#!/bin/sh echo "Loading..." exec scsh -lel sunet-2.1/load.scm -dm -o http-test -e main -s "$0" "$@" !# (define-structure http-test (export main) (open httpd-core httpd-make-options httpd-basic-handlers httpd-file-directory-handlers httpd-cgi-handlers httpd-seval-handlers httpd-rman-gateway httpd-info-gateway let-opt scsh scheme) (begin (define (usage) (format #f "Usage: start-extended-web-server [-h htdocs-dir] [-c cgi-bin-dir] [-p port] [-l log-file-name] [-r requests] [--help] with htdocs-dir directory of html files (default: web-server/root/htdocs) cgi-bin-dir directory of cgi files (default: web-server/root/cgi-bin) port port server is listening to (default: 8080) log-file-name directory where to store the logfile in CLF (default: web-server/httpd.log) requests maximal amount of simultaneous requests (default 5) --help show this help " )) (define htdocs-dir #f) (define cgi-bin-dir #f) (define port #f) (define log-file-name #f) (define root #f) (define simultaneous-requests #f) (define (init) (set! htdocs-dir "root/htdocs") (set! cgi-bin-dir "root/cgi-bin") (set! port "8080") (set! log-file-name "httpd.log") (set! root "root") (set! simultaneous-requests "5")) (define get-options (let* ((unknown-option-error (lambda (option) (format (error-output-port) "unknown option `~A'~%try `start-web-server --help'~%" option) (exit 1))) (missing-argument-error (lambda (option) (format (error-output-port) "option `~A' requires an argument~%try `start-web-server --help'~%" option) (exit 1)))) (lambda (options) (let loop ((options options)) (if (null? options) (begin (set! htdocs-dir (absolute-file-name htdocs-dir)) (set! log-file-name (absolute-file-name log-file-name)) (set! cgi-bin-dir (absolute-file-name cgi-bin-dir)) (set! port (string->number port)) (set! simultaneous-requests (string->number simultaneous-requests))) (cond ((string=? (car options) "-h") (if (null? (cdr options)) (missing-argument-error (car options)) (set! htdocs-dir (cadr options))) (loop (cddr options))) ((string=? (car options) "-c") (if (null? (cdr options)) (missing-argument-error (car options)) (set! cgi-bin-dir (cadr options))) (loop (cddr options))) ((string=? (car options) "-p") (if (null? (cdr options)) (missing-argument-error (car options)) (set! port (cadr options))) (loop (cddr options))) ((string=? (car options) "-l") (if (null? (cdr options)) (missing-argument-error (car options)) (set! log-file-name (cadr options))) (loop (cddr options))) ((string=? (car options) "-r") (if (null? (cdr options)) (missing-argument-error (car options)) (set! simultaneous-requests (cadr options))) (loop (cddr options))) ((string=? (car options) "--help") (display (usage)) (exit 0)) ((string=? (car options) "--dump") (let ((image-name (if (null? (cdr options)) "server" (cadr options)))) (dump-scsh-program main image-name)) (exit 0)) (else (unknown-option-error (car options))))))))) (define (main args) (with-cwd (file-name-directory (car (command-line))) (init) (format #t "reading options: ~s~%" (cdr args)) (get-options (cdr args)) (cond ((zero? (user-uid)) (set-gid (->gid "nobody")) (set-uid (->uid "nobody")))) (format #t "Going to run Webserver with: htdocs-dir: ~a cgi-bin-dir: ~a port: ~a log-file-name: ~a a maximum of ~a simultaneous requests, syslogging activated, and home-dir-handler (public_html) activated. " htdocs-dir cgi-bin-dir port log-file-name simultaneous-requests) (httpd (make-httpd-options with-port port with-root-directory (cwd) with-simultaneous-requests simultaneous-requests with-syslog? #t with-log-file log-file-name with-request-handler (alist-path-dispatcher (list (cons "h" (home-dir-handler "public_html")) (cons "seval" seval-handler) ;; You may want to adapt this to your site. (cons "man" (rman-handler 'man 'nroff "/usr/bin/rman" "/usr/bin/zcat" #f "man?%s(%s)" "Generated by rman-gateway")) (cons "info" (info-handler #f #f #f "Generated by info-gateway")) (cons "cgi-bin" (cgi-handler cgi-bin-dir))) (rooted-file-or-directory-handler htdocs-dir)))))) )) ;; EOF ;;; Local Variables: ;;; mode:scheme ;;; End: