;;; Scheme 48 module definitions for TCP/IP protocol suites. ;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by Olin Shivers. (define-interface format-net-interface (export format-internet-host-address format-port)) (define-structure format-net format-net-interface (open scsh scheme let-opt) ; :optional (files format-net)) (define-interface sunet-utilities-interface (export host-name-or-ip)) (define-structure sunet-utilities sunet-utilities-interface (open scsh scheme format-net handle-fatal-error) (files sunet-utilities)) (define-interface smtp-interface (export sendmail %sendmail expn vrfy mail-help smtp-transactions smtp-transactions/no-close smtp/open smtp/helo smtp/mail smtp/rcpt smtp/data smtp/send smtp/soml smtp/saml smtp/rset smtp/expn smtp/help smtp/noop smtp/quit smtp/turn handle-smtp-reply read-smtp-reply parse-smtp-reply smtp-stuff)) (define-interface smtp-internals-interface (export read-crlf-line ; These two should be in an write-crlf ; auxiliary module. smtp-query nullary-smtp-command unary-smtp-command)) (define-structures ((smtp smtp-interface) (smtp-internals smtp-internals-interface)) (open scsh ; write-string read-string/partial force-output ; system-name user-login-name and sockets crlf-io ; read-crlf-line write-crlf receiving ; values receive let-opt ; let-optionals error-package ; error scheme) (files smtp)) (define-interface crlf-io-interface (export read-crlf-line read-crlf-line-timeout write-crlf)) (define-structure crlf-io crlf-io-interface (open ascii ; ascii->char scsh ; read-line write-string force-output receiving ; MV return (RECEIVE and VALUES) let-opt ; let-optionals threads ; sleep scheme) (files crlf-io)) (define-interface rfc822-interface (export read-rfc822-headers read-rfc822-field %read-rfc822-headers %read-rfc822-field rejoin-header-lines get-header-all get-header-lines get-header )) (define-structure rfc822 rfc822-interface (open receiving ; MV return (RECEIVE and VALUES) scsh-utilities ; index string-lib let-opt ; let-optionals strings ; lowercase-string uppercase-string crlf-io ; read-crlf-line ascii ; ascii->char error-package ; error scsh ; join-strings scheme) (files rfc822)) (define-interface strings-interface (export string-map downcase-string upcase-string char-set-index char-set-rindex string-reduce skip-whitespace string-prefix? string-suffix? trim-spaces)) (define-structure strings strings-interface (open char-set-lib let-opt scheme) (files stringhax)) (define-interface uri-interface (export parse-uri uri-escaped-chars unescape-uri escape-uri resolve-uri split-uri-path uri-path-list->path simplify-uri-path)) (define-structure uri uri-interface (open scsh-utilities string-lib let-opt receiving ascii strings char-set-lib bitwise field-reader-package scheme) (files uri)) (define-interface url-interface (export userhost? ; USERHOST make-userhost ; record struct userhost:user userhost:password userhost:host userhost:port set-userhost:user set-userhost:password set-userhost:host set-userhost:port parse-userhost ; parse & userhost->string ; unparse. http-url? ; HTTP-URL make-http-url ; record struct http-url:userhost http-url:path http-url:search http-url:frag-id set-http-url:userhost set-http-url:path set-http-url:search set-http-url:frag-id parse-http-url ; parse & http-url->string)) ; unparse. (define-structure url url-interface (open defrec-package receiving string-lib char-set-lib uri scsh-utilities httpd-error scheme) (files url)) (define-interface httpd-error-interface (export http-error? http-error fatal-syntax-error? fatal-syntax-error)) (define-structure httpd-error httpd-error-interface (open conditions signals handle scheme) (files httpd-error)) (define-interface handle-fatal-error-interface (export with-fatal-error-handler* (with-fatal-error-handler :syntax))) (define-structure handle-fatal-error handle-fatal-error-interface (open scheme conditions handle) (files handle-fatal-error)) (define-interface httpd-core-interface (export server/version server/protocol http-log httpd make-request ; HTTP request request? ; record type. request:method request:uri request:url request:version request:headers request:socket set-request:method set-request:uri set-request:url set-request:version set-request:headers set-request:socket version< version<= v0.9-request? version->string ;; Integer reply codes reply-code->text http-reply/ok http-reply/created http-reply/accepted http-reply/prov-info http-reply/no-content http-reply/mult-choice http-reply/moved-perm http-reply/moved-temp http-reply/method http-reply/not-mod http-reply/bad-request http-reply/unauthorized http-reply/payment-req http-reply/forbidden http-reply/not-found http-reply/method-not-allowed http-reply/none-acceptable http-reply/proxy-auth-required http-reply/timeout http-reply/conflict http-reply/gone http-reply/internal-error http-reply/not-implemented http-reply/bad-gateway http-reply/service-unavailable http-reply/gateway-timeout time->http-date-string begin-http-header send-http-error-reply)) (define-interface httpd-make-options-interface (export with-port with-root-directory with-fqdn with-reported-port with-path-handler with-server-admin with-simultaneous-requests)) (define-interface httpd-read-options-interface (export httpd-options-port httpd-options-root-directory httpd-options-fqdn httpd-options-reported-port httpd-options-path-handler httpd-options-server-admin httpd-options-simultaneous-requests)) (define-structure httpd-core httpd-core-interface (open threads locks thread-fluids ; fork-thread scsh receiving crlf-io rfc822 strings char-set-lib defrec-package define-record-types handle conditions ; condition-stuff defenum-package httpd-error handle-fatal-error uri url formats format-net sunet-utilities httpd-read-options scheme) (files httpd-core)) (define-structures ((httpd-make-options httpd-make-options-interface) (httpd-read-options httpd-read-options-interface)) (open scheme define-record-types) (files httpd-options)) ;;; For parsing submissions from HTML forms. (define-interface parse-html-forms-interface (export parse-html-form-query unescape-uri+)) (define-structure parse-html-forms parse-html-forms-interface (open scsh scsh-utilities let-opt string-lib receiving uri strings scheme) (files parse-forms)) ;;; For writing CGI scripts in Scheme. (define-interface cgi-script-interface (export cgi-form-query)) (define-structure cgi-script cgi-script-interface (open scsh error-package parse-html-forms scheme) (files cgi-script)) ;;; Provides the server interface to CGI scripts. (define-interface cgi-server-interface (export cgi-default-bin-path cgi-handler initialise-request-invariant-cgi-env)) (define-structure cgi-server cgi-server-interface (open strings string-lib rfc822 crlf-io ; WRITE-CRLF uri url ; HTTP-URL record type httpd-core ; REQUEST record type, HTTP-ERROR & reply codes ; version stuff httpd-basic-handlers ; HTTP-HOMEDIR, SERVE-ROOTED-FILE-PATH httpd-error ; HTTP-ERROR scsh-utilities ; INDEX scsh ; syscalls formats ; format format-net ; FORMAT-INTERNET-HOST-ADDRESS sunet-utilities ; host-name-or-empty scheme) (files cgi-server)) (define-interface htmlout-interface (export emit-tag emit-close-tag emit-p emit-title emit-header ; And so forth... with-tag with-tag* escape-html emit-text)) (define-structure htmlout htmlout-interface (open scsh scsh-utilities strings formats ascii receiving scheme) (files htmlout)) (define-interface httpd-basic-handlers-interface (export alist-path-dispatcher home-dir-handler tilde-home-dir-handler rooted-file-handler rooted-file-or-directory-handler null-path-handler serve-rooted-file-path file-serve file-server-and-dir http-homedir send-file dotdot-check file-extension->content-type copy-inport->outport)) (define-structure httpd-basic-handlers httpd-basic-handlers-interface (open scsh ; syscalls formats ; FORMAT httpd-core ; REQUEST record type, HTTP-ERROR & reply codes, ; v0.9-request, begin-http-header httpd-error htmlout conditions ; CONDITION-STUFF url ; HTTP-URL record type handle-fatal-error ; WITH-FATAL-ERROR-HANDLER string-lib ; STRING-JOIN scheme) (files httpd-handlers)) (define-interface seval-handler-interface (export seval-handler)) (define-structure seval-handler seval-handler-interface (open scsh ; syscalls & INDEX httpd-error httpd-core ; REQUEST record type, HTTP-ERROR & reply codes, ; v0.9-request, reply formatting stuff. uri ; UNESCAPE-URI htmlout ; Formatted HTML output error-package ; ERROR pp ; Pretty-printer strings rfc822 toothless-eval ; EVAL-SAFELY handle ; IGNORE-ERROR strings ; SKIP-WHITESPACE parse-html-forms ; PARSE-HTML-FORM-QUERY threads ; SLEEP scheme) (files seval)) (define-interface httpd-access-control-interface (export access-denier access-allower access-controller access-controlled-handler)) (define-structure httpd-access-control httpd-access-control-interface (open big-scheme strings httpd-core httpd-error scsh scheme) (files httpd-access-control)) (define-interface info-gateway-interface (export info-handler find-info-file info-gateway-error)) (define-structure info-gateway info-gateway-interface (open big-scheme string-lib conditions signals handle strings htmlout httpd-core httpd-error url uri scsh handle-fatal-error scheme) (files info-gateway)) (define-interface rman-gateway-interface (export rman-handler man parse-man-entry cat-man-page find-man-file file->man-directory cat-n-decode nroff-n-decode)) (define-structure rman-gateway rman-gateway-interface (open httpd-core httpd-error conditions url uri htmlout httpd-basic-handlers handle-fatal-error scsh let-opt string-lib scheme) (files rman-gateway)) (define-interface ls-interface (export ls-crlf? ls arguments->ls-flags)) (define-structure ls ls-interface (open scheme handle big-scheme bitwise fluids crlf-io scsh) (files ls)) (define-interface ftpd-interface (export ftpd ftpd-inetd)) (define-structure ftpd ftpd-interface (open scheme conditions handle signals structure-refs handle-fatal-error scsh threads threads-internal ; last one to get CURRENT-THREAD thread-fluids ; fork-thread fluids string-lib big-util defrec-package crlf-io strings ls format-net) ; pretty print of internet-addresses (access big-scheme) (files ftpd)) ;; some utilities for the following stuff ;; hope we can vanish this soon (define-interface ecm-utilities-interface (export system-fqdn safe-first safe-second write-crlf dump)) (define-structure ecm-utilities ecm-utilities-interface (open scsh string-lib scheme) (files ecm-utilities)) ;; netrc.scm is a module for parsing ~/.netrc files, to obtain login ;; and password information for different network hosts. (define-interface netrc-interface (export user-mail-address netrc:lookup netrc:lookup-password netrc:lookup-login netrc:parse netrc:try-parse netrc-refuse?)) (define-structure netrc netrc-interface (open defrec-package records scsh error-package ecm-utilities string-lib conditions signals handle let-opt scheme) (files netrc)) ;; ftp.scm is a module for transfering files between networked ;; machines using the File Transfer Protocol (define-interface ftp-interface (export ftp:connect ftp:login ftp:type ftp:rename ftp:delete ftp:cd ftp:cdup ftp:pwd ftp:rmdir ftp:mkdir ftp:modification-time ftp:size ftp:abort ftp:quit ftp:ls ftp:dir ftp:get ftp:put ftp:append ftp:quot)) (define-structure ftp ftp-interface (open netrc scsh defrec-package receiving handle conditions signals error-package ecm-utilities string-lib let-opt scheme) (files ftp)) ;; pop3.scm is a module for accessing email on a maildrop server, ;; using the POP3 protocol. (define-interface pop3-interface (export pop3:connect pop3:login pop3:stat pop3:get pop3:headers pop3:last pop3:delete pop3:reset pop3:quit)) (define-structure pop3 pop3-interface (open netrc scsh defrec-package handle conditions signals ecm-utilities string-lib scheme) (files pop3)) ;; nettime.scm is a module for requesting the time on remote machines, ;; using the time or the daytime protocol (define-interface nettime-interface (export net:time net:daytime)) (define-structure nettime nettime-interface (open scsh scheme) (files nettime)) ;;; Here is toothless.scm ;;; Shouldn't the definitions be in an extra file? Andreas. ;;; -*- Scheme -*- ;;; This file defines a Scheme 48 module that is R4RS without features that ;;; could examine or effect the file system. You can also use it ;;; as a model of how to execute code in other protected environments ;;; in S48. ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by Olin Shivers. (define-interface loser-interface (export loser)) (define-structure loser (export loser) (open scheme error-package) (begin (define (loser name) (lambda x (error "Illegal call" name))))) ;;; The toothless structure is R4RS without the dangerous procedures. (define-interface toothless-interface (interface-of scheme)) (define-structure toothless toothless-interface (open scheme loser) (begin (define call-with-input-file (loser "call-with-input-file")) (define call-with-output-file (loser "call-with-output-file")) (define load (loser "load")) (define open-input-file (loser "open-input-file")) (define open-output-file (loser "open-output-file")) (define transcript-on (loser "transcript-on")) (define with-input-from-file (loser "with-input-from-file")) (define with-input-to-file (loser "with-input-to-file")) (define eval (loser "eval")) (define interaction-environment (loser "interaction-environment")) (define scheme-report-environment (loser "scheme-report-environment")))) ;;; (EVAL-SAFELEY exp) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Create a brand new package, import the TOOTHLESS structure, and ;;; evaluate EXP in it. When the evaluation is done, you throw away ;;; the environment, so EXP's side-effects don't persist from one ;;; EVAL-SAFELY call to the next. If EXP raises an error exception, ;;; we abort and return #f. (define-interface toothless-eval-interface (export eval-safely)) (define-structure toothless-eval toothless-eval-interface (open evaluation ; eval package-commands-internal ; config-package, get-reflective-tower packages ; structure-package, make-simple-package environments ; environment-ref handle ; ignore-errors scheme) (access toothless) ; Force it to be loaded. (begin (define toothless-struct (environment-ref (config-package) 'toothless)) (define toothless-package (structure-package toothless-struct)) (define (new-safe-package) (make-simple-package (list toothless-struct) #t (get-reflective-tower toothless-package) ; ??? 'safe-env)) (define (eval-safely exp) (ignore-errors (lambda () (eval exp (new-safe-package))))))) (define-interface dns-interface (export dns-get-address dns-get-mail-exchanger dns-find-nameserver)) (define-structure dns dns-interface (open scheme scsh big-util tables ascii formats signals random) (files dns))