Trivially convert the macros to procedures.

Fix a bunch of bugs where a transaction would be closed prematurely
and/or repeatedly.
This commit is contained in:
sperber 2002-09-02 08:21:44 +00:00
parent 9602104a8c
commit 7a54991212
1 changed files with 83 additions and 121 deletions

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@ -52,12 +52,13 @@
(lambda (bailout)
(let ((local (host-info:name (host-info (system-name))))
(socket (smtp/open (:optional maybe-host "localhost"))))
(receive (code text) (smtp-transactions socket ; Do prologue.
(smtp/helo socket local)
(smtp/mail socket (string-append (user-login-name)
(receive (code text)
(smtp-transactions/no-close socket ; Do prologue.
(smtp/helo local)
(smtp/mail (string-append (user-login-name)
"@" local)))
(if (>= code 400) (values code text) ; error
(if (>= code 400)
(values code text) ; error
;; Send over recipients and collect the losers.
(let ((losers (filter-map
(lambda (to)
@ -71,8 +72,7 @@
;; Send the message body and wrap things up.
(receive (code text) (smtp-transactions socket
(smtp/data socket body)
(smtp/quit socket))
(smtp/data body))
(if (and (< code 400) (null? losers))
(values code text)
(values 700 losers))))))))))
@ -90,11 +90,10 @@
(define (%sendmail from local-host to dest-host message)
(let ((socket (smtp/open dest-host)))
(smtp-transactions socket
(smtp/helo socket local-host)
(smtp/mail socket from)
(smtp/rcpt socket to)
(smtp/data socket message)
(smtp/quit socket))))
(smtp/helo local-host)
(smtp/mail from)
(smtp/rcpt to)
(smtp/data message))))
@ -104,10 +103,8 @@
(define (smtp-query socket query arg)
(receive (code text)
(smtp-transactions socket
(smtp/helo socket (system-name))
(query socket arg))
(if (not (or (= code 421) (= code 221)))
(smtp/quit socket))
(smtp/helo (system-name))
(query arg))
(values code text)))
(define (expn name host)
@ -120,10 +117,10 @@
(smtp-query (smtp/open host) smtp/help (apply string-append (cons " " details))))
;;; (smtp-transactions socket ?transaction1 ...)
;;; (smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?transaction1 ...)
;;; (smtp-transactions socket transaction1 ...)
;;; (smtp-transactions/no-close socket transaction1 ...)
;;; These macros make it easy to do simple sequences of SMTP commands.
;;; These procedures make it easy to do simple sequences of SMTP commands.
;;; Evaluate a series of expressions ?transaction1, ?transaction2, ...
;;; - Each expression should perform an SMTP transaction,
@ -147,9 +144,7 @@
;;; - Otherwise, we throw away the current CODE and TEXT values, and
;;; proceed to the next transaction.
;;; Since SMTP-TRANSACTIONS closes the socket whenever it aborts a sequence,
;;; an SMTP-TRANSACTIONS form terminated with an (smtp/quit socket) transaction
;;; will always close the socket.
;;; SMTP-TRANSACTIONS closes the socket after the transaction.
;;; If the socket should be kept open in the case of an abort, use
@ -160,59 +155,25 @@
;;; than proceeding to mail the other four. This may not be what you want;
;;; if so, you'll have to roll your own.
(define-syntax smtp-transactions
(syntax-rules ()
((smtp-transactions socket ?T1 ?T2 ...)
(let ((s socket))
(receive (code text) (smtp-transactions/no-close s ?T1 ?T2 ...)
(if (<= 400 code) (smtp/quit s))
(values code text))))))
(define (smtp-transactions socket . transactions)
(receive (code text) (apply smtp-transactions/no-close socket transactions)
((or (= code 221)
(= code 421))
(smtp/quit socket)))
(values code text)))
(define-syntax smtp-transactions/no-close
(syntax-rules ()
((smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T1 ?T2 ...)
;; %smtp-transactions/no-close replicates the socket argument,
;; so we have to force it to be a variable.
(let ((s socket))
(%smtp-transactions/no-close s ?T1 ?T2 ...)))))
;;; SOCKET must be a variable, hence replicable.
(define-syntax %smtp-transactions/no-close
(syntax-rules ()
((%smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T1 ?T2 ?T3 ...)
(receive (code text) ?T1
(if (or (= code 221)
(define (smtp-transactions/no-close socket . transactions)
(let loop ((transactions transactions))
(receive (code text) ((car transactions) socket)
(if (or (null? (cdr transactions))
(= code 221)
(= code 421) ; Redundant, I know.
(<= 400 code))
(values code text)
(%smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T2 ?T3 ...))))
((%smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T1)
;;; I can't make this nested definition work. I'm not enough of a macro stud.
;(define-syntax smtp-transactions/no-close
; (syntax-rules ()
; ((smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T1 ...)
; (letrec-syntax ((%smtp-transactions/no-close
; (syntax-rules ()
; ((%smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T1 ?T2 ...)
; (receive (code text) ?T1
; (if (or (= code 221)
; (= code 421) ; Redundant, I know.
; (<= 400 code))
; (values code text)
; (%smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T2 ...))))
; ((%smtp-transactions/no-close socket ?T1)
; ?T1))))
; ;; %smtp-transactions/no-close replicates the socket argument,
; ;; so we have to force it to be a variable.
; (let ((s socket))
; (%smtp-transactions/no-close s ?T1 ...))))))
(loop (cdr transactions))))))
;;; The basics of the protocol
@ -224,15 +185,15 @@
(write-crlf port))
(handle-smtp-reply socket)))
(define (unary-smtp-command command)
(lambda (socket data)
(lambda (data)
(lambda (socket)
(let ((port (socket:outport socket)))
(write-string command port)
(display #\space port)
(write-string data port)
(write-crlf port))
(handle-smtp-reply socket)))
(handle-smtp-reply socket))))
(define (smtp/open host . maybe-port)
@ -254,7 +215,8 @@
(define smtp/data
(let ((send-DATA-msg (nullary-smtp-command "DATA")))
(lambda (socket message) ; MESSAGE is a string or an input port.
(lambda (message) ; MESSAGE is a string or an input port.
(lambda (socket)
(receive (code text) (send-DATA-msg socket)
(if (>= code 400) (values code text) ; Error.
@ -278,7 +240,7 @@
(write-string "\r\n.\r\n" p)
(force-output p)
(handle-smtp-reply socket)))))))
(handle-smtp-reply socket))))))))
;; SEND FROM: <sender-address>
(define smtp/send (unary-smtp-command "SEND FROM:"))
@ -301,8 +263,8 @@
;; HELP <details>
(define smtp/help
(let ((send-help (unary-smtp-command "HELP")))
(lambda (socket . details)
(send-help socket (apply string-append details)))))
(lambda details
(send-help (apply string-append details)))))
(define smtp/noop (nullary-smtp-command "NOOP"))