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2000-09-26 10:35:26 -04:00
;;; Simple code for doing structured html output. -*- Scheme -*-
;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by Olin Shivers.
;;; External dependencies
;;; format ; Output
;;; receive values ; Multiple-value return
;;; - An attribute-quoter, that will map an attribute value to its
;;; HTML text representation -- surrounding it with single or double quotes,
;;; as appropriate, etc.
;;; Printing HTML tags.
;;; All the emit-foo procedures have the same basic calling conventions:
;;; (emit-foo out <required values> ... [<extra attributes> ...])
;;; - OUT is either a port or #t for the current input port.
;;; - Each attribute is either a (name . value) pair, which is printed as
;;; name="value"
;;; or a single symbol or string, which is simply printed as-is
;;; (this is useful for attributes that don't have values, such as the
;;; ISMAP attribute in <img> tags).
;;; <tag name1="val1" name2="val2" ...>
(define (emit-tag out tag . attrs)
(let ((out (fmt->port out)))
2000-09-26 10:35:26 -04:00
(display "<" out)
(display tag out)
(for-each (lambda (attr)
(display #\space out)
(cond ((pair? attr) ; name="val"
(display (car attr) out)
(display "=\"" out) ; Should check for
(display (cdr attr) out) ; internal double-quote
(display #\" out)) ; etc.
(display attr out)))) ; name
(display #\> out)))
;;; </tag>
(define (emit-close-tag out tag)
(format out "</~a>" tag))
;;; <P>
(define (emit-p . args) ; (emit-p [out attr1 ...])
(receive (out attrs) (if (pair? args)
(let* ((out (car args)))
(values (if (eq? out #t) (current-output-port) out)
(cdr args)))
(values (current-output-port) args))
(apply emit-tag out 'p attrs)
(newline out)
(newline out)))
;;; <TITLE> Make Money Fast!!! </TITLE>
(define (emit-title out title) ; Takes no attributes.
(format out "<title>~a~%</title>~%" title))
(define (emit-header out level text . attribs)
(apply with-tag* out (string-append "H" (number->string level))
(lambda () (display text (fmt->port out)))
;;; ...and so forth. Could stand to define a bunch of little emitters for the
;;; various tags. (define-tag-emitter ...)
;;; Printing out balanced <tag> ... </tag> pairs.
;;; (with-tag out tag (attr-elt ...) body ...)
;;; Execute the body forms between a <tag attrs> ... </tag> pair.
;;; The (ATTR-ELT ...) list specifies the attributes for the <tag>.
;;; It is rather like a LET-list, having the form
;;; ((name val) ...)
;;; Each NAME must be a symbol, and each VAL must be a Scheme expression
;;; whose value is the string to use as attribute NAME's value. Attributes
;;; that have no value (e.g., ISMAP) can be specified as attr-elt NAME,
;;; instead of (NAME VALUE).
;;; For example,
;;; (let ((hp "")) ; My home page.
;;; (with-tag port A ((href hp-url) (name "hp"))
;;; (display "home page" port)))
;;; outputs
;;; <A href="" name="hp">home page</A>
(define-syntax with-tag
(syntax-rules ()
((with-tag out tag (attr-elt ...) body ...)
(with-tag* out 'tag (lambda () body ...)
(%hack-attr-elt attr-elt)
;;; Why does this have to be top-level?
;;; Why can't this be a LET-SYNTAX inside of WITH-TAG?
(define-syntax %hack-attr-elt
(syntax-rules () ; Build attribute-list element:
((%hack-attr-elt (name val)) ; (name elt) => (cons 'name elt)
(cons 'name val))
((%hack-attr-elt name) 'name))) ; name => 'name
;;; Execute THUNK between a <tag attrs> ... </tag> pair.
(define (with-tag* out tag thunk . attrs)
(apply emit-tag out tag attrs)
(let ((out (fmt->port out)))
(call-with-values thunk
(lambda results
(newline out)
(emit-close-tag out tag)
(apply values results)))))
2000-09-26 10:35:26 -04:00
(define (fmt->port x)
(if (eq? x #t) (current-output-port) x))
;;; Translate text to HTML, mapping special chars such as <, >, &, and
;;; double-quote to their HTML escape sequences.
;; Note iso8859-1 above 127 is perfectly OK
(define *html-entity-alist*
(cons (ascii->char 60) "&lt;")
(cons (ascii->char 62) "&gt;")
(cons (ascii->char 38) "&amp;")
(cons (ascii->char 34) "&quot;")))
(define *html-entities*
(list->char-set (map car *html-entity-alist*)))
2000-09-26 10:35:26 -04:00
(define *html-entity-table*
(let ((v (make-vector 256 #f)))
(for-each (lambda (entry)
(vector-set! v
(char->ascii (car entry))
(cdr entry)))
(define (string-set-substring! t start s)
(let* ((l (string-length s))
(end (+ l start)))
(do ((i start (+ 1 i)))
((= i end) t)
(string-set! t i (string-ref s (- i start))))))
(define (escape-html s)
(let ((target-length
(string-fold-right (lambda (c i)
(+ i
(if (char-set-contains? *html-entities* c)
(vector-ref *html-entity-table*
(char->ascii c)))
2000-09-26 10:35:26 -04:00
(if (= target-length (string-length s))
(let ((target (make-string target-length)))
(lambda (c i)
(+ i
(if (char-set-contains? *html-entities* c)
(let ((entity (vector-ref *html-entity-table* (char->ascii c))))
(string-set-substring! target i entity)
(string-length entity))
(string-set! target i c)
2000-09-26 10:35:26 -04:00
(define (emit-text s . maybe-port)
(if (null? maybe-port)
(write-string (escape-html s))
(write-string (escape-html s) (fmt->port (car maybe-port)))))