2002-08-27 05:03:22 -04:00
;;; http server in the Scheme Shell -*- Scheme -*-
;;; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package.
;;; Copyright (c) 1994 by Brian D. Carlstrom and Olin Shivers.
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
;;; Copyright (c) 1996-2003 by Mike Sperber.
2002-08-27 05:03:22 -04:00
;;; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with
;;; the distribution.
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(define server/buffer-size 8192) ; WTF
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define-record-type file-directory-options :file-directory-options
(really-make-file-directory-options file-name->content-type
(file-name->content-type file-directory-options-file-name->content-type
(file-name->content-encoding file-directory-options-file-name->content-encoding
(file-name->icon-file-name file-directory-options-file-name->icon-file-name
(directory-icon-file-name file-directory-options-directory-icon-file-name
(blank-icon-file-name file-directory-options-blank-icon-file-name
(back-icon-file-name file-directory-options-back-icon-file-name
(unknown-icon-file-name file-directory-options-unknown-icon-file-name
(define (make-default-file-directory-options)
(really-make-file-directory-options default-file-name->content-type
(define (copy-file-directory-options options)
(let ((new-options (make-default-file-directory-options)))
(file-directory-options-file-name->content-type options))
(file-directory-options-file-name->content-encoding options))
(file-directory-options-file-name->icon-file-name options))
(file-directory-options-directory-icon-file-name options))
(file-directory-options-blank-icon-file-name options))
(file-directory-options-back-icon-file-name options))
(file-directory-options-unknown-icon-file-name options))
(define (make-file-directory-options-transformer set-option!)
(lambda (new-value . stuff)
(let ((new-options (if (not (null? stuff))
(copy-file-directory-options (car stuff))
(set-option! new-options new-value)
(define with-file-name->content-type
(define with-file-name->content-encoding
(define with-file-name->icon-file-name
(define with-blank-icon-file-name
(define with-back-icon-file-name
(define with-unknown-icon-file-name
(define (make-file-directory-options . stuff)
(let loop ((options (make-default-file-directory-options))
(stuff stuff))
(if (null? stuff)
(let* ((transformer (car stuff))
(value (cadr stuff)))
(loop (transformer value options)
(cddr stuff))))))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; (home-dir-handler user-public-dir) -> handler
2002-09-22 11:41:41 -04:00
;;; Return a request handler that looks things up in a specific directory
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; in the user's home directory. If ph = (home-dir-handler "public_html")
2002-09-22 11:41:41 -04:00
;;; then ph is a request handler that serves files out of peoples' public_html
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; subdirectory. So
;;; (ph '("shivers" "hk.html") req)
;;; will serve the file
;;; ~shivers/public_html/hk.html
2002-09-22 11:41:41 -04:00
;;; The request handler treats the URL path as (<user> . <file-path>),
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; serving
;;; ~<user>/<user-public-dir>/<file-path>
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (home-dir-handler user-public-dir options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(lambda (path req)
2002-08-27 05:32:12 -04:00
(if (null? path)
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code bad-request)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
"Path contains no home directory.")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(make-rooted-file-path-response (string-append (http-homedir (car path) req)
(cdr path)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2002-09-22 11:41:41 -04:00
;;; (tilde-home-dir-handler user-public-dir default-request-handler)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; If the car of the path is a tilde-marked home directory (e.g., "~kgk"),
;;; do home-directory service as in HOME-DIR-HANDLER, otherwise punt to the
;;; default handler.
2002-08-27 05:32:12 -04:00
(define (tilde-home-dir? path req)
(and (not (null? path))
(let ((head (car path))) ; home-directory path?
(and (> (string-length head) 0)
(char=? (string-ref head 0) #\~)))))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (tilde-home-dir-handler user-public-dir default-handler options)
2002-09-22 11:41:41 -04:00
2002-08-27 05:32:12 -04:00
(lambda (path req)
(let* ((tilde-home (car path)) ; Yes.
(slen (string-length tilde-home))
(subdir (string-append
(http-homedir (substring tilde-home 1 slen) req)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(make-rooted-file-path-response subdir (cdr path) file-serve-response req
2002-09-22 11:41:41 -04:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; Make a handler that serves files relative to a particular root
;;; in the file system. You may follow symlinks, but you can't back up
;;; past ROOT with ..'s.
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (rooted-file-handler root options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(lambda (path req)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(make-rooted-file-path-response root path file-serve-response req options)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; Dito, but also serve directory indices for directories without
;;; index.html.
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (rooted-file-or-directory-handler root options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(lambda (path req)
(make-rooted-file-path-response root path
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;;; Support procs for the path handlers
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
;;; (MAKE-ROOTED-FILE-PATH-RESPONSE root file-path req options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; Do a request for a file. The file-name is determined by appending the
;;; the FILE-PATH list the string ROOT. E.g., if
;;; ROOT = "/usr/shivers" FILE-PATH = ("a" "b" "c" "foo.html")
;;; then we serve file
;;; /usr/shivers/a/b/c/foo.html
;;; Elements of FILE-PATH are *not allowed* to contain .. elements.
;;; (N.B.: Although the ..'s can appear in relative URI's, /foo/../ path
;;; sequences are processed away by the browser when the URI is converted
;;; to an absolute URI before it is sent off to the server.)
;;; It is possible to sneak a .. past this kind of front-end resolving by
;;; encoding it (e.g., "foo%2F%2E%2E" for "foo/.."). If the client tries
;;; this, MAKE-ROOTED-FILE-PATH-RESPONSE will catch it, and abort the transaction.
;;; So you cannot make the reference back up past ROOT. E.g., this is
;;; not allowed:
;;; FILE-PATH = ("a" "../.." "c" "foo.html")
;;; Only GET and HEAD ops are provided.
;;; The URL's <search> component must be #f.
;;; The file is served if the server has read or stat(2) access to it,
;;; respectively. If the server is run as root, this might be a problem.
;;; FILE-SERVE is a procedure which gets passed the file name, the
;;; path, and the HTTP request to serve the file propert after the
;;; security checks. Look in ROOTED-FILE-HANDLER and
;;; ROOTED-FILE-OR-DIRECTORY-HANDLER for examples on how to feed this.
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (make-rooted-file-path-response root file-path file-serve-response req options)
2002-11-29 09:56:58 -05:00
(if (http-url-search (request-url req))
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code bad-request) req
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
"Indexed search not provided for this URL.")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(cond ((dotdot-check root file-path) =>
(lambda (fname)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(file-serve-response fname file-path req options)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code bad-request) req
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
"URL contains unresolvable ..'s.")))))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;; Just (file-info fname) with error handling.
(define (stat-carefully fname req)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
((errno packet)
(http-error (status-code not-found) req))
(http-error (status-code forbidden) req)))
(file-info fname #t)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;;; A basic file request handler -- ship the dude the file. No fancy path
;;; checking. That has presumably been taken care of. This handler only
;;; takes care of GET and HEAD methods.
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (file-serve-or-dir-response fname file-path req directory-serve-response options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(if (file-name-directory? fname) ; Simple index generation.
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(directory-serve-response fname file-path req options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2002-11-29 09:49:22 -05:00
(let ((request-method (request-method req)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string=? request-method "GET")
(string=? request-method "HEAD")) ; Absolutely.
(let ((info (stat-carefully fname req)))
(case (file-info:type info)
((regular fifo socket)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(send-file-response fname info req options))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((directory) ; Send back a redirection "foo" -> "foo/"
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
2003-01-09 10:05:30 -05:00
(status-code moved-perm) req
2002-11-29 09:49:22 -05:00
(string-append (request-uri req) "/")
(string-append (http-url->string (request-url req))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(else (make-error-response (status-code forbidden) req)))))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2002-09-03 08:45:39 -04:00
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code method-not-allowed) req
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (directory-index-serve-response fname file-path req options)
(file-serve-response (string-append fname "index.html") file-path req options))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (file-serve-response fname file-path req options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(file-serve-or-dir-response fname file-path req
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
;; These icons can, for example, be found in the cern-httpd-3.0
;; distribution at http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Daemon/
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (default-file-name->icon-file-name fname)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(let ((ext (file-name-extension fname)))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
((string-ci=? ext ".txt") "text.xbm")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".doc")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
(string-ci=? ext ".htm")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(string-ci=? ext ".html")
(string-ci=? ext ".rtf")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
(string-ci=? ext ".pdf")
(string-ci=? ext ".dvi")
(string-ci=? ext ".ps")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".tex")) "doc.xbm")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".bmp")
(string-ci=? ext ".gif")
(string-ci=? ext ".png")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(string-ci=? ext ".jpg")
(string-ci=? ext ".jpeg")
(string-ci=? ext ".tiff")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".tif")) "image.xbm")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".mpeg")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".mpg")) "movie.xbm")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".au")
(string-ci=? ext ".snd")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
(string-ci=? ext ".mp3")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".wav")) "sound.xbm")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".tar")
(string-ci=? ext ".zip")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".zoo")) "tar.xbm")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".gz")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".bz2")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(string-ci=? ext ".Z")
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(string-ci=? ext ".z")) "compressed.xbm")
((string-ci=? ext ".uu") "uu.xbm")
((string-ci=? ext ".hqx") "binhex.xbm")
(else "binary.xbm"))))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(define (time->directory-index-date-string time)
(format-date "~d-~b-~y ~H:~M:~S GMT" (date time 0)))
(define (read-max-lines fname max)
(lambda (port)
(let loop ((r "") (i max))
(if (zero? i)
(let ((line (read-line port)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(loop (string-append r " " line) (- i 1)))))))))
(define (string-cut s n)
(if (>= (string-length s) n)
(substring s 0 n)
(define html-file-header
(let ((title-tag-regexp (make-regexp "<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]>"))
(title-close-tag-regexp (make-regexp "</[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]>")))
(lambda (fname n)
(let ((stuff (read-max-lines fname 10)))
((regexp-exec title-tag-regexp stuff)
=> (lambda (open-match)
((regexp-exec title-close-tag-regexp stuff
(match:end open-match 0))
=> (lambda (close-match)
(string-cut (substring stuff
(match:end open-match 0)
(match:start close-match 0))
(else (string-cut (substring stuff
(match:end open-match 0)
(string-length stuff))
(else ""))))))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (file-documentation fname n options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(((file-directory-options-file-name->content-type options) fname)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
=> (lambda (content-type)
(if (and (string=? content-type "text/html" )
(file-readable? fname))
(html-file-header fname n)
(else "")))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (directory-index req dir port options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(define (pad-file-name file)
(write-string (make-string (max (- 21 (string-length file))
(define (emit-file-name file)
(let ((l (string-length file)))
(if (<= l 20)
(emit-text file port)
(emit-text (substring file 0 20) port))))
(define (index-entry file)
(let* ((fname (directory-as-file-name (string-append dir file)))
(info (file-info fname #t))
(type (file-info:type info))
(size (file-info:size info))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(case type
((regular fifo socket)
((file-directory-options-file-name->icon-file-name options)
(file-directory-options-directory-icon-file-name options))
(file-directory-options-unknown-icon-file-name options))))
(case type
((regular fifo socket) "[FILE]")
((directory) "[DIR ]")
(else "[????]"))))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(emit-tag port 'img
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(cons 'src icon-name)
(cons 'alt tag-name))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(with-tag port a ((href file))
(emit-file-name file))
(pad-file-name file)
(emit-text (time->directory-index-date-string (file-info:mtime info)) port)
(if size
(let* ((size-string
(string-append (number->string (quotient size 1024))
(if (<= (string-length size-string) 7)
(string-append (number->string (quotient size (* 1024 1024)))
(if (<= (string-length size-string) 8)
(make-string (- 8 (string-length size-string)) #\space)
(write-string size-string port))
(write-string (make-string 8 #\space) port))
(write-char #\space port)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(emit-text (file-documentation fname 24 options) port)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(write-crlf port)))
(let ((files (directory-files dir)))
(for-each index-entry files)
(length files)))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (directory-serve-response fname file-path req options)
2002-11-29 09:49:22 -05:00
(let ((request-method (request-method req)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string=? request-method "GET")
(string=? request-method "HEAD"))
(if (not (eq? 'directory
(file-info:type (file-info fname #t))))
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code forbidden) req)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-09 10:05:30 -05:00
(status-code ok)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(lambda (port httpd-options)
(let ((back-icon
(file-directory-options-back-icon-file-name options))
(file-directory-options-blank-icon-file-name options)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(with-tag port html ()
(let ((title (string-append "Index of /"
(string-join file-path "/"))))
(with-tag port head ()
(emit-title port title))
(with-tag port body ()
(emit-header port 1 title)
(with-tag port pre ()
(emit-tag port 'img
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(cons 'src blank-icon)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(cons 'alt " "))
(write-string "Name " port)
(write-string "Last modified " port)
(write-string "Size " port)
(write-string "Description" port)
(emit-tag port 'hr)
(emit-tag port 'img
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(cons 'src back-icon)
(cons 'alt "[UP ]"))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(if (not (null? file-path))
(with-tag port a ((href ".."))
(write-string "Parent directory" port))
(write-crlf port)))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(let ((n-files (directory-index req fname port options)))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(emit-tag port 'hr)
(format port "~d files" n-files))))))))))))
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code method-not-allowed) req
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (index-or-directory-serve-response fname file-path req options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(let ((index-fname (string-append fname "index.html")))
(if (file-readable? index-fname)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(file-serve-response index-fname file-path req options)
(directory-serve-response fname file-path req options))))
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (file-serve-and-dir-response fname file-path req options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(file-serve-or-dir-response fname file-path req
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2002-08-26 05:59:14 -04:00
;;; Look up user's home directory, generating an HTTP error response if you lose.
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(define (http-homedir username req)
(with-fatal-error-handler (lambda (c decline)
2003-01-09 10:05:30 -05:00
(apply http-error (status-code bad-request) req
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
"Couldn't find user's home directory."
(condition-stuff c)))
(home-dir username)))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (send-file-response filename info req options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(if (file-not-readable? filename) ; #### double stats are no good
2003-01-10 04:52:35 -05:00
(make-error-response (status-code not-found) req)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(receive (stripped-filename content-encoding)
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
((file-directory-options-file-name->content-encoding options) filename)
2003-01-09 10:05:30 -05:00
(make-response (status-code ok)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
((file-directory-options-file-name->content-type options)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(append (if content-encoding
(cons 'content-encoding content-encoding)
(cons 'last-modified
2003-01-24 04:48:37 -05:00
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(file-info:mtime info)))
(cons 'content-length (file-info:size info))))
(lambda (port options)
(call-with-input-file filename
(lambda (in)
(copy-inport->outport in port)))))))))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (default-file-name->content-type fname)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
(let ((ext (file-name-extension fname)))
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".htm") "text/html")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".html") "text/html")
((string-ci=? ext ".txt") "text/plain")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".doc") "application/msword")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".gif") "image/gif")
((string-ci=? ext ".png") "image/png")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".bmp") "image/bmp")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((or (string-ci=? ext ".jpg")
(string-ci=? ext ".jpeg")) "image/jpeg")
((or (string-ci=? ext ".tiff")
(string-ci=? ext ".tif")) "image/tif")
((string-ci=? ext ".rtf") "text/rtf")
((or (string-ci=? ext ".mpeg")
(string-ci=? ext ".mpg")) "video/mpeg")
((or (string-ci=? ext ".au")
(string-ci=? ext ".snd")) "audio/basic")
((string-ci=? ext ".wav") "audio/x-wav")
((string-ci=? ext ".dvi") "application/x-dvi")
((or (string-ci=? ext ".tex")
(string-ci=? ext ".latex")) "application/latex")
((string-ci=? ext ".zip") "application/zip")
((string-ci=? ext ".tar") "application/tar")
2002-09-05 04:51:27 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".hqx") "application/mac-binhex40")
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((string-ci=? ext ".ps") "application/postscript")
((string-ci=? ext ".pdf") "application/pdf")
(else "application/octet-stream"))))
2003-01-28 10:16:20 -05:00
(define (default-file-name->content-encoding fname)
2002-08-26 05:46:11 -04:00
((let ((ext (file-name-extension fname)))
((string-ci=? ext ".Z") "x-compress")
((string-ci=? ext ".gz") "x-gzip")
(else #f)))
=> (lambda (encoding)
(values (file-name-sans-extension fname) encoding)))
(else (values fname #f))))