+ Reworked condition signalling
+ TCP almost works + Cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,6 +113,9 @@
(define-condition-type 'no-nameservers '(dns-error))
(define no-nameservers? (condition-predicate 'no-nameservers))
(define-condition-type 'bad-nameserver '(dns-error))
(define bad-nameserver? (condition-predicate 'bad-nameserver))
(define-condition-type 'not-a-hostname '(dns-error))
(define not-a-hostname? (condition-predicate 'not-a-hostname))
@ -139,38 +142,42 @@
(define-condition-type 'dns-refused '(dns-server-error))
(define dns-refused? (condition-predicate 'dns-refused))
(define (dns-error condition . stuff)
(apply signal condition (dns-error->string condition) stuff))
;; called by the error-handlers, prints out error descriptions
(define (dns-error-messages condition more)
(display "dns-error: ")
((invalid-type? condition)
(display "make-octet-question: invalid DNS query type\n"))
((invalid-class? condition)
(display "make-octet-question: invalid DNS query class\n"))
((parse-error? condition)
(display "parse: error parsing server message\n"))
((unexpected-eof-from-server? condition)
(display "send-receive-message: unexpected EOF from server\n"))
((bad-address? condition)
(display "dns-get-information: bad address (in combination with query type)\n"))
((no-nameservers? condition)
(display "dns-find-nameserver: no nameservers found in /etc/resolv.conf\n"))
((not-a-hostname? condition)
(display "no hostname given\n"))
((not-a-ip? condition)
(display "no ip given\n"))
((dns-format-error? condition)
(display "error from server: (1) format error\n"))
((dns-server-failure? condition)
(display "error from server: (2) server failure\n"))
((dns-name-error? condition)
(display "error from server: (3) name error\n"))
((dns-not-implemented? condition)
(display "error from server: (4) not implemented\n"))
((dns-refused? condition)
(display "error from server: (5) refused\n"))
(else (more))))
(define (dns-error->string condition)
"dns-error: "
(case condition
"make-octet-question: invalid DNS query type")
"make-octet-question: invalid DNS query class")
"parse: error parsing server message")
"send-receive-message: unexpected EOF from server")
"dns-get-information: bad address (in combination with query type)")
"dns-find-nameserver: no nameservers found in /etc/resolv.conf")
"send-receive-message: nameserver refused connection")
"no hostname given")
"no ip given")
"error from server: (1) format error")
"error from server: (2) server failure")
"error from server: (3) name error")
"error from server: (4) not implemented")
"error from server: (5) refused")
(else (error "Unknown dns-error" condition)))))
;;; -- globals and types
@ -457,9 +464,9 @@
(define (make-octet-question name type class)
(if *debug* (display "make-octet-question\n"))
(if (not (assoc type types))
(signal 'invalid-type))
(dns-error 'invalid-type))
(if (not (assoc class classes))
(signal 'invalid-class))
(dns-error 'invalid-class))
(let* ((qname (name->octets name))
(qtype (number->octet-pair (cadr (assoc type types))))
@ -778,7 +785,7 @@
(lambda () (parse-n parse-rr start message (header:arc header)))
(lambda (ars start)
(if (not (null? start))
(signal 'parse-error))
(dns-error 'parse-error))
(make-message header qds ans nss ars message)))))))))))
@ -796,86 +803,114 @@
(let ((rcode (flags:rcode (parse-flags reply))))
(if (not (zero? rcode))
(case rcode
((1) (signal 'dns-format-error))
((2) (signal 'dns-server-failure))
((3) (signal 'dns-name-error))
((4) (signal 'dns-not-implemented))
((5) (signal 'dns-refused))))))
((1) (dns-error 'dns-format-error))
((2) (dns-error 'dns-server-failure))
((3) (dns-error 'dns-name-error))
((4) (dns-error 'dns-not-implemented))
((5) (dns-error 'dns-refused))))))
;; #t if message is truncated (could happen via UDP)
(define (truncated? reply)
(let ((trunc (flags:trunc (parse-flags reply))))
(= trunc 1)))
;; connects to nameserver and sends and receives messages. returns the reply.
;; here: via TCP
(define (send-receive-message-tcp nameserver question)
(error "tcp doesn't work yet")
(if *debug* (display "send-receive-message\n"))
(let* ((query question)
(let ((socket (socket-connect protocol-family/internet
nameserver 53)))
(let ((r (socket:inport socket))
(w (socket:outport socket)))
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(display (list->string (add-size-tag query)) w)
(force-output w)
(let ((a (read-char r))
(b (read-char r)))
(let ((len (octet-pair->number a b)))
(let ((s (read-string len r)))
(if (not (= len (string-length s)))
(signal 'unexpected-eof-from-server))
(string->list s)))))
(lambda ()
(close-socket socket)))))))
(define (send-receive-message-tcp nameservers query)
(receive (reply hit-ns other-nss)
(let ((sockets (map (lambda (nameserver)
(let ((sock (create-socket protocol-family/internet
(addr (internet-address->socket-address
nameserver 53)))
;; we ignore the return value and select
;; unconditionally later
(connect-socket-no-wait sock addr)
(let* ((ws (map socket:outport sockets))
(wsv (list->vector ws))
(wport-nameserver-alist (map cons ws nameservers))
(wport-socket-alist (map cons ws sockets)))
(lambda () #f)
(lambda ()
(receive (ignore-r write-ready ignore-e)
;;; TODO this should circumvent the buffer
(select '#() wsv '#())
(let* ((w (vector-ref write-ready 0))
(hit-ns (cdr (assoc w wport-nameserver-alist)))
(sock (cdr (assoc w wport-socket-alist))))
(if (not (connect-socket-successful? sock))
(dns-error 'bad-nameserver hit-ns))
(let ((query-string (list->string query))
(r (socket:inport sock)))
(display (list->string (add-size-tag query)) w)
(force-output w)
(let ((a (read-char r))
(b (read-char r)))
(let ((len (octet-pair->number a b)))
(let ((s (read-string len r)))
(if (not (= len (string-length s)))
(dns-error 'unexpected-eof-from-server))
(values (string->list s)
(delete hit-ns nameservers)))))))))
(lambda ()
(for-each close-socket sockets)))))
(reply-acceptable? reply query)
(parse reply)))
(values (parse reply)
;; here: via UDP
(define (send-receive-message-udp nameservers question)
(define (send-receive-message-udp nameservers query)
(if *debug* (display "send-receive-message\n"))
(let* ((query question)
(let ((sockets (map (lambda (nameserver)
(socket-connect protocol-family/internet
nameserver 53))
(let ((rs (map socket:inport sockets))
(ws (map socket:outport sockets)))
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(let ((query-string (list->string query))
(rsv (list->vector rs)))
(for-each (lambda (w) (display query-string w)) ws)
(for-each force-output ws)
(receive (read-ready ignore-w ignore-e)
(select rsv '#() '#())
(let ((r (vector-ref read-ready 0)))
(string->list (read-string/partial 512 r)))))) ; 512 is the maximum udp-message size
(lambda ()
(for-each close-socket sockets)))))))
(reply-acceptable? reply query)
(if (truncated? reply)
(send-receive-message-tcp nameservers question)
(values (parse reply)
(car nameservers); kludge
(receive (reply hit-ns other-nss)
(let ((sockets (map (lambda (nameserver)
(let ((sock (create-socket protocol-family/internet
(addr (internet-address->socket-address
nameserver 53)))
(connect-socket sock addr)
(let ((rs (map socket:inport sockets))
(ws (map socket:outport sockets)))
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(let ((query-string (list->string query))
(rsv (list->vector rs))
(rport-nameserver-alist (map cons rs nameservers))
(rport-socket-alist (map cons rs sockets)))
(for-each (lambda (w) (display query-string w)) ws)
(for-each force-output ws)
(receive (read-ready ignore-w ignore-e)
;;; TODO this should circumvent the buffer
(select rsv '#() '#())
(let* ((r (vector-ref read-ready 0))
(hit-ns (cdr (assoc r rport-nameserver-alist))))
(if (not (connect-socket-successful? (cdr (assoc r rport-socket-alist))))
(dns-error 'bad-nameserver hit-ns))
;;; 512 is the maximum udp-message size:
(values (string->list (read-string/partial 512 r))
(delete hit-ns nameservers))))))
(lambda ()
(for-each close-socket sockets)))))
(reply-acceptable? reply query)
(if (truncated? reply)
(send-receive-message-tcp nameservers query)
(values (parse reply)
;;; -- cache
;; creates the cache, an emoty string-table
;; creates the cache, an empty string-table
(define cache (make-string-table))
;; resets the cache
@ -932,7 +967,7 @@
(make-dns-message (parse question) dns-msg #f protocol (reverse tried))
(define (dns-query-with-cache question protocol nameservers tried)
(let ((qds (message:questions (parse question))))
@ -940,7 +975,8 @@
(if (null? ns)
(receive (reply-msg hit-ns nss-with-no-reply)
(send-receive-message nameservers question protocol)
(update-cache! (make-key qds hit-ns) (make-cache reply-msg (find-shortest-ttl reply-msg) (time)))
(update-cache! (make-key qds hit-ns)
(make-cache reply-msg (find-shortest-ttl reply-msg) (time)))
;; returns new retrieved data and updates cache
(values (make-dns-message (parse question) reply-msg #f protocol (reverse tried))
@ -974,19 +1010,20 @@
;; dns-get-information implements the resovler-side recursion.
;; it returns a dns-message
(define (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer)
(if *debug* (display "dns-get-information\n"))
(let lp ((tried '()) (nss nameservers))
(if (null? nss)
(signal 'bad-address)
(dns-error 'bad-address)
(receive (dns-msg hit-ns nss-with-no-reply)
(dns-query/cache question use-cache? protocol nss tried)
(if *debug* (display "dns-get-information:check-success\n"))
(if (check-answer dns-msg)
(let ((auth? (not (zero? (flags:auth (header:flags
(message:header (dns-message:reply dns-msg))))))))
(let ((auth? (not
(flags:auth (header:flags
(dns-message:reply dns-msg))))))))
(if auth?
(signal 'bad-address)
(dns-error 'bad-address)
;; other nameservers names are found in the nameserver-part,
;; but their ip-adresses are found in the additonal-rrs
(let ((other-nameservers
@ -1006,9 +1043,11 @@
((eof-object? l)
(if (null? ns)
(signal 'no-nameservers)
(dns-error 'no-nameservers)
((regexp-search (posix-string->regexp "nameserver[ ]+([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)") l)
"nameserver[ ]+([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)") l)
=> (lambda (match)
(loop (append ns (list (ip-string->address32 (match:substring match 1)))))))
@ -1019,240 +1058,152 @@
(define (dns-find-nameserver)
(let ((ns (dns-find-nameserver-list)))
(if (null? ns)
(signal 'no-nameservers)
(dns-error 'no-nameservers)
(car ns))))
;; concurrent-lookup
;; starts a <lookup>-lookup to all nameservers in (dns-find-nameserver-list)
(define (concurrent-lookup lookup name nameservers)
(let* ((return 'no-value)
(lock (make-lock))
(queue (make-queue))
(nameserver-list (map (lambda (nameserver)
(if (address32? nameserver)
(address32->ip-string nameserver)
(obtain-lock lock)
(spawn (lambda ()
(for-each (lambda (nameserver)
(lambda ()
;(display "query sent to ")(display nameserver)(display " \n")
(let* ((result (apply lookup (list name nameserver))))
(enqueue! queue result)
;(display "received reply from ")(display nameserver)(display ": ")(display result)(newline)
(release-lock lock)))))
(obtain-lock lock)
(let loop ((count (length nameserver-list)))
(if (not (queue-empty? queue))
(let ((result (dequeue! queue)))
(if (or result (= 1 (length nameserver-list)))
(loop (- count 1))))))))
;; checks the arguments of the simple lookup functions.
;; checks the nameservers argument of the lookup functions.
;; if a nameserver-name is given and not a nameserver-ip
;; (dns-lookup-name nameserver) is called.
(define (check-args args)
(if (null? args)
(address32->ip-string (dns-find-nameserver) )
(let ((nameserver (car args)))
((ip-string? nameserver) nameserver)
((address32? nameserver) (address32->ip-string nameserver))
(else (address32->ip-string (dns-lookup-name nameserver)))))))
(map (lambda (nameserver)
((address32? nameserver) nameserver)
((ip-string? nameserver) (ip-string->address32 nameserver))
(else (dns-lookup-name nameserver (dns-find-nameserver-list)))))
(car args))))
;; dns-lookup with more options than dns-lookup-*
;; optional: nameserver could be passed to the function.
(define (dns-lookup name type . args)
(lambda (exit)
(lambda (condition more)
(dns-error-messages condition more)
(exit #f))
(lambda ()
(let* ((ip-string (if (address32? name)
(define (dns-lookup name type . nameservers)
(let* ((maybe-ip-string (if (address32? name)
(ip-string->in-addr (address32->ip-string name))
(ip-string->in-addr name)))
(question (if ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) ip-string type 'in)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name type 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameserver (check-args args))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg) #t))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameserver check-answer))
(answers (message:answers (dns-message:reply dns-msg))))
(if (not (null? answers))
(for-each (lambda (x) (show-dns-message x)(newline)) answers)
(display "no answers received - but resolved information in other sections.\n"))
(question (if maybe-ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) maybe-ip-string type 'in)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name type 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameservers (check-args nameservers))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg) #t))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer))
(answers (message:answers (dns-message:reply dns-msg))))
(if (not (null? answers))
(for-each (lambda (x) (show-dns-message x)(newline)) answers)
;;; TODO remove display
(display "no answers received - but resolved information in other sections.\n"))
;; returns a lookup-function with concurrent-flag
(define (make-lookup-function simple-lookup-function)
(lambda (name . args)
(if (null? args)
(simple-lookup-function name)
(if (list? (car args))
(concurrent-lookup simple-lookup-function name (car args))
(simple-lookup-function name (car args))))))
;; looks up a hostname, returns an ip.
;; (dns-lookup-name <name> nameservers)
(define (dns-simple-lookup-name name nameservers)
(lambda (exit)
(lambda (condition more)
(dns-error-messages condition more)
(exit #f))
(lambda ()
(let* ((ip-string (if (address32? name)
(define (dns-lookup-name name . nameservers)
(let* ((maybe-ip-string (if (address32? name)
(ip-string->in-addr (address32->ip-string name))
(ip-string->in-addr name)))
(question (if ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(signal 'not-a-hostname)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name 'a 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'a))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer))
(answers (filter-type (message:answers (dns-message:reply dns-msg)) 'a)))
(rr-data-a:ip (rr:data (car answers)))))))))
(define dns-lookup-name (make-lookup-function dns-simple-lookup-name))
(question (if maybe-ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(dns-error 'not-a-hostname)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name 'a 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameservers (check-args nameservers))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'a))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer))
(answers (filter-type (message:answers (dns-message:reply dns-msg)) 'a)))
(rr-data-a:ip (rr:data (car answers)))))
;; looks up an ip, returns a hostname
;; (dns-inverse-lookup <name> [nameserver])
(define (dns-simple-lookup-ip ip . args)
(lambda (exit)
(lambda (condition more)
(dns-error-messages condition more)
(exit #f))
(lambda ()
(let* ((ip-string (if (address32? ip)
(define (dns-lookup-ip ip . nameservers)
(let* ((maybe-ip-string (if (address32? ip)
(ip-string->in-addr (address32->ip-string ip))
(ip-string->in-addr ip)))
(question (if ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) ip-string 'ptr 'in)
(signal 'not-a-ip)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameserver (check-args args))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'ptr))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameserver check-answer))
(answers (filter-type (message:answers (dns-message:reply dns-msg)) 'ptr)))
(rr-data-ptr:name (rr:data (car answers)))))))))
(define dns-lookup-ip (make-lookup-function dns-simple-lookup-ip))
(question (if maybe-ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) maybe-ip-string 'ptr 'in)
(dns-error 'not-a-ip)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameservers (check-args nameservers))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'ptr))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer))
(answers (filter-type (message:answers (dns-message:reply dns-msg)) 'ptr)))
(rr-data-ptr:name (rr:data (car answers)))))
(define dns-inverse-lookup dns-lookup-ip)
;; looks up an authoritative nameserver for a hostname
;; returns a list of nameservers
;; (dns-lookup-nameserver <name> [nameserver])
(define (dns-simple-lookup-nameserver name . args)
(lambda (exit)
(lambda (condition more)
(dns-error-messages condition more)
(exit #f))
(lambda ()
(let* ((ip-string (if (address32? name)
(define (dns-lookup-nameserver name . nameservers)
(let* ((maybe-ip-string (if (address32? name)
(ip-string->in-addr (address32->ip-string name))
(ip-string->in-addr name)))
(question (if ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(signal 'not-a-hostname)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name 'ns 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameserver (check-args args))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply))
(nameservers (message:nameservers reply)))
(or (not (null? (filter-type nameservers 'soa)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'ns)))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameserver check-answer))
(reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(soa (filter-type (message:nameservers reply) 'soa))
(nss (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'ns))
(add (filter-type (message:additionals reply) 'a)))
(if (null? nss)
(list (dns-lookup-name (rr-data-soa:mname (rr:data (car soa)))))
(map (lambda (elem) (rr-data-a:ip (rr:data elem))) add))))))))
(define dns-lookup-nameserver (make-lookup-function dns-simple-lookup-nameserver))
(question (if maybe-ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(dns-error 'not-a-hostname)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name 'ns 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'udp)
(nameservers (check-args nameservers))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply))
(nameservers (message:nameservers reply)))
(or (not (null? (filter-type nameservers 'soa)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'ns)))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer))
(reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(soa (filter-type (message:nameservers reply) 'soa))
(nss (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'ns))
(add (filter-type (message:additionals reply) 'a)))
(if (null? nss)
(list (dns-lookup-name (rr-data-soa:mname (rr:data (car soa)))))
(map (lambda (elem) (rr-data-a:ip (rr:data elem))) add))))
;; looks up a mail-exchanger for a hostname.
;; returns a list of mail-exchanger, sorted by their preference
;; if there are no mx-records in the answer-section,
;; implementation based on RFC2821
;; (dns-lookup-mail-exchanger <name> [nameserver])
(define (dns-simple-lookup-mail-exchanger name . args)
(lambda (exit)
(lambda (condition more)
(dns-error-messages condition more)
(exit #f))
(lambda ()
(let* ((ip-string (if (address32? name)
(ip-string->in-addr (address32->ip-string name))
(ip-string->in-addr name)))
(question (if ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(signal 'not-a-hostname)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name 'mx 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'tcp)
(nameserver (check-args args))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply))
(nameservers (message:nameservers reply)))
(or (not (null? (filter-type answers 'mx)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'cname)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'a)))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameserver check-answer))
(reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(mx (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'mx))
(soa (filter-type (message:nameservers reply) 'soa))
(cname (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'cname))
(a (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'a)))
((not (null? a))
(list (rr-data-a:ip (rr:data (car a)))))
((not (null? cname))
(dns-lookup-mail-exchanger (rr-data-cname:name (rr:data (car cname)))))
((null? mx)
(list (rr-data-soa:rname (rr:data (car soa)))))
(map (lambda (elem) (rr-data-mx:exchanger (rr:data elem))) (sort-by-preference mx))))))))))
(define dns-lookup-mail-exchanger (make-lookup-function dns-simple-lookup-mail-exchanger))
(define (dns-lookup-mail-exchanger name . nameservers)
(let* ((ip-string (if (address32? name)
(ip-string->in-addr (address32->ip-string name))
(ip-string->in-addr name)))
(question (if ip-string ; if name is a ip-addr, the query is a in-addr.arpa address
(dns-error 'not-a-hostname)
(make-octet-query-message (random 256) name 'mx 'in)))
(use-cache? #t)
(protocol 'tcp)
(nameservers (check-args nameservers))
(check-answer (lambda (dns-msg)
(let* ((reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(answers (message:answers reply))
(nameservers (message:nameservers reply)))
(or (not (null? (filter-type answers 'mx)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'cname)))
(not (null? (filter-type answers 'a)))))))
(dns-msg (dns-get-information question use-cache? protocol nameservers check-answer))
(reply (dns-message:reply dns-msg))
(mx (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'mx))
(soa (filter-type (message:nameservers reply) 'soa))
(cname (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'cname))
(a (filter-type (message:answers reply) 'a)))
((not (null? a))
(list (rr-data-a:ip (rr:data (car a)))))
((not (null? cname))
(dns-lookup-mail-exchanger (rr-data-cname:name (rr:data (car cname)))))
((null? mx)
(list (rr-data-soa:rname (rr:data (car soa)))))
(map (lambda (elem) (rr-data-mx:exchanger (rr:data elem))) (sort-by-preference mx))))))
;;; pretty-prints a dns-msg
(define (show-dns-message dns-msg)
@ -1381,6 +1332,7 @@
(dns-lookup-ip ip32)))
;;; TODO THIS USES gethostbyname
(define (host-fqdn name-or-socket-address)
(if (socket-address? name-or-socket-address)
(socket-address->fqdn name-or-socket-address #f)
@ -1390,6 +1342,7 @@
(host-info name-or-socket-address)))
;;; TODO THIS USES gethostbyname
(define (system-fqdn)
(internet-address->fqdn (car (host-info:addresses (host-info (system-name))))
Reference in New Issue