Changes from V200-alpha3 of PLT.

This commit is contained in:
mainzelm 2001-12-14 14:09:35 +00:00
parent 29161884e9
commit 75633864c3
6 changed files with 292 additions and 176 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ Functions
reads in an XML document from the given or current input port
XML documents contain exactly one element. It throws an xml-read:error
if there isn't any element or if there are more than one element.
Malformed xml is reported with source locations in
the form `l.c/o', where l is the line number, c is
the column number and o is the number of characters
from the beginning of the file.
> write-xml : Document [Output-port] -> Void
writes a document to the given or current output port, currently
@ -131,50 +136,148 @@ Note: Users of the XML collection don't need to know most of these definitions.
Note: Xexpr is the only important one to understand. Even then,
Processing-instructions may be ignored.
> Xexpr ::= String
| (list* Symbol (listof (list Symbol String)) (list Xexpr))
| (cons Symbol (listof Xexpr)) ;; an element with no attributes
| Symbol ;; symbolic entities such as  
| Number ;; numeric entities like 
| Misc
> Xexpr = String
| (list* Symbol (listof (list Symbol String)) (list Xexpr))
| (cons Symbol (listof Xexpr)) ;; an element with no attributes
| Symbol ;; symbolic entities such as  
| Number ;; numeric entities like 
| Misc
> Document ::= (make-document Prolog Element (listof Processing-instruction))
> Document = (make-document Prolog Element (listof Processing-instruction))
(define-struct document (prolog element misc))
> Prolog ::= (make-prolog (listof Misc) #f)
(define-struct prolog (misc dtd))
> Prolog = (make-prolog (listof Misc) Document-type [Misc ...])
(define-struct prolog (misc dtd misc2))
The last field is a (listof Misc), but the maker accepts optional
arguments instead for backwards compatibility.
> Element ::= (make-element Location Location
> Document-type = #f | (make-document-type Symbol External-dtd #f)
(define-struct document-type (name external inlined))
> External-dtd = (make-external-dtd/public str str)
| (make-external-dtd/system str)
| #f
(define-struct external-dtd (system))
(define-struct (external-dtd/public external-dtd) (public))
(define-struct (external-dtd/system external-dtd) ())
> Element = (make-element Location Location
(listof Attribute)
(listof Content))
(define-struct (element struct:source) (name attributes content))
> Attribute ::= (make-attribute Location Location Symbol String)
> Attribute = (make-attribute Location Location Symbol String)
(define-struct (attribute struct:source) (name value))
> Content ::= Pcdata
| Element
| Entity
| Misc
> Content = Pcdata
| Element
| Entity
| Misc
Misc ::= Comment
| Processing-instruction
Misc = Comment
| Processing-instruction
> Pcdata ::= (make-pcdata Location Location String)
> Pcdata = (make-pcdata Location Location String)
(define-struct (pcdata struct:source) (string))
> Entity ::= (make-entity (U Nat Symbol))
> Entity = (make-entity (U Nat Symbol))
(define-struct entity (text))
> Processing-instruction ::= (make-pi Location Location String (list String))
> Processing-instruction = (make-pi Location Location String (list String))
(define-struct (pi struct:source) (target-name instruction))
> Comment ::= (make-comment String)
> Comment = (make-comment String)
(define-struct comment (text))
Source ::= (make-source Location Location)
Source = (make-source Location Location)
(define-struct source (start stop))
Location ::= Nat
| Symbol
Location = Nat
| Symbol
The PList Library
The PList library provides the ability to read and write xml documents which
conform to the "plist" DTD, used to store 'dictionaries' of string - value
To Load
(require (lib "" "xml"))
> read-plist : Port -> PLDict
reads a plist from a port, and produces a 'dict' x-expression
> write-plist : PLDict Port -> Void
writes a plist to the given port. May raise the exn:application:type
exception if the plist is badly formed.
NB: all of these are subtypes of x-expression:
> PLDict = (list 'dict Assoc-pair ...)
> PLAssoc-pair = (list 'assoc-pair String PLValue)
> PLValue = String
| (list 'true)
| (list 'false)
| (list 'integer Integer)
| (list 'real Real)
| PLDict
| PLArray
> PLArray = (list 'array PLValue ...)
In fact, the PList DTD also defines Data and Date types, but we're ignoring
these for the moment.
Here's a sample PLDict:
(define my-dict
`(dict (assoc-pair "first-key"
"just a string
with some whitespace in it")
(assoc-pair "second-key"
(assoc-pair "third-key"
(dict ))
(assoc-pair "fourth-key"
(dict (assoc-pair "inner-key"
(real 3.432))))
(assoc-pair "fifth-key"
(array (integer 14)
"another string"
(assoc-pair "sixth-key"
Let's write it to disk:
(call-with-output-file "/Users/clements/tmp.plist"
(lambda (port)
(write-plist my-dict port))
Let's read it back from the disk:
(define new-dict
(call-with-input-file "/Users/clements/tmp.plist"
(lambda (port)
(read-plist port))))

View File

@ -106,9 +106,12 @@
;;; HACK!
(define (make-parameter val)
(lambda ()
(define (make-parameter val . maybe-guard)
(if (null? maybe-guard)
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
((car maybe-guard) val))))
(define (list* . args)
(if (null? (cdr args))

View File

@ -1,118 +1,3 @@
; Taken directly from the SRFI document.
(define-syntax let-values
(syntax-rules ()
((let-values (?binding ...) ?body0 ?body1 ...)
(let-values "bind" (?binding ...) () (begin ?body0 ?body1 ...)))
((let-values "bind" () ?tmps ?body)
(let ?tmps ?body))
((let-values "bind" ((?b0 ?e0) ?binding ...) ?tmps ?body)
(let-values "mktmp" ?b0 ?e0 () (?binding ...) ?tmps ?body))
((let-values "mktmp" () ?e0 ?args ?bindings ?tmps ?body)
(lambda () ?e0)
(lambda ?args
(let-values "bind" ?bindings ?tmps ?body))))
((let-values "mktmp" (?a . ?b) ?e0 (?arg ...) ?bindings (?tmp ...) ?body)
(let-values "mktmp" ?b ?e0 (?arg ... x) ?bindings (?tmp ... (?a x)) ?body))
((let-values "mktmp" ?a ?e0 (?arg ...) ?bindings (?tmp ...) ?body)
(lambda () ?e0)
(lambda (?arg ... . x)
(let-values "bind" ?bindings (?tmp ... (?a x)) ?body))))))
(define-syntax let*-values
(syntax-rules ()
((let*-values () ?body0 ?body1 ...)
(begin ?body0 ?body1 ...))
((let*-values (?binding0 ?binding1 ...) ?body0 ?body1 ...)
(let-values (?binding0)
(let*-values (?binding1 ...) ?body0 ?body1 ...)))))
(define (add1 x) (+ x 1))
(define-syntax when
((when test expr ...)
(if test (begin expr ...)))))
(define-syntax unless
((unless test expr ...)
(if (not test) (begin expr ...)))))
(define (sub1 x)
(- x 1))
(define (void . a)
(if #f #f))
(define-syntax begin0
((begin0 expr1 expr ...)
(let ((r expr1))
(begin expr ...)
(define andmap
(lambda (f list0 . lists)
(if (null? list0)
(let loop ((lists (cons list0 lists)))
(if (null? (cdr (car lists)))
(apply f (map car lists))
(and (apply f (map car lists))
(loop (map cdr lists))))))))
(define null '())
; stolen from mzlib/
(define (quicksort l less-than)
(let* ((v (list->vector l))
(count (vector-length v)))
(let loop ((min 0)(max count))
(if (< min (sub1 max))
(let ((pval (vector-ref v min)))
(let pivot-loop ((pivot min)
(pos (add1 min)))
(if (< pos max)
(let ((cval (vector-ref v pos)))
(if (less-than cval pval)
(vector-set! v pos (vector-ref v pivot))
(vector-set! v pivot cval)
(pivot-loop (add1 pivot) (add1 pos)))
(pivot-loop pivot (add1 pos))))
(if (= min pivot)
(loop (add1 pivot) max)
(loop min pivot)
(loop pivot max))))))))
(vector->list v)))
;;; HACK!
(define call/ec call-with-current-continuation)
(define-syntax let/ec
((let/ec k expr ...)
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) expr ...)))))
;;; HACK!
(define (make-parameter val)
(lambda ()
;; Token ::= Contents | Start-tag | End-tag | Eof
(define read-comments (make-parameter #f))
@ -137,7 +22,7 @@
(error 'read-xml "extra stuff at end of document ~a" end-of-file))
;; read-misc : Input-port (-> Nat) -> (listof Misc) Token
;; read-misc : Input-port (-> Location) -> (listof Misc) Token
(define (read-misc in pos)
(let read-more ()
(let ((x (lex in pos)))
@ -149,7 +34,7 @@
(else (values null x))))))
;; read-element : Start-tag Input-port (-> Nat) -> Element
;; read-element : Start-tag Input-port (-> Location) -> Element
(define (read-element start in pos)
(let ((name (start-tag-name start))
(a (source-start start))
@ -160,12 +45,19 @@
(let ((x (lex in pos)))
((eof-object? x)
(error 'read-xml "unclosed ~a tag at [~a ~a]" name a b))
(error 'read-xml "unclosed ~a tag at [~a ~a]" name
(format-source a)
(format-source b)))
((start-tag? x) (cons (read-element x in pos) (read-content)))
((end-tag? x)
(unless (eq? name (end-tag-name x))
(error 'read-xml "start tag ~a at [~a ~a] doesn't match end tag ~a at [~a ~a]"
name a b (end-tag-name x) (source-start x) (source-stop x)))
(format-source a)
(format-source b)
(end-tag-name x)
(format-source (source-start x))
(format-source (source-stop x))))
((entity? x) (cons (expand-entity x) (read-content)))
((comment? x) (if (read-comments)
@ -191,7 +83,7 @@
((apos) "'")
(else #f)))
;; lex : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Token
;; lex : Input-port (-> Location) -> Token
(define (lex in pos)
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
@ -200,7 +92,7 @@
((eq? c #\<) (lex-tag-cdata-pi-comment in pos))
(else (lex-pcdata in pos)))))
;; lex-entity : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Entity
;; lex-entity : Input-port (-> Location) -> Entity
(define (lex-entity in pos)
(let ((start (pos)))
(read-char in)
@ -221,7 +113,7 @@
(lex-error in pos "expected ; at the end of an entity")))))))
(make-entity start (pos) data))))
;; lex-tag-cdata-pi-comment : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Start-tag | Element | End-tag | Pcdata | Pi | Comment
;; lex-tag-cdata-pi-comment : Input-port (-> Location) -> Start-tag | Element | End-tag | Pcdata | Pi | Comment
(define (lex-tag-cdata-pi-comment in pos)
(let ((start (pos)))
(read-char in)
@ -268,9 +160,9 @@
(lex-error in pos "expected > to close empty element ~a" name))
(make-element start (pos) name attrs null))
((#\>) (make-start-tag start (pos) name attrs))
(else (lex-error in pos "expected / or > to close tag ~a" name))))))))
(else (lex-error in pos "expected / or > to close tag `~a'" name))))))))
;; lex-attributes : Input-port (-> Nat) -> (listof Attribute)
;; lex-attributes : Input-port (-> Location) -> (listof Attribute)
(define (lex-attributes in pos)
(quicksort (let loop ()
(skip-space in)
@ -285,7 +177,7 @@
((eq? na nb) (lex-error in pos "duplicated attribute name ~a" na))
(else (string<? (symbol->string na) (symbol->string nb))))))))
;; lex-attribute : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Attribute
;; lex-attribute : Input-port (-> Location) -> Attribute
(define (lex-attribute in pos)
(let ((start (pos))
(name (lex-name in pos)))
@ -321,7 +213,7 @@
(read-char in)
;; lex-pcdata : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Pcdata
;; lex-pcdata : Input-port (-> Location) -> Pcdata
;; deviation - disallow ]]> "for compatability" with SGML, sec 2.4 XML spec
(define (lex-pcdata in pos)
(let ((start (pos))
@ -338,7 +230,7 @@
(list->string data))))
;; lex-name : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Symbol
;; lex-name : Input-port (-> Location) -> Symbol
(define (lex-name in pos)
(let ((c (read-char in)))
(unless (name-start? c)
@ -351,7 +243,7 @@
(cons (read-char in) (lex-rest)))
(else null))))))))
;; skip-dtd : Input-port (-> Nat) -> Void
;; skip-dtd : Input-port (-> Location) -> Void
(define (skip-dtd in pos)
(let skip ()
(case (non-eof read-char in pos)
@ -380,7 +272,7 @@
(eq? ch #\.)
(eq? ch #\-)))
;; read-until : Char Input-port (-> Nat) -> String
;; read-until : Char Input-port (-> Location) -> String
;; discards the stop character, too
(define (read-until char in pos)
@ -390,14 +282,14 @@
((eq? c char) null)
(else (cons c (read-more))))))))
;; non-eof : (Input-port -> (U Char Eof)) Input-port (-> Nat) -> Char
;; non-eof : (Input-port -> (U Char Eof)) Input-port (-> Location) -> Char
(define (non-eof f in pos)
(let ((c (f in)))
((eof-object? c) (lex-error in pos "unexpected eof"))
(else c))))
;; gen-read-until-string : String -> Input-port (-> Nat) -> String
;; gen-read-until-string : String -> Input-port (-> Location) -> String
;; uses Knuth-Morris-Pratt from
;; Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest, pages 869-876
;; discards stop from input
@ -436,13 +328,15 @@
(define lex-pi-data (gen-read-until-string "?>"))
(define lex-cdata-contents (gen-read-until-string "]]>"))
;; positionify : Input-port -> Input-port (-> Nat)
;; positionify : Input-port -> Input-port (-> Location)
;; Well, this really depends on scsh-0.6
;; For S48 you probably need to do something completely different
(define (positionify in)
(let ((n 0); port-limit as absolute value
(let ((line 1)
(char 0)
(offset 0)
(old-handler (port-handler in)))
(let ((handler (make-buffered-input-port-handler
(port-handler-discloser old-handler)
@ -452,17 +346,32 @@
((port-handler-buffer-proc old-handler)
data buffer start needed)))
(if (number? res)
(set! n (+ n res)))
(set! char (add1 char))
(set! offset (add1 offset))
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
(when (equal? c #\newline)
(set! line (+ line 1))
(set! char 0))
(port-handler-ready? old-handler)
(port-handler-steal old-handler))))
(set-port-handler! in handler)
(values in
(lambda ()
(- n (- (port-limit in) (port-index in))))))))
(make-location line char offset))))))
; (- n (- (port-limit in) (port-index in))))))))
;; lex-error : Input-port String (-> Nat) TST* -> alpha
;; lex-error : Input-port String (-> Location) TST* -> alpha
(define (lex-error in pos str . rest)
(error 'lex-error " at positon:" (pos) str rest))
(error 'lex-error " at position:" (format-source (pos)) str rest))
;; format-source : Location -> string
;; to format the source location for an error message
(define (format-source loc)
(if (location? loc)
(format #f "~a.~a/~a" (location-line loc) (location-char loc) (location-offset loc))
(format #f "~a" loc)))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
;; Location ::= Nat | Symbol
; Location = (make-location Nat Nat) | Symbol
(define-record-type location :location
(make-location line char offset)
(line location-line)
(char location-char)
(offset location-offset))
;; Source ::= (make-source Location Location)
(define-record-type source :source
(make-source start stop)
(start really-source-start)
(stop really-source-stop))
@ -26,6 +33,16 @@
((end-tag? obj) (end-tag-stop obj))
(else (really-source-stop obj))))
(define (does-any-satisfy? preds obj)
(if (null? preds)
(or ((car preds) obj) (does-any-satisfy? (cdr preds) obj))))
(define (source? obj)
(does-any-satisfy? (list really-source? element? attribute? pcdata?
entity? pi? start-tag? end-tag?)
;; Document ::= (make-document Prolog Element (listof Misc))
(define-record-type document :document
(make-document prolog element misc)
@ -34,12 +51,64 @@
(element document-element)
(misc document-misc))
;; Prolog ::= (make-prolog (listof Misc) #f)
; Prolog = (make-prolog (listof Misc) Document-type [Misc ...])
; The Misc items after the Document-type are optional arguments to maintain
; backward compatability with older versions of the XML library.
;(define-struct prolog (misc dtd misc2))
(define-record-type prolog :prolog
(make-prolog misc dtd)
(really-make-prolog misc dtd misc2)
(misc prolog-misc)
(dtd prolog-dtd))
(dtd prolog-dtd)
(misc2 prolog-misc2))
(define (make-prolog misc dtd misc2)
(really-make-prolog misc dtd misc2))
;;; Document-type = (make-document-type sym External-dtd #f)
;;; | #f
(define-record-type document-type :document-type
(make-document-type name external inlined)
(name document-type-name)
(external document-type-external)
(inlined document-type-inlined))
;;; External-dtd = (make-external-dtd/public str str)
;;; | (make-external-dtd/system str)
;;; | #f
(define-record-type external-dtd :external-dtd
(make-external-dtd system)
(system really-external-dtd-system))
(define (external-dtd-system external-dtd)
(cond ((really-external-dtd? external-dtd)
(really-external-dtd-system external-dtd))
((external-dtd/public? external-dtd)
(external-dtd/public-system external-dtd))
((external-dtd/system? external-dtd)
(external-dtd/system-system external-dtd))
(else (error "bottom of external-dtd-system" external-dtd))))
(define (external-dtd? obj)
(does-any-satisfy? (list really-external-dtd? external-dtd/public?
(define-record-type external-dtd/public :external-dtd/public
(make-external-dtd/public system public)
(system external-dtd/public-system)
(public external-dtd/public-public))
(define-record-type external-dtd/system :external-dtd/system
(make-external-dtd/system system)
(system external-dtd/system-system))
;; Element ::= (make-element Location Location Symbol (listof Attribute) (listof Content))
(define-record-type element :element

View File

@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
;;(define empty-tag-shorthand (make-parameter void))
;; (empty-tag-shorthand) : (U 'always 'never (listof Symbol))
(define empty-tag-shorthand (make-parameter 'always))
(define empty-tag-shorthand
(make-parameter 'always
(lambda (x)
(if (or (eq? x 'always) (eq? x 'never) (and (list? x) (andmap symbol? x)))
(error 'empty-tag-shorthand "expected 'always, 'never, or a list of symbols: received ~a" x)))))
(define html-empty-tags '(param meta link isindex input img hr frame col br basefont base area))
@ -16,7 +21,8 @@
;; gen-write/display-xml/content : (Nat Output-port -> Void) -> Content [Output-Port]-> Void
(define (gen-write/display-xml/content dent)
(var-argify (lambda (c out) (write-xml-content c 0 dent out))))
(var-argify (lambda (c out)
(write-xml-content c 0 dent out))))
;; indent : Nat Output-port -> Void
(define (indent n out)
@ -35,9 +41,28 @@
;; gen-write/display-xml : (Content [Output-port] -> Void) -> Document [Output-port] -> Void
(define (gen-write/display-xml output-content)
(var-argify (lambda (doc out)
(display-outside-misc (prolog-misc (document-prolog doc)) out)
(output-content (document-element doc) out)
(display-outside-misc (document-misc doc) out))))
(let ((prolog (document-prolog doc)))
(display-outside-misc (prolog-misc prolog) out)
(display-dtd (prolog-dtd prolog) out)
(display-outside-misc (prolog-misc2 prolog) out))
(output-content (document-element doc) out)
(display-outside-misc (document-misc doc) out))))
; display-dtd : document-type oport -> void
(define (display-dtd dtd out)
(when dtd
(fprintf out "<!DOCTYPE ~a" (document-type-name dtd))
(let ((external (document-type-external dtd)))
((external-dtd/public? external)
(fprintf out " PUBLIC \"~a\" \"~a\""
(external-dtd/public-public external)
(external-dtd-system external)))
((external-dtd/system? external)
(fprintf out " SYSTEM \"~a\"" (external-dtd-system external)))
((not external) (void))))
(display ">" out)
(newline out)))
;; write-xml : Document [Output-port] -> Void
(define write-xml (gen-write/display-xml write-xml/content))
@ -50,7 +75,8 @@
(for-each (lambda (x)
((comment? x) write-xml-comment)
((pi? x) write-xml-pi)) x 0 void out)
((pi? x) write-xml-pi)
(else (error "bottom " x))) x 0 void out)
(newline out))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
(define-interface xml-structures-interface
(export source-start
make-location location? location-line location-char location-offset
make-document document? document-prolog document-element document-misc
make-prolog prolog? prolog-misc prolog-dtd
make-prolog prolog? prolog-misc prolog-dtd prolog-misc2
make-document-type document-type-name document-type-external
external-dtd-system external-dtd/system?
make-external-dtd/public external-dtd/public? external-dtd/public-public
make-element element? element-name element-attributes element-content
make-attribute attribute? attribute-name attribute-value
make-pcdata pcdata? pcdata-string
@ -15,6 +20,7 @@
(define-structure xml-structures xml-structures-interface
(open scheme
(files structures))