#!/usr/bin/scsh -s
(define targets-prereqs
  ; f      : which file to scan
  ; i-dirs : the directories where to look for include files
  (lambda (f i-dirs)
    (let ; calling gcc-cmd returns
	; all dependencies in one entire string
	((raw-deps (lambda (file dirs)
		     ; full command string
		     (let ((gcc-cmd (lambda (my-file ds)
					; build the include args for gcc e.g.
					; ("-I." "-I.." "-I/usr/include")
				     (let ((i-args (lambda (d)
							   (lambda (p s)
							      (circular-list p)
						       (add-prefix "-I" d)))))
					(list "gcc" "-M")
					(i-args ds)
					(list my-file))))))
		       (run/string ,(gcc-cmd file dirs)))))
	; cook-deps returns a list like ("target:" "filename" "otherfile" ...)
	 (cook-deps (lambda (rdeps)
			  ; merge all \ -separated lines 
			  ; into one entire line
			  ((unbreak-lines (lambda (str)
					     (rx (: (* white) 
						    (* white)))
					     'pre " " 'post)))
			  ; break a string into tokens 
			  ; "a space delimeted string" ->
			  ; ("a" "space" "delimited" "string")
			   (extract-f-l (lambda (s)
					  (string-tokenize s char-set:graphic))))
			(extract-f-l (unbreak-lines rdeps)))))
	; splits a list of strings into a target and its prerequisites
	; by searching for an element with a colon as the last character
        ; returns a pair list and needs the list of dependencies
	 (t-p-pair (lambda (deps-l)
			  ; deletes the last character colon...
			  ((delete-colon (lambda (target)
					    (rx (: #\: eos))
					    'pre 'post)))
			  ; as list-index returns the element no 
			  ; starting at 0, last-target-element 
			  ; increases this index by 1
			    (lambda (str-l)
		              ; tests if a target-candidate (tc) is a target
			      ; a tc is a target if its last character is 
			      ; a colon...
			      (let ((is-target? (lambda (tc)
						   (rx (: any #\: eos))
				(+ 1 (list-index is-target? str-l))))))
			((null? deps-l) #f)
		          ; this is a pair list -> the colon can be deleted
			  (map delete-colon 
			       (take deps-l (last-target-element deps-l)))
			   (drop deps-l (last-target-element deps-l))))))))))
      (t-p-pair (cook-deps (raw-deps f i-dirs))))))

(define add-entry 
  (lambda (k d a)
	((tp (lambda (f i) 
	       (targets-prereqs f i))))
      (alist-cons (car (tp k d)) (cdr (tp k d)) a))))

(define include-dirs 

(define target-lookup-table 

(define target-lookup-table 

(display target-lookup-table)