370 lines
12 KiB
370 lines
12 KiB
; -------------------------
; --- Masterfile-Parser ---
; -------------------------
; Parser for Masterfiles based on the RFCs: 1034 / 1035 / 2308 and
; the BIND-Time-Value-Format convention.
; This file is part of the Scheme Untergrund Networking package
; Copyright (c) 2005/2006 by Norbert Freudemann
; <nofreude@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>
; For copyright information, see the file COPYING which comes with
; the distribution.
; Interface:
; ----------
; (parse-mf fileaname dnsd-options) -> list-of-resource-records
;; Lexer:
;; ------
;; The lexer was generated using SILex v1.0 by Danny Dubé with
;; specification file "masterfile.l"
;; For more information about SILex visit: http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~dube/
;; TYPE: filename x dnsd-options -> list-of-lexems or #f
(define (lex-masterfile file dnsd-options)
(lambda (condition decline)
(dnsd-log (syslog-level info)
"Error while parsing the file ~S"
(dnsd-log (syslog-level debug)
"Above condition is: ~A"
(lambda ()
(and-let* ((the-path (string-append (dnsd-options-dir dnsd-options) file))
(whatever (file-name-non-directory? the-path))
(the-port (open-input-file the-path)))
(lexer-init 'port the-port)
(let loop ((l '()))
(let ((lexem (lexer)))
(if (eq? lexem 'eof)
(close-input-port the-port)
(reverse (cons lexem l)))
(loop (cons lexem l)))))))))
;; Parser:
;; -------
;; Maybe append a domain-origin to a string:
;; TYPE: dn-label-string x fqdn-string -> fqdn-string
(define (parse-mf-maybe-append-origin name origin)
(let ((l (string-length name)))
(if (and (not (= 0 l)) (not (char=? #\. (string-ref name (- l 1)))))
(if (string=? origin ".")
(string-append name origin)
(string-append name "." origin))
;; Parse (or restore) the name of the current line:
;; TYPE: dn-label-string or symbol x fqdn-string x dn-label-string ->
;; fqdn x dn-label-string
(define (parse-mf-node-name? elem origin last-name)
((eq? elem 'origin-ref) (values origin origin)) ; @ in the masterfile
((eq? elem 'blank) ; no name given - use last one
(values (parse-mf-maybe-append-origin last-name origin) last-name))
(else (values (parse-mf-maybe-append-origin elem origin) elem))))
;; Parse the type of a rr-line:
;; TYPE: string -> message-type
(define (parse-mf-type? elem)
(message-type-symbol->type (string->symbol (string-downcase elem))))
;; Parse the class of a rr-line:
;; TYPE: string -> message-class
(define (parse-mf-class? elem)
(message-class-symbol->type (string->symbol (string-downcase elem))))
;; Parse a RFC-time value or a BIND-Masterfiles value: #w#d#h#m#s
;; eg. 1 Week = 1w or 1d20s = 1 day and 20 seconds
;; This algorithm is very liberal - a possible value would be 12s1d1w1s
;; TYPE: string -> number
(define (parse-mf-time-value? elem)
(let loop ((str elem)
(counter 0)
(val 0))
(let ((l (string-length str)))
(if (= l 0)
(let ((sub (substring str counter (+ counter 1))))
(if (string->number sub)
(if (= counter (- l 1))
(string->number str) ; original RFC format
(loop str (+ counter 1) val))
(let ((val2 (string->number (substring str 0 counter)))
(rest-string (substring str (+ counter 1) l)))
((string-ci=? sub "w")
(loop rest-string 0 (+ val (* 7 24 60 60 val2))))
((string-ci=? sub "d")
(loop rest-string 0 (+ val (* 24 60 60 val2))))
((string-ci=? sub "h")
(loop rest-string 0 (+ val (* 60 60 val2))))
((string-ci=? sub "m")
(loop rest-string 0 (+ val (* 60 val2))))
((string-ci=? sub "s")
(loop rest-string 0 (+ val val2)))
(display elem)
(error "Wrong time-value format"))))))))))
;; Parse a rr-line:
;; Syntax: {<domain>|@|<blank>} [<ttl>] [<class>] <type> <rdata>
;; The algorithm has to guess serveral times which value actually
;; is been parsed.
;; TYPE: rr-line-of-lexems x fqdn x dn-string x ttl-number
;; -> '(name ttl class type rdata origin) x fqdn x dn-string x ttl-number
(define (parse-mf-rr line origin current-rr-name the-ttl)
(rr-name current-rr-name)
(parse-mf-node-name? (car line) origin current-rr-name)
(let* ((sec (cadr line))
(type (parse-mf-type? sec)))
(if type ; Parsing the type?
(values (list rr-name the-ttl #f type (cddr line) origin)
origin current-rr-name the-ttl)
(let ((class (parse-mf-class? sec)))
(if class ; Parsing a class?
(let ((type (parse-mf-type? (caddr line))))
(values (list rr-name the-ttl class type (cdddr line) origin)
origin current-rr-name the-ttl))
(let ((ttl (parse-mf-time-value? sec)))
(if ttl ; Now it should be a TTL.
(let* ((third (caddr line))
(type (parse-mf-type? third)))
(if type
(list rr-name ttl #f type (cdddr line) origin)
origin current-rr-name the-ttl)
(let ((type (parse-mf-type? (cadddr line))))
rr-name ttl (parse-mf-class? third) type
(cdr (cdddr line)) origin)
origin current-rr-name the-ttl))))
(display line)
(error "Parsed a bad line!"))))))))))
;; Parse a masterfile-line:
;;<line> ::= $ORIGIN <domain-name>
;; | $INCLUDE ...
;; | $TTL <number> (defined in RFC 2308)
;; | <resource-record>
;; TODO: | $GENERATE ... BIND-Version 9
;; TYPE: mf-line x fqdn x dn-string x ttl-number x dnsd-options
;; -> symbol or list-of-a-rr x fqdn x dn-string x ttl-number
(define (parse-mf-line line origin current-rr-name ttl dnsd-options)
(let ((first (car line)))
((eq? first 'include)
(let* ((file-name (cadr line))
(maybe-origin (if (= (length line) 3) (caddr line) #f))
(lexed-file (lex-masterfile file-name dnsd-options))
(line-list (parse-mf-lex->lines lexed-file))
(res (parse-mf-lexem-list
line-list (if maybe-origin maybe-origin origin)
current-rr-name #f dnsd-options)))
(values res origin current-rr-name ttl)))
((eq? first 'origin)
(let ((new-origin (cadr line)))
(values 'ORIGIN
(parse-mf-maybe-append-origin new-origin origin)
current-rr-name ttl)))
;; $TTL <number>
((eq? first 'ttl)
(let ((new-ttl (cadr line)))
(values 'TTL origin current-rr-name (parse-mf-time-value? new-ttl))))
;; $GENERATE ...
((eq? first 'generate)
(error "parse-masterfile: GENERATE is not supported."))
; <resource-record>
(else (parse-mf-rr line origin current-rr-name ttl)))))
;; Transforms the lexer-output into a list of lines:
;; TYPE: list-of-lexems -> list-of-lexem-lists
(define (parse-mf-lex->lines lex-list)
(let loop ((l lex-list)
(line '())
(ignore-line #f) ; Toggle comments.
(res '()))
(let ((first (car l)))
((eq? first 'eof)
(if (null? line)
(reverse res)
(reverse (cons line res))))
((eq? first 'left-par) ; Ignore line-breaks.
(loop (cdr l) line #t res))
((eq? first 'right-par) ; Consider line-breaks.
(loop (cdr l) line #f res))
((eq? first 'newline)
(if (not ignore-line)
(if (null? line)
(loop (cdr l) '() ignore-line res)
(loop (cdr l) '() ignore-line (cons line res)))
(loop (cdr l) line ignore-line res)))
((eq? first 'blank-newline)
(if (not ignore-line)
(if (null? line)
(loop (cdr l) (list 'blank) ignore-line res)
(loop (cdr l) (list 'blank) ignore-line (cons line res)))
(loop (cdr l) line ignore-line res)))
(loop (cdr l) (append line (list first)) ignore-line res))))))
;; Actually create a resourc-record from the parsed rr-line:
;; TYPE: '(name ttl class type rdata origin) -> resource-record-data
(define (parse-mf-create-rr line)
(let ((class (caddr line))
(type (cadddr line)))
(if (not (eq? (message-class in) class))
(display "Message-class not supported: ")
(display class)
(let ((name (car line))
(ttl (cadr line))
(data (list-ref line 4))
(origin (list-ref line 5)))
((eq? type (message-type a))
(dns-rr-a name class ttl (car data)))
((eq? type (message-type ns))
(dns-rr-ns name class ttl
(parse-mf-maybe-append-origin (car data) origin)))
((eq? type (message-type cname))
(dns-rr-cname name class ttl
(parse-mf-maybe-append-origin (car data) origin)))
((eq? type (message-type soa))
(and-let* ((mname (parse-mf-maybe-append-origin (car data) origin))
(rname (parse-mf-maybe-append-origin (cadr data) origin))
(serial (string->number (caddr data)))
(refresh (parse-mf-time-value? (cadddr data)))
(retry (parse-mf-time-value? (list-ref data 4)))
(expire (parse-mf-time-value? (list-ref data 5)))
(minimum (parse-mf-time-value? (list-ref data 6))))
(dns-rr-soa name class ttl
(list mname rname serial
refresh retry expire minimum))))
((eq? type (message-type ptr))
(dns-rr-ptr name class ttl
(parse-mf-maybe-append-origin (car data) origin)))
((eq? type (message-type hinfo))
(dns-rr-hinfo name class ttl data))
((eq? type (message-type mx))
(let ((pref (string->number (car data)))
(exchange (parse-mf-maybe-append-origin (cadr data) origin)))
(dns-rr-mx name class ttl (list pref exchange))))
((eq? type (message-type txt))
(dns-rr-txt name class ttl data))
((eq? type (message-type aaaa))
(dns-rr-aaaa name class ttl (car data)))
(else #f))))))
;; Parse the list-of-lexems and return a list of resource-records:
;; TYPE: list-of-lexems x fqdn x dn-string x ttl-number x dnsd-options
;; -> list-of-resource-records
(define (parse-mf-lexem-list l origin current-rr-name ttl dnsd-options)
(let loop ((l l)
(res '())
(origin origin)
(current-rr-name current-rr-name)
(ttl ttl))
(if (null? l)
(receive (next-res origin current-rr-name ttl)
(parse-mf-line (car l) origin current-rr-name ttl
((or (eq? next-res 'ORIGIN)
(eq? next-res 'TTL))
(loop (cdr l) res origin current-rr-name ttl))
((and (list? next-res) ; result from INCLUDE...
(list? (car next-res)))
(loop (cdr l) (append next-res res) origin
current-rr-name ttl))
(loop (cdr l) (cons next-res res) origin
current-rr-name ttl)))))))
;; Stuff for the main parser algorithm:
;; ------------------------------------
;; Searches the results of parse-mf-line for a message-class
(define (get-message-class rrlist)
(let loop ((res rrlist))
(if (null? res)
(let ((class (caddr (car res))))
(if class class
(loop (cdr res)))))))
;; Set the results of parse-mf-line to a message-class...
(define (set-message-class rrlist class)
(map (lambda (e)
(cons (car e) (cons (cadr e) (cons class (cdddr e)))))
;; Searches the results of parse-mf-line for the shortest ttl
(define (get-soa-ttl rrlist)
(let loop ((l rrlist))
(if (null? l)
(let* ((rrs (car l))
(rr-type (cadddr rrs)))
(if (eq? (message-type soa) rr-type)
(let* ((rdata (cadddr (cdr rrs))))
(parse-mf-time-value? (list-ref rdata 6)))
(loop (cdr l)))))))
;; Set the ttl of lines without one...
(define (set-ttl rrlist soa-ttl)
(map (lambda (e)
(let ((ttl (cadr e)))
(if (and ttl
(< soa-ttl ttl))
(cons (car e) (cons soa-ttl (cddr e))))))
;; The main parser algorithm:
;; --------------------------
;; Create a list of lexems and parse the lexems into resource-record-data:
;; TYPE: string x dnsd-options -> list-of-resourec-records
(define (parse-mf file dnsd-options)
(and-let* ((lex-list (lex-masterfile file dnsd-options))
(lines (parse-mf-lex->lines lex-list))
(res (parse-mf-lexem-list lines "." "" #f dnsd-options))
(class (get-message-class res))
(res (set-message-class res class))
(soa-ttl (get-soa-ttl res))
(res (set-ttl res soa-ttl))
(res (map (lambda (e) (parse-mf-create-rr e)) res)))
;; Check if there is a line with an error:
(fold-right (lambda (e l) (if (and e l) (cons e l) #f)) '() res)))