\section{API description} \label{sec:surflet-api} The \surflet server comes with an extensive set of modules. This section describes the modules and the programming interfaces. See the howto section \ref{sec:surflethowto} for a practical guide. Note that most of the procedures mentioned here are meant to be called from within a \surflet. \subsection{The \surflet server} The \surflet server provides basic procedures to send web content to a client. To enable the SUnet webserver to serve \surflets, you have to add the \surflet handler to it, which resides in the \exi{surflet-handler} structure. \Eg: \begin{alltt} (httpd (make-httpd-options \dots with-request-handler (alist-path-dispatcher (list (cons "surflet" (surflet-handler (with-surflet-path "web-server/root/surflets")))) (rooted-file-or-directory-handler "web-server/root/htdocs")))) \end{alltt} This will set up the \surflet handler to handle requests directed to the directory \ex{/surflet/}. The \surflet handler can only handle requests directed to \surflets. Here's the interface description: \defun{surflet-handler}{options}{request-handler} \begin{desc} This procedures sets up the \surflet handler and returns the request handler for the SUnet webserver. The options argument is similar to the one passed to \ex{httpd} and is exlpained below. The \surflet handler accepts requests (solely) to \surflets whose file name must have the extension \ex{.scm}. The structure of \surflets is explained below. The \surflet handler receives the \ex{request} from \ex{httpd}, translates it to a \ex{surflet-request} and passes it to the requested \surflet. The \surflet in turn is expected to return a \ex{surflet-response}, which the \surflet handler translates to a \ex{repsonse} for \ex{httpd}. Thus, the \surflet deals only with \ex{surflet-request} and \ex{surflet-response} objects. The structure of these objects and how they are passed around is explained below. A \surflet may also return a \ex{redirect} \ex{response}, which the \surflet handler passes to the \ex{httpd} untouched. See \ref{sec:http-responses} for details. The \surflet handler calls the \surflet wrapped into an error handler that catches any error the \surflet may yield. In this case, it terminates the \surflets session (see below for more on sessions) and returns an \ex{error} \ex{response} to \ex{httpd} with the error code 500 "Internal Server Error" and a description of the error. \end{desc} The \var{options} argument can be constructed in a similar way to the options argument of \ex{httpd}. The procedures' names are of the form \ex{with-\ldots} and they all either create a new option or add a new parameter to a given option. The new parameter is always the first argument while the (old) option the optional second one. The following procedures reside in the \exi{surflet-handler/options} structure. \defun{with-surflet-path}{surflet-path [options]}{options} \begin{desc} This specifies the path in which the \surflet handler looks for \surflets. The \var{surflet-path} is a string. This option must be given for the handler to work. \end{desc} \defun{with-session-lifetime}{seconds [options]}{options} \begin{desc} This specifies the initial lifetime of a session. The lifetime of a session is the number of seconds the \surflet handler waits for a response from a client for that session, before she automatically finishes it. See below for details on sessions. Defaults to 600, \ie 10 minutes. \end{desc} \defun{with-cache-surflets?}{cache-surflets? [options]}{options} \begin{desc} This specifices whether the \surflet handler caches \surflets. The caching of \surflets is a prerequisite for \surflet wide global variables. See below for details on the scope of variables in \surflets. Defaults to \sharpt. \end{desc} \defun{with-make-session-timeout-text}{timeout-text-procedure [options]}{options} \begin{desc} This specifies a procedure that generates the timeout text. The \surflet handler displays the timeout text when she receives a request for a \surflet session that does not exist, either because the \surflet finished its session, the session has timed out, or the URL is illformed. The default is an English text with an explanation of the possible reasons and a link to a new session of the requested \surflet. \var{timeout-text-procedure} accepts the string path to the \surflet that was requested and returns a string. \end{desc} Similar to the \ex{httpd} options there exists a procedure to avoid parenthisis: \defun{make-surflet-options} {transformer value \ldots}{options} \begin{desc} This constructs an options value from an argument list of parameter transformers and parameter values. The arguments come in pairs, each an option transformer from the list above, and a value for that parameter. \ex{make-surflet-options} returns the resulting options value. \end{desc} For example, \begin{alltt} (surflet-handler (make-surflet-options with-surflet-path "root/surflets" with-session-timeout 3600)) \end{alltt} defines the \surflet handler to serve \surflets from the directory \ex{root/surflets} and to timeout unused session after one hour. The \surflet handler allows runtime read and write access to her options: \defun{options-surflet-path}{options}{string} \defunx{options-session-lifetime}{options}{integer} \defunx{options-cache-surflets?}{options}{boolean} \defunx{options-make-session-timeout-text}{options}{procedure} \begin{desc} These procedures return the stored value for the respective option. See above for the description of the options. \end{desc} \defun{set-options-surflet-path!}{options surflet-path}{\undefined} \defunx{set-options-session-lifetime!}{options seconds}{\undefined} \defunx{set-options-cache-surflets?!}{options cache-surflets?}{\undefined} \defunx{set-options-make-session-timeout-text!} {options timeout-text-procedure} {\undefined} \begin{desc} These procedures change the respective option value. See above for the description of the arguments. Note that changing the \var{surflet-path} within a \surflet may result in the \surflets being unreachable. Turning the cache off will not empty the \surflet cache. \end{desc} \subsection{\surflets} Technically, \surflets are Scheme48 structures, that have the name \ex{surflet} and export a \ex{main} procedure. The file in which their definition reside must have the extension \ex{.scm}. The \ex{main} procedure must accept the initial \ex{surflet-request} as an argument. She may or may not return, but if she does, she must return either a \ex{surflet response} or a \ex{redirect response}. For example, this is a valid \surflet definition: \begin{alltt} (define-structure surflet surflet-interface (open scheme-with-scsh surflets) (begin (define (main req) (send-html/finish '(html (body (p "Hello world!"))))) )) \end{alltt} \ex{surflet-interface} is a predefined interface description that exports the \ex{main} procedure. It is recommended to use this interface. \exi{surflets} is a structure that combines the most commonly used structures to write \surflets. \ex{send-html/finish} is one of the procedures that sends HTML to the client. More on this below. As \surflets are Scheme48 structures, you can use all capabilities of the Scheme48 module language. See the documentation of Scheme48 for details. \surflets should not use the \ex{shift-reset} structure, as this might confuse the \surflet handler. \subsection{\surflet management} Upon an initial client request, the \surflet handler looks for the requested \surflet, dynamically loads it, installs an error handler and calls the \ex{main} function of the \surflet with the initial \ex{surflet-request}. To minimize the time of loading a \surflet, the \surflet handler caches the structure of the \surflet in a cache, the \surflet cache. As the \surflet is cached, its global values will remain unchanged even through times when there are no active sessions of the \surflet. Changing global \surflet values is a possibility to exchange data between different sessions of the same \surflet. Note that you have to take care to serialize the access to commonly shared, mutated data. The \surflet handler allows access to its cache via the following procedures. The access to these procedures is currently unrestricted but may be restricted in future versions of the \surflet server. \defun{get-loaded-surflets}{}{list} \begin{desc} This returns a list of the file names of the loaded \surflets. \end{desc} \defun{unload-surflet}{surflet}{undefined} \begin{desc} This removes the \var{surflet} from the \surflet cache. The \var{surflet} is identified by its file name, as returned from \ex{get-loaded-surflets}. \end{desc} \defun{reset-surflet-cache!}{}{undefined} \begin{desc} This empties the \surflet cache. \end{desc} Of course, when a \surflet is removed from the cache, the values in its sessions remain untouched. However, if the \surflet is newly loaded into the \surflet cache, the \surflet handler treats it like a new \surflet, \ie the sessions of the "old" and the "new" \surflet (though physically the same) do \emph{not} share their global data in any way. \subsection{Surflet Request} \surflets get their input from \ex{surflet-request} objects. The relevant procedures are the following. They are all exported by the \exi{surflet-handler/requests} alias \exi{surflet-requests} structure. \defun{surflet-request?}{object}{boolean} \defunx{surflet-request-method}{surflet-request}{string} \defunx{surflet-request-input-port}{surflet-request}{input-port/undefined} \defunx{surflet-request-uri}{surflet-request}{string} \defunx{surflet-request-url}{surflet-request}{url} \defunx{surflet-request-version}{surflet-request}{pair} \defunx{surflet-request-headers}{surflet-request}{alist} \begin{desc} The procedures inspect \ex{surflet-request} values. Most of them return the values of the underlying \ex{request} object from \ex{httpd}. \ex{surflet-request?} is a predicate for \ex{surflet request}s. \ex{surflet-request-method} extracts the method of the HTTP request; it's a string and either \ex{"GET"} or \ex{"POST"}. \surflets won't receive requests with other methods. \ex{surflet-request-input-port} returns an input-port that contains data from the client on \ex{POST} requests and that the \surflet can safely read. If the request is no \ex{POST} request, its value is undefined. \ex{surflet-request-uri} returns the escaped URI string as read from the request line. \ex{surflet-request-url} returns the respective HTTP URL value (see the description of the \ex{url} structure in chapter \ref{cha:url}). \ex{surflet-request-version} returns a \verb|(major . minor)| integer pair representing the version specified in the HTTP request. \ex{surflet-request-headers} returns an association lists of header field names and their values, each represented by a list of strings, one for each line. \end{desc} For some unknown weird cases, there are also these two procedures: \defun{surflet-request-socket}{surflet-request}{socket} \defunx{surflet-request-request}{surflet-request}{request} \begin{desc} \ex{surflet-request-socket} returns the socket connected to the client. As with \ex{request}s, \surflets should not perform I/O on this socket. See section \ref{httpd:requests} for reasoning. \ex{surflet-request-requst} allows access to the underlying \ex{request} object from \ex{httpd}. Both procedures should not be necessary in normal operation and their usage is discouraged. \end{desc} \subsection{Surflet Response} \surflets answer to a request by sending an \ex{surflet-response} to the \surflet handler. The next section deals with how the surflet responses are sent to the \surflet handler. The relevant procedures for \ex{surflet-response} are the following. They are all exported by the \exi{surflet-handler/responses} alias \exi{surflet-response} structure. \defun{make-surflet-response}{status content-type headers data}{surflet-response} \begin{desc} This creates a \ex{surflet-response}. \var{status} is the status code of the response. See section \ref{sec:http-responses} for details on this. \var{content-type} is the MIME type of the data, \eg \ex{"text/html"}. \var{headers} is an association list of headers to be added to the response, each of which consists of a symbol representing the field name and a string representing the field value. \var{data} is the actual data. It must be either a string or a list of values that will be \ex{display}ed. \end{desc} \defun{valid-surflet-response-data?}{object}{boolean} \begin{desc} This is a predicate on objects that may be surflet data, \ie a string or a list (of objects that will be \ex{display}ed). \end{desc} \defun{surflet-response?}{object}{boolean} \defunx{surflet-response-status}{surflet-response}{status-code} \defunx{surflet-response-content-type}{surflet-response}{string} \defunx{surflet-response-headers}{surflet-response}{alist} \defunx{surflet-response-data}{surflet-response}{surflet-data} \begin{desc} The procedures return \ex{surflet-response} values. \ex{surflet-response?} is a predicate for \ex{surflet-response}s. \ex{surflet-response-status} returns the status code of the response. See section \ref{sec:http-responses} for details on the status code. \ex{surflet-response-content-type} returns the MIME type of the response. \ex{surflet-response-headers} returns the association list of header field names and their values, each represented by a list of strings, one for each line. \ex{surflet-response-data} returns the data of the \ex{surflet-response}, the actual answer of the \surflet. \end{desc} \subsection{Sessions} A \keyword{session} is a set of web pages that logically belong together, \eg a user surfing through her webmail. A session starts with the initial request for a \surflet and ends either explicitly by the \surflet, or implicitly after a timeout. A third, not so common case is its deletion from the session table. The procedures presented in this subsection are all accessible via the \exi{surflets/sessions} structure. \subsubsection{Session management} The \surflet handler automatically manages the sessions for each \surflet, thus the \surflet does not have to deal with sessions or state control (as it is the case with most other programming interfaces for web applications). In particular, a \surflet does not have to take care of saving the contents of variables before emitting a web page and restoring the values later upon the next request, or determining how far the user has proceeded in the application. The only thing a \surflet may want to do is to tell the \surflet handler when a session finished by calling \ex{send/finish} or an equivalent procedure (see below). Although a \surflet does not have to deal with the management of the sessions, the \surflet handler allows access to its management structures. \defun{instance-session-id}{}{session-id} \begin{desc} This returns the session ID for the current session. The current session is the session from which the function is called. \end{desc} \defun{get-session}{session-id}{session} \begin{desc} This returns the session for the given session ID. \end{desc} \defun{get-sessions}{}{alist} \begin{desc} This returns the complete list of all active session of the \surflet handler. The list is an association list with the session-id as key and the session as value. The access to this procedure is currently unrestricted but may be restricted in future versions of the \surflet server. \end{desc} \defun{delete-session!}{session}{undefined} \begin{desc} This deletes the specified session from the session table. Future requests to the session are answered with the timeout text. \end{desc} \defun{session-alive?}{session}{boolean} \begin{desc} This returns \sharpt, if the specified session is alive, \ie requests to it will be answered by the appropriate \surflet. Otherwise, she returns \sharpf. \end{desc} \defun{session-surflet-name}{session}{string} \defunx{session-session-id}{session}{session-id} \begin{desc} These procedures inspect values of a session. \ex{session-surflet-name} returns the name of the \surflet for which the session was created. \ex{session-session-id} returns the session ID of the session. \end{desc} For each session, the \surflet handler has a counter running. She resets the counter each time she receives a request for the session. When the counter reaches a particular number of seconds, the \keyword{lifetime} of the session, the \surflet handler deletes the session and removes it from its session table. She will answer all future requests for the session with the timeout text. The following procedures deal with the lifetime of a session. \defun{session-lifetime}{session}{integer} \defunx{set-session-lifetime!}{session new-lifetime}{undefined} \begin{desc} \ex{session-lifetime} returns the number of seconds the \surflet handler will initially wait before she automatically finishes the session. \ex{set-session-lifetime!} changes the initial lifetime of the \var{session} to \var{new-lifetime} and also resets the counter for that session. \end{desc} \defun{session-adjust-timeout!}{session [lifetime]}{undefined} \defunx{adjust-timeout!}{[lifetime]}{undefined} \begin{desc} These reset the counter for the lifetime of either the given \var{session} (\ex{session-adjust-timeout!}) or the current session (\ex{adjust-timeout!}). Both procedures give the session a lifetime of either \var{lifetime} seconds or of the lifetime seconds stored for the according \var{session}. \end{desc} In order to allow easy web programming, the \surflet handler automatically saves and reifies continuations of a session. This is totally transparent to the web programmer. For adminstration purposes, the \surflet handler offers access to the continuation table of a session via the following procedures. \defun{session-continuation-table}{session}{table} \defunx{session-continuation-table-lock}{session}{lock} \defunx{session-continuation-counter}{session}{thread-safe-counter} \begin{desc} These functions the continuation table, the lock for the continuation table and the counter for the continuations. The continuation \var{table} is a hash table with the continuation ID as key and the continuation as value, based on the \ex{tables} structure of Scheme48. The \var{lock} is based on the \ex{locks} structure of Scheme48. The \var{thread-safe-counter} is based on the \ex{thread-safe-counter} structure that is part of the \surflets. The access to these functions is currently unrestricted but may be restricted in future versions of the \surflet server. \end{desc} The \exi{surflets/continuations} also offers procedures to access the continuations. \defun{get-continuations}{session}{list} \begin{desc} Returns a list of all continuations of the \var{session}. The list elements are pairs with the \ex{car} being the session and the \ex{cdr} being the continuation. \end{desc} \defun{delete-continuation!}{session-continuation}{undefined} \begin{desc} Removes the specified continuation from the continuation table. \var{session-continuation} is a pair as returned from \ex{get-continuations}. It is no error if the session or the continuation does not exist anymore. The access to this functions is currently unrestricted but may be restricted in future versions of the \surflet server. \end{desc} \defun{continuation-id}{session-continuation}{number} \begin{desc} Returns the continuation ID of the continuation specified by \var{session-continuation} which is a pair as returned by \ex{get-continuations}. \end{desc} The \exi{surflets/ids} structure provides procedures to determine the session and continuation IDs of the current session. See also the entry for \ex{resume-url-ids} some where else in this document. \defun{my-session-id}{surlfet-request}{number} \defunx{my-continuation-id}{surlfet-request}{number} \defunx{my-ids}{surlfet-request}{number number} \begin{desc} These return the session and continuation ID that where used to access the current session. The procedures work for every \var{surflet-request} except for the inital one that \ex{main} gets. The values returned by \ex{my-ids} are the session and the continuation ID in this order. \end{desc} \defun{surflet-file-name}{surlfet-request}{string} \begin{desc} This returns the name of the \surflet of the current session. \end{desc} \subsubsection{Session data} The \surflet handler distinguishes three kinds of \keyword{session data}: session data that is local to a session of a \surflet and not mutated, session data that is local to a session of a \surflet and mutated and session data that is global to all sessions of a \surflet. Every variable value that is never mutated is automatically local to the session of the \surflet. Variable values that are mutated are automatically global to all sessions of the \surflet. Values that have to be mutated but should be local to a session of the \surflet must be stored in a special place, the session data field of the \surflet handler.\footnote{The reason for this distinction is the fact that the \surflet handler saves and reifies the continuation of a \surflet to realize the easy programming of web applications. Mutations of values remain visible after reifying the continuation.} \defun{get-session-data}{}{object} \defunx{set-session-data!}{new-value}{undefined} \begin{desc} These procedures allow read/write access to the session data field of the \surflet handler. The \surflet handler installs a session data field for each session she creates. \ex{get-session-data} reads the contents of this field, which is initially \sharpf. \ex{set-session-data!} sets the contents of the field to \var{new-value}. Mutations to the values, no matter when they occur, are local to the session from which the procedures are called, \ie the changes are only visible within a particular session of the \surflet. The procedures are exported by the \exi{surflet-handler/session-data} structure. \end{desc} \subsection{Basic I/O} The \surflet communicates with the web client basically with the following \ex{send} primitives. They are exported by the \exi{surflet-handler/primitives} structure along with the procedures from \ex{surflet-handler/requests}, \ex{surflet-handler/responses} and the \ex{status-code} syntax. \defun{send}{surflet-response}{\noreturn} \begin{desc} This procedure send the data of the \var{surflet-response} to the client and does not return. \end{desc} \defun{send/finish}{surflet-response}{\noreturn} \begin{desc} This procedure does the same as \ex{send}, but it also finishes the session of the \surflet. Future requests to the \surflet will be answered with the timeout text (see above). \end{desc} \defun{send/suspend}{surflet-response-maker}{surflet-request} \begin{desc} This procedure suspends the current computation of the \surflet and calls \var{surflet-response-maker} with the continuation-URL of the current session to create the actual \ex{surflet-response}. When a client requests the continuation-URL, the computation of the \surflet will resume with \ex{send/suspend} returning that request of the client. See \ref{sec:continuation-url} for details on continuation-URLs. \end{desc} \defun{send-error}{status-code surflet-request [messages]}{\noreturn} \begin{desc} This sends an error response to the client. \var{status-code} is the status code of the error, see section \ref{sec:http-responses} for details. \var{surflet-request} is the last \ex{surflet-request} the \surflet received; if unknown this argument may be \sharpf. \var{messages} may contain some further information about the cause of the error. \end{desc} \subsection{Web I/O} Most of the time, a \surflet won't send arbitrary data but HTML to the client. For this purpose, the \surflets provide extensive support. First of all, they provide procedures specially designed for submitting HTML. \defun{send-html}{sxml}{\noreturn} \defunx{send-html/finish}{sxml}{\noreturn} \defunx{send-html/suspend}{sxml-maker}{surflet-request} \begin{desc} These are the equivalent procedures to the \ex{send} primitives. \ex{send-html} and \ex{send-html/finish} accept an SXML object (more on that below), translate it into HTML and send it to the client, the latter finishing the session. \ex{send-html/suspend} suspends the current computation, calls \var{sxml-maker} with the continuation-URL, translates the resulting SXML into HTML and sends it to the client. When the client requests the continuation-URL, the computation is resumed and \ex{send-html/suspend} returns with the \ex{surflet-request}. \end{desc} \subsubsection{SXML} For easy creation of HTML output, the \ex{send-html} procedures mentioned above represent the HTML in SXML. SXML is a creation of Oleg Kiselyov. Basically, SXML is a list whose \ex{car} is an SXML tag, a symbol representing the HTML tag, and the \ex{cdr} are other SXML elements that will be enclosed by the HTML tag. For example, \codex{'(h2 "Result")} represents the tag \ex{h2}, that encloses the text "Result". The represented HTML is \codex{
\textnormal{.}} The @ symbol marks HTML attributes. The attributes follow the @ symbol in two element lists, the first element being the name of the attribute and the last its value. For example, this is a link: \codex{'(a (@ (href "add-surflet.scm") (name "linklist")) "Make new calculation.")} representing the following HTML \codex{Make new calculation.\textnormal{.}} The attributes form will only be recognized as such if it is the second element of a list, right after the SXML tag. \defun{sxml-attribute?}{object}{boolean} \defunx{sxml-attribute-attributes}{sxml-attribute}{list} \begin{desc} These are procedures on SXML attribute forms. \ex{sxml-attribute?} is a predicate for SXML attribute forms. \ex{sxml-attribute-attributes} returns the list of name-value-lists of the attributes form. Both procedures are exported by the \exi{surflets/sxml} structure. \end{desc} The translator translates list elements which are numbers and symbols to their string representation (except for the first element, of course). She scans strings for the special characters \verb'&', \verb'"', \verb'>' and \verb'<' and replaces them by their HTML equivalents, and she ignores \sharpf and the emtpy list. See below the special SXML tag \ex{plain-html} to see how to insert HTML code untranslated. Furthermore, the translator accepts \ex{input-fields} as list elements, which are translated to their HTML representation. See below for details on input fields. Using lists to represent HTML allows the programmer to define operations on it. Most programmers construct their lists dynamically, often by using \ex{quasiquote} (the symbol \ex{`}) and \ex{unquote} (the symbol \ex{,}). \Eg \begin{alltt} `(html (title ,my-title) (body (p "Hello, " ,(get-user-full-name)))) \end{alltt} See below for how to create your own SXML. \subsubsection{Special SXML tags} The SXML to HTML translator accepts some special SXML tags that don't directly translate to an HTML tag. \newcommand{\defsxmltag} {\par\medskip\defsxmltagx} \newcommand{\defsxmltagx}[2]% {\hbox to \linewidth{\ttchars% {\ttt(#1\testvoid{#2}{}{\ }{\sem{#2}}\testvoid{#2}{}{\/}) %\hskip 1em minus 0.5em$\longrightarrow$\hskip 1em minus 0.5em %{\sem{#3}} \hfill\quad\textnormal{SXML-tag}}}\index{#1}} \defsxmltag{url}{URL [text]} \begin{desc} Inserts a link to \var{URL}, named with \var{text}. \var{text} defaults to \var{URL}. Takes at least one argument. \Eg \begin{alltt} (url "/" "Main menu") \ensuremath{\Longrightarrow} Main menu (url "go.html") \ensuremath{\Longrightarrow} go.html \end{alltt} \oops{\ex{url} does not accept extra attributes for the `\ex{A}' tag of HTML. This should be fixed in a future version.} \end{desc} \defsxmltag{nbsp}{} \begin{desc} Inserts the HTML sequence \ex{"\ "}. Takes no arguments. \end{desc} \defsxmltag{plain-html}{html \ldots} \begin{desc} Inserts \var{html} without any changes, thus it works like a quote. Takes any number of arguments. \end{desc} \defsxmltag{*COMMENT*}{comment \ldots} \begin{desc} Inserts a comment, \ie \var{comment} enclosed between \verb||. Takes any number of arguments. \end{desc} \defsxmltag{surflet-form}{k-url [method] [attributes] [SXML \ldots]} \begin{desc} Inserts HTML code for a web form. See below for details. \var{k-url} usually is a continuation-URL. \var{method} is the method to be used by the client to transfer the webform data. Possible values are the symbols \ex{GET}, \ex{get}, \ex{POST}, \ex{post}, the first two specifying the GET method, the last two the POST method. \var{method} defaults to the GET method. \ex{attributes} are attributes for the created web form, \eg \ex{(@ (enc-type "text/plain"))}. The remaining arguments are taken as SXML and translated as usually. Takes at least one argument. Note that the attributes form may come at position three. \end{desc} \subsubsection{Do it yourself: your own SXML} The \ex{send-html} procedures use a standard set of translation rules to translate from SXML to HTML. However, you may define your own set of translation rules or extend the given ones as you see fit. For this, a short introduction to the translation process. The translation process takes place in two steps. Step one translates the given SXML to low level SXML, essentially a rough form of HTML in list notation. Step two takes this low level SXML and prints to a port. Step one is performed by \ex{sxml->low-level-sxml}, step two by \ex{display-low-level-sxml}. All procedures and rules presented in this subsection are exported from \exi{surflets/sxml}. \defun{sxml->low-level-sxml}{sxml rules}{low-level-sxml} \begin{desc} Takes an SXML object (which essentially is a list) and a list of SXML rules (more on this below) and translates it to low level SXML. This procedure is an alias to the \ex{pre-post-order} procedure of Oleg Kiselyov's SSAX module. It is an error if no rule triggers (see below for when a rule triggers). However, it is no error if multiple rules trigger; the first rule in the \var{rules} list wins. \end{desc} \defun{display-low-level-sxml}{low-level-sxml port}{boolean} \begin{desc} Takes low level SXML and \ex{display}s it to a port. She traverses the list \var{low-level-sxml} depth-first, ignores the empty list and \sharpf, executes thunks and \ex{display}s all other elements, usually strings and characters, to \var{port}. Returns \sharpt if she wrote anything, \sharpf otherwise. This function is basically the \ex{SRV:send-reply} procedure of Oleg Kiselyov's SSAX module. \end{desc} \defun{sxml->string}{sxml rules}{string} \begin{desc} Combines step one and two of the translation process and returns the resulting string, \ie it calls \ex{display-low-level-sxml} with the result of a call to \ex{sxml->low-level-sxml} and a string port, returning the content of the string port. \end{desc} %\defun{sxml->string/internal}{sxml rules}{list} %\begin{desc} % I forgot what this function was good for. I probably used it % internally in one of the \surflet rules. %\end{desc} An \keyword{SXML-rule} consists of a \textit{trigger}, which is a symbol, and the \textit{handler}, which is a translation procedure. There are three types of rules, each of which is a dotted list: \begin{description} \item[\ex{(\synvar{trigger} *preorder* . \synvar{handler})}] \mbox{}\\ When \ex{sxml->low-level-sxml} sees the \synvar{trigger} as the first element of a list, she calls \synvar{handler} with the \emph{whole} list as arguments and replaces the list with the result of that call (which must be a single value). Note that the arity of the handler determines how many elements the list with the trigger may or must contain. \item[\ex{(\synvar{trigger} . \synvar{handler})}] \mbox{}\\ When \ex{sxml->low-level-sxml} sees the \synvar{trigger} as the first element of a list, she calls herself on the remaining elements of the list and then calls the \synvar{handler} with the trigger and the results of those calls as arguments. \item[\ex{(\synvar{trigger} \synvar{new-rules} . \synvar{handler})}] \mbox{} \\ When \ex{sxml->low-level-sxml} sees the \synvar{trigger} as the first element of a list, she temporarily prepends \synvar{new-rules} to the current rule set while calling herself on the remaining elements of the list. She then calls the \synvar{handler} with the trigger and the results of those calls as arguments. As the new rules are prepended, this rule allows the temporary override of some rules. \end{description} There are two special triggers, who may trigger for all elements of the SXML, not only the first element of a list: \begin{itemize} \item \ex{*text*} triggers for atoms in the SXML list, \ie usually strings and characters. The handler is called with the symbol \ex{*text*} and the atom as arguments. \item \ex{*default*} triggers whenever no rule triggered, including \ex{*text*}. If called for a list whose first element did not trigger a rule, the handler is called with the whole list. If called for an atom, the handler is called with the symbol \ex{*text*} and the atom as arguments. \end{itemize} The \exi{surflets/sxml} structure defines some basic rules: \defvar{default-rule}{SXML-rule} \defvarx{text-rule}{SXML-rule} \defvarx{attribute-rule}{SXML-rule} \begin{desc} These are the three basic rules exported by the \ex{surflets/sxml} structure. \ex{default-rule} creates the leading and trailing HTML tag and encloses the attributes. \ex{text-rule} just inserts the given text with the special HTML characters \verb'&', \verb'"', \verb'>' and \verb'<' escaped. \ex{attribute-rule} triggers for the attributes form and creates attributes like \ex{selected} or \ex{color="red"}. \end{desc} The \exi{surflets/surflet-sxml} add the rules for the special SXML tags to this list: \defvar{url-rule}{SXML-rule} \defvarx{nbsp-rule}{SXML-rule} \defvarx{plain-html-rule}{SXML-rule} \defvarx{comment-rule}{SXML-rule} \defvarx{surflet-form-rule}{SXML-rule} \begin{desc} These are the rules for the special SXML tags mentioned above, namely \ex{url}, \ex{nbsp}, \ex{plain-html}, \ex{*COMMENT*} and \ex{surflet-form}. \end{desc} \defvar{default-rules}{list} \defvarx{surflet-sxml-rules}{list} \begin{desc} These are rule sets. \ex{default-rule} contains the rulese \ex{default-rule}, \ex{attribute-rule}, \ex{text-rule}, \ex{comment-rule}, \ex{url-rule}, \ex{plain-html-rule} and \ex{nbsp-rule}. \ex{surflet-sxml-rules} extends this list by \ex{surflet-form-rule} and a rule for input fields. \end{desc} \defun{surflet-sxml->low-level-sxml}{sxml}{low-level-sxml} \begin{desc} This uses the \ex{surflet-sxml-rules} to translate \var{sxml} to low level SXML, performin step one of the translation process. \end{desc} \subsection{Continuation-URL} \label{sec:continuation-url} The \keyword{continuation-URL} represents the point in the computation of a session of a \surflet where the computation was halted by the \surflet handler. When a browser requests a continuation-URL, the \surflet handler looks up the continuation in its tables and reifies it, allowing the session of the \surflet to resume its computation. The procedures to access the continuation-URL are the following. They are exported by the \exi{surflet-handler/resume-url} structure. Sorry for the double naming \ex{resume-url} and continuation-URL. \defun{resume-url?}{string}{boolean} \defunx{resume-url-ids}{resume-url}{session-id continuation-id} \defunx{resume-url-session-id}{resume-url}{session-id} \defunx{resume-url-continuation-id}{resume-url}{continuation-id} \begin{desc} These inspect values of a resume url. \ex{resume-url?} is predicate for resume urls. Note that it only operates on strings. \ex{resume-url-ids} returns the session- and the continuation-id that is stored in the \var{resume-url}. \ex{resume-url-session-id} and \ex{resume-url-continuation-id} return only the session- or the continuation-id, respectively. \end{desc} \subsection{Input fields} The \surflets support all input fields defined for HTML~2.0 and allow the creation of own input fields. \ex{input-field}s are first order values, that represent the actual input field of the web page in the \surflet. For that, this documentation distinguishes the \emph{browser} value from the \emph{Scheme} value of an input field. The browser value is the string representation of the input field data the browser sends. The Scheme value is the value in the \surflet the input field reports as its value, which may be of any type, not only strings. Here is a short overview, how to use input fields. See also the howto for more informations. First, you create the \ex{input-field} that represents the input field you want to use. Then you put this \ex{input-field} into the SXML of the web page at the place the input field shall appear. After \ex{send-html/suspend} has returned with the next \ex{surflet-request}, you call \ex{get-bindings} with that \ex{surlfet-request} and collect the resulting bindings. Last, you call \ex{input-field-value} (or \ex{raw-input-field-value}) with your \ex{input-field} and the collected bindings to get the Scheme representation of the value the user has entered. Here is a small example: \begin{alltt} (define-structure surflets surflet-interface (open scheme-with-scsh surflets) (begin (define (main req) (let* ((text-input (make-text-field)) (req (send-html/suspend (lambda (k-url) `(html (body (surflet-form ,k-url (p "Enter some asd text: " ,text-input) ,(make-submit-button))))))) (bindings (get-bindings req)) (text (input-field-value text-input bindings))) (send-html/finish `(html (body (p "You've entered `" ,text "'.")))))) )) \end{alltt} \paragraph{Getting the bindings} The \exi{surflets/bindings} structures exports the necessary functions to create bindings and extract values from them: \defun{get-bindings}{surflet-request}{bindings} \begin{desc} This returns an association list representing the data the browser has sent, usually the content of a webform. The name of the input fields are the keys, their browser values the values. The values are already unescaped. \ex{get-bindings} can (currently) only handle \ex{application/x-www-form-urlencoded} data. You can call \ex{get-bindings} on both \ex{GET} and \ex{POST} requests, even multiple times (even on \ex{POST} requests). \end{desc} \defun{extract-bindings}{key bindings}{list} \defunx{extract-single-binding}{key bindings}{string} \begin{desc} These extract values from the \var{bindings} as returned by \ex{get-bindings}. \var{key} may be a string or a symbol which will be translated to a string before use. \ex{extract-bindings} returns a list of all values from \var{bindings} whose key is \var{key}. \ex{extract-single-binding} returns the value from the binding whose key is \var{key} and raises an error if there more than one such binding. The two procedures are the same as in PLT's webserver. \end{desc} \ex{get-bindings} must acces the "Content-length" header field to handle \ex{POST} request. \ex{surflets/bindings} therefore also exports the procedure that does that job: \defun{get-content-length}{headers}{number} \begin{desc} Returns the value of the "Content-length" header as a number, as present in \var{headers}, \eg from \ex{surflet-request-headers}. Will raise an error if there is no "Content-length" header or the header is illformed, \eg contains no number. \end{desc} \paragraph{Retrieving the Scheme values} The \exi{surflets/input-field-value} structure provides the functions necessary to retrieve the Scheme value of input fields. \defun{raw-input-field-value}{input-field bindings}{any type} \defunx{input-field-value}{input-field bindings [error-value]}{any type} \begin{desc} These extract the Scheme value of an \var{input-field}, given the \var{bindings} of the last request. Asking for a Scheme value may raise an error. Some error conditions are: the input field was not present in the bindings, the transformer could not generate a Scheme value for the browser value, or some other error occured in a maybe malfunctioning transformer. In any case, \ex{raw-input-field-value} won't catch that error, while \ex{input-field-value} will catch it and provide \var{error-value} as the \var{input-field}'s Scheme value, which defaults to \sharpf. \end{desc} \defun{input-field-binding}{input-field bindings}{binding} \begin{desc} This returns the first binding in \var{bindings} that belongs to the given \var{input-field} (\ie has \var{input-field}'s name as key). \end{desc} \paragraph{Creating and using input fields} The procedures for the creation of the input fields mentioned in HTML~2.0 are the following. They are exported by the \exi{surflets/surflet-input-fields}. Note that most of the time, you may omit any of the optional arguments, \eg you may only specify some further attributes to \ex{make-text-field} without specifying a default value. Keep in mind that \ex{input-field-value} catches the error that may occur if an \ex{input-field} is asked for its Scheme value and may return any (previously chosen) value instead. \defun{make-text-field}{[default] [attributes]}{input-field} \defunx{make-number-field}{[value] [attributes]}{input-field} \defunx{make-password-field}{[default] [attributes]}{input-field} \defunx{make-textarea}{[default] [rows] [columns] [readonly?] [attributes]}{input-field} \begin{desc} These create various input field where the user types something in. \var{default} is the text or the number that the browser initially displays in the input field. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. \ex{make-text-field} creates a regular text input field. Its Scheme value is a string. \ex{make-number-field} creates a regular text input field, whose Scheme value is a number. It is an error if the input field does not contain a number. \ex{make-password-field} creates a text input field that will display stars instead of the typed text. Its Scheme value is a string. \ex{make-textarea} creates a possibly multi line text input field. \var{rows} specifies how many rows of the text the browser will display at once and defaults to 5. \var{columns} specifies how many columns the browser will display at once and defaults to 20. Note that if you only supply one number, it will be interpreted as the \var{rows} argument. \var{readonly?} is a boolean that tells the browser whether to disallow changes of the displayed text. \end{desc} \defun{make-hidden-input-field}{[default] [attributes]}{input-field} \begin{desc} Creates a hidden input field, \ie a input field that the browser won't display but whose value the browser will send. This input field is provided for completeness; you usually won't need it, as all values in your \surflet will survive the emission of a web page. \var{default} is this value the browser will send. Note that although the argument is marked as optional you usually want to provide it. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. \end{desc} \defun{set-text-field-value!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-number-field-value!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-hidden-field-value!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-password-field-value!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-textarea-value!}{input-field}{undefined} \begin{desc} These set the default value of the according input field after it has been created. Although the procedure may not complain, it is an error, if \var{input-field} is not the expected type of \ex{input-field}, \eg if the argument to \ex{set-text-field-value} was not created by \ex{make-text-field}. \end{desc} \defun{make-submit-button}{[caption] [attributes]}{input-field} \defunx{make-reset-button}{[caption] [attributes]}{input-field} \defunx{make-image-button}{image-source [attributes]}{input-field} \begin{desc} These create buttons on the web page which the user can click on. \var{caption} is the text that is displayed on the button. If not specified, the browser will choose a text, usually depending on the local language setting on the browser side. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. \ex{make-submit-button} creates the regular button to submit the web form data. As HTML~2.0 specifies that the value of a submit button is its caption, its Scheme value is its caption, too. \ex{make-reset-button} creates the button to reset all input fields of the web form to their default values. As the browser does not send data for reset buttons, it does not have a Scheme value, \ie asking for a value will raise an error. \ex{make-image-button} creates a picture button. Its Scheme value is a pair indicating the x- and y-coordinates of the picture where the user has clicked to. The argument \var{image-source} is not optional and is the string URL of the displayed picture. \end{desc} \defun{make-checkbox}{[checked?] [attributes]}{input-field} \defunx{make-annotated-checkbox}{value [checked?] [attributes]}{input-field} \begin{desc} These create checkboxes. \var{checked?} says whether the browser should initially mark the checkbox as checked. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. If it was checked the Scheme value of a checkbox made by \ex{make-checkbox} is \sharpt. If it was checked, the Scheme value of a checkbox made by \ex{make-annotated-checkbox} is its \var{value} provided during its creation where \var{value} may be chosen arbitrarily. Note that HTML~2.0 specifies that browsers should not send data for unmarked checkboxes, thus asking for the Scheme value of an unmarked checkbox will raise an error. It is recommended to use \ex{input-field-value} to ask for the Scheme value of a checkbox. This will catch the error and will instead return \sharpf by default. \end{desc} \defun{check-checkbox!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{uncheck-checkbox!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-checkbox-checked?!}{input-field checked?}{undefined} \begin{desc} These change the \ex{checked?} field of a checkbox that tells the browser whether it should initially mark the checkbox as checked. \ex{check-checkbox!} tells the browser to do so, \ex{uncheck-checkbox!} does not tell the browser to do so, and \ex{set-checkbox-checked?!} does so depending on \var{checked?}. It is an error if \var{input-field} was not created by \ex{make-checkbox} or \ex{make-annotated-checkbox}. \end{desc} \defun{make-radio-group}{}{procedure} \defunx{make-annotated-radio-group}{}{procedure} \begin{desc} These return generators for radio buttons. Radio buttons usually are part of a group of radio buttons of which only one may be selected at any time. The procedures return a procedure that creates radio button \ex{input-field}s that belong to the same group. The returned procedures accept a \var{value} argument, an optional \var{checked?} argument and an optional \var{attributes} argument. They return an \ex{input-field}, the actual radio button. For \ex{make-radio-group}, \var{value} must be a string, for \ex{make-annotated-radio-group}, \var{value} may be any Scheme value. The Scheme value of any member of the group of radio buttons is the \var{value} of the marked radio button that was provided during its creation. \var{checked?} determines whether the browser will initially mark the radio button. Note that you are able to tell the browser to initially mark more than one radio button, but in which case the browser's behavior is undefined. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. %The procedure returned by \ex{make-radio-group} is of the % form of \ex{\textit{radio-generator}} explained below, the one % returned by \ex{make-annotated-radio-group} is of the form of % \ex{\textit{annotated-radio-generator}}. %\defun{\textit{radio-generator}}{text [checked?] % [attributes]}{input-field} %\defunx{\textit{annotated-radio-generator}}{value [checked?] % [attributes]}{input-field} %\begin{desc} % A further description. %\end{desc} \end{desc} \defun{check-radio!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{uncheck-radio!}{input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-radio-checked?!}{input-field \var{checked?}}{undefined} \begin{desc} These change the \ex{checked?} field of a radio button that tells the browser whether it should initially mark the radio button as checked. \ex{check-radio!} tells the browser to do so, \ex{uncheck-radio!} does not tell the browser to do so, and \ex{set-radio-checked?!} does so depending on \var{checked?}. It is an error if \var{input-field} was not created by the procedures returned by \ex{make-radio-group} or \ex{make-annotated-radio-group}. \end{desc} \defun{make-select}{select-options [multiple?] [attributes]}{input-field} \begin{desc} This creates a select boxes. Other names are ``drop down menu'' or simply ``list''. \var{select-options} is either a list of \ex{select-options} created with the procedures presented below or a list of strings. In the latter case the strings are automatically translated into \ex{select-options}. \var{multiple?} allows multiple selections in the select box. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. Note that you will only get multiple Scheme values for a select box that allows multiple selections, if you specify the \var{multiple?} argument; providing the according attribute in \var{attributes} won't work (you will get the value of the first selection only). \end{desc} \defun{make-simple-select-option}{tag [selected?] [attributes]}{select-option} \defunx{make-annotated-select-option}{tag value [selected?] [attributes]}{select-option} \begin{desc} These create the options for a select box, to be used as arguments to \ex{make-select}. \var{tag} is a string that will be displayed as an option of a select box. \var{value} is an arbitrary Scheme value that will be the Scheme value of the select input field that contains the option. For simple select options this is the same as \var{tag}. \var{selected?} determines whether the browser should preselect the option. \var{attributes} are some further attributes for the input field in SXML notation. \end{desc} \defun{select-option?}{object}{boolean} \begin{desc} This is a predicate for \ex{select-option}s. \end{desc} \defun{select-select-option!}{tag input-field}{undefined} \defunx{unselect-select-option!}{tag input-field}{undefined} \defunx{set-select-option-selected?!}{tag input-field selected?}{undefined} \begin{desc} These change the \ex{selected?} field of a select option that tells the browser to preselect it. \ex{select-select-option!} tells the browser to preselect it, \ex{unselect-select-option!} does not tell it to do so and \ex{set-select-option-selected!} does so depending on \var{selected?}. Note that you access the select option by providing the \var{tag} and the select \var{input-field} in which the select option is saved. \var{tag} is either the tag of the select option or an index with 0 being the first select option of that select input field. However, the change will affect all select input fields that use the same select option. If there are different select options with the same tag in a select input field, the procedures will only touch one of them. \oops{Unfortunetaly, the order of the arguments (index, object) is the opposite of what is usual in Scheme (object, index). This should be fixed in a future version.} \end{desc} \defun{add-select-option!}{input-field select-option}{undefined} \defunx{delete-select-option!}{input-field select-option}{undefined} \begin{desc} These add or remove \var{select-option} to or from the select \var{input-field}, respectively. \end{desc} \subsubsection{Do it yourself: your own input fields} The \surflets library allows the creation of arbitrary own input fields. The relevant procedures are exported by the \exi{surflets/my-input-fields} structure. \defun{make-input-field}{name type transformer attributes html-tree-maker}{input-field} \defunx{make-multi-input-field}{name type transformer attributes html-tree-maker}{input-field} \begin{desc} These are the two constructors for \ex{input-field}s. \var{name} is the name of the input field as used in the HTML. You have to make sure that this name is unique across your web page, \eg by using \ex{generate-input-field-name} presented below. \var{type} is the type of the input field and mainly meant as a label for debugging. You may choose an arbitrary value for it. \var{transformer} is a procedure that accepts the created \ex{input-field} and some other value as arguments and returns the (single) Scheme value of the input field. For \ex{make-input-field}, the other value is the string representation of the value the user has entered in the represented input field, as sent by the browser. For \ex{make-multi-input-field}, the other value is an association list of all data the browser has sent, the names being the key and the entered data being the value. This is the very same list as returned by \ex{get-bindings}, see above. When the \var{transformer} cannot create a Scheme value for the \ex{input-field}, she should raise an error. \var{attributes} takes some extra information you want to store along with the \ex{input-field}. You may choose an arbitrary value for it. \var{html-tree-maker} is a procedure that takes the created \ex{input-field} as argument and returns its representation in SXML. \end{desc} \defun{generate-input-field-name}{prefix}{string} \begin{desc} This generates a pseudo unique name based on prefix. Subsequent calls with the same prefix are guaranteed to never return the same string.\footnote{Well, never say never: if the structure is reloaded, the counter is reset and \ex{generate-input-field-name} will return the same names again.} \end{desc} \defun{input-field-name}{input-field}{string} \defunx{input-field-type}{input-field}{any type} \defunx{input-field-transformer}{input-field}{procedure} \defunx{input-field-attributes }{input-field}{any type} \defunx{input-field-html-tree-maker}{input-field}{procedure} \defunx{input-field-html-tree}{input-field}{sxml} \defunx{input-field-multi?}{input-field}{boolean} \begin{desc} These inspect input field values. \ex{input-field-name} returns the name of the input field as used in its HTML representation. \ex{input-field-type} returns a string indicating the type of the input field, \eg "\ex{radio}" or "\ex{text}". For individual input fields it may return a value of any type. \ex{input-field-transformer} returns the transformer procedure that is used the transform the browser value of the input field to a Scheme value. \ex{input-field-attributes} returns the attributes that were stored along with the input field. \ex{input-field-html-tree-maker} returns the procedure that creates the SXML representation of the input field. \ex{input-field-html-tree} returns the SXML representation of the input field. \ex{input-field-multi?} returns \sharpt if the input field was created with \ex{make-multi-input-field}, \sharpf otherwise. The transformer of an multi-\ex{input-field} gets the browser bindings as second argument while the transformer of a normal (non-multi) \ex{input-field} gets the string representation of the entered data as second argument. \end{desc} \defun{set-input-field-attributes!}{input-field new-attributes}{undefined} \begin{desc} This allows the mutation of the attributes of the \var{input-field} to \var{new-attributes}. \end{desc} \defun{touch-input-field!}{input-field}{undefined} \begin{desc} This forces the recalculation of the SXML representation of the \var{input-field} using its html-tree-maker procedure. \end{desc} \subsection{Web addresses} The \surflets library allow you to determine which link or button a user used to leave a page. The links are called evaluatable web addresses. The \exi{surflets/returned-via} structure provides procedures and syntax for this. \defun{returned-via}{return-object bindings}{any value} \defunx{returned-via?}{return-object bindings}{any value} \begin{desc} Determines, whether the user left the web page using \var{return-object}. \var{bindings} are the bindings as returned by \ex{get-bindings}. If \var{return-object} is an \ex{input-field}, \ex{returned-via} returns its Scheme value as reported by \ex{input-field-value}. The input field usually can only be a submit or an image button. If \var{return-object} is not an \ex{input-field}, \ex{returned-via} assumes it is an evaluatable web address. If the user did not use the evaluatable web address to leave the web page, \ex{returned-via} returns \sharpf. Otherwise, when the evaluatable web address is annotated, \ex{returned-via} returns its annotation, otherwise just \sharpt. \ex{returned-via?} is an alias for \ex{returned-via}. The type of the return value depends on the type of \var{return-object}. \end{desc} % There is \defsyn or \defsyntax command yet, so I hack it on my own. \defsyn{case-returned-via}{\synvar{key} \synvar{clause} \ldots} % This said: % (case-returned-via \synvar{key} \synvar{clause} \ldots) syntax %\defvar{(case-returned-via \synvar{key} \synvar{clause} \ldots)}{syntax} \begin{desc} This works like \ex{case} with some flavor of \ex{cond}. Instead of \ex{eq?} it uses \ex{returned-via} to determine which \synvar{clause} applies. \synvar{key} is the \var{bindings} argument to \ex{returned-via} (see above for the arguments of \ex{returned-via}). A clause is of the form \codex{((\synvar{datum} \ldots) \synvar{expression} \ldots)} where each \synvar{datum} is the \var{return-object} argument of \ex{returned-via}. If for any of the \synvar{datum} \ex{returned-via} returns a true value, the \synvar{expression}s are evaluated. Alternatively, a clause may be of the form \codex{((\synvar{datum} \ldots) => \synvar{procedure} \ldots)} If for any of the \synvar{datum} \ex{returned-via} returns a true value, \synvar{proc} is called with that value. The last possible clause is an "else" clause of the form \codex{(else \synvar{expression} \ldots)} which applies when the previous clauses don't apply. \ex{case-returned-via} returns the value(s) of the \synvar{expression} that was evaluated last. \end{desc} \subsubsection{Evaluatable web addresses} The \exi{surflets/addresses} structure provides procedures to create evaluatable web addresses. Evaluatable web addresses are used just like web addresses with the difference that \ex{returned-via} can tell whether the user used this web address to leave the web page. \defun{make-address}{}{address-procedure} \begin{desc} This creates an evaluatable web address. \var{address-procedure} is a procedure that accepts messages. If the message is a string, \var{address-procedure} will assume it is a continuation URL and will return a web address that can be used as a link. If the message is the symbol \ex{address}, \var{address-procedure} will return the real \ex{address} object. \end{desc} \defun{make-annotated-address}{}{address-procedure} \begin{desc} This creates an annotated evaluatable wewb address. \var{address-procedure} is a procedure that accepts messages. The procedure accepts either a string and an optional annotation which may be any Scheme value, or it accepts only the symbol \ex{address}. In the first case, it will assume the string is a continuation URL and will return a web address that can be used as a link. In the latter case, it will return the real \ex{address} object. \end{desc} \oops{Evaluatable web address cannot be used as the action URL of web forms.} \defun{address-name}{address}{string} \defunx{address-annotated?}{address}{boolean} \defunx{address-annotation}{address}{any type} \begin{desc} These inspect real \ex{address} objects as returned by the evaluatable web addresses when given the symbol \ex{address}. \ex{address-name} returns the name of the \var{address} as used in the browser data. \ex{address-annotated?} indicates whether \var{address} is annotated. \ex{address-annotation} returns the annotation of \var{address}. If \var{address} is not annotated, it returns \sharpf. \end{desc} \subsection{Callbacks} The \surflets library allows to add a callback to a link. When the user of a web page clicks on the link, the callback will be executed. \ex{send-html/suspend} (usually) won't return in that case. \defun{make-callback}{callback-procedure}{continuation-URL} \begin{desc} This creates a callback. When a user clicks on a link to the continuation URL \ex{make-callback} has returned, \var{callback-procedure} will be called with the according \ex{surflet-request}. \var{callback-procedure} should not return. \ex{make-callback} works with continuations. Therefore, it is not sensible to create callbacks on toplevel, nor is it sensible to reuse callbacks. Instead, create your callback every time and right before you need it. If \var{callback-procedure} returns, \ex{make-callback} will return \emph{again}, this time with the value returned by \var{callback-procedure}. Note that in this case the continuation that was active at the time of the call to \ex{make-callback} is restored. Or, in short, don't let \var{callback-procedure} return if you want to avoid headaches. \end{desc} \defun{make-annotated-callback}{callback-procedure}{procedure} \begin{desc} This creates a callback generator. The returned procedure accepts any number of arguments \var{args} and returns a continuation URL. When the user clicks on a link to the continuation URL, \var{callback-procedure} will be called with the arguments \var{args} previously provided. It is an error, if \var{callback-procedure} returns. You should create a fresh annotated callback every time and right before you need it, as the continuation that was active at the time of the call to \ex{make-annotated-callback} is restored. \end{desc} \defvar{callback-function}{procedure} \begin{desc} Use this procedure as the \var{callback-procedure} argument to \ex{make-annotated-callback} to call arbitrary procedures with arbitrary arguments. \end{desc} Here are some examples. The first example shows how you can use an annotated callback. Note that it does not need to use \ex{send-html/suspend}. \begin{alltt} (define-structure surflet surflet-interface (open surflets surflets/callbacks scheme-with-scsh) (begin (define (main req) (let ((language (make-annotated-callback result-page))) (send-html `(html (head (title "Multi-lingual")) (body (h2 "Select your language:") (ul (li (url ,(language "Hello, how are you?") "English") (li (url ,(language "Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen?") "Deutsch"))))))))) (define (result-page req text) (send-html/finish `(html (head (title "Greeting")) (body (h2 ,text))))) )) \end{alltt} Replacing the \ex{main} procedure with the following definition will have the same result: \begin{alltt} (define (main req) (let ((language (make-annotated-callback callback-function))) (send-html `(html (head (title "Multi-lingual")) (body (h2 "Select your language:") (ul (li (url ,(language result-page "Hello, how are you?") "English") (li (url ,(language result-page "Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen?") "Deutsch"))))))))) \end{alltt} \subsection{Outdater} The \surflets library allows the user to navigate through the web pages back and forth as she sees fit. However, sometimes you want to make sure, that a submission is done only once. For this, the \surflets provide \ex{outdater} objects that take care of this. \defun{make-outdater}{}{outdater} \begin{desc} Creates an outdater object. \end{desc} \defsyn{if-outdated}{\synvar{outdater} \synvar{consequence} \synvar{alternative}} \begin{desc} Using the \synvar{outdater}, this makes sure, the \synvar{alternative} is executed at most once, \ie the first time the \synvar{outdater} is used in such a form, the \synvar{alternative} is evaluated. Every subsequent evaluation of the \ex{if-outdated} form with the \synvar{outdater} will evaluate the \synvar{consequence}, usually something similar to what \ex{show-outdated} does. \end{desc} \defun{show-outdated}{url}{\noreturn} \begin{desc} Emits a regular web page to the client informing the user (in English) that ``the page or action you requested relies on outdated data''. It offers a ``reload'' link that points to \var{url} to get current data. Usually, \var{url} is a callback URL the calls the according procedure. See the admin \surlets for examples, \eg \ex{scheme/web-server/root/surlfets/admin-surflet.scm}. \end{desc} \subsection{Simple SUrflets} PLT offers an API to create simple servlets (which are their analogues to our \surflets). The \exi{simple-surflet-api} structure offers the procedures with the same name as in the PLT API. With that, \surflets can look as simple as this (\ex{scheme/web-server/root/surlfets/add-simple.scm, see also \ex{simple-surflet.scm} in the same directory for a larger example}: \begin{alltt} (define-structure surflet surflet-interface (open scheme-with-scsh surflets simple-surflet-api ) (begin (define (main req) (let* ((number-1 (single-query (make-number "First number:"))) (number-2 (single-query (make-number "Second number:")))) (inform (format #f "~a + ~a = ~a" number-1 number-2 (+ number-1 number-2)))) (final-page "Session finished.")) )) \end{alltt} The procedures are the following. \defun{single-query}{query}{any type} \begin{desc} Asks the user one single questions based on \var{query} and returns her answer. \end{desc} \defun{queries}{queries}{list} \begin{desc} Asks the user multiple questions based on the list of \var{queries} and returns her answers in a list. \end{desc} \defun{form-query}{named-queries}{list} \begin{desc} Asks the user multiple queries based on the list of \var{named-queries} and returns her answers in a pseudo association list. \var{named-queries} is a list of two element lists. The first element of those lists is a symbol identifying the query, the second is the query. The resulting pseudo association list contains two element lists, where the first element is the symbol and the second element the user's answer to the query. The result can be read using the \ex{extract/single} and \ex{extract} procedures. \end{desc} \defun{inform}{title [text \ldots]}{surflet-request} \begin{desc} Sends a web page title \var{title} with the \var{text} to the user as an information. The returned \ex{surflet-request} is usually discarded. Takes at least one argument. \end{desc} \defun{final-page}{title [text \ldots]}{\noreturn} \begin{desc} This sends the last page of the session to the user, titled \var{title} and containing \var{text}. This is the analog to \ex{send/finish}. Takes at least one argument. \end{desc} \defun{make-text}{invitation}{query} \defun{make-number}{invitation}{query} \defun{make-password}{text}{query} \defun{make-boolean}{invitation}{query} \defun{make-radio}{invitation choices}{query} \defun{make-yes-no}{invitation yes-text no-text}{query} \begin{desc} These create the various queries. \var{invitation} is a text displayed in front of the input field, \eg ``Please enter your password:''. \ex{make-text} creates a text input field, \ex{make-number} creates a number input field (\ie a text input field that only accepts numbers as inputs), \ex{make-password} creates a password input field, \ex{make-boolean} creates a checkbox, \ex{make-radio} creates a group of radio buttons of which only one can be selected and \ex{make-yes-no} creates a radio group that allows the choices \var{yes-text} and \var{no-text}. The value of \ex{make-text}, \ex{make-number} and \ex{make-password} is the text or number entered into the input field. The value of \ex{make-boolean} is \sharpt or \sharpf. The value of \ex{make-radio} and \ex{make-yes-no} is the selected choice, a string. \end{desc} \defun{extract/single}{symbol table}{any value} \defunx{extract}{symbol table}{list} \begin{desc} Return the answer of a user to a query. \var{table} is the result of \ex{form-query}, \var{symbol} the symbol used to identify the query of interest. For \ex{extract/single}, it is an error if there is more than one query in \var{table} that is identified by \var{symbol}. \end{desc} % shift-reset % profiling % handle-fatal % thread safe counter