Add some introductory remarks.

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sperber 2003-01-23 10:06:24 +00:00
parent eac111bf66
commit baf79101d8
1 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,38 @@
Of course, there is no Underground---or Untergrund, as those German
new-age kids like to call the movement whose orders they
have sworn to follow. The age we all remember---the cliff-green
turbocharged convertibles, cigarettes hanging loose in the corners of
our mouths, and those trigger-happy fingers always ready for the quick
hack---is long gone.
In retrospect, it all seems like a candy-colored dream, and it may
very well be---after all, there was never any proof that the
Untergrund ever existed, and even if there was, we can be sure the
obedient followers of the shadowy movement leaders have long burned
the papers, subjected the hard drives and diskettes to interminable
sessions of the junkyard magnet, and eradicated all shreds of
memory from the brains of those who might have talked through long
sessions of Tcl hacking to the sounds of Celine Dion records.
Yet there are those who still covet membership in that secret
cult---to gain access to its powerful lore, to usurp invidious and
powerful superiors, or simply to impress their girlfriends. For those
lost souls of the modern age, I have a few words of advice:
It's not a question of ``membership''---silly merchandise and
ridiculous certificates. If you are truly meant to be part of the
Untergrund, you will know. \emph{The Untergrund will find you.}
Alas, probably not.
\hfill January, 2003
\section{What's SUnet?}