functions that create special X-Objects. e.g. special-window:none,
- added a discloser for windows (makes debugging easier).
- fixed bugs in gcontext-font, get-window-attributes and text-width
- added enumerated types for colormap-alloc in create-colormap and grab-mode
- replaced most of symbol or symbol list arguments by enumerated types,
enum-sets and alists of enumerated types.
- reformed event representation. Every event has it's own record-type now.
- renamed save-color-cell to store-color
- added store-colors, copy-colormap-and-free,
respect. scx_Store_Colors, scx_Copy_Colormap
- renamed alloc-named-color to query/alloc-named-color
- added new alloc-named-color that can be used like alloc-color!
- changed my-floor definition (color.scm)
- added parse-color
- updated calls to make-pixel