\chapter{CGI scripts}\label{cha:cgi-scripts} % \begin{description} \item[Used files:] cgi-script.scm \item[Name of the package:] cgi-script \end{description} % \section{Procedures} \begin{defundesc}{cgi-form-query}{}{data-alist} CGI scripts receive their parameters in various ways, depending on how they were called (e.g. by ``GET'' method). This procedure translates the delivered form data into an alist of decoded strings, using the environment variables set by the server (\ex{REQUEST\_METHOD}, \ex{QUERY\_STRING} (``GET'' script), \ex{CONTENT\_LENGTH} (``POST'' script)). So a query string like \codex{button=on\&\ob{}reply=Oh,\ob{}\%20yes} becomes alist \codex{(("button" . "on") ("reply" . "Oh, yes"))} This only works for GET and POST methods. \end{defundesc}