;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package. ;;; Copyright (c) 1994 by Brian D. Carlstrom and Olin Shivers. ;;; Copyright (c) 2002 by Mike Sperber. ;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with ;;; the distribution. (define-record-type http-response :http-response (make-response code message seconds mime extras body) response? (code response-code) ;;HTTP status code (message response-message);;reason phrase: textual description of ;;status-code, or #f (-> server sends ;;default reason phrase) (seconds response-seconds);;time the content was created (mime response-mime);;string indicating the MIME type of the response (extras response-extras);;assoc list with extra headers to be ;;added to the response; its elements are ;;pairs, each of which consists of a symbol ;;representing the field name and a string ;;representing the field value. (body response-body));; message-body ;; This is mainly for nph-... CGI scripts. ;; This means that the body will output the entire MIME message, not ;; just the part after the headers. (define-record-type http-nph-response :http-nph-response (make-nph-response body) nph-response? (body nph-response-body)) (define-record-type http-input-response :http-input-response (make-input-response body-maker) input-response? (body-maker input-response-body-maker)) (define-record-type http-writer-body :http-writer-body (make-writer-body proc) writer-body? (proc writer-body-proc)) (define-record-type http-reader-writer-body :http-reader-writer-body (make-reader-writer-body proc) reader-writer-body? (proc reader-writer-body-proc)) (define-record-type http-redirect-body :http-redirect-body (make-redirect-body location) redirect-body? (location redirect-body-location)) (define (display-http-body body iport oport options) (cond ((writer-body? body) ((writer-body-proc body) oport options)) ((reader-writer-body? body) ((reader-writer-body-proc body) iport oport options)))) (define-finite-type status-code :http-status-code (number message) status-code? status-codes status-code-name status-code-index (number status-code-number) (message status-code-message) ( (continue 100 "Continue") (switch-protocol 101 "Switching Protocols") (ok 200 "OK") (created 201 "Created") (accepted 202 "Accepted") (non-author-info 203 "Non-Authoritative Information") (no-content 204 "No Content") (reset-content 205 "Reset Content") (partial-content 206 "Partial Content") (mult-choice 300 "Multiple Choices") (moved-perm 301 "Moved Permanently") (found 302 "Found");;use 303 or 307 for unambiguity; ;;use 302 for compatibility with ;;pre-1.1-clients (see-other 303 "See other");;client is expected to ;;perform a GET on new URI (not-mod 304 "Not Modified") (use-proxy 305 "Use Proxy") (temp-redirect 307 "Temporary Redirect");;analogous to "302 ;;Moved Temporarily" ;;in RFC1945 (bad-request 400 "Bad Request") (unauthorized 401 "Unauthorized") (payment-required 402 "Payment Required") (forbidden 403 "Forbidden") (not-found 404 "Not Found") (method-not-allowed 405 "Method Not Allowed") (not-acceptable 406 "Not Acceptable") (proxy-auth-required 407 "Proxy Authentication Required") (timeout 408 "Request Timeout") (conflict 409 "Conflict") (gone 410 "Gone") (length-required 411 "Length Required") (precon-failed 412 "Precondition Failed") (req-ent-too-large 413 "Request Entity Too Large") (req-uri-too-large 414 "Request URI Too Large") (unsupp-media-type 415 "Unsupported Media Type") (req-range-not-sat 416 "Requested Range Not Satisfiable") (expectation-failed 417 "Expectation Failed") (internal-error 500 "Internal Server Error") (not-implemented 501 "Not Implemented") (bad-gateway 502 "Bad Gateway") (service-unavailable 503 "Service Unavailable") (gateway-timeout 504 "Gateway Timeout") (version-not-supp 505 "HTTP Version Not Supported") (redirect -301 "Internal redirect"))) (define (name->status-code name) (if (not (symbol? name)) (call-error name->status-code (list name)) (let loop ((i 0)) (cond ((= i (vector-length status-codes)) #f) ((eq? name (status-code-name (vector-ref status-codes i))) (vector-ref status-codes i)) (else (loop (+ i 1))))))) (define (number->status-code number) (if (not (number? number)) (call-error number->status-code (list number)) (let loop ((i 0)) (cond ((= i (vector-length status-codes)) #f) ((= number (status-code-number (vector-ref status-codes i))) (vector-ref status-codes i)) (else (loop (+ i 1))))))) ;;; (make-error-response status-code req [extras]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; As a special case, request REQ is allowed to be #f, meaning we haven't ;;; even had a chance to parse and construct the request. This can be the case for ;;; internal-error, bad-request, (possibly bad-gateway and ...?) (define (make-error-response code req . extras) (let* ;;catch server internal errors coming off by calls of make-error-response with too few arguments ((assert (lambda (n) (if (< (length extras) n) (make-error-response (status-code internal-error) req "Too few arguments to make-error-response")))) (generic-title (lambda (port) (title-html port (status-code-message code)))) (close-html (lambda (port args) (if (not (null? args)) (format port "
~%Further Information:~%")) (for-each (lambda (x) (format port "
~%~s~%" x)) args) (write-string "

\n\n\n" port))) (create-response (lambda (headers writer-proc) (make-response code #f (time) "text/html" headers (make-writer-body writer-proc))))) (cond ;; This error response requires one arg: ;; the value of the Location field header, ;; which must be a single absolute URI ((or (eq? code (status-code found));302 (eq? code (status-code see-other));303 (eq? code (status-code temp-redirect));307 (eq? code (status-code moved-perm)));301 (assert 1) (create-response (list (cons 'location (car extras))) (lambda (port options) (title-html port "Document moved") (format port "The requested resource has moved ~A to a new location.~%" (if (eq? code (status-code moved-perm)) "permanently" "temporarily") (car extras)) (close-html port (cdr extras))))) ((eq? code (status-code bad-request)) (create-response '() (lambda (port options) (generic-title port) (write-string "The request the client sent could not be understood by this server due to malformed syntax.\n Report to client maintainer.\n" port) (close-html port extras)))) ;; This error response requires one arg: ;; the value of the Allow field header, ;; which must be a list of valid methods for the requested resource ((eq? code (status-code method-not-allowed)) (assert 1) (create-response (list (cons 'allow (car extras))) (lambda (port options) (generic-title port) (format port "The method ~A is not allowed on the requested resource ~A.~%" (request-method req) (request-uri req)) (close-html port (cdr extras))))) ;; This error response requires one arg: ;; the value of the WWW-Authenticate header field, ;; which must be a challenge (as described in RFC 2617) ((eq? code (status-code unauthorized)) (assert 1) (create-response (list (cons 'WWW-Authenticate (car extras))) (lambda (port options) (title-html port "Authentication Required") (write-string "Client not authentication-capable or authentication failed.\n" port) (close-html port (cdr extras))))) ((eq? code (status-code forbidden)) (create-response '() (lambda (port options) (title-html port "Request not allowed.") (write-string "The request the client sent is not allowed.\n Retrying won't help.\n" port) (close-html port extras)))) ((eq? code (status-code not-found)) (create-response '() (lambda (port options) (title-html port "Resource not found") (format port "The requested resource ~A was not found on this server.\n" (request-uri req)) (close-html port extras)))) ((eq? code (status-code internal-error)) (create-response '() (lambda (port options) (generic-title port) (format port "This server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.~%
~%Please inform the server administrator ~A of the circumstances leading to the error, and the time it occured.~%" (or (httpd-options-server-admin options) "[no mail address available]")) (close-html port extras)))) ((eq? code (status-code not-implemented)) (create-response '() (lambda (port options) (generic-title port) (format port "This server does not recognize or does not implement the requested method \"~A\".~%" (request-method req)) (close-html port extras)))) ((eq? code (status-code bad-gateway)) (create-response '() (lambda (port options) (generic-title port) (format port "This server recieved an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.~%") (close-html port extras))))))) (define (title-html out message) ;;produce valid XHTML 1.0 Strict (write-string " \n" out) (format out "~%~%~A~%~%~%~%" message) (format out "~%



~%" message)) ;; Creates a redirect response. The server will serve the new file ;; indicated by NEW-LOCATION. NEW-LOCATION must be uri-encoded and ;; begin with a slash. This is intended for CGI scripts. Note that ;; the browser won't notice the redirect. Thus, it will keep the ;; original URL. For "real" redirections, use ;; (make-error-response (status-code moved-perm) req ;; "new-location"). (define (make-redirect-response new-location) (make-response (status-code redirect) #f (time) "" '() (make-redirect-body new-location)))