This file documents names defined in url.scm NOTES DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS userhost record A record containing the fields user, password, host and port. Created by parsing a string like //:@:/. The record describes path-prefixes of the form //:@:/ These are frequently used as the initial prefix of URL's describing Internet resources. parse-userhost path default Parse a URI path (a list representing a path, not a string!) into a userhost record. Default values are taken from the userhost record DEFAULT except for the host. Returns a userhost record if it wins, and #f if it cannot parse the path. It is an error if the specified path does not begin with '//..' like noted at userhost. userhost-escaped-chars list The union of uri-escaped-chars and the characters '@' and ':'. Used for the unparser. userhost->string userhost procedure Unparses a userhost record to a string. http-url record Record containing the fields userhost (a userhost record), path (a path list), search and frag-id. The PATH slot of this record is the URL's path split at slashes, e.g., "foo/bar//baz/" => ("foo" "bar" "" "baz" ""). These elements are in raw, unescaped format. To convert back to a string, use (uri-path-list->path (map escape-uri pathlist)). parse-http-url path search frag-id procedure Returns a http-url record. path, search and frag-id are results of a parse-uri call on the initial uri. See there (uri.scm) for further details. search and frag-id are stored as they are. This parser decodes the path elements. It is an error if the path specifies an user or a password as this is not allowd at http-urls. default-http-userhost record A userhost record that specifies the port as 80 and anything else as #f. http-url->string http-url Unparses the given http-url to a string.