;; Things we still need from the scsh package: (define-structure fdes (export fdes->inport) (open scsh)) ;; the other xlib packages need this to gain direct access to the new datatypes. ;; Normal users shouldn't use this package. (define-structure xlib-helper xlib-helper-interface (open scheme external-calls list-lib) (files helper)) (define-structure xlib-internal-types xlib-internal-types-interface (open scheme signals ;; for error fdes ;; see above list-lib weak general-tables primitives define-record-types external-calls byte-vectors ;; for color-type.scm finite-types enum-sets bitwise xlib-helper) (files display-type color-type colormap-type pixel-type pixmap-type window-type drawable-type gcontext-type font-type atom-type cursor-type visual-type region-type types))