loop min pivot) (loop pivot max)))))))) (vector->list v))) ;;; HACK! (define call/ec call-with-current-continuation) (define-syntax let/ec (syntax-rules () ((let/ec k expr ...) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) expr ...))))) ;;; HACK! (define (make-parameter val) (lambda () val)) (define (list* . args) (if (null? (cdr args)) (car args) (cons (car args) (apply list* (cdr args))))) (define (format str . args) (apply (structure-ref big-scheme format) #f str args)) (define fprintf (structure-ref big-scheme format)) (define foldr (structure-ref list-lib fold-right)) (define regexp posix-string->regexp) ;;; convert "\\1y \\2" to '(1 "y " 2) (define (convert-string str) (let ((e.s (regexp-fold (rx (: "\\" numeric)) (lambda (s m nil) (cons (match:end m) (append (cdr nil) (list (substring str (car nil) (match:start m)) (string->number (string-drop (match:substring m) 2)))))) (cons 0 '()) str))) (append (cdr e.s) (list (substring str (car e.s) (string-length str)))))) ;;; does not handle & (define (regexp-replace* pattern string insert-string) (apply regexp-substitute/global #f pattern string (append (cons 'pre (convert-string insert-string)) (list 'post)))) (define (compose f g) (lambda (x) (call-with-values (lambda () (g x)) f))) (define open-output-string make-string-output-port) (define get-output-string string-output-port-output)