diff --git a/scheme/httpd/response.scm b/scheme/httpd/response.scm index 4fa7873..9f5aca5 100644 --- a/scheme/httpd/response.scm +++ b/scheme/httpd/response.scm @@ -66,36 +66,56 @@ (number status-code-number) (message status-code-message) ( + (continue 100 "Continue") + (switch-protocol 101 "Switching Protocols") + (ok 200 "OK") (created 201 "Created") (accepted 202 "Accepted") - (prov-info 203 "Provisional Information") + (non-author-info 203 "Non-Authoritative Information") (no-content 204 "No Content") + (reset-content 205 "Reset Content") + (partial-content 206 "Partial Content") (mult-choice 300 "Multiple Choices") (moved-perm 301 "Moved Permanently") - (moved-temp 302 "Moved Temporarily") - (method 303 "Method (obsolete)") + (found 302 "Found");;use 303 or 307 for unambiguity; + ;;use 302 for compatibility with + ;;pre-1.1-clients + (see-other 303 "See other");;client is expected to + ;;perform a GET on new URI (not-mod 304 "Not Modified") + (use-proxy 305 "Use Proxy") + (temp-redirect 307 "Temporary Redirect");;analogous to "302 + ;;Moved Temporarily" + ;;in RFC1945 (bad-request 400 "Bad Request") (unauthorized 401 "Unauthorized") - (payment-req 402 "Payment Required") + (payment-required 402 "Payment Required") (forbidden 403 "Forbidden") (not-found 404 "Not Found") (method-not-allowed 405 "Method Not Allowed") - (none-acceptable 406 "None Acceptable") + (not-acceptable 406 "Not Acceptable") (proxy-auth-required 407 "Proxy Authentication Required") (timeout 408 "Request Timeout") (conflict 409 "Conflict") - (gone 410 "Gone") + (gone 410 "Gone") + (length-required 411 "Length Required") + (precon-failed 412 "Precondition Failed") + (req-ent-too-large 413 "Request Entity Too Large") + (req-uri-too-large 414 "Request URI Too Large") + (unsupp-media-type 415 "Unsupported Media Type") + (req-range-not-sat 416 "Requested Range Not Satisfiable") + (expectation-failed 417 "Expectation Failed") (internal-error 500 "Internal Server Error") (not-implemented 501 "Not Implemented") (bad-gateway 502 "Bad Gateway") (service-unavailable 503 "Service Unavailable") (gateway-timeout 504 "Gateway Timeout") - + (version-not-supp 505 "HTTP Version Not Supported") + (redirect -301 "Internal redirect"))) (define (name->status-code name)