* Created LaTeX style documentation. All documentation in plain text files

were now moved to this LaTeX doc (man.tex).
  Currently, not everything is documented.
This commit is contained in:
interp 2002-02-12 11:50:54 +00:00
parent 216c0d124d
commit 7e78d0f8a8
27 changed files with 4136 additions and 703 deletions

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
This file documents how to use the ftp-daemon ftpd
Usage as a stand-alone daemon:
Start the daemon in a scsh (or with a script, see below) using
,config ,load modules.scm
,open ftpd
(ftpd <anonymous-home> [<port>])
(confirm open's question for opening the ftpd-structure)
where <anonymous-home> is the root-directory of the ftp-server and
<port> the port the server is listening to. Usage of relative paths in
<anonymous-home> is not encouraged. <port> defaults to 21.
For example
(ftpd (cwd) 8080)
starts the server with the current directory as anonymous home and
listening to port 8080.
Usage with the collaboration of a daemon like inetd:
Instead of FTPD, inetd uses FTPD-INETD, for example:
(ftpd-inetd (cwd))
starts the server with the current directory as anonymous home and
handling the connection (given from inetd) through the current input-
and output-ports.
This is how archive.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de is called at the
university of Tuebingen:
/afs/informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/rs_aix43/scsh-0.6-alpha/bin/scsh <<EOF
,batch on
,config ,load modules.scm
,open ftpd
,open threads
(define (archive-ftpd args)
(syslog-facility local0)
(lambda ()
(ftpd "/afs/informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/data/archive/"))))
(dump-scsh-program archive-ftpd "archive-ftpd.image")
;; (dump-scsh "archive-ftpd.image")
Note, that the options for the syslog are set via With
WITH-SYSLOG-DESTINATION, a scsh-command. Here, the syslog-facility is
set to local0. See man syslog for further details on syslog.
ftpd supports following commands according to RFC 959:
ABOR - abort connection
CDUP - move to parent directory
CWD - move to specified directory (relative paths may be used)
DELE - delete file
LIST - list files in current directory (long format)
MDTM - deliver modification time of a regular file
MKD - make directory
MODE - change mode (only stream mode (S) is supported)
NLST - list files in current directory (short format)
NOOP - do nothing
PASS - read in passphrase
PASV - change to passive mode
PORT - change connection port
PWD - return name of working directory (print working directory)
QUIT - quit session
RETR - return file (GET)
RMD - remove directory
RNFR - read in the name of a file to be renamed (use RNTO next)
RNTO - rename file mentioned before in a RNFR command
SIZE - return size of a regular file
STOR - store file (PUT)
STRU - change structure to transfer files
(only the file structure is supported)
SYST - return system type
TYPE - change type (supported types: A = ascii mode, I, L8 = 8-bit
binary mode)
USER - login user (only anonymous logins allowed, use "anonymous" or
"ftp" as user name)
ftpd outputs a lot of syslog-messages. A syslog-message looks like
Jul 24 18:34:52 axl ftpd: (thread 21) anonymous user login (230)
The log gives you following informations (including those delivered by
the syslog-daemon):
* the date and time the log was made (here: Jul 24 18:34:52)
* the machine the log was made on (here: axl)
* the program, that output the log (ftpd)
* the thread the message concerns (here thread 21)
Each connection is linked with a thread, that handles the commands
of this connection. When the thread is created, there is a log
containing the remote address and the thread number, so in future
logs the thread number labels the connection. As at any given time
the thread number is unique, this is a bijection. (Note that the
thread numbers are not unique over a period of time).
* the log message (here: notification about an anonymous user login)
* the reply code returned by ftpd, if any (here: 230)
The Syslog-levels used:
As NOTICE are logged:
* messages concerning CONNECTIONS
* the execution of the STOR command
* internal errors
* unix errors
* reaching of actually unreachable case branches
As INFO are logged:
* messages concerning all OTHER COMMANDS, including the RETR command
As DEBUG are logged:
* all other messages, including debug messages
Messages concerning connections (establishing connection, connection
refused, closing connection due to timeout, etc.) are logged at
The success of the STOR-command (PUT, i.e. somebody is putting
something on your server via ftp) is also logged at notice-level. In
fact, the log is made before the storing is started actually.
Internal errors, unix errors and the reaching of unreachable
case-branches are also logged at notice-level.
Messages concerning all other commands including the RETR-command
(GET) are logged at info-level.
All other messages including debugging-informations are logged at
debug-level. If you want to debug ftpd, put all the messages in one
single file, since the debug-messages may refer to messages of other
Success (as long as interesting) and failure of commands are logged at
info-level, except the success of the STOR-command, that is logged at
notice-level (as mentioned above).

doc/latex/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@

doc/latex/cgi-script.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{CGI scripts}
\item[Used files:] cgi-script.scm
\item[Name of the package:] cgi-script
Not implemented yet.

doc/latex/cgi-server.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{CGI server}
\item[Used files:] cgi-server.scm
\item[Name of the package:] cgi-server
Not implemented yet.

doc/latex/cgi.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{CGI server}
\item[Used files:] cgi-server.scm
\item[Name of the package:] cgi-server
Not implemented yet.

doc/latex/decls.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
\def\ie{\mbox{\emph{i.e.}}} % \mbox keeps the last period from
\def\Ie{\mbox{\emph{I.e.}}} % looking like an end-of-sentence.
\def\etc{{\em etc.}}
\def\CommonLisp{\textsc{Common Lisp}}
\def\Unix{{Unix}} % Not smallcaps, according to Bart.
\def\scm{{Scheme 48}}
\def\RnRS{R5RS\ }
% One-line code examples
%\newcommand{\codex}[1]% One line, centred. Tight spacing.
% {$$\abovedisplayskip=.75ex plus 1ex minus .5ex%
% \belowdisplayskip=\abovedisplayskip%
% \abovedisplayshortskip=0ex plus .5ex%
% \belowdisplayshortskip=\abovedisplayshortskip%
% \hbox{\ttt #1}$$}
% For multiletter vars in math mode:
%% What you frequently want when you say \tt:
% Works in math mode; all special chars remain special; cheaper than \cd.
% Will not be correct size in super and subscripts, though.
\newcommand{\ex}[1]{{\normalfont\texttt{\ttchars #1}}}
{\bgroup\parskip=1ex plus 1ex\begin{list}{}%
{\bgroup\parskip=1ex plus 1ex\begin{list}{}%
\long\def\remark#1{\bgroup\small\begin{quote}\textsl{Remark: } #1\end{quote}\egroup}
\newenvironment{remarkenv}{\bgroup\small\begin{quote}\textsl{Remark: }}%
\newcommand{\oops}[1]{\bgroup\small\begin{quote}\textsl{Oops: } #1\end{quote}\egroup}
\newcommand{\note}[1]{\{Note #1\}}
\newcommand{\itum}[1]{\item{\bf #1}\\*}
% For use in code. The \llap magicness makes the lambda exactly as wide as
% the other chars in \tt; the \hskip shifts it right a bit so it doesn't
% crowd the left paren -- which is necessary if \tt is cmtt.
% Note that (\l{x y} (+ x y)) uses the same number of columns in TeX form
% as it produces when typeset. This makes it easy to line up the columns
% in your input. \l is bound to some useless command in LaTeX, so we have to
% define it w/renewcommand.
\let\oldl\l %Save the old \l on \oldl
\renewcommand{\l}[1]{\ \llap{$\lambda$\hskip-.05em}\ (#1)}
% This one is for the rare (lambda x ...) case -- it doesn't have the
% column-invariant property. Oh, well.
\newcommand{\lx}[1]{\ \llap{$\lambda$\hskip-.05em}\ {#1}}
% For subcaptions
%%% T release notes stuff
%\newcommand{\remark} [1]
% {\par\vspace{\parskip}
% \parbox[t]{.75in}{\sc Remark:}
% \parbox[t]{\notewidth}{\em #1}
% \vspace{\parskip}
% }
\def\*{{\ttt *}}
% Names of things
\newcommand{\keyword} [1]{\index{#1}{\normalfont\textsf{#1}}}
\newcommand{\evalto}{$\Longrightarrow$\ }
% Semantic domains, used to indicate the type of a value
\newcommand{\sem}{\normalfont\itshape} %semantic font
\newcommand{\semvar}[1]{\textit{#1}} %semantic font
\newcommand{\synvar}[1]{\textrm{\textit{$<$#1$>$}}} %syntactic font
\newcommand{\zeroormore}[1]{{\sem #1$_1$ \ldots #1$_n$}}
\newcommand{\oneormore}[1]{{\sem #1$_1$ #1$_2$ \ldots #1$_n$}}
\newcommand{\proc} {{\sem procedure}}
\newcommand{\boolean} {{\sem boolean}}
\newcommand{\true} {{\sem true}}
\newcommand{\false} {{\sem false}}
\newcommand{\num} {{\sem number}}
\newcommand{\fixnum} {{\sem fixnum}}
\newcommand{\integer} {{\sem integer}}
\newcommand{\real} {{\sem real}}
\newcommand{\character} {{\sem character}}
\newcommand{\str} {{\sem string}}
\newcommand{\sym} {{\sem symbol}}
\newcommand{\location} {{\sem location}}
\newcommand{\object} {{\sem object}}
\newcommand{\error} {{\sem error}}
\newcommand{\syntaxerror} {{\sem syntax error}}
\newcommand{\readerror} {{\sem read error}}
\newcommand{\undefined} {{\sem undefined}}
\newcommand{\noreturn} {{\sem no return value}}
\newcommand{\port} {{\sem port}}
% semantic variables
\newcommand{\identifier} {{\sem identifier}}
\newcommand{\identifiers} {\zeroormore{\<ident>}}
\newcommand{\expr} {{\sem expression}}
\newcommand{\body} {{\sem body}}
\newcommand{\valueofbody} {{\sem value~of~body}}
\newcommand{\emptylist} {{\sem empty~list}}
\newcommand{\car} {\keyword{car}}
\newcommand{\cdr} {\keyword{cdr}}
% generally useful things
% For line-breaking \tt stuff.
\newcommand{\ob}{\discretionary{}{}{}} % Optional break.
\newcommand{\indx}[1]{#1 \index{ #1 }}
%\newcommand{\gloss}[1]{#1 \glossary{ #1 }}
% This lossage produces #2 if #1 is zero length, otw #3.
% We use it to conditionally add a space between the procedure and
% the args in procedure prototypes, but only if there are any args--
% we want to produce "(read)", not "(read )".
% Typeset a definition prototype line, e.g.:
% (cons <arg1> <arg2>) -> pair procedure
% Five args are: proc-name args ret-value(s) type index-entry
{\hbox to \linewidth{\ttchars%
{\ttt(#1\testvoid{#2}{}{\ }{\sem{#2}}\testvoid{#2}{}{\/})\hskip 1em minus
0.5em$\longrightarrow$\hskip 1em minus 0.5em{\sem{#3}}\hfill\quad\textnormal{#4}}}\index{#5}}
\newcommand{\dfnx}[4] {\dfnix{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#1@\texttt{#1}}}
\newcommand{\dfn} {\par\medskip\dfnx} % Takes 4 args, actually.
\newcommand{\dfni} {\par\medskip\dfnix} % Takes 5 args, actually.
\newcommand{\defvar} {\par\medskip\defvarx} % Takes 2 args, actually.
\hbox to \linewidth{\ttchars{{\ttt{#1}} \hfill #2}}}%
% Typeset the protocol line, then do the following descriptive text indented.
% If you want to group two procs together, do the first one with a \dfn,
% then the second one, and the documentation, with a \defndescx.
% This one doesn't put whitespace above. Use it immediately after a \dfn
% to group two prototype lines together.
\newenvironment{dfndesc}[4] % This one puts whitespace above.
\newcommand{\defun} [3] {\dfn{#1}{#2}{#3}{procedure}} % preskip
\newcommand{\defunx}[3]{\dfnx{#1}{#2}{#3}{procedure}} % no skip
% Put on blank lines in a code env to allow a pagebreak.
{\\ \hline \end{tabular}\end{inset}}
% A ragged-right decl that doesn't redefine \\ -- for use in tables.
{\begin{figure}[#1]\begin{boxedminipage}{\linewidth}\vskip 1.5ex}
%FIXME-command: types out the desired FIXME
\typeout{FIXME: #1}%

doc/latex/ftp.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
\section{FTP client}
\item[Used files:] ftp.scm
\item[Name of the package:] ftp
\subsection{What users want to know}
This module lets you transfer files between networked machines from
the Scheme Shell, using the File Transfer Protocol as described in
RFC~959. The protocol specifies the behaviour of a server machine,
which runs an ftp daemon (not implemented by this module), and of
clients (that's us) which request services from the server.
Some of the procedures in this module extract useful information from
the server's reply, such as the size of a file, or the name of the
directory we have moved to. These procedures return either the
extracted information, or \sharpf{} to indicate failure. Other
procedures return a ``status'', which is either the server's reply as
a string, or \sharpf{} to signify failure.
The server's response is always checked. If the server's response
doesn't match the expected code from the server, an catchable
\ex{ftp:error} is raised.
\FIXME{The source says you can look at pop3.scm to find out how to
catch the ftp:error raised by some procedures this. We have not had
a look there, yet.}
\subsubsection*{Entry points }
\defun{ftp:connect} {host \ovar{logfile}} {connection}
Open a command connection with the remote machine \semvar{host}.
Optionally start logging the conversation with the server to
\semvar{logfile}, which will be appended to if it already exists,
and created otherwise. Beware, the \semvar{logfile} contains
passwords in clear text (it is created with permissions
\defun{ftp:login} {connection \ovar{login \ovar{passwd}}} {status}
Log in to the remote host. If a \semvar{login} and \semvar{password}
are not provided, they are first searched for in the user's
\~/.netrc file, or default to user ``anonymous'' and password
\defun{ftp:type} {connection type} {status}
Change the transfer mode for future data connections. This may be
either \ex{'ascii }or \ex{'text}, respectively, for transfering text
files, or \ex{'binary} for transfering binary files. If
\semvar{type} is a string it is sent verbatim to the server.
\defun{ftp:rename} {connection oldname newname} {status}
Change the name of \semvar{oldname} on the remote host to
\semvar{newname} (assuming sufficient permissions). \semvar{oldname}
and \semvar{newname} are strings; if prefixed with "/" they are
taken relative to the server's root, and otherwise they are relative
to the current directory. Note that in the case of anonymous ftp
(user ``anonymous'' or ``ftp''), the server root is different from
the root of the servers's filesystem.
\defun{ftp:delete} {connection file} {status}
Delete \semvar{file} from the remote host (assuming the user has
appropriate permissions).
\defun{ftp:cd} {connection dir} {status}
Change the current directory on the server.
\defun{ftp:cdup} {connection} {status}
Move to the parent directory on the server.
\defun{ftp:pwd} {connection} {string}
Return the current directory on the remote host, as a string.
\defun{ftp:ls} {connection} {status}
Provide a listing of the current directory's contents, in short
format, \ie as a list of filenames.
\defun{ftp:dir} {connection} {status}
Provide a listing of the current directory's contents, in long
format. Most servers (\Unix, MS Windows, MacOS) use a standard
format with one file per line, with the file size and other
information, but other servers (VMS, \ldots) use their own format.
\defun{ftp:get} {connection remote-file \ovar{local-file}} {status $|$ string}
Download \semvar{remote-file} from the FTP server. If
\semvar{local-file} is a string, save the data to
\semvar{local-file} on the local host; otherwise save to a local
file named \semvar{remote-file}. \semvar{remote-file} and
\semvar{local-file} may be absolute file names (with a leading `/'),
or relative to the current directory. It \semvar{local-file} is
\sharpt, output data to \ex{(current-output-file)}, and if it is
\sharpf{} return the data as a string.
\defun{ftp:put} {connection local-file \ovar{remote-file}} {status}
Upload \semvar{local-file} to the FTP server. If
\semvar{remote-file} is specified, then save the data to
\semvar{remote-file} on the remote host; otherwise save to a remote
file named \semvar{local-file}. \semvar{local-file} and
\semvar{remote-file} may be absolute file names (with a leading
`/'), or relative to the current directory.
\defun{ftp:rmdir} {connection dir} {status}
Remove the directory \semvar{dir} from the remote host (assuming
sufficient permissions).
\defun{ftp:mkdir} {connection dir} {status}
Create a new directory named \semvar{dir} on the remote host
(assuming sufficient permissions).
\defun{ftp:modification-time} {connection file} {date}
Request the time of the last modification of \semvar{file} on the
remote host, and on success return a Scsh date record. This command
is not part of RFC~959 and is not implemented by all servers, but is
useful for mirroring.
\defun{ftp:size} {connection file} {integer}
Return the size of \semvar{file} in bytes.
\defun{ftp:abort} {connection} {status}
Abort the current data transfer. Not particularly useful with this
im\-ple\-men\-ta\-tion since the data transfer commands only return
once the transfer is complete.
\defun{ftp:quit} {connection} {status}
Close the connection to the remote host. The \semvar{connection}
object is useless after a quit command.
The following rfc959 commands are not implemented:
\ex{ACCT} & account; this is ignored by most servers) \\
\ex{SMNT} & structure mount, for mounting another filesystem \\
\ex{REIN} & reinitialize connection \\
\ex{LOGOUT} & quit without interrupting ongoing transfers \\
\ex{STRU} & file structure \\
\ex{ALLO} & allocate space on server \\
\subsection{What programmers want to know}
Communication is initiated by the client. The server responds to each
request with a three digit status code and an explanatory message, and
occasionally with data (which is sent via a separate, one-off
channel). The client starts by opening a command connection to a well
known port on the server machine. Messages send to the server are of
the form
\codex{CMD [ <space> arg ] <CR> <LF>}
Replies from the server are of the form
\codex{xyz <space> Informative message <CR> <LF>}
where xyz is a three digit code which indicates whether the operation
succeeded or not, whether the server is waiting for more data, etc.
The server may also send multiline messages of the form
xyz- <space> Start of multiline message <CR> <LF>
[ <space>+ More information ]* <CR> <LF>
xyz <space> End of multiline message <CR> <LF>%
For further informations have a look at the source file.
This module has no support for sites behind a firewall. It shouldn't
be very tricky; it only requires using passive mode. Might want to add
something like the \ex{/usr/bin/ftp} command \ex{restrict}, which
implements data port range restrictions.
Items of the following list are necessary in order to use this module:
\item The netrc.scm module for parsing ~/.netrc files.
\item Scsh socket code
\item Scsh records
\item Receive for multiple values
\item \scm{} signals/handlers
\subsubsection*{Related work}
\item RFC~959 describes the FTP protocol; see \newline
\item \ex{/anonymous@sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/libs/ftplib.tar.gz} is
a library similar to this one, written in C, by Thomas Pfau
\item \ex{FTP.pm} is a Perl module with similar functionality
(available from \ex{http://www.perl.com/CPAN})
\item Emacs gets transparent remote file access from \ex{ange-ftp.el}
by Ange Norman. However, it cheats by using \ex{/usr/bin/ftp}.
\item Siod (a small-footprint Scheme implementation by George Carette)
comes with a file \ex{ftp.scm }with a small subset of these
functions defined.
\item Handle passive mode and firewalls.
\item Unix-specific commands such as \ex{SITE UMASK}, \ex{SITE CHMOD},
\item Object-based interface? (like SICP message passing).
\item Improved error handling.
\item A lot of the calls to format could be replaced by calls to
string-join. Maybe format is easier to read?
\item The \ex{ftp:rename} command should have an optional argument
\ex{:rename} which defaults to \sharpf, which would make us upload
to a temporary name and rename at the end of the upload. This
atomicity is important for ftp or http servers which are serving a
load, and to avoid problems with "no space on device".
\item Automatic relogin a la \ex{ang-ftp}.

doc/latex/ftpd.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
\section{FTP server}
\item[Used files:] ftpd.scm
\item[Name of the package:] ftpd
\subsection{What users want to know}
\subsubsection*{Entry points}
\defun {ftpd} {anonymous-home \ovar{port}} {\noreturn}
\begin{defundescx}{ftp-inetd} {anonymous-home} {\noreturn}
\ex{ftpd} starts the server, using \semvar{anonymous-home} as the
root directory of the server. Usage of relative paths is not
encouraged. \semvar{port} specifies the port the server is
listening for connections. It defaults to 21.
As the procedure does not return, you have to do a \ex{fork} in
order to have a ``real'' daemon:
\codex{(fork (lambda () (ftpd "/data/ftp" 8080)))}
\ex{ftpd-inetd} is the version to be used with a daemon like
\ex{inetd}. If the server is started this way, it handles the
connection through the current standard output and input ports.
To start the server with the current home directory as root directory
and listening on port 8080, use
\codex{(ftpd (cwd) 8080)}
This is how the ftp server at the computing faculty of the university
of Tuebingen\footnote{\texttt{archive.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de}} is
#!/bin/sh /scsh-0.6-alpha/bin/scsh <<EOF
,batch on
,config ,load modules.scm
,open ftpd
,open threads
(define (archive-ftpd args)
(syslog-facility local0)
(lambda ()
(ftpd "/data/archive/"))))
(dump-scsh-program archive-ftpd "archive-ftpd.image")
;; (dump-scsh "archive-ftpd.image")
Perhaps you have noticed the \ex{with-syslog-destination} command.
\ex{ftpd} generates syslog-messages that can be controlled via this
command. The following section gives you an overview of what is logged
at which level. See \ex{man 3 syslog} or the
\ex{with-syslog-destination} command in the scsh-manual for further
\subsubsection*{Syslog messages}
\ex{ftpd} outputs a lot of syslog-messages. A syslog-message may look like
\codex{Jul 24 18:34:52 axl ftpd: (thread 21) anonymous user login (230)}
The log gives you following informations (including those delivered by
the syslog-daemon):
\item The date and time the log was made (here: Jul 24 18:34:52)
\item The machine the log was made on (here: axl)
\item The program, that output the log (ftpd)
\item The thread the message concerns (here thread 21)
Each connection is linked with a thread, that handles the commands
of this connection. When the thread is created, there is a entry in
the log file containing the remote address and the thread number, so
in future logs the thread number labels the connection. As at any
given time the thread number is unique, this is a bijection. (Note
that the thread numbers are not unique over a period of time).
\item The log message (here: notification about an anonymous user login)
\item The reply code returned by ftpd, if any (here: 230)
\subsubsection*{The Syslog-levels used\footnote{For further details
on syslog levels see \ex{man 3 syslog}}}
Following events are logged as
\item{\ex{NOTICE} level:}
\item Messages concerning \emph{connections} (establishing connection,
connection refused, closing connection due to timeout, etc.)
\item The execution of the \ex{STOR} command. Its success (\ie
somebody is putting something on your server via ftp, also known as
\ex{PUT}) is also logged at notice-level. In fact, the log is made
before the storing is started actually.
\item Internal errors
\item Unix errors
\item Reaching of actually unreachable case branches
\item{\ex{INFO} level:} Messages concerning all \emph{other commands},
including the \ex{RETR} command.
\item{\ex{DEBUG} level:} All other messages, including debug messages.
If you want to debug ftpd, put all the messages in one single file,
since the debug-messages may refer to messages of other levels.
Success (as long as interesting) and failure of commands are logged at
info-level, except the success of the STOR-command, that is logged at
notice-level (as mentioned above).
\subsubsection*{Supported commands}
For those of you who are intrested, the table \ref{ftpd-commands}
shows the list of supported commands by \ex{ftpd} according to
\FIXME{Can there be a pagebreak in a table?}
\ex{ABOR} & abort connection \\
\ex{CDUP} & move to parent directory \\
\ex{CWD} & move to specified directory (relative paths may be used) \\
\ex{DELE} & delete file \\
\ex{LIST} & list files in current directory (long format) \\
\ex{MDTM} & deliver modification time of a regular file \\
\ex{MKD} & make directory \\
\ex{MODE} & change mode (only stream mode (S) is supported) \\
\ex{NLST} & list files in current directory (short format) \\
\ex{NOOP} & do nothing \\
\ex{PASS} & read in passphrase (\ex{ftpd} currently does not support
non-anonymous logins) \\
\ex{PASV} & change to passive mode \\
\ex{PORT} & change connection port \\
\ex{PWD} & return name of working directory (print working directory) \\
\ex{QUIT} & quit session \\
\ex{RETR} & return file (GET) \\
\ex{RMD} & remove directory \\
\ex{RNFR} & read in the name of a file to be renamed (use \ex{RNTO} next) \\
\ex{RNTO} & rename file mentioned before in a \ex{RNFR} command \\
\ex{SIZE} & return size of a regular file \\
\ex{STOR} & store file (PUT) \\
\ex{STRU}& change structure to transfer files
(only the file structure is supported) \\
\ex{SYST} & return system type \\
\ex{TYPE} & change type (supported types: A is ascii mode,
I or L8 are 8-bit binary mode) \\
\ex{USER} & login user (only anonymous logins allowed,
use ``anonymous'' or ``ftp'' as user name) \\
\caption{Supported RFC~959 commands by the server.}
%\subsection{What programmers want to know}
%Let me know what you want to know. As long as you are waiting for my
%answer, have a look in the source file (I'm sorry).
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{HTTP server}
\item[Used files:] ftpd.scm
\item[Name of the package:] ftpd
Not documented yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
\subsection{What's in sunet?}
The Scheme Underground Network Package contains a set of libraries for
doing Net hacking from Scheme/scsh. It includes:
\item{An smtp client library.}\\
Forge mail from the comfort of your own Scheme process.
\item{rfc822 header library}\\
Read email-style headers. Useful in several contexts (smtp, http,
\item{Simple structured HTML output library} \\
Balanced delimiters, etc.
\item{The SU Web server}\\
This is a complete implementation of an HTTP 1.0 server in Scheme.
The server contains other standalone packages that may separately be
of use:
\item URI and URL parsers and unparsers.
\item A library to help writing CGI scripts in Scheme.
\item Server extensions for interfacing to CGI scripts.
\item Server extensions for uploading Scheme code.
The server has three main design goals:
The server is in fact nothing but extensions, using a mechanism
called ``path handlers'' to define URL-specific services. It has a
toolkit of services that can be used as-is, extended or built
upon. User extensions have exactly the same status as the base
The extension mechanism allows for easy implementation of new
services without the overhead of the CGI interface. Since the
server is written on top of the Scheme shell, the full set of Unix
system calls and program tools is available to the implementor.
\item{Mobile code}\\
The server allows Scheme code to be uploaded for direct execution
inside the server. The server has complete control over the code,
and can safely execute it in restricted environments that do not
provide access to potentially dangerous primitives (such as the
``delete file'' procedure.)
I\footnote{That's Olin Shivers (\ex{shivers@ai.mit.edu},
For the rest of the documentation, if not mentioned otherwise,
`I' refers to him.} wrote this server to help myself understand
the Web. It is voluminously commented, and I hope it will prove to
be an aid in understanding the low-level details of the Web
The S.U. server has the ability to upload code from Web clients
and execute that code on behalf of the client in a protected
Some simple documentation on the server is available.
\subsection{Obtaining the system}
The network code is available by
To run the server, you need our 0.6 release of
scsh\footnote{http://www.scsh.net}. Beyond actually running the
server, the separate parser libraries and other utilites may be of use
as separate modules.
The sunet package contains following parts:
\item Several servers (HTTP, CGI, FTP)
\item Several clients (to FTP, SMTP, POP3, NTP)
\item procedures to handle URIs
\item procedures to handle RFC822 headers
\item analogue of \verb|ls| for scsh
\item {\dots}
\subsection{What is in this docu?}
Unfortunately not all parts of sunet are documented here. If you miss
something, have a look in the source files -- they are alle well
documented (I hope so!).
Currently the ftp server, the ftp client, the modules containing the
procedures handling URIs and URLs, the module handling RFC~822
headers, the netrc package, the save evaluation environment
\ex{toothless\=eval} and the obsolete library for using strings are
\subsection{How to use the modules}
% I think it is a good idea to tell the people how to use
% scsh / sunet as the docu of scsh does not really do this
% (as long as concerning my experience). Additionally, possible
% programmers should be introduced how to create own modules,
% including those in sunet.
\FIXME{Does anybody have a good idea how to tell newbies how to use
the packages? I do not feel capable enough for this.}
For the time being, it may help to look at the following. Scsh is started
in the sunet directory. Then, the description file of the modules is
loaded and the ftp-module is opened (to use a ftp client). After the
things are done, scsh is finished via the \verb|,exit| command.
atari-2600[72] scsh-0.6
Welcome to scsh 0.6.0 (Chinese Democracy)
Type ,? for help.
> ,config ,load modules.scm
> ,open ftp
Load structure ftp (y/n)? y
[ecm-utilities ecm-utilities.scm]
[netrc netrc.scm]
[ftp ftp.scm]
> ; do something nasty
> ,exit
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\date{28. Januar 2002}
\author{composed by Andreas Bernauer\footnote{\texttt{bernauer@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de}}}
\title{Documentation of the sunet-package}
This document contains informations for users and programmers using
the sunet package.
\FIXME{Is there a possibility to get rid of the overfull \\hboxes?}

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
\section{Reading netrc-files}
\item[Used files:] netrc.scm
\item[Name of the package:] netrc
This module provides procedures to parse authentication information
contained in \ex{~/.netrc}.
On Unix systems the \ex{~/.netrc} file (in the user's home directory)
may contain information allowing automatic login to remote hosts. The
format of the file is defined in the \ex{ftp}(1) manual page. Example
lines are
machine ondine.cict.fr login marsden password secret
default login anonymous password user@site
The \ex{~/.netrc} file should be protected by appropriate permissions, and
(like \ex{/usr/bin/ftp}) this library will refuse to read the file if it is
badly protected. (unlike \ex{ftp} this library will always refuse
to read the file -- \ex{ftp} refuses it only if the password is
given for a non-default account). Appropriate permissions are set if
only the user has permissions on the file.
Note following restrictions and differences:
\item The macdef statement (defining macros) is not supported.
\item The settings for one machine must be on a single line.
\item The is no error proof while reading the file.
\item Default need not be the last line of the netrc-file.
\subsection{Entry points}
What you probably want, is to read out the default netrc-file. Do the
(let ((netrc-record (netrc:parse)))
(netrc:lookup netrc-record "name of the machine"))
and you will receive three values: \semvar{login-name},
\semvar{password} and \semvar{account-name}. If you only want the
login name or the password, use \ex{netrc:\ob{}lookup\=login} or
\ex{netrc:\ob{}lookup\=password}, resp.
You will get either the login / password for the specified machine, or
a default login / password if the machine is unknown.
Calculate the user's email address, as per the Emacs function of the
same name. Will take into account the environment variable
\ex{REPLYTO}, if set. Otherwise the mail-address will look like
\defun{netrc:parse} {\ovar{filename \ovar{fallback-password
\ovar{fallback-login}}}} {netrc-record}
\begin{defundescx}{netrc:try-parse} {filename fallback-password
fallback-login} {netrc-record}
\ex{netrc:parse} parses the netrc file and returns a \ex{netrc}
record, containing all necessary information for the following
\semvar{filename} defaults to ``~/.netrc'',
\semvar{fallback-password} defaults to the result of the call to
\ex{user\=mail\=address} and \semvar{fallback-login} defaults to
``anonymous''. If the netrc file does not provide a default password
or a default login (stated by the ``default'' statement),
\semvar{fallback-password} and \semvar{fallback-login} will be used
as default password or login, respectively (thus,
\ex{user\=mail\=address} is only called if the netrc file does not
contain a default specification). If the netrc file does not exist,
a netrc-record filled with default values is returned. If the netrc
file does not have the correct permissions, a message is printed to
the current error port and a netrc-record filled with default values
is returned.
\ex{netrc:try-parse} does the same as \ex{netrc:\ob{}parse}, except
of the following: if there is no file called \semvar{filename}, the
according error will be raised and if the specified file does not
have the correct permissions set, a \ex{netrc\=refuse\=warning} will
be signalled. So, if you don't like the error handling and behavior
of \ex{netrc:\ob{}parse}, use \ex{netrc:\ob{}try\=parse} and catch
the signalled conditions. Note, that \ex{netrc:\ob{}parse} resolves
\semvar{filename} for you, \ex{netrc:\ob{}try-parse} does not -- you
have to do it on your own.
\defun{netrc:lookup}{netrc-record machine \ovar{default?}} {string
string string}
\defunx{netrc:lookup-password}{netrc-record machine
\defunx{netrc:lookup-login}{netrc-record machine
Return the login, password and / or account information for
\semvar{machine} specified by \semvar{netrc-record}, respectively.
If \semvar{default?} is \sharpt, default values are returned if no
such \semvar{machine} is specified in the \semvar{netrc-record}.
Otherwise [\sharpf\ \sharpf\ \sharpf] or \sharpf\ is returned,
Return the default values for the login or the password, respectively,
specified by \semvar{netrc-record}. If the netrc file did not
specify a default login, ``anonymous'' is returned by
\ex{netrc:\ob{}default\=login}. If the netrc file did not specify a
default password, the result of the call to \ex{user\=mail\=address}
is returned by \ex{netrc:\ob{}default\=password}.
\subsection{Related work}
\item Graham Barr has written a similar library for Perl, called
\item \ex{ange-ftp.el} (transparent remote file access for Emacs)
parses the user's netrc file.
\subsection{Desirable things}
\item Remove restrictions (as stated in `\emph{Overview}') and behave like
\ex{/usr/\ob{}bin/\ob{}ftp} behaves
\item perhaps: adding case-insensitivity (for host names)
\item perhaps: better record-disclosers for netrc-entry- and
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{Using NTP}
\item[Used files:] nettime.scm
\item[Name of the package:] nettime
Not implemented yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{Using POP3}
\item[Used files:] pop3.scm
\item[Name of the package:] pop3
Not implemented yet.

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\section{Handle RFC822 headers}
\item[Used files:] rfc822.scm
\item[Name of the package:] rfc822
\subsection{What users want to know}
\subsubsection*{A note on line-terminators}
Line-terminating sequences are always a drag, because there's no
agreement on them -- the Net protocols and DOS use
carriage-return/line-feed (\ex{cr}/\ex{lf}); Unix uses \ex{lf}; the
Mac uses \ex{cr}. One one hand, you'd like to use the code for all of
the above, on the other, you'd also like to use the code for strict
applications that need definitely not to recognise bare \ex{cr}'s or
\ex{lf}'s as terminators.
RFC 822 requires a \ex{cr}/\ex{lf} (carriage-return/line-feed) pair to
terminate lines of text. On the other hand, careful perusal of the
text shows up some ambiguities (there are maybe three or four of
these, and I'm too lazy to write them all down). Furthermore, it is an
unfortunate fact that many Unix apps separate lines of RFC~822 text
with simple linefeeds (e.g., messages kept in \ex{/usr/spool/mail}).
As a result, this code takes a broad-minded view of line-terminators:
lines can be terminated by either \ex{cr}/\ex{lf} or just \ex{lf}, and
either terminating sequence is trimmed.
If you need stricter parsing, you can call the lower-level procedure
\ex{\%read\=rfc822\=field} and \ex{\%read\=rfc822\=headers}. They take
the read-line procedure as an extra parameter. This means that you can
pass in a procedure that recognises only \ex{cr}/\ex{lf}'s, or only
\ex{cr}'s (for a Mac app, perhaps), and you can determine whether or
not the terminators get trimmed. However, your read-line procedure
must indicate the header-terminating empty line by returning \emph{either}
the empty string or the two-char string \ex{cr}/\ex{lf} (or the EOF object).
\subsubsection*{Description of the procedures}
\defun{read-rfc822-field} {\ovar{port}} {name body}
\begin{defundescx}{\%read-rfc822-field } {read-line port} {name body}
Read one field from the port, and return two values:
\item{\var{name}} Symbol such as \ex{'subject} or \ex{'to}. The
field name is converted to a symbol using the Scheme
implementation's preferred case. If the implementation reads
symbols in a case-sensitive fashion (e.g., scsh), lowercase is
used. This means you can compare these symbols to quoted constants
using \ex{eq?}. When printing these field names out, it looks best
if you capitalize them with \ex{(capitalize\=string (symbol->string field\=name))}.
\item{var{body}} List of strings which are the field's body, e.g.
(``shivers\discretionary{@}{}{@}lcs.mit.edu''). Each list element is one line from
the field's body, so if the field spreads out over three lines,
then the body is a list of three strings. The terminating
\ex{cr}/\ex{lf}'s are trimmed from each string. A leading space or
a leading horizontal tab is also trimmed, but one and onyl one.
When there are no more fields -- EOF or a blank line has terminated
the header section -- then the procedure returns [\sharpf\ \sharpf].
The \ex{\%read-rfc822-field} variant allows you to specify your own
read-line procedure. The one used by \ex{read-rfc822-field}
terminates lines with either \ex{cr}/\ex{lf} or just \ex{lf}, and it
trims the terminator from the line. Your read-line procedure should
trim the terminator of the line, so an empty line is returned as an
empty string.
The procedures raise an error if the syntax of the read field (the
line returned by the read-line-function) is illegal (regarding
\defun{read-rfc822-headers} {\ovar{port}} {association list}
\begin{defundescx}{\%read-rfc822-headers} {read-line port}
{association list}
Read in and parse up a section of text that looks like the header
portion of an RFC~822 message. Return an association list mapping a
field name (a symbol such as 'date or 'subject) to a list of field
bodies -- one for each occurence of the field in the header. So if
there are five ``Received-by:'' fields in the header, the alist maps
'received-by to a five element list. Each body is in turn
represented by a list of strings -- one for each line of the field.
So a field spread across three lines would produce a three element
The \ex{\%read-rfc822-headers} variant allows you to specify your
own read-line procedure. See \emph{A note on line-terminators} above
for reasons why.
Hint: If you want to get familiar with these procedures, you might
find \ex{make\=string\=input\=port}, that makes a port out of a
string, helpful.
\begin{defundesc}{rejoin-header-lines} {alist \ovar{seperator}}
{association list}
Takes a field \var{alist} such as is returned by
\ex{read-rfc822-headers} and returns an equivalent association list.
Each body (\str list) in the input \var{alist} is joined into a
single list in the output alist. \var{separator} is the string used
to join these elements together; it defaults to a single space, but
can usefully be ``\verb|\n|'' (linefeed) or ``\verb|\r\n|''
To rejoin a single body list, use scsh's \ex{join-strings}
For the following definitions' examples, let's use this set of of
RFC~822 headers:
From: shivers
To: ziggy,
To: gjs, tk\end{code}
\begin{defundesc}{get-header-all} {headers name} {string list list}
Returns all entries or \sharpf, e.g.\
\codex{(get-header-all hdrs 'to)}
results to
\codex{'((" ziggy," " newts") (" gjs, tk"))}
\begin{defundesc}{get-header-lines} {headers name} {string list}
Returns all lines of the first entry or \sharpf, e.g.\
\codex{(get-header-lines hdrs 'to)}
results to
\codex{'(" ziggy," " newts")}
\begin{defundesc}{get-headers} {headers name \ovar{seperator}} {string}
Returns the first entry with the lines joined together by seperator
(newline by default), e.g.\
\codex{(get-header hdrs 'to)}
results to
" ziggy,
Note, that \ex{newts} is led by two spaces.
Takes a \string and converts it to a symbol using the Scheme
implementation's preferred case. (The preferred case is recognized by
a doing once a \ex{symbol->string} conversion of \ex{'a}.)
\subsubsection*{Desireable functionalities}
\item Unfolding long lines.
\item Lexing structured fields.
\item Unlexing structured fields into canonical form.
\item Parsing and unparsing dates.
\item Parsing and unparsing addresses.
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\item[Used files:]
\item[Name of the package:]
Not implemented yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{Using SMTP}
\item[Used files:] smtp.scm
\item[Name of the package:] smtp
Not implemented yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
\section{Manipulating strings}
\item[Used files:] stringhax.scm
\item[Name of the package:] strings
This module provides several procedures to manipulate strings.
\begin{defundesc}{string-map} {procedure string} {string}
Does a map on each character of \semvar{string} and returns the
result, a newly allocated string. \semvar{procedure} takes a
character and should return a character.
\defun{downcase-string} {string} {string}
\begin{defundescx}{upcase-string} {string} {string}
Do what you expect: convert \semvar{string} to downcase or upcase
using char-downcase or char-upcase, respectively. The result is a
newly allocated string.
\defun{char-set-index} {string char-set \ovar{start}} {number}
\begin{defundescx}{char-set-rindex} {string char-set \ovar{start}} {number}
Returns the index of the first character that is in
\semvar{char\=set}. \ex{char\=set\=index} searches from left to
right, \ex{char\=set\=rindex} from right to left. \semvar{start} is
the index from where to start from and defaults to 0 in
\ex{char\=set\=index} and \ex{(string-length \semvar{string})} in
\ex{char\=set\=rindex}. If the search fails, \sharpf{} is returned.
\begin{defundesc}{string-reduce} {default construct string} {string}
Does a ``fold-right'' on \semvar{string}. It applies
\semvar{construct} on every character of \semvar{string}.
\semvar{construct} is initially invoked with the last character of
string and \semvar{default}. In subsequent invocations, the last
argument is the return value from the previous invocation of
\semvar{construct} while the first argument is the character of
\semvar{string} leading the previous used character. So, the string
is traversed from right to left. The result of the application of
\semvar{string-reduce} is the result of the last application of
(lambda (char str)
(string-append str (string (char-downcase char))))
results to ``downcase''.
\defun{string-prefix?} {prefix string} {boolean}
\begin{defundescx}{string-suffix?} {suffix string} {boolean}
Return \sharpt{} if \semvar{prefix}/\semvar{suffix} is a real
\semvar{prefix}/\semvar{suffix} of \semvar{string}, otherwise return
\sharpf. Real prefix/suffix means that \semvar{string} may not be a
prefix/suffix of \semvar{prefix}/\semvar{suffix} (in other words:
\semvar{prefix} and \semvar{suffix} have to be real shorter than
\semvar{string} to be a real prefix or suffix.
\begin{defundesc}{skip-whitespace} {string} {number}
Returns the index of the first character in \semvar{string} that is
not a whitespace (as defined in \ex{char-set:whitespace}). If there
isn't such a character, \sharpf{} is returned.
\begin{defundesc}{trim-spaces} {string} {string}
Returns a newly allocated string being \semvar{string} without
leading or trailing spaces (not whitespaces!).

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
\section{Evaluating expression in ``safe'' environments}
\item[Used files:] none, defined in modules.scm
\item[Name of the package:] loser, toothless, toothless-eval \\
(you want the last one)
\FIXME{Is toothless really R5RS, too?}
These modules define an environment that is \RnRS without features that
could examine or effect the file system. You can also use it as a
model of how to execute code in other protected environments in \scm.
\subsection{The \protect{\texttt{loser}} package}
The \ex{loser} package exports only one procedure:
Raises an error like ``Illegal call \var{name}''.
\subsection{The \protect{\texttt{toothless}} package}
The \ex{toothless} package contains everything of \RnRS except
that following procedure cause an error if called:
\item \ex{call-with-input-file}
\item \ex{call-with-output-file}
\item \ex{load}
\item \ex{open-input-file}
\item \ex{open-output-file}
\item \ex{transcript-on}
\item \ex{with-input-from-file}
\item \ex{with-input-to-file}
\item \ex{eval}
\item \ex{interaction-environment}
\item \ex{scheme-report-environment}
So, \ex{toothless} creates an environment as described in
\emph{Overview} above.
\subsection{The \protect{\texttt{toothless-eval}} package}
\begin{defundesc}{eval-safely} {expression} {any result}
Creates a brand new package, imports the \ex{toothless} structure,
and evaluates \semvar{expression} in it. When the evaluation is
done, the environment is thrown away, so \semvar{expression}'s
side-effects don't persist from one \ex{eval\=safely} call to the
next. If \semvar{expression} raises an error exception, we abort and
return \sharpf.
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\section{Handle URIs}\label{sec:uri}
\item[Used files:] uri.scm
\item[Name of the package:] uri
A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is of following syntax:
\ovar{scheme\/} : \semvar{path} \ovar{{\normalfont?\/} search} \ovar{{\normalfont\#} fragmentid}
Parts in brackets may be ommitted. The last part is usually referred
to as fragid in this document.
As you see, the URI contains characters like \verb|:| to indicate its
different parts. But what, if the \semvar{scheme} contains \verb|:| as
part of its name? For this purpose, some special characters are
\emph{escaped} if they are a regular part of a name and not indicators
for the structure of a URI. Escape-sequences are of following scheme:
\verb|\%hh| where \verb|h| is a hexadecimal digit. The hexadecimal
number refers to the (US) ASCII code of the escaped character, e.g.\
\ex{\%20} is space (ASCII character 32) and \ex{\%61} is `a' (ASCII
character 97). This module provides procedures to escape and unescape
strings that are meant to be used in a URI.
\begin{defundesc}{parse-uri} {uri-string } {scheme path search
frag-id} \label{proc:parse-uri}
Parses an \semvar{uri\=string} in the possible four fields, as
mentioned above in \emph{Overview}. These four fields are returned
as a multiple value. They are \emph{not} unescaped, as the rules for
parsing the \semvar{path} component in particular need unescaped
text, and are dependent on \semvar{scheme}. The URL parser is
responsible for doing this. If the \semvar{scheme}, \semvar{search}\
or \semvar{fragid} portions are not specified, they are \sharpf.
Otherwise, \semvar{scheme}, \semvar{search}, and \semvar{fragid} are
strings. \semvar{path} is a non-empty string list -- the path split
at slashes.
For those of you who are interested, here is a description of the
parsing technique. It is inwards from both ends.
\item First we search forwards for the first reserved character
(\verb|=|, \verb|;|, \verb|/|, \verb|#|, \verb|?|, \verb|:| or
\verb|space|). If it's a colon, then that's the \semvar{scheme}
part, otherwise we have no \semvar{scheme} part. At all events we
remove it.
\item Then we search backwards from the end for the last reserved
char. If it's a sharp, then that's the \semvar{fragid} part --
remove it.
\item Then we search backwards from the end for the last reserved
char. If it's a question-mark, then that's the \semvar{search}
part -- remove it.
\item What's left is the path. We split at slashes. The empty string
becomes a list containing the empty string.
This scheme is tolerant of the various ways people build broken
URI's out there on the Net\footnote{So it is not absolutely conform
with RFC~1630}, e.g. \verb|=| is a reserved character, but used
unescaped in the search-part. It was given to me\footnote{That's
Olin Shivers.} by Dan Connolly of the W3C and slightly modified.
\begin{defundesc}{unescape-uri} {string \ovar{start \ovar{end}}} {string}
Unescapes a string. This procedure should only be used \emph{after}
the URL (!) was parsed, since unescaping may introduce characters
that blow up the parse (that's why escape sequences are used in URIs
;-). Escape sequences are of the scheme as described in ``Overview''.
%\texttt{uri-escaped-chars} \hfill
A set of characters that are escaped in URIs. These are the
following characters: dollar (\verb|$|), minus (\verb|-|),%fool Xemacs$
underscore (\verb|_|), at (\verb|@|), dot (\verb|.|), and-sign
(\verb|&|), exclamation mark (\verb|!|), asterisk (\verb|*|),
backslash (\verb|\|), double quote (\verb|"|), single quote
(\verb|'|), open brace (\verb|(|), close brace (\verb|)|), comma
(\verb|,|) plus (\verb|+|) and all other characters that are neither
letters nor digits (such as space and control characters).
\begin{defundesc}{escape-uri} {string \ovar{escaped-chars}} {string}
Escapes characters of \semvar{string} that are given with
\semvar{escaped\=chars}. \semvar{escaped\=chars} default to
\ex{uri\=escaped\=chars}. Be careful with using this procedure to
chunks of text with syntactically meaningful reserved characters
(e.g., paths with URI slashes or colons) -- they'll be escaped, and
lose their special meaning. E.g.\ it would be a mistake to apply
\ex{escape-uri} to
``\ex{//lcs.\ob{}mit.\ob{}edu:8001\ob/foo\ob/bar.html}'' because the
sla\-shes and co\-lons would be escaped. Note that \ex{esacpe-uri}
doesn't check this as it would lose his meaning.
\begin{defundesc}{resolve-uri} {cscheme cp scheme p} {scheme path}
\FIXME{Sorry, I can't figure out what resolve-uri is inteded to do.
Perhaps I find it out later.}
Nobody really knows what this procedure was intended to do.
The code seems to have a bug: In the body of receive, there's a
loop. j should, according to the comment, count sequential \verb|/|.
But \ex{j} counts nothing in the body. Either zero is added \ex{((lp
(cdr cp-tail) (cons (car cp-tail) rhead) (+ j 0)))} or \ex{j} is
set to 1 \ex{((lp (cdr cp-tail) (cons (car cp-tail) rhead) 1))}.
Nevertheless, \ex{j} is expected to reach value \ex{numsl} that can
be larger than one. So what? I am confused.
\begin{defundesc}{split-uri-path} {uri start end} {list}
Splits uri at slashes. Only the substring given with \semvar{start}
(inclusive) and \semvar{end} (exclusive) as indices is considered.
\semvar{start} and $\semvar{end} - 1$ have to be within the range of
\semvar{uri}. Otherwise an index-out-of-range exception will be
raised. Example: \codex{(split-uri-path "foo/bar/colon" 4 11)}
results to \codex{'("bar" "col")}
\begin{defundesc}{uri-path-list->path} {plist} {string}
Generates a path out of an uri-path-list by inserting slashes
between the elements of \semvar{plist}. If you want to use the
resulting string for further operation, you should escape the
elements of \semvar{plist} in case the contain slashes. This doesn't
escape them for you, you must do that yourself like
\ex{(uri-path-list->path (map escape-uri pathlist))}.
\begin{defundesc}{simplify-uri-path} {path} {list}
Removes `\ex{.}' and `\ex{..}' entries from path. The result is
a (maybe empty) list representing a path that does not contain any
`\ex{.}' or `\ex{..}'\,. The list can only be empty if the path
did not start with a slash (for the rare occasion someone wants to
simplify a relative path). The result is \sharpf{} if the path tries
to back up past root, for example by `\ex{/..}' or
`\ex{/foo\ob/..\ob/..}' or just `\ex{..}'\,. `\ex{//}' may occur
somewhere in the path referring to root but not being backed up.
%FIXME: Can't we have a better environment for examples like these?
(split-uri-path "/foo/bar/baz/.." 0 15))\end{code}
results to
\codex{'("" "foo" "bar")}
(split-uri-path "foo/bar/baz/../../.." 0 20))\end{code}
results to
(split-uri-path "/foo/../.." 0 10))\end{code}
results to
\codex{\sharpf ; tried to back up root}
(split-uri-path "foo/bar//" 0 9))\end{code}
results to
\codex{'("") ; "//" refers to root}
(split-uri-path "foo/bar/" 0 8))\end{code}
results to
\codex{'("") ; last "/" also refers to root}
(split-uri-path "/foo/bar//baz/../.." 0 19))\end{code}
results to
\codex{\sharpf ; tries to back up root}
\subsection*{Unexported names}
A list of reserved characters (semicolon, slash, hash, question
mark, double colon and space).
\begin{defundesc}{hex-digit?} {character} {boolean}
Returns \sharpt{} if character is a hexadecimal digit (i.e., one of 1--9,
a--f, A--F), \sharpf{} otherwise.
\begin{defundesc}{hexchar->int} {character} {number}
Translates the given character to an integer, e.g. \ex{(hexchar->int
\#a)} results to 10.
\begin{defundesc}{int->hexchar} {integer} {character}
Translates the given integer from range 1--15 into an hexadecimal
character (uses uppercase letters), e.g. \ex{(int->hexchar 14)}
results to `E'.
\begin{defundesc}{rev-append} {list-a list-b} {list}
Performs a \ex{(append (reverse list-a) list-b)}. The comment says it
should be defined in a list package but I am wondering how often
this will be used.
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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
\item[Used files:] url.scm
\item[Name of the package:] url
This modules contains procedures to parse and unparse URLs. Till now,
only the parsing of http URLs is implemented.
\subsection{Entry points}
\defun{make-userhost}{user password host port}{userhost-record}
\defunx{set-userhost:user}{userhost-record new-value}{void}
\defunx{set-userhost:password}{userhost-record new-value}{void}
\defunx{set-userhost:host}{userhost-record new-value}{void}
\defunx{set-userhost:port}{userhost-record new-value}{void}
\ex{make\=userhost} creates a new \ex{userhost} record. This record
describes path-prefixes of the form
\semvar{user}:\semvar{password}@\semvar{host}:\semvar{port}. These
are frequently used as the initial prefix of URL's describing
Internet resources. Each slot is a decoded string or \sharpf (yes,
\semvar{port} is also a string).
\ex{userhost?} is the corresponding predicate,
\ex{userhost:\ob{}user}, \ex{userhost:\ob{}pass\ob{}word},
\ex{userhost:\ob{}host} and \ex{userhost:\ob{}port} are the
correspondig selectors and \ex{set\=userhost:\ob{}user},
\ex{set\=userhost:\ob{}pass\ob{}word}, \ex{set\=userhost:\ob{}host}
and \ex{set\=userhost:\ob{}port} the corresponding mutators. As you
can store everything into the record fields, the selectors may
return any type of value. However, under normal circumstances, only
\str\ or \sharpf\ is returned.
\defun{parse-userhost}{path default}{userhost-record}
\ex{parse\=userhost} parses a URI path (a list representing a path,
not a string!) into a userhost record. Default values are taken from
the userhost record \semvar{default} except for the host. The values
are unescaped and stored into a userhost record that is returned.
\ex{fatal\=syntax\=error} is called, if the specified path has no
initial to slashes (i.e., it starts with `//\ldots').
\ex{userhost->string} just does the inverse job: it unparses
\semvar{userhost-record} into a string. The elements of the record
are escaped before the are put together.
For details about escaping and unescaping see section ``Handle
URIs'' at page \pageref{sec:uri}.
\defun{make-http-url}{userhost path search frag-id}{http-url-record}
\defunx{set-http-url:userhost}{http-url new-value}{void}
\defunx{set-http-url:path}{http-url new-value}{void}
\defunx{set-http-url:search}{http-url new-value}{void}
\defunx{set-http-url:frag-id}{http-url new-value}{void}
\ex{make\=http\=url} creates a new \ex{httpd\=url} record.
\semvar{userhost} is a record, containing the initial part of the
address (like
\semvar{path} contains the URL's path split at slashes, e.g.\
\ex{"foo/\ob{}bar/\ob{}baz/"} becomes \ex{'("foo" "bar" "baz" "")}.
These elements are in raw, unescaped format. To convert them back to
a string, use \ex{(uri\=path\=list->path (map escape\=uri
pathlist))}. \semvar{search} and \semvar{frag\=id} are the last
two parts of the URL (see section \ref{sec:uri} on page
\pageref{sec:uri} about parts of an URI).
\ex{http\=url:userhost}, \ex{http\=url:path}, \ex{http\=url:search}
and \ex{http\=url:frag\=id} are the corresponding selectors,
\ex{set\=http\=url:userhost}, \ex{set\=http\=url:path},
\ex{set\=http\=url:search} and \ex{set\=http\=url:frag\=id} the
corresponding mutators. As you can store every type of value into
the record fields, the selectors can return any type of value.
However, \ex{http\=:userhost} usually returns a \ex{userhost}
record, \ex{http\=:path} returns a list of \str{}s and
\ex{http\=url:search} and \ex{http\=url:frag\=id} return both
\defun{parse-http-url}{path search frag-id}{http-url-record}
The URI parser (\ex{parse\=uri} in \ex{uri.\ob{}scm}) maps a string
to four parts: \semvar{scheme}, \semvar{path}, \semvar{search} and
\semvar{frag-id} (see section \ref{proc:parse-uri} at page
\pageref{proc:parse-uri} for details). If \semvar{scheme} is
``http'', then the other three parts can be passed to
\ex{parse\=http\=url}, which parses them into a \ex{http\=url}
record. All strings come back from the URI parser encoded.
\semvar{search} and \var{frag\=id} are left that way; this parser
decodes the path elements. The first two list elements of the path
indicating the leading double-slash are omitted.
\ex{http-url->string} just does the inverse job. It converts a
\ex{http\=url} record into a \str.
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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
This file documents names defined in rfc822.scm:
A note on line-terminators:
Line-terminating sequences are always a drag, because there's no
agreement on them -- the Net protocols and DOS use cr/lf; Unix uses
lf; the Mac uses cr. One one hand, you'd like to use the code for all
of the above, on the other, you'd also like to use the code for strict
applications that need definitely not to recognise bare cr's or lf's
as terminators.
RFC 822 requires a cr/lf (carriage-return/line-feed) pair to terminate
lines of text. On the other hand, careful perusal of the text shows up
some ambiguities (there are maybe three or four of these, and I'm too
lazy to write them all down). Furthermore, it is an unfortunate fact
that many Unix apps separate lines of RFC 822 text with simple
linefeeds (e.g., messages kept in /usr/spool/mail). As a result, this
code takes a broad-minded view of line-terminators: lines can be
terminated by either cr/lf or just lf, and either terminating sequence
is trimmed.
If you need stricter parsing, you can call the lower-level procedure
%READ-RFC-822-FIELD and %READ-RFC822-HEADERS procs. They take the
read-line procedure as an extra parameter. This means that you can
pass in a procedure that recognises only cr/lf's, or only cr's (for a
Mac app, perhaps), and you can determine whether or not the
terminators get trimmed. However, your read-line procedure must
indicate the header-terminating empty line by returning *either* the
empty string or the two-char string cr/lf (or the EOF object).
(read-rfc822-field [port])
(%read-rfc822-field read-line port)
Read one field from the port, and return two values [NAME BODY]:
- NAME Symbol such as 'subject or 'to. The field name is converted
to a symbol using the Scheme implementation's preferred
case. If the implementation reads symbols in a case-sensitive
fashion (e.g., scsh), lowercase is used. This means you can
compare these symbols to quoted constants using EQ?. When
printing these field names out, it looks best if you capitalise
- BODY List of strings which are the field's body, e.g.
("shivers@lcs.mit.edu"). Each list element is one line from
the field's body, so if the field spreads out over three lines,
then the body is a list of three strings. The terminating
cr/lf's are trimmed from each string. A leading space or a
leading horizontal tab is also trimmed, but one and onyl one.
When there are no more fields -- EOF or a blank line has terminated
the header section -- then the procedure returns [#f #f].
The %READ-RFC822-FIELD variant allows you to specify your own
read-line procedure. The one used by READ-RFC822-FIELD terminates
lines with either cr/lf or just lf, and it trims the terminator from
the line. Your read-line procedure should trim the terminator of the
line, so an empty line is returned as an empty string.
The procedures raise an error if the syntax of the read field (the
line returned by the read-line-function) is illegal (RFC822 illegal).
read-rfc822-headers [port]
%read-rfc822-headers read-line port
Read in and parse up a section of text that looks like the header
portion of an RFC 822 message. Return an alist mapping a field name (a
symbol such as 'date or 'subject) to a list of field bodies -- one for
each occurence of the field in the header. So if there are five
"Received-by:" fields in the header, the alist maps 'received-by to a
five element list. Each body is in turn represented by a list of
strings -- one for each line of the field. So a field spread across
three lines would produce a three element body.
The %READ-RFC822-HEADERS variant allows you to specify your own
read-line procedure. See notes (A note on line-terminators) above for
reasons why.
rejoin-header-lines alist [seperator]
Takes a field alist such as is returned by READ-RFC822-HEADERS and
returns an equivalent alist. Each body (string list) in the input
alist is joined into a single list in the output alist. SEPARATOR is
the string used to join these elements together; it defaults to a
single space " ", but can usefully be "\n" or "\r\n".
To rejoin a single body list, use scsh's JOIN-STRINGS procedure.
For the following definitions' examples, let's use this set of of
RFC822 headers:
From: shivers
To: ziggy,
To: gjs, tk
get-header-all headers name
returns all entries or #f, p.e.
(get-header-all hdrs 'to) -> ((" ziggy," " newts") (" gjs, tk"))
get-header-lines headers name
returns all lines of the first entry or #f, p.e.
(get-header-lines hdrs 'to) -> (" ziggy," " newts")
get-headers headers name [seperator]
returns the first entry with the lines joined together by seperator
(newline by default (\n)), p.e.
(get-header hdrs 'to) -> "ziggy,\n newts"
is the horizontal tab (ascii-code 9)
is a procedure that takes a string and converts it to a symbol
using the Scheme implementation's preferred case. The preferred case
is recognized by a doing a symbol->string conversion of 'a.
- Unfolding long lines.
- Lexing structured fields.
- Unlexing structured fields into canonical form.
- Parsing and unparsing dates.
- Parsing and unparsing addresses.

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
This file documents names specified in stringhax.scm.
stringhax.scm provides several string-hacking procedures.
string-map procedure string --> string
Does a 'map' on each character of STRING and returns the result, a
newly allocated string. PROCEDURE takes a character and should return
a character.
downcase-string string --> string
upcase-string string --> string
Do what you expect: converts STRING to downcase or upcase
respectively, using char-downcase or char-upcase respectively. The
result is a newly allocated string.
char-set-index string char-set [start] --> number
char-set-rindex string char-set [start] --> number
Returns the index of the first character that is in
char-set. char-set-index searches from left to r0.6/scsh/lib/char-package.scmight, char-set-rindex
from right to left. START is the index from where to start from and
defaults to 0 in char-set-index and (string-length STRING) in
char-set-rindex. If the search fails, #f is returned.
string-reduce default construct string --> string
Does a "fold-right" on string. The resulting string is
(string-reduce "" (lambda (char str)
(string-append str (string (char-downcase char))))
==> "downcase"
string-prefix? prefix string --> boolean
string-suffix? suffix string --> boolean
Return #t if PREFIX/SUFFIX is a real prefix/suffix of STRING,
otherwise return #f. Real prefix/suffix means that STRING may not be a
prefix/suffix of PREFIX/SUFFIX.
skip-whitespace string --> number
Returns the index of the first character in STRING that is not a
whitespace (as defined in char-set:whitespace). If there isn't such a
character, #f is returned.
trim-spaces string --> string
Returns a newly allocated string being STRING without leading or
trailing spaces (not whitespaces!).

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
This file documents names defined in toothless.scm
toothless.scm defines a Scheme 48 module that is R4RS without features
that could examine or effect the file system. You can also use it as a
model of how to execute code in other protected environments in S48.
loser name --> error
Raises an error like "Illegal call NAME".
Exports everything of R4RS. Following procedures are redefined, so
they raise an error if the are called:
toothless shall create an environment as described in NOTES.
eval-safely expression
Creates a brand new package, imports the TOOTHLESS structure, and
evaluates EXP in it. When the evaluation is done, the environment is
thrown away, so EXP's side-effects don't persist from one EVAL-SAFELY
call to the next. If EXP raises an error exception, we abort and
return #f.

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
This file documents names specified in uri.scm.
URIs are of following syntax:
[scheme] : path [? search ] [# fragmentid]
Parts in [] may be ommitted. The last part is usually referred to as
fragid in this document.
A list of reserved characters (semicolon, slash, hash, question mark,
double colon and space).
parse-uri uri-string --> (scheme, path, search, frag-id)
Multiple-value return: scheme, path, search, frag-id, in this
order. scheme, search and frag-id are either #f or a string. path is a
nonempty list of strings. An empty path is a list containing the empty
string. parse-uri tries to be tolerant of the various ways people
build broken URIs out there on the Net (so it is not absolutely
conform with RFC 1630).
unescape-uri string [start [end]] --> string
Unescapes a string. This procedure should only be used *after* the url
(!) was parsed, since unescaping may introduce characters that blow
up the parse (that's why escape sequences are used in URIs ;).
Escape-sequences are of following scheme: %hh where h is a hexadecimal
digit. E.g. %20 is space (ASCII character 32).
hex-digit? character --> boolean
Returns #t if character is a hexadecimal digit (i.e., one of 1-9, a-f,
A-F), #f otherwise.
hexchar->int character --> number
Translates the given character to an integer, p.e. (hexchar->int \#a)
=> 10.
int->hexchar integer --> character
Translates the given integer from range 1-15 into an hexadecimal
character (uses uppercase letters), p.e. (int->hexchar 14) => E.
A set of characters that are escaped in URIs. These are the following
characters: dollar ($), minus (-), underscore (_), at (@), dot (.),
and-sign (&), exclamation mark (!), asterisk (*), backslash (\),
double quote ("), single quote ('), open brace ((), close brace ()),
comma (,) plus (+) and all other characters that are neither letters
nor digits (such as space and control characters).
escape-uri string [escaped-chars] --> string
Escapes characters of string that are given with escaped-chars.
escaped-chars default to uri-escaped-chars. Be careful with using this
procedure to chunks of text with syntactically meaningful reserved
characters (e.g., paths with URI slashes or colons) -- they'll be
escaped, and lose their special meaning. E.g. it would be a mistake to
apply escape-uri to "//lcs.mit.edu:8001/foo/bar.html" because the
slashes and colons would be escaped. Note that esacpe-uri doesn't
check this as it would lose his meaning.
resolve-uri cscheme cp scheme p --> (scheme, path)
Sorry, I can't figure out what resolve-uri is inteded to do. Perhaps
I find it out later.
The code seems to have a bug: In the body of receive, there's a
loop. j should, according to the comment, count sequential /. But j
counts nothing in the body. Either zero is added ((lp (cdr cp-tail)
(cons (car cp-tail) rhead) (+ j 0))) or j is set to 1 ((lp (cdr
cp-tail) (cons (car cp-tail) rhead) 1))). Nevertheless, j is expected
to reach value numsl that can be larger than one. So what? I am
rev-append list-a list-b --> list
Performs a (append (reverse list-a) list-b). The comment says it
should be defined in a list package but I am wondering how often this
will be used.
split-uri-path uri start end --> list
Splits uri at /'s. Only the substring given with start (inclusive) and
end (exclusive) is considered. Start and end - 1 have to be within the
range of the uri-string. Otherwise an index-out-of-range exception
will be raised. Example: (split-uri-path "foo/bar/colon" 4 11) ==>
'("bar" "col")
simplify-uri-path path --> list
Removes "." and ".." entries from path. The result is a (maybe empty)
list representing a path that does not contain any "." or "..". The
list can only be empty if the path did not start with "/" (for the
rare occasion someone wants to simplify a relative path). The result
is #f if the path tries to back up past root, for example by "/.." or
"/foo/../.." or just "..". "//" may occur somewhere in the path
referring to root but not being backed up.
(simplify-uri-path (split-uri-path "/foo/bar/baz/.." 0 15))
==> '("" "foo" "bar")
(simplify-uri-path (split-uri-path "foo/bar/baz/../../.." 0 20))
==> '()
(simplify-uri-path (split-uri-path "/foo/../.." 0 10))
==> #f ; tried to back up root
(simplify-uri-path (split-uri-path "foo/bar//" 0 9))
==> '("") ; "//" refers to root
(simplify-uri-path (split-uri-path "foo/bar/" 0 8))
==> '("") ; last "/" also refers to root
(simplify-uri-path (split-uri-path "/foo/bar//baz/../.." 0 19))
==> #f ; tries to back up root

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
This file documents names defined in url.scm
userhost record
A record containing the fields user, password, host and port. Created
by parsing a string like //<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/. The
record describes path-prefixes of the form
//<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/ These are frequently used as the
initial prefix of URL's describing Internet resources.
parse-userhost path default
Parse a URI path (a list representing a path, not a string!) into a
userhost record. Default values are taken from the userhost record
DEFAULT except for the host. Returns a userhost record if it wins, and
#f if it cannot parse the path. It is an error if the specified path
does not begin with '//..' like noted at userhost.
userhost-escaped-chars list
The union of uri-escaped-chars and the characters '@' and ':'. Used
for the unparser.
userhost->string userhost procedure
Unparses a userhost record to a string.
http-url record
Record containing the fields userhost (a userhost record), path (a
path list), search and frag-id. The PATH slot of this record is the
URL's path split at slashes, e.g., "foo/bar//baz/" => ("foo" "bar" ""
"baz" ""). These elements are in raw, unescaped format. To convert
back to a string, use (uri-path-list->path (map escape-uri pathlist)).
parse-http-url path search frag-id procedure
Returns a http-url record. path, search and frag-id are results of a
parse-uri call on the initial uri. See there (uri.scm) for further
details. search and frag-id are stored as they are. This parser
decodes the path elements. It is an error if the path specifies an
user or a password as this is not allowd at http-urls.
default-http-userhost record
A userhost record that specifies the port as 80 and anything else as
http-url->string http-url
Unparses the given http-url to a string.