adpat cgi-server to new response philosophy

NOTE: There's a FIXME left: nph- scripts won't work at all currently.
This commit is contained in:
interp 2002-08-28 09:54:40 +00:00
parent b08f418d77
commit 542fea9f55
2 changed files with 94 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -75,6 +75,41 @@
;;; path for scripts
(define cgi-default-bin-path "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bsd:/usr/local/bin")
(define-condition-type 'cgi-error '())
(define cgi-error? (condition-predicate 'cgi-error))
(define-condition-type 'cgi-illegal-content-length-error '(cgi-error))
(define cgi-illegal-content-length-error?
(condition-predicate 'cgi-illegal-content-length-error))
(define-condition-type 'cgi-dot-dot-error? '(cgi-error))
(define cgi-dot-dot-error? (condition-predicate 'cgi-dot-dot-error?))
(define-condition-type 'cgi-nph-failed-error '(cgi-error))
(define cgi-nph-failed-error? (condition-predicate 'cgi-nph-failed-error))
(define cgi-nph-failed-error-filename cadr)
(define-condition-type 'cgi-multi-status-line-error '(cgi-error))
(define cgi-multi-status-line-error? (condition-predicate 'cgi-multi-status-line-error))
(define (create-error-response condition req)
((cgi-illegal-content-length-error? condition)
(make-http-error-response http-status/bad-request req
"Illegal `Content-length:' header."))
((cgi-dot-dot-error? condition)
(make-http-error-response http-status/bad-request req
"CGI scripts may not contain \"..\" elements."))
((cgi-nph-failed-error? condition)
(make-http-error-response http-status/bad-request req
(format #f "Could not execute CGI script ~a."
(cgi-nph-failed-error-filename condition))))
((cgi-multi-status-line-error? condition)
(make-http-error-response http-status/internal-error req
"CGI script generated multi-line status header."))
(make-http-error-response http-status/bad-gateway req
"Error while executing CGI."))))
;;; The path handler for CGI scripts. (car path) is the script to run.
;;; cgi-bin-path is used, if no PATH-variable isn't defined
@ -91,51 +126,58 @@
(lambda (path req)
(if (pair? path) ; Got to have at least one elt.
(let* ((prog (car path))
(lambda (exit)
(lambda (condition more)
(if (cgi-error? condition)
(create-error-response condition req)
(make-http-error-response http-status/internal-error req)))
(lambda ()
(compute-cgi path req bin-dir request-invariant-cgi-env)))))
(make-http-error-response http-status/bad-request req "Empty CGI script"))))))
(filename (or (dotdot-check bin-dir (list prog))
(http-error http-status/bad-request req
(format #f "CGI scripts may not contain \"..\" elements."))))
(define (compute-cgi path req bin-dir request-invariant-cgi-env)
(let* ((prog (car path))
(nph? (string-prefix? "nph-" prog)) ; PROG starts with "nph-" ?
(filename (or (dotdot-check bin-dir (list prog))
(signal 'cgi-dot-dot-error)))
(nph? (string-prefix? "nph-" prog)) ; PROG starts with "nph-" ?
; why did we had (string-suffix? "-nph" prog) here?
(search (http-url:search (request:url req))) ; Compute the
(argv (if (and search (not (string-index search #\=))) ; argv list.
(split-and-decode-search-spec search)
(search (http-url:search (request:url req))) ; Compute the
(argv (if (and search (not (string-index search #\=))) ; argv list.
(split-and-decode-search-spec search)
(env (cgi-env req bin-dir (cdr path) request-invariant-cgi-env))
(env (cgi-env req bin-dir (cdr path) request-invariant-cgi-env))
(doit (lambda ()
(dup->inport (current-input-port) 0)
(dup->outport (current-output-port) 1)
(apply exec/env filename env argv))))
(doit (lambda ()
(dup->inport (current-input-port) 0)
(dup->outport (current-output-port) 1)
(apply exec/env filename env argv))))
(http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "[cgi-server] search: ~s, argv: ~s~%" search argv)
(let ((request-method (request:method req)))
((or (string=? request-method "GET")
(string=? request-method "POST")) ; Could do others also.
(if nph?
(let ((stat (wait (fork doit))))
(if (not (zero? stat))
(http-error http-status/bad-request req
(format #f "Could not execute CGI script ~a."
(cgi-send-response (run/port* doit) req)))
(else (http-error http-status/method-not-allowed req)))))
(http-error http-status/bad-request req "Empty CGI script"))))))
(http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "[cgi-server] search: ~s, argv: ~s~%" search argv)
(let ((request-method (request:method req)))
((or (string=? request-method "GET")
(string=? request-method "POST")) ; Could do others also.
(if nph?
(let ((stat (wait (fork doit))))
(if (not (zero? stat))
(signal 'cgi-nph-failed-error filename)
stat)) ;; FIXME! must return http-response object!
(cgi-make-response (run/port* doit) req)))
(else (make-http-error-response http-status/method-not-allowed req))))))
(define (split-and-decode-search-spec s)
(let recur ((i 0))
(define (split-and-decode-search-spec s)
(let recur ((i 0))
((string-index s #\+ i) => (lambda (j) (cons (unescape-uri s i j)
(recur (+ j 1)))))
(recur (+ j 1)))))
(else (list (unescape-uri s i (string-length s)))))))
@ -151,7 +193,7 @@
;;; Suppose the URL is
;;; //machine/cgi-bin/test-script/foo/bar?quux%20a+b=c
;;; then:
;;; PATH_INFO -- extra info after the script-name path prefix. "/foo/bar"
;; PATH_INFO -- extra info after the script-name path prefix. "/foo/bar"
;;; PATH_TRANSLATED -- non-virtual version of above. "/u/Web/foo/bar/"
;;; SCRIPT_NAME virtual path to script "/cgi-bin/test-script"
;;; QUERY_STRING -- not decoded "quux%20a+b=c"
@ -210,9 +252,7 @@
(cl-len (string-length cl)))
(if first-digit
`(("CONTENT_LENGTH" . ,(substring cl first-digit cl-len)))
(http-error http-status/bad-request
"Illegal Content-length: header.")))))
(signal 'cgi-illegal-content-length-error)))))
(else '()))
@ -232,7 +272,7 @@
;;; The script isn't an "nph-" script, so we read the response, and mutate
;;; it into a real HTTP response, which we then send back to the HTTP client.
(define (cgi-send-response script-port req)
(define (cgi-make-response script-port req)
(let* ((headers (read-rfc822-headers script-port))
(ctype (get-header headers 'content-type)) ; The script headers
(loc (get-header headers 'location))
@ -243,26 +283,21 @@
((null? (cdr stat-lines)) ; One line status header.
(car stat-lines))
(else ; Vas ist das?
(http-error http-status/internal-error req
"CGI script generated multi-line status header")))))
(out (current-output-port)))
(signal 'cgi-multi-status-line-error))))))
(http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "[cgi-server] headers: ~s~%" headers)
(http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "[cgi-server] request:method=~a~%"
(request:method req))
;; Send the response header back to the client
;; (unless it's a headerless HTTP 0.9 response).
(if (not (v0.9-request? req))
(format out "HTTP/1.0 ~a\r~%" stat)
(if ctype (format out "Content-type: ~a\r~%" ctype))
(if loc (format out "Location: ~a\r~%" loc))
(write-crlf out)))
(http-syslog (syslog-level debug) "[cgi-server] request:method=~a~%" (request:method req))
;; Copy the response body back to the client and close the script port
;; (unless it's a bodiless HEAD transaction).
(if (not (string=? (request:method req) "HEAD"))
(copy-inport->outport script-port out)
(close-input-port script-port)))))
(make-response ;code message seconds mime extras body
(status-code->text http-status/ok)
(lambda (out options) ; what about loc?
(copy-inport->outport script-port out)
(close-input-port script-port))))))

View File

@ -859,6 +859,7 @@
sunet-utilities ; host-name-or-empty
let-opt ; let-optionals
conditions handle signals ; define-condition-type, with-handler et al.
(files (httpd cgi-server)))