-*- outline -*- scsh-yp 0.1 * Introduction Scsh-yp is a package for scsh, the Scheme shell[1] that provides bindings to the YP/NIS functions. This enables the scsh user to lookup data in a NIS or YP database without calling the corresponding external program (i. e. ypbind, ypmatch etc). * Using scsh-yp ** yp-error condition hierarchy Scsh-yp uses scsh's condition system to signal exceptions. In this system conditions are organized hierarchially. Use one of the following predicates to check what kind of error occurred: yp-error? | +-- yp-communication-error? | | | +-- yp-bad-domain? | +-- yp-no-domain? | +-- yp-portmap-failure? | +-- yp-rpc-failure? | +-- yp-bind-failure? | +-- yp-binding-error? | +-- yp-server-error? | +-- yp-bad-arguments? | +-- yp-bad-database? | +-- yp-unknown-resource-error? | | | +-- yp-unknown-key? | +-- yp-unknown-map? | +-- yp-internal-error? These errors correspond to the return codes of C yp_*() function calls. The yp_* man pages explain the error codes in detail. ** function reference This sections gives an brief overview on the functions provided by the scsh-yp package. The man pages of the underlying yp_*() function calls explain these functions in greater detail. Almost all of the functions listed here have an optional parameter DOMAIN that tells YP/NIS which YP/NIS domain you are referring to. If this parameter is omitted, the default domain will be used, that is, the domain name that can be obtained with YP-GET-DEFAULT-DOMAIN. (yp-get-default-domain) -> string Returns the default YP/NIS domain. (yp-bind [domain]) -> #t Connect and use to the YP/NIS domain DOMAIN. Returns #t on success or raises a yp-error condition. (yp-unbind [domain]) -> #t Unbind from the domain DOMAIN. Returns #t on success or raises a yp-error condition. (yp-match map key [domain]) -> list-of-strings Returns the entries in MAP (a string) that match KEY (a string). Make sure to use a full NIS/YP map name, e.g. "passwd.byname" instead of "passwd". May raise an yp-error condition. (yp-order map [domain]) -> integer Returns the order number of a MAP (a string). May raise an yp-error. (yp-master map [domain]) -> string Returns the master server that serves MAP (a string). May raise an yp-error. (yp-first map [domain]) -> {string string} (yp-next map key [domain]) -> {string-or-bool string-or-bool} Use YP-FIRST and YP-NEXT to step through all entries of MAP (a string). YP-FIRST returns two strings: The key and the complete map entry for that key. To obtain the next value(s) in the map call YP-NEXT with the key. If YP-NEXT hits the end of the map it returns {#f #f}. Both functions may raise an yp-error. (yp-map->list map [domain]) -> list-of-pairs Reads all entries from a YP/NIS MAP (a string) and return them as a list of pairs. The CAR of each pair is the key of the entry, the CDR contains the complete entry. May raise an yp-error. ** Examples Using yp-first and yp-next to obtain a list of all keys in the map passwd.byname (uses RECEIVE from SRFI 8): ,---- | define (yp-all-keys map domain) | (receive (key val) (yp-first map domain) | (let loop ((key key) (res (cons key '()))) | (receive (key val) | (yp-next map key domain) | (if val | (loop key (cons key res)) | res))))) | | > (yp-all-keys "passwd.byname" "wsi") | (... very long list ...) `---- Searching for an entry in passwd.byname an parsing the result: ,---- | (define (yp-account-data user) | (let ((splitter (infix-splitter (rx ":")))) | (cond ((yp-match "passwd.byname" user) | => splitter) | (else #f)))) | | > (yp-account-data "knauel") | '("knauel" "geheim" "5324" "3010" "Eric Knauel" | "/afs/informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/home/knauel" "/bin/tcsh") | > (yp-account-data "klabautermann") | | Error: yp-unknown-key | 5 | (yp-match map "passwd.byname" key "klabautermann" domain ---) | 1> `---- * Caveats There is only a synchronous high-level interface to YP/NIS, so calling a yp_*() function causes scsh and all scsh threads to block. I hope to solve that problem in a future version of scsh-yp. * Bug reporting Please report bugs to . * Version history Mar 2004: released 0.2 Dec 2003: released 0.1 * Acknowlegdements I would like to thank Martin Gasbichler who was fearless enough to engage in a battle with automake and wrote the automake build files. Eric Knauel Tübingen, December 2003 Footnotes: [1]